Texas Politics Today

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Cengage Learning, 2. 4. 2007 - Počet stran: 448
TEXAS POLITICS TODAY continues to be a best-selling overview of Texas Politics because it offers students a wide range of viewpoints, drawing on the diverse political and social perspectives of its contributing authors to give students rich, nuanced insight into the political system and decision-making processes of the Lone Star State. Current issues and candid analysis of government increase student awareness of the real effects of state policy on their lives, and encourage them to get politically involved.
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O autorovi (2007)

William Earl Maxwell is a professor emeritus at San Antonio College, where he has taught courses in U.S. and Texas government since 1971. Throughout his career Maxwell has focused on innovative teaching techniques and improving the teaching and learning environments for students. As part of that effort, in 1975 Maxwell co-authored UNDERSTANDING TEXAS POLITICS, his first text on Texas government. He also co-authored such texts as POLITICS IN TEXAS and THE CHALLENGE OF TEXAS POLITICS: TEXT WITH READINGS. He completed his undergraduate and graduate work at Sam Houston State University. Ernest Crain did his graduate work at the University of Texas at Austin, spent 35 years teaching Texas government at San Antonio College and now lives in Montgomery County, Texas. He has co-authored UNDERSTANDING TEXAS POLITICS, POLITICS IN TEXAS: AN INTRODUCTION TO TEXAS POLITICS, THE CHALLENGE OF TEXAS POLITICS: TEXT WITH READINGS and AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY: TEXAS EDITION. His special areas of interest include party competition, comparative state politics and Texas public policy.

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