Alcohol: The World's Favorite DrugMacmillan, 6. 4. 2002 - Počet stran: 230 Alcohol can be an item of diet, a medicine, sometimes an element in religious ritual. It is a valued object for the connoisseur, a traded commodity and a symbol of national pride (wine for instance in France, whisky in Scotland). The range of social and medical problems associated with alcohol and the history of related treatment methods (including the temperance movement, prohibition, AA and a range of contemporary approaches) are considered here. Already considered a classic in the field in England, Alcohol has proved to be fascinating reading for drinkers and nondrinkers alike. |
Alcohol What is It? | |
Alcohol Myths and Metaphors | 10 |
A Short History of Drunkenness | 28 |
Thomas Nashes Menagerie | 45 |
Alcohol is a Drug of Dependence | 56 |
The American Prohibition Experiment | 71 |
Calling Alcoholism a Disease | 91 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | 101 |
The Mysterious Essences of Treatment | 134 |
Once an Alcoholic | 146 |
Molecule as Medicine | 163 |
The Drinkers Dilemma | 179 |
Ambiguous Futures | 187 |
Sources and Further Reading | 203 |
219 | |
In the Name of Treatment | 116 |
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Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
abstinence Addiction alcohol as medicine alcohol consumption alcohol dependence alcohol-related Alcoholics Anonymous American Anti-Saloon League apomorphine bacchanalia become beer belief beverage Bill W bottle brain breast cancer British campaign cancer cannabis cause cent chapter cirrhosis clinical controlled drinking countries culture Davies's dependent drinker disease concept doctors Dr Bob drinking behaviour drinking problem drunk drunkard drunkenness effect evidence expectations experience fact follow-up glass habit hospital idea inebriate inebriety institution intake intoxication Jack Mullins Jellinek Journal kind liquor litres London look name of treatment nineteenth century normal drinking Oxford Group patients per-capita person probably produce published recovery recreational drug repeal reported Richard Doll risk ritual scientific Skinner box Sobells social society spirits suggested symptoms talk temperance temperance movement therapeutic transubstantiation treatment of alcoholism troubled drinker twelve-step twelve-step programme Volstead Act whisky wine
Odkazy na tuto knihu
Swimming with Crocodiles: The Culture of Extreme Drinking Marjana Martinic,Fiona Measham Náhled není k dispozici. - 2008 |