Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and EvolutionCambridge University Press, 4. 2. 2010 Floral morphology remains the cornerstone for plant identification and studies of plant evolution. This guide gives a global overview of the floral diversity of the angiosperms through the use of detailed floral diagrams. These schematic diagrams replace long descriptions or complicated drawings as a tool for understanding floral structure and evolution. They show important features of flowers, such as the relative positions of the different organs, their fusion, symmetry, and structural details. The relevance of the diagrams is discussed, and pertinent evolutionary trends are illustrated. The range of plant species represented reflects the most recent classification of flowering plants based mainly on molecular data, which is expected to remain stable in the future. This book is invaluable for researchers and students working on plant structure, development and systematics, as well as being an important resource for plant ecologists, evolutionary botanists and horticulturists. |
3 | |
2 Floral diagrams | 36 |
3 Floral diagrams used in this book | 51 |
Part II Floral diagrams in the major clades | 55 |
4 Systematic significance of floral diagrams | 57 |
the ascent of flowers | 63 |
variation on a trimerous Bauplan | 88 |
a transition between two worlds | 129 |
tubes and pseudanthia | 292 |
Part III Conclusions | 349 |
12 Distinctive systematic characters and cryptic apomorphies | 351 |
13 Floral diagrams and major angiosperm groups | 353 |
14 Outlook | 364 |
References | 365 |
Glossary | 403 |
414 | |
the event of pentamerous flowers | 149 |
how to reinvent lost petals | 163 |
the diplostemonous alliance | 193 |
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abaxial adaxial aestivation androecium angiosperms antepetalous stamens antesepalous anthers apical appendages arrangement asterids basal angiosperms base bracteoles bracts calyx carpels Caryophyllales characters clade core eudicots corolla Craene and Smets dimerous diplostemonous Eichler Endress evolution families filaments first five floral floral development floral diagrams floral organs flowers flowers e.g. formula fused fusion genera groups gynoecium hypanthium imbricate inferior ovary initiation inner interpreted Lamiales linked lobes locule Malvaceae median merism monocots monosymmetric morphological nectaries number of carpels number of stamens occasionally outer stamens ovary ovules pairs parietal partial inflorescence pentamerous flowers perianth petaloid petals phyllotaxis phylogenetic pistillate pistillate flowers pollination Polygonaceae polysymmetric position primordia rarely reduced reflected ring primordium Ronse De Craene rosids Rudall secondary sepals sepals and petals septa septal nectaries single Soltis species specific spiral stamen number stamen whorls stamens stamens e.g. staminate flowers staminodes structure style sympetaly taxa tepals tetramerous trimerous Tucker unisexual flowers valvate variable