Obrázky stránek

the tule or swamp lands of California and Mexico known as tule-grass. This grass is known in botany as the scirpus lacustris, and grows from three to twelve feet high, and is of a round body composed of an outer fiber and an inner pulp or pith.

IMPROVEMENT IN TOYS (122.552), John W. Beatty, Petroleum Centre, Pa.-This invention relates to apparatus for the amusement of the young representing in miniature the machinery employed in boring for oil.

IMPROVEMENT IN EMBOSSING (122,569), Robert J. Chute, Philadelphia, Pa.-This invention consists in the raising of projections on thin material by subjecting it to the combined action, under pressure, of a perforated plate and an elastic yielding bed, the invention being a cheap substitute for the ordinary process of embossing by costly dies and matrixes. This invention, however, is not restricted to the embossing of medallions on photographic cards, but may be applied to many other manufactures.

IMPROVEMENT IN MACHINES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF WOOD-PULP (122,581), Hezekiah Dodge, Albany, N. Y. (assignor to N. Y. Wood-Pulp Company of New York city).— This invention is an improvement upon the machine for shaving and cutting wood for the manufacture of paper-pulp, for which letters patent of the United States were granted January 25, 1870, No. 99,071; and the invention consists in a new construction of the plates that support the knives, and a novel arrangement of the knives. IMPROVEMENT In Chromatic KEY-BOARDS (122,584), Harrison Downes, N. Y.-This invention relates to a new and improved device for playing sharps and flats upon the keys of the natural scale; and consists of an arrangement of the keys with a triple projection corre: sponding to the note appropriate to the key and the sharp and flat of the same, so arranged that when either of the projections is in position, the key being struck, that projection communicates with the corresponding note, producing a sharp, flat, or natural, as the case may be (only one of the projections is in place at the same time); also a grooved roller for throwing the projections into and out of position. The roller being turned into position for any desired key throws the projections of each key into position throughout the key-board, connecting all the keys required by that particular scale with the appropriate sharps or flats. This device is simple, inexpensive, and efficient, enabling the performer to play any music written in the most difficult or unusual keys upon the natural key, thus vastly simplifying the art of instrumental music and entirely dispensing with the long and tedious practice otherwise necessary to acquire proficiency in all the keys.

List of American Patents Issued in 1871, Relating to the Stationery and Fancy Trades. [Continued from last number.]

116,276. Pencil Sharpener.-S. Darling, Providence, R. 1. 116,351. Copying Apparatus.-W. J. Purcell, New York city.

116,434. Stamp Canceller.-J. Goldsborough, Philadelphia, Pa.

116,477. Desk.-H. B. Osborne, N. W. Hammon, Des Moines, Iowa.

116,568. Toy Engine.-A. L. Dewey, Westfield, Mass.

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117,184. Solar Compass.-B. S. Syman, Philadelphia, Pa. 117,240. Record Book.-H. Arden, Brooklyn, N.Y. 117,273. Pencil Case.-F. R. Goulding, Boswell, Ga.



117,313. Printers' Ink.-C. McIlvaine, Philadelphia, Pa. 117,314. Copying Ink.-C. McIlvaine, Philadelphia, Pa. 117.318. Camera.-O. W. Noble, Darlington, Wis. 117,329. Parlor Skate.-C. Raitz, San Francisco, 117,355. Paper.-S. Wheeler, Albany, N. Y. 117,433. Index Book.-J. B. Lake, fr., Baltimore, 117,467. School Desk.-J. Russell, Plymouth, Ind. 117,486. Globe.-T. Trudeau, Ottawa, Canada. 117,518. Battledoor.-M. Cregen, Chicago, Ill. 117,520. Window Shade.-W. Devine, Philadel117,559. Toy.-S. Patterson, Newark, N. J. phia, Pa. 117,587. Organ.-G. W. Woodruff, Hartford, 117,594. Hand Stamp.-E. H. Barney, Springfield,



117,633. Desk.-A. O. Hoffman, Springfield, O. 117,643. Parlor Skate.-D. Kerr, A. E. Hovey, San Francisco, Cal. 117,650. Paper Cutter.-J. Leviness, Brooklyn,

N. Y.

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WEDDING CARDS.-Wednesday is the day, and SP. M. the hour, selected for fashionable weddings. Note sheets are not used for invitations this year; long, narrow cards, in the style of twenty years ago, are taking the place of square cards, and it is said that glazed cards are to supersede those of plain Bristol-board. Three or four cards appear in the envelope. For church weddings the largest card contains the invitation to the church in some simple ormula, such as


The next largest card has the bride's name, and the smallest that of the groom. For very large weddings a fourth card is added, with "Admit to Church" engraved thereon. For home weddings the first card bears the invitation from the bride's parents, with number of residence and date of the wedding. A similar invitation accompanies cards for the church when a reception is held at the house. Monograms are now used only on envelopes for church weddings, and these invitations are furnished by the groom. Envelopes of cards to home weddings are embellished with the silver initial of the bride's parents, and are supplied by her father -Harper's Bazar.


ANCIENT LAID PAPER AND ENVELOPES.-Under this designation, Messrs. J. E. Richard & Co., of St. Martin's Lane, London, have introduced a machine made writing paper, which will most favorably with hand-made varieties when price and quality have been fairly tested. It is fine, hard, and tough, and may be used without any fear of hairs clinging to the pen, a defect that frequently exists in hand-made papers. Though ancient in style, it possesses modern finish, and is free from that objectionable roughness which is generally found in papers manufactured in imitation of the old style. Packed in effective, but suitable and unpretentious wrappers, and quoted at rates that cannot be classed as fancy prices, we consider that the

other leaves being narrowed, that when laid open they may cover but one-half the full page, matching the list of scholars' names, line for line, and requiring the list to be written but once for the whole year. It is, perhaps, an improvement on the muslin-joint arrangement intended to serve the same purpose.

SILICATE SPELLING-LEAF SLATE is a new kind ruled for forty words and numbers, with a ruled back for corrections or composition, printed heading, with space for scholar's name, number of class, and date. Size 5x7 1-2 inches. Retail price, ten cents; introductory to schools, six cents. Sample sent by mail, post-paid, on application, by the Silicate Book-Slate Co., 191 Fulton street, New York.

THE MEGAASCOPE-a superb Venetian invention, which represents any photograph with the lor ornament-has been imported by D. Appleton truthfulness and rotundity of life-a beautiful par& Co.

THE UNIVERSAL TWINE AND THREAD CUTTER is a neat little device which may be attached to the coat, vest, lady's dress, or work-box. Saves time, twine, thread, fingers, and teeth. Samples mailed on receipt of twenty-five cents; if not satisfactory, money returned. T. B. Doolittle & Co.: Office, 599 Broadway, New York; manufactory, Bridgeport, Conn.

CIRCULAR CALCULATOR.-Mr. Lyon has adapted his "Circular Calculator" so that it can be also. used for telegraphing figures, thus enabling numbers however large to be sent as one word, the different numbers being represented by distinctive figures. By this means a message of say twentysix words can be forwarded at price of nineteen, thus effecting a great saving in messages sent to the The calculator, colonies and foreign countries. with this additional improvement, now retails at two shillings, and is well worthy of the attention of commercial stationers.

THE BUTTERFly Needle-CASE.-This article is

introduced by Messrs. Avery, and is made of goldencolored metal, exactly resembling a butterfly. Everybody is struck with its resemblance to this delightful insect; which forms a very pretty ornament for a lady's work-box or table. Under the wings are the receptacles for the needles, which are of various sizes. As it can be retailed at one shilling, we purchasers. believe its great beauty and merit will find it hosts

retail trade should receive it as an article that will for a long period meet with a steady demand. It is cut in four sizes, and envelopes have been manufactured to match. Paper offers such few opportu-of nities for the introduction of novelties, that when a new description is brought out shopkeepers should at once secure supplies.


brought out by Messrs. Charles Goodall & Son, London, is a superior article. It is made in four sizes, large 8vo, Albert, and Queen's, with envelopes to match, and in four varieties of surfaces, viz., rough, coldpressed, mill finish, and highly-glazed, the two former being specially made for those who use thicknibbed quills or broad-pointed steel pens. It is sold in boxes.

GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS for Cartes de Visite are among the late novelties, and meet with universal favor; also boxes for Stereoscopic Views, in various styles. Imported by E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., New York.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' CLASS-BOOK. — A new arrangement, published by the Protestant Episcopal Book Society of Philadelphia. Its singularity consists in its cut pages, the first leaf only being full size, to contain the list of scholars' names, the record of attendance, contribution, etc., all the

GEOMETRICAL PEN.-At the International Exhibition Mr. W. F. Stanley exhibited this article. The geometrical pen is an apparatus for drawing ornamental curves. A train of three wheels is placed upon a revolving arm, the centre of motion of which is in the axis of the first wheel of the train; this wheel is locked, and therefore the third wheel revolves upon its axis when the arm is carried round. A crank is fixed upon this third wheel, crank, as well as through a fixed point in the reand a bar passes through an adjustable point in the volving arm. The pen is carried upon the bar, and an almost endless variety of curves may be produced by varying the first and third wheels, the length of the crank, and the position of the pen. Mr. Stanley exhibits also an instrument for drawing the curve known as a conchoid, which may further be adapted for tracing out semi-ellipses.

M. ALPHONSE PAULY, of the French national library, has in press an elegant work on medical science. Many pages are devoted to medical science as practised among the Jews.

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NOVELTIES IN TOYS. SPENCER'S TOY WIRE BALL, made from brass wire, giving it a large degree of elasticity, is a novelty for boys and girls, for sale by the N. Y. Manufacturing Co., 21 Courtlandt street. Samples, 25 cents, post paid.

THE PATENT DANCING TOY, FOR PIANOS, is a new scientific musical toy by which figures are made to dance by playing the instrument. For sale by G. L. Wild & Bro., 420 Eleventh street, Washington, D. C.

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E. & H. T. ANTHONY & Co. have the following SCIENTIFIC TOYs.-Letts, Son & Co., London, describe the following new toys in their report of novelties: A new series of photographs of Southern India, showing the wild and luxuriant scenery, novelties in the Shipper's Monthly: "The Portable Electric Wands," although so cheap, are well fin- and also the temples, palaces, etc.; a new importaished and always in order; they will produce bril- tion of photographs of the Holy Land and Euroliant electric sparks, and are capable of illustrating pean places of interest; a large collection of illumost of the phenomena of static electricity. Aminated views for the megalitoscope; additional variety of instructive experiments may be tried by the Yo-Semite Valley." scenes to their unsurpassed series of "Glories of "Watkin's Glen" on the means of some half dozen boxes of apparatus that new size mounts 4 by 7 inches, thereby giving a can be had for the purpose. Prices, per dozen, larger field of view. The latest novelties in the net, small-sized wands, with condenser, etc., complete, each in separate boxes, 225.; large sized imported views are the Cabinet Stereoscopic Staditto, with improved handle, 44s. ; boxes of amal-tuary by Wm. England; also views of the Intergam for replenishing the leather, 25. 3d.; boxes of national Exhibition, London, and English Beauties, apparatus for experiments, such as the "Electri- by the London Stereoscopic Company. Among the cal Head of Hair," "Electrical Repulsion," etc., Darwin, Swinburne, and many very beautiful female latest cards are Dr. Döllinger, Professor Huxley, each packed carefully in separate boxes, 225. faces, by the best European artists. "The Opaque Penetrator," a curious optical toy, consists of a metal cone and a black cardboard

disc with a gilt globe in the centre. In using it
the cone is placed close to the right eye, keeping
both eyes open, the disc being taken in the left
hand is moved along the edge of the tube until
you can (apparently) see through the solid sub-
stance and clearly distinguish objects on the other
side. Bronzed metal cone, and specially prepared
disc, with full directions for use, each in handsome
box, price, per dozen, net, 8s. "The Tempera-
ment Tester," consists of two glass globes connect-
ed by a narrow bent tube of the same material, con-
taining a chemically prepared liquid, which, by
grasping one of the globes in the hand will boil
and bubble up in the opposite globe; if different
persons take hold of the two globes, each half
filled with the liquid, the warmth
of the experi-
menters' temperament may be tested by seeing
which of them causes the subtle fluid to flow into
the opposite globe-much merriment, of course,
being caused when young ladies and gentlemen
are the experimenters. Price, complete, with
printed directions for use, each in a separate box,
per dozen, net, 165.

THE LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY have again produced a varied and brilliant display of novelties for the season, and their guinea box forms a most admirable collection of amusing and instructive puzzles and experiments. "The Divining Cards," as some twenty-seven enamelled tinted cards, with copyright photographs of celebrities, mounted within well printed designs in gold, by Owen Jones, are termed, will cause great amusement, as also will "The Cannon of Peace,' which is a very ingenious puzzle, better, in fact, we consider, than the "Wonderful Tub" of last year, and brought out a much lower price. "The Mysterious Chain, which may be divided and rejoined instantly, without severing the links, forms an apparently wondrous feat, but is easily managed by following the printed directions given, and "The Transforming Pedestal " enables a great variety of amusing feats to be performed, as also does "Where is it?" by which, with the aid of the simple directions given, many most startling feats in legerdemain may be performed. Another of the novelties!

W. E. CALDWELL, 24 Nassau street, New York, has just received a beautiful chromo, "The sleeping. The open letter she has dropped upon Maiden's Dream," representing a maiden quietly the covering of her couch, with the open album at her side, are suggestive of the cause of the pleasant smile that irradiates her face. Size 15 by 18 inches. Price $7 50.


In stating any change, dealers will please enclose their business card, or give a detailed account of the more prominent features of their business. charge for insertion,


ILL. CHICAGO.-B. Callaghan has purchased the interest of his partner, James Cockroft, who retires from the firm. Mr. Callaghan has assumed all the liabilities of the old firm, and will carry on the business under the name of Callaghan & Co.

N. Y. ALBANY.-The publishing business heretofure carried on by Mrs. S. S. Colt, Albany, will henceforth be conducted by the Colt Publishing Co., offices, 51 North Pearl street, Albany, N. Y., and 4 Burling Slip, New York city.

N. Y. NEW YORK.-Israel P. Warren, John the firms, L. P. Warren, Boston, and Broughton G. Broughton, and William W. Wyman, late of & Wyman, N. Y., have entered into copartnership under the firm name of Warren, Broughton, & Wyman, for the purpose of publishing and selling books. Their attention will be especially given to the Sunday school trade. Correspondence respecting the editing and publishing work should be addressed to their branch office, 32 Washington street, Boston, and all orders for books, to the firm, at the old stand of 13 Bible House, New York, or, if more convenient, to the branch office as above.

PA. PHILADELPHIA.-Ferguson & Woodburn have commenced business at 714 Sansom street, as booksellers, stationers, book and job printers. The firm consists of Mr. George S. Ferguson and Mr. M. A. Woodburn. They have issued the first number of a new religious monthly, entitled, "The Christian Alliance."


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise expressed. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk (); Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks (**); Forthcoming Books reported without date of publication, with a dagger (†).

[blocks in formation]

↑ A Brief History of English Literature. Illust. + A Summary of Fine Arts. By Miss Aiken.

↑ The Logic of Accounts; a New System of Bookkeeping. By E. G. Folsom, Principal of Albany Bryant and Stratton College.

↑ Elementary Drawing-Book. By J. G. Chapman, author of "American Drawing-Book."

A. J. BICKNELL & CO., N. Y. Bicknell's Village Builder.. Elevations and Plans for Cottages, Villas, Suburban Residences, Farm Houses, Stables and Carriage Houses, Store Fronts. School-houses, Churches, Court-houses, and a Modern Jail: also Exterior and Interior Details for Public and Private Buildings, with Approved Forms of Contracts and Specifications. Containing Fifty-five Plates Drawn to Scale: Showing the Style and Cost of Building in Different Sections of the Country. Being an Original Work, Comprising the Designs of Fifteen leading Architects, Representing the New England, Middle, Western, and South-western States. Revised Edition. With three Additional Plates, and a Variety of Details. 4to. (Feb. 1st).....


.$10 00

[blocks in formation]

JOHN CAMPBELL & SON, Phila. Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports. Containing Cases decided by the Federal and State Courts of Pennsylvania. Originally reported in the Pennsylvania Law Journal, and American Law Journal, from 1842 to 1852 inclusive. Arranged and Collected with Reference to Cases in subsequent Reports. By John A. Clark. Vol. I, 8vo, pp. xx, 565, shp. .$7.70

CARLTON & LANAHAN, N. Y. Pillars in the Temple; or, Sketches of Deceased Laymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church Distinguished as Examples of Piety and Usefulness. Chronologically arranged by Rev. Wm. C. Smith. With an Introduction by C. C. North. 16m0, pp. 366......


R. W. CARROLL & CO., Cin.

June on the Miami, and other Poems. By W. H. Venable. 16m0, pp. 122..... $150

ROBERT CARTER & BROS., N. Y. Aimee. A Tale of the Days of James the Second. By A. Giberne. Pp. 500. (March 1st).. ..$1.50

Thought Hives. By the Rev. T. L. Cuyler. (March.) Dr. Jacobus's Notes on Genesis and the Gospels. New edition. 3 vols. 12mo. (Feb.) Genesis, pp. 574.... .$1.50

Matthew and Mark, pp. 428..............

Luke and John, pp. 554................................................ 1.50 Acts, reduced to pp. 430........ ....................... I.50

Trading. By Miss Warner. Conclusion of the series "What She Could," etc. (May.)

Mamie's Watchword. Pp. 240. (Feb.) $1.00; and Nellie's Housekeeping. Concluding volumes of "Little Sunbeams." By the Author of the Bessie Books. Pp. 240. (March.)..


[blocks in formation]

Mat and Sofle. A little juvenile. Pp. 108. (Feb.) 35c. Children's Tabernacle. By A. L. O. E. Pp. 320. (Feb.)..... .......75C

The Cash Boy's Trust. By Annie M. Mitchell. Pp. 250. (Feb.)...... $1.00

Drummond on the Parables. New Edition. (Jan 27th)...... ..$1.75

Hodge's Outlines of Theology. New Edition. (Jan. 27th). 12mo. Formerly $3.00....

The Wars of the Huguenots. By Dr. Hanna.


[blocks in formation]

J. G. FERGUS, Phila.

**A Practical Guide to Business; being a HandBook for the American Farmer, Merchant, Mechanic, Inventor, and all concerned in Earning or Saving Money. By Lewis G. Welsh. Illust. 12mo., pp. iii., 426.... .$2.00


The Life and Times of the Rev. John Wesley, M. A., Founder of the Methodists. By the Rev. L. Tyerman, author of "The Life of Rev. Samuel Wesley. (In 3 Vols.) Vol. I. 8vo, pp. 564. Per vol........... .$2.50

Blade o' Grass. By B. L. Farjeon, author of "Grif" "Joshua Marvel," etc. Illust. 8vo, pp. 68, pap.....35C. Character. By Samuel Smiles, author of "Self-Help," "The Huguenots,' ""Life of the Stephensons," etc. 12mo., pp. 387...


[blocks in formation]

• An alphabetical Reference List of Books is published at the beginning of each month.


The Mystery of Orcival. Translated from the French of Emile Gaboriau, by George M. Towle. (Leisure Hour Series, No. 4.) 8vo, pp. 168. Pap.... ......75C.

† Legends of Old Testament Characters, from the Talmud and other Sources. By the Rev. S. Baring-Gould, M.A. (By arrangement with Macmillan & Co.)

LEE & SHEPARD, Boston.

Pens and Types: or, Hints and Helps for those who
write, print, or read. By Benjamin Drew. 16m0, pp.
Allegories of Life. By Mrs. J. S. Adams. Sm. 4to,
pp. 93......
Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science. Part
2.-The Cranial Affinities of Man and the Ape. By Prof.
Rudolph Virchow, of Berlin. Illust.

Part 3.-Spectrum Analysis Explained, and its Uses to
Science. Illust. with a colored plate, and several wood-
cuts. 8vo, pap. Each part.......

1God-Man. By Prof. L. T. Townsend.



[blocks in formation]

J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia. The Sylvesters; or, The Outcasts. A Novel. By M. De Betham-Edwards, author of "Kitty," "Dr. Jacob." etc. Illust. 8vo, pp. 172. $1.25; pap... ....75C. Diseases of the Ear. A Clinical Manual of Diseases of the Ear. By Laurence Turnbull, M. D., author of "The Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Nervous Deafness," etc. With over 100 illust. 8vo, pp. 486....

Legends and Lyrics. By Paul H. Hayne.


12mo., $1.50


The New View of Hell. Showing its Nature, Whereabouts, Duration, and How to Escape it. By B. F. Bar16m0., pp. 215.......



"The Works of Henry Fielding, with an Essay on his Life and Genius. By Arthur Murphy. A new ed. by James P. Browne, M. D.

ORNUM & CO., N. Y.

Ornum & Co.'s Fifteen-Cent Romances.
4. The
Land of Death.-5. Red Thunderbolt.-6. The Robber
Chief.-7. Serpent Eye.-8. Alligator Jack.-The Nilsson
Dance Book.-Grand Duke Alexis.-The Horrors of Chica-
go. Pap., each..
Ornum & Co.'s Ten-Cent Song and Joke Books.
No. 27. Dick Martz's Sensational Songster.-28. Don't be
Angry with me. Darling.-29. Belle of the Ball Songster.-
30. Little Barefoot Songster. Pap., each....... ... 100.

[blocks in formation]

Second German Reader. With Notes and Vocabulary.
By William Grauert. 12mo, pp. iv., 180. Bds...
Viertes Deutsches Lesebuch. By Wilhelm Grauert.
12mo, pp. 404. Hf. roan......


The Physicians' Hand-Book (for 30 or 60 Patients)
Revised for 1872. Mor. $1.50; with printed matter...$1.75

10 vols. 8vo....... $30.00 The Elements of Agriculture. By G. E. Waring, Jr. MACMILLAN & CO., N. Y.

The Statesman's Year-Book for 1872. By Fred-
erick Martin.

ALEX. MOORE, Boston.
Small-Pox: The Predisposing Conditions and their Pre-
vention. By Dr. Carl Both. 16mo., pp. 50. (Feb.)..30c.
D. D. T. MOORE, N. Y.

**Practical Dairy Husbandry. By X. Willard, A. M.
Illust. 8vo......


The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers and an Accoount of Newspapers, etc. By Isaiah Thomas, LL.D.. With an appendix containing entirely new articles upon early printing in Spanish-America and the United States; a list of publications in the United States prior to 1776; and other matters of later information relating to printers and printing on this continent.

12mo, pp. 254..


The American Turf Register and Racing Calendar for
1871. 8vo, pp. 395......

A History of the City of New York. By Wm. L.
Stone. Illust. 8vo, pp. 600.

Unity in Variety. A Series of Arguments based on the
Divine Workmanship in our Planet, the Constitution of the
Human Mind, and the Inspired History of Religion. By
George Warburton Weldon. 16m0, pp. 230.......

Moses and Modern Science. By Rev. George S.
Weaver, author of "Lectures on Mental Science." 16mo,
pp. 238..

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