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Why is the convalescence from typhoid fever so prolonged?
Because :

I. The typhoid poison (toxine) has produced degeneration (cloudy swelling or fatty degeneration) of every important cell in the body.

2. The treatment which the patient has undergone has included, of necessity, partial starvation, since the digestive glands have not been in a condition to digest food. The physician has not dared to give the patient other than the mildest undigested food, on account of the danger of perforation of the bowel.

What is the rational treatment?


With carbohydrates?

No. It is not energy that is required, but material to supply the tissue waste. Therefore an albuminous diet.


No, because the digestive juices are not yet in a condition to digest them.

What then?

A predigested albuminous food, which will require no activity of the intestinal juices to prepare it for absorption.

This requirement is met with in the most satisfactory manner by


Hemapeptone is the best possible preparation that you can give your patients that need something to repair tissue waste; best for this reason, that it contains more proteid in absorbable form than anything that you have ever had to prescribe.

Best for the reason that it contains the only Organic form of Iron (Hematin) ever given you to use. Hemapeptone is not irritating; will not constipate, and will give you results that you can get in no other way. This we know absolutely, both by work in the laboratory, and by tests on all sorts and conditions of cases. In every case has it proved successful when used where indicated.

Particularly valuable will you find it just at this time, in the conditions of mal-nutrition following summer disorders, and for feeding in typhoid fever.

It will do exceptional work if you will give it the opportunity.

Any doctor interested enough to pay for carriage will be sent a full sized $1.00 bottle and literature. The carriage averages about 30c.



Salem, Mass.

Every Physician

Has a certain class of patients

who worry him a good deal, for
while not being exactly ill or

confined to their beds, they are always complaining of a feeling of depres-
sion, loss of energy, restlessness, insomnia, and a general feeling of "je ne
sais quoi"; and while these symptoms may indicate a certain form of neu-
rosis or nervous debility, he is at a loss as to what to prescribe, for while
there are numerous remedies for nervous diseases, he is often puzzled as to
which to use. It is in this class of cases that CELERINA, a combina-
tion of Celery, Coca, Kola and Viburnum, is indicated, for while not acting
as an unnatural stimulus, it soon restores the tired and jaded nervous system
to its normal condition, and brings about a feeling of buoyancy and energy
that will be pleasing and surprising to both physician and patient, and will
induce him to confirm the verdict of his brethren all over the world as to
the virtues of this preparation. It is put up in elegant and palatable form,
and being made of the best material in large quantities, it is always uniform
and certain in its results.

RIO CHEMICAL CO, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.

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This institution, founded in 1857, is the
oldest of its kind in the United States.

T is conducted on a hospital plan, each patient being made the subject of special study and special treatment suited to the requirements of the case. The general plan of treatment is to build up the physical system, restoring both mind and body to a normal condition. This is accomplished by the application of Turkish, Saline, and Shower Baths, Electricity, Massage, Tonics, Diet, and every other means known to science, which by experience have been proved to be of value in these cases. Each case is under the direct personal care of the physician and superintendent, who resides in the house.

"The Home" is in charge of Dr. V. A. ELLSWORTH, who has had long experience in the treatment of inebriety.

Terms have been reduced to ten dollars
per week, payable in advance, which in-
cludes board and medical attendance



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Superintendent and Physician

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]


ating a force which will send into diseased structures medicine, oxygen, and ozone. The oxygen transfused into the blood circulation is obtained by decomposition of water at the positive electrode. It not only sets free. part of the water, oxygen, but its component part, allotropic oxygen, or ozone. The success and value of the treatment has been most thoroughly proven by physicians of all schools and in every part of the civilized globe. The evidence of its value has become so cumulative that I am now justified in assuring the profession that most acute diseases, especially inflammatory type, can be cured at their beginning, and the large percentage of chronic cases incurable by stomach medication. Only to such physicians as fail to investigate may this statement seem preposterous. Those who have investigated the discovery and applied it in their practice, have, each and every one, verified the truth of this assertion.

Nothing else has or can send appropriate remedies into enlarged prostate, fibroid tumor, or into the spinal cord in locomotor ataxia and remove these deposits. As far as I know no other treatment has ever cured sclerosis of the liver, or prevented a return of paralysis by removal of deposits following brain clot.

I respectfully invite the profession to send for a full description of the discovery and medical evidence of its value.


170 Fifth Avenue, New York.

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Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the

Scientific American.

A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.

And all affections of the Nose, Throat,
Middle Ear, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs.


Is the original and only appliance with which VAPOR MASSAGE can be efficiently administered.

We manufacture Nebulizers and Nebulizer Supplies exclusively, in our own factory, and can therefore guarantee each outfit in every detail. We have the most complete, elegant and up-to-date line of Nebulizers, Multinebulizers, Table Outfits and compressed air apparatus ever offered to the medical profession.

Write for illustrated circulars.

Globe Manufacturing Co.,




Disinfects the skin and makes it clean without roughening or drying it.


MUNN & Co.361 Broadway. New York especially will appreciate this soap.

Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C.

Why try to stick

things with some-
thing that doesn't
stick? Buy MAJOR'S

Physicians and their patients will

both find it most agreeable and

CEMENT; you know satisfactory for toilet purposes.


it sticks. Nothing
breaks away from it.
Stick to MAJOR'S
CEMENT. Buy once,
you will buy for-
There is


nothing as good;
don't believe the

Two separate cements-the best. Insist on having them.

15 and 25 cents per bottle at all druggists. MAJOR CEMENT CO.. NEW YORK CITY.

Price: eight-ounce bottle, 50c.



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