National Income and ExpenditureBowes & Bowes, 1977 - Počet stran: 175 |
Introduction | 7 |
What is the National Income? 1 The National Income and Other Income Totals | 11 |
The Net Domestic Product and Other Product Totals | 18 |
Autorská práva | |
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A. P. Carter average balance Blue Book Britain Britain and America calculations capital transfers cent central government CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE Chapter column comparisons Components consumers corresponding countries depreciation domestic income domestic investment domestic sectors durable economic equal estimates expenditure exports factor cost factor income factors of production figures final product fixed assets flows gross domestic product gross national product households included income from productive income retained increase index-number indirect taxes industries inputs item 1b less London market prices measure ment million national accounts national income net domestic product obtain output paid abroad payments personal income personal sector product at factor product per head product totals production account productive activity public corporations quantity ratio redistributions relative residual error rest rounding-off errors seasonal social accounting stock appreciation subtract Survey taxes on income total product transfers abroad undistributed income United Kingdom value added