ear, amid the death-like stillness, 'what mean ye, to break my heart, to dishonor God's holy day, and the religion ye profess? Are ye come out with swords and staves, to take justice in your own hands, depending on your own arm of flesh, when ye should have been lifting up your hearts and voices with your brethren, that God would prosper his own cause, and still the enemy and the avenger? Have ye thus learned Christ, and followed the example of Him, who though he was reviled, reviled not again? Behold it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay it, saith the Lord. Shame! shame! Must I renew the lessons which have been instilled in vain, and the seed which has been planted on barren ground? Whoso smiteth thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Whoso taketh thy cloak, give him thy coat also. Hear Paul, the apostle: 'For what if some do not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid; yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.' Put up your swords, my brethren. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual. Fight rather the good fight of faith, and cleave with the sword of the spirit!' During this address, O-be-joyful Hitchcock had been summoning up his impudence to reply, by which his companions were enabled to lift up their chap-fallen countenances, and to come off with a better grace. 'It is all very well,' said he, 'for the ministers of God to be wanting in duty, to quote scripture to their own and their people's undoing, and to exhort them to throw down the weapons of their warfare. Not so was it, when God's champions went forth against the Philistines. Not so was it, in later days, when it was written on the cannon's mouth, 'Open our lips, O Lord, and our mouth shall show forth thy praise.' But if to relinquish God, and to give up his own house into the hands of his enemies, be Christian duty, then I have not so learned Christ.' And so saying, 'O-be-joyful-in-the-Lord-all-ye-lands Hitchcock' flung out of doors. The Rev. Mr. Robbins was not surprised at having his prerogative thus rudely invaded. He had experienced such things before, and was accustomed to receive advice at the hands of his people. The upshot of the matter was, that the rioters, having accomplished their purpose, and not feeling very piously disposed, were contented to have the doors of the church sealed for the day. They went home, either to feel ashamed of their folly, or to glory in what they had done. They obtained the usual satisfaction of a mob, to dishonor God, and to disgrace themselves; to weaken the force of law, and to bring the name of justice into contempt; to endanger human life, and to effect no reasonable end. Whether Lord Cornbury acted in a tyrannical manner, it is not easy at this day to decide. Be that as it may, he was not to be deterred from his course, He kept possession of the church, and had three pews knocked into one, and luxuriously cushioned, which he occupied with his family during his stay. The Presbyterians, with the full consent of their minister, instituted a suit at law; but while the matter lingered in chancery, and 'dragged its slow length along,' the Episcopalians released them from farther trouble, by relinquishing their claims and erecting a new church for themselves. This was a neat edifice, pleasantly situated, and embosomed on all sides by venerable elms. The new governor attended the consecration, (Lord Cornbury having retired in disgrace,) and a great body of the military were present. A handsome collation was afterward served up, at which the utmost harmony prevailed. A hundred years have passed since these events, which are dimly remembered by tradition, and are recorded in few written annals. Several tapering spires now point to heaven, and when the Sabbath comes, and Sunday bells discourse sweet music, no tumult arises to disturb their harmony. A virtuous population may be seen wending as usual to the houses of God. Forgetting all former strifes and animosities, they attend to the eternal words of truth, guided in the right path by their faithful ministers, who move harmoniously in their proper orbits, preaching the GospeL OF PEACE. STANZAS TO A LADY. BY REV. WALTER COLTON, U. S. N., AUTHOR OF 'SHIP AND SHORE, ETC. I. THE hand that prints these accents here, Was never clasped in thine; Nor has thy heart, with hope or fear, E'er trembled back to mine. II. And yet from childhood's early years, Unseen, amid my doubts and tears, III. And oft in dreams I've twined the wreath Above her eye of flame; Then listened, if some bird might breathe The music of her name. IV. And oft have vainly sought to trace, Amid the fair and young, The living type of this sweet face, On Fancy's mirror flung. v. But in its unresembled form, The shadow dwelt with me, Till unperceived, life-like and warm, It softly fell on thee. VI. Then into substance passed the shade, Philadelphia, Dec., 1838. SCENES IN MICHILIMACKINAC. BY A SOJOURNER. THE votary of ease and personal comfort would perhaps find little to admire in the quaint and unpolished appearance of this sea-girt isle, with its rude assemblage of low houses, or huts, covered with bark in lieu of shingles, many in a state of dilapidation and decay. Like the poor Indian, who, having been to the great capital of our republic, and seen the splendors of the living world, he would be apt to exclaim, 'People where I have been, would not keep their horses in such houses!" These were indeed the words of one of these sons of the forest. He had been born and bred on the rocky bosom of the island of Michilimackinac; and before he had looked upon the white man's house and home, he had fondly fancied it the best and most beautiful spot upon earth. To one, however, who can admire the beauties of natural scenery, a visit to this place, in the summer season, is attended with the greatest gratification and delight. The sublimity of its position, alone, standing as it does several hundred feet above the level of the sea, its rugged and inaccessible heights overlooking its blue surface for miles around, is unsurpassed by any scene in our land. No view can be more imposing, than that presented by the island, in sailing round it, under the shadows of overhanging cliffs, beholding on all sides huge masses of rock, crumbled and fallen from some dizzy height upon the shore beneath, washed ever and anon by the crowding waves; nor is there any higher effect produced upon the mind, by any scenery in this region of lakes, than is inspired on beholding the deep caves, the 'springing arches, and rock-based columns,' which here and there meet the eye; and much indeed is added to the feeling thus produced, by the knowledge that you are in the midst of former battle-fields, and tread the classic ground of Indian mythology. In minor cavities of the rocks may often be seen, on closer inspection, small pieces of tobacco and ribbon; the sacrifice of the red man to some presiding spirit, to insure a favoring breeze and a prosperous journey. Nothing, perhaps, would induce the Indian, whose religion is in its native state, to neglect this offering. Storm and destruction, without it, would follow his canoe in its path across the waters. But a few years ago, a white man, wishing to cross the great bay in Lake Huron, was obliged to do so in a canoe. He engaged an Indian to take him over, and having every thing ready, stepped into the boat. 'Stop!' said the Indian; 'we cannot go until we ask the Great Spirit, give me some tobacco.' It was given him; 'and some ribbon,' said he. Having none, the man gave him his garter. The Indian took it, and turning to the four points of the compass, and making a powwow to each, threw both into the sea. 'Now,' exclaimed he, 'we can go.' They started, and had not been landed upon the opposite shore more than ten minutes, before there arose one of the most fearful storms ever known upon the lake. The Indian was thus confirmed in the belief that his sacrifice had saved them from death. The attraction which Michilimackinac presents to the worshipper of nature, as well as that which its trade holds out to the man of business, exists chiefly in the summer season; and it is rather singular, that its unusual salubrity and beauty should not long ago have made it the summer residence of the rich and retired. So long as you can stand upon the pebbly shore, and look far off upon the sea, the eye resting here and there on some green and distant isle; so long as you can see the wave beating at your feet, and hear its murmur; so long as you can tread the red man's path amid the rocks and forest trees; so long, in fine, as you can behold the blue sky above, and the blue wave beneath, is the island a place of romance and of dreams. But winter wholly changes the scene. In place of dying gales and leafy anthems, sets up the dismal music of its whistling wind and stormy blast; ice binds the place, and shuts it out from almost all communication with the world. Long before this, the crowd of visitors to the island have dispersed, and in the comfort of milder climes have forgotten the residents of Mackinac; and even the very sea-gull, the latest tarrier of all, in some warmer abode no longer thinks of his cawing friends, who are settled inhabitants of the isle. Winter setting in, cuts off all communication with the active world, except by means of expresses. Means for defraying the expenses of express-men, are furnished by government, and the contract for transporting the mail from Saginaw to this place, and thence to the Sault St. Marie, is taken by some resident of one of these places, who usually employs one or two Indians for that purpose. The mail and necessary provisions are carried upon their backs, through the woods, and on the lake shore. Train dogs are sometimes used, to carry provisions, or to draw the express-men, and a kind of sled, made long and narrow, for the purpose of being drawn between trees and bushes. The difficult journey from Mackinac to Saginaw, and back, has been performed in fourteen days. The arrival and departure of mails produce almost the only excitement that exists in the place, during the winter. The reading and comparing of news, and the talking over affairs, which where they transpired have long been forgotten, occupy attention, and create a bustle for a while; and then nothing farther is known of the great business of the world, until another arrival gladdens all hearts. But four of these mails, at irregular periods, are received during the winter. How distance and the deprivation of the common blessing of a frequent mail, enhance the value of letters! How'well worth the postage' is every epistle here received, brought at last in safety, with so much toil and trouble! Once in a while a holiday, observed by the French, creates some extra stir. They constitute a large portion of the inhabitants, and are determined observers of all such days; men, women, and children joining, heart, soul, and bottle, in merry dance, and jovial song. NewYear's day with them is a right jolly one. They are ignorant, and have intermarried with the Indians. They are often superstitious; some of them, it is said, being firm believers in ghosts and hobgoblins. It is a common belief, that on the night of All-Saint's-Day, the dead leave their graves, and wander forth among men. For this reason, the kitchen-maids and servant-girls are strictly forbidden to throw dish-water out of doors, lest they should rudely besprinkle some wandering shadow of death. The only employment during the winter, consists in fishing; square holes being cut in the ice for that purpose. The white fish and trout of this region are famed for their excellence. Of the latter kind, one weighing seventy-three pounds was caught during the last winter. The fur has given place to the fish trade, which is fast becoming a lucrative business. The American Fur Company have already established various fishing posts upon Lake Superior. Furs have become scarce, and the beaver and the martin seem to partake of their hunter's destiny; retiring with them into deeper recesses of the forest. No Indians, at the present time, remain on the island. They assemble here to receive their annuities; and the payment of thirty or forty thousand dollars, in gold and silver, is a matter of no small consequence to the traders of this place, in these specie-bound times. Parties frequent the island, for the purpose of having their traps, guns, etc., repaired, shops for this purpose having been established at the agency. A dormitory has been recently built for their occupancy when visiting the island. When sick and helpless, a physician is procured, and every necessary attention is paid to their wants. Poor men! your history forms a part of our own! What a history would it be, were it not involved in clouds and shadows! Could we but look far back into the ocean of the past, and trace out the source whence you came; could we but follow your footsteps from the earliest dawn of your existence to the time of your arrival on these shores; what new sympathies might be awakened in your behalf; what new emotions felt, and what a flood of evidence might follow the discovery, to convince the world of the awful truth of Biblical predictions! Within a few years past, great exertions have been made by the scientific, to gain deeper insight into the character of these men; and it is to be hoped that, by the aid of some newly-discovered tradition, or other knowledge, afforded by closer consideration of their habits, manners, and customs, it will eventually be learned 'whence they came, who they are, and what is their destiny.' History has recorded many acts and anecdotes illustrative of Indian character, and the time has long since gone by, when these men were thought destitute of honorable and exalted feelings. The following anecdote is related as having happened on this island some years ago: A young Indian had been imprisoned for the murder of a worthless character. The morning after his confinement, an old man of the tribe came and asked admission to the jail. He was not refused. With a lofty air, and a proud step, he entered the room; and drawing a knife from his bosom, thrust it deep into the wall by his side. You see,' said he to the young man, 'I have not come here to kill myself or you.' Walking up and taking him by the hand, 'What have you done?" said he. You have killed a dog.' The old man's eye flashed forth the proud spirit that still burned in his bosom. He released the hand of the murderer, and his countenance was calm. 'My son,' he continued, after a pause, 'you are young. I am old and worn out, You can still hunt and procure food for your mother, your sisters, and yourself. I can hunt no longer. Go, and I will remain here, and die in your place.' Such an exchange, of course, could not be made; and the old man went away sorrowing. ، |