And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again. American Monthly Knickerbocker - Strana 751839Úplné zobrazení - Podrobnosti o knize
 | 1840 - 760 str.
...dreams 7 Oh no ! from that blue tent above A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength ! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again.... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1839 - 174 str.
...dreams ? Oh no ! from that blue tent above, A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength ! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again.... | |
 | 1840 - 540 str.
...Ob no : from that blue tent above, A hero's armour gleams. IV. And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red starv. 0 star of strength II sec thec stand Ami smile upou my p;iin ; Thou beckouest with thy mailcM... | |
 | Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, Albert Smith - 1840 - 724 str.
...dreams t Oh no 1 from that blue tent above A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies,...beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again. Within my soul there shines no light But the pale light of stars ; 1 give the first watch of the night... | |
 | Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, Albert Smith - 1840 - 712 str.
...dreams ? Oh no I from that blue tent above A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength II see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again.... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1840 - 328 str.
...! from that blue tent above, HENRY WJCDSWORTH LONGFELLOW. 137 And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. Oh star of strength 1 1 see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand,... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1842 - 638 str.
...dreams ? O no ! from that blue tent above A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. O star of strength ! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand,... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1843 - 174 str.
...dreams ? O no ! from that blue tent above, A hero's armour gleams. And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength ! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again.... | |
 | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1843 - 570 str.
...O no ! from that blue tent above, A hero's armour gleams. • And earnest thoughts within me rise, When I behold afar, Suspended in the evening skies, The shield of that red star. 0 star of strength ! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain ; Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand, And I am strong again.... | |
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