Obrázky stránek


1. (a) + 20 cm. (b) + 60cm. (c) - 30cm. 3. (a) - 8cm. (b) - 5 cm. 5. (a) -10 cm. (b) 8cm. 6. (a) - 8.57 cm. (b) 4.28 cm. 7. + 5.83 in. 8. 20 in.


1. 1.33. 2. 0.376. 3.0.855. 6. 0.443.


1. (a) + 60 cm. (b) + 120 cm. (c)

- 60 cm.

2. +10 cm.

4. +24 cm.

5. + 40 cm. 6. (a)

13.3 cm. (b)

10 cm. 8. + 16.7 cm.

9. 8 ft. 9 in.

10. +26.7 cm.

11. - 10 cm.


40 cm. from second lens.

17.+24 cm.

13. + 10 cm. from second lens. 15. (b) + 133 cm.


1. 0.29 in. 2. 9.73 in. 3. 29. 4. 9.33. 5. 390. 6. 355. 7. 479. 9. (a)

62 in. from eyepiece. 10. 0.43 in.


Aberration, of light, 602; spherical, Balance, 115

621, 648; chromatic, 648

Absorption spectra, 669
Acceleration, defined, 54; produced by
forces, 66-86; angular, 141; table of
numerical values of g, 159

Accumulator, electric, 474
Achromatic refraction, 649

Adiabatic compression and expansion,


Air, weight, 37; pressure, 43; buoy-
ancy, 45; liquefaction, 289
Air columns, vibrations of, 355-357
Air pumps, 49
Alpha radiation, 571-576
Ammeter, 415, 487, 488

Ampere, unit of current, 408, 552, 553;
relation of, to coulomb, 417; inter-
national, 471, 553; defined, 479
Amplifiers, vacuum-tube, 565-567
Amplitude defined, 133
Analyzer, 699
Anastigmatic lens, 650
Angle of repose, 124
Angular acceleration, 141
Angular momentum, 150
Angular speed, 140, 141
Angular velocity, 140-146
Anticyclone, 309-310
Arago, 506

Archimedes' principle, 28, 45
Aristotle, 46, 597

Armature of a motor, 490
Aspirator, 167

Astigmatism, 650

Aston, 579

Atmospheric refraction of light, 636
Atom, mass, 178-179, 470, 569; size,
178, 578; electrical, 397, 568; num-
ber of atoms in one cubic centimeter,
470; disintegration, 573-576; struc-
ture, 577

Atomic number, 578
Atomic theory of matter, 177-181,577
Atwood's machine, 74

Balance-wheel compensation, 214

Banks, Joseph, 465

Bar defined, 24, 26

Barometer, mercury, 41; aneroid, 42

Baseball, curving, 166

Beats, 347

Becquerel, 570

Bending of beam, 201
Bernoulli's theorem, 168
Beta radiation, 572-576
Bicycle rider, 85
Binoculars, 662

Biprism, Fresnel, 683
Boiling, 278-280, 281, 283

Boiling point, effect of pressure upon,
278; effect of elevation upon, 279;
table for water, 280; table for
different liquids, 281; of solutions,

Borda, 17

Bouguer, 155

Bourdon spring gauge, 45
Boyle's law, 47

Boys, C. V., 156, 159
Bradley, 602

Bragg, 695

Bright-line spectra, 668, 671
British Absolute system, 73

British Engineering system, fundamen-
tal units, 16; compared with C.G.S.

system, 105

British thermal unit defined, 229
Browne, Sir Thomas, 401

Bulk modulus, 199; table of values,

[blocks in formation]

Capacitance, 537-545; defined, 539;
dependence on medium, 540; units,

Capacity, thermal, defined, 231; elec-
trical, see Capacitance

Capillarity, 186-188
Carbon-dioxide snow, 286
Carlisle, Sir Anthony, 410, 465

Carnot engine, 322

Cartesian diver, 30

Cathode dark space, 557
Cathode rays, 558-561

Cavendish, 403, 541

Cell, voltaic, 407, 465; in series, 454;
in parallel, 454; in series-parallel,
455; theory of, 471; gravity, 473;
dry, 474; storage, 474-476

Center of gravity, 12
Central force, 80
Centrifugal drier, 85
Centrifugal force, 81-86
Centripetal force, 79-86

C.G.S. system, fundamental units,
16; compared with B.E. system,
105; electrostatic and electromag-
netic systems, 551-553

Charges of electricity, 379-401, 531-
539; from dry cells, 391; from power
circuit, 392; unit, 396; law of force,
396; natural unit, 397, 568; quanti-
tative relation to voltage of a con-
denser, 537

Chemical effects of electric currents,
409, 464-476
Chromatic aberration, 648
Cloud, 297, 301

Coefficient, starting friction, 120; slid-

ing friction, 121; rolling friction, 124;
elasticity, see Modulus; linear expan-
sion, 212; volume expansion, 215;
thermal conductivity, 253; electrical
resistance, 445; self-induction, 512
Coil, induction, 507
Colors, spectrum, 634, 635, 665-671;
mixing, 677; complementary, 677;
mixing of pigments, 678; thin films,

Columbus, 366
Combustion, heats of, 245; numerical
values, 246

Commutator, 490.

Compass, magnetic, 362

Components of a vector, 7

Compressibility of liquids, 34; of

gases, 47

Compression of gases, 240; adiabatic,


Condenser, electrical, 401, 403, 535-
546; in parallel and series, 542;
energy of, 545

Conduction, of heat, 250-254; of elec-
tricity, 381; of electricity through
liquids, 464-476; of electricity
through gases, 555-569

Conductivity, thermal, 253; numerical
values, 254
Conductors of electricity, 381, 423
Conjugate foci, with mirrors, 612;
with lenses, 642

Conservation, of momentum, 78; of
energy, 103; of angular momentum,

Convection, 254-257, 302-303. See also

Cookers, fireless, 252; electric, 436
Cooking of food, 252
Cooling, rate of, 263
Coronas, 676

Corpuscular theory of light, 598, 605,
624, 625

Coulomb, 373, 396, 403; unit of charge,
397; relation of, to ampere, 417;
relation of, to electromagnetic unit,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dew, 293

Dew point, 294
Dewar flask, 261
Diamagnetic substances, 528
Dielectric constant, 540; table, 541
Diesel engine, 324

Differences of potential, 418-421, 424,
531-534; quantitative definition, 425;
measurement, 427; quantitative rela-
tion to charge on condenser, 537
Differential expansion, 211
Differential pulley, 113

Diffraction, sound-waves, 688; light-
waves, 688-694; X-rays, 694-697

Diffraction grating, 690-694

Diffusion, liquids, 190; solids, 190;
gases, 190

Dioptric, or diopter, defined, 647

Dip, magnetic, 367

Discharge, oscillating electrical, 581-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gram, 18

Grating, diffraction, 690-694


Gravitation, 155-161; law, 156; con-

Flux, magnetic, 526

stant, 156, 159

caused by, 60, 73; variations in ac-
celeration, 159

Fluid theories of electricity, 382

Fluids, in motion, 163;175. See Gases Gram-calorie defined, 229

and Liquids


Focus, principal, of mirror, 611, 618; Gravity, center of, 12; acceleration

of lens, 640

Fog, 297

Food energy needed by a man, 98, 245

Foot-candle, 595

Foot-pound, 91, 92

Foot-ton, 92

Force, 1-14; parallelogram of forces,
2; polygon of forces, 3; equilibrium
of forces, 4; components, 7; moment
of, 9; units, 18, 71; produces ac-
celeration, 66-86; central, or cen-
tripetal, 79-86; centrifugal, 81-86;
involved in thermal expansion, 219;
between magnetic poles, 373; be-
tween electric charges, 396, 541;
between current and magnetic field,

Foucault, 147, 603, 625

Franklin, Benjamin, 402, 403, 404
Fraunhofer lines in spectrum, 670
Freezing. See Fusion

Freezing point. See Melting point
Fresnel, 682, 683

Friction, 120-127; starting, 120; slid-
ing, 121; tables of coefficients, 122;
rolling, 124; fluid, 125, 163

Frost, 260, 293

Fuses, electric, 436

Fusion, 266-273; heat of, 268

Galileo, 129, 600

Galvanometer, 414, 486; ballistic, 524
Gamma radiation, 572-577
Gas engine, 323

Gas law, general, 221

Gases, 37-51; kinetic theory, 39; molec-
ular theory, 39; specific gravity,
46; density, 46; expansion, 219-225,
240-245; general law, 221; table of
specific heats, 245; conduction of
electricity through, 555-569
Gasoline, electrification, 281, 380
Gauges, pressure, 44
Geissler tubes, 558

[blocks in formation]
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