CHAPTER XLI (PAGE 622) 1. (a) + 20 cm. (b) + 60cm. (c) - 30cm. 3. (a) - 8cm. (b) - 5 cm. 5. (a) -10 cm. (b) 8cm. 6. (a) - 8.57 cm. (b) 4.28 cm. 7. + 5.83 in. 8. 20 in. CHAPTER XLII (PAGE 638) 1. 1.33. 2. 0.376. 3.0.855. 6. 0.443. CHAPTER XLIII (PAGES 651-652) 1. (a) + 60 cm. (b) + 120 cm. (c) - 60 cm. 2. +10 cm. 4. +24 cm. 5. + 40 cm. 6. (a) 13.3 cm. (b) 10 cm. 8. + 16.7 cm. 9. 8 ft. 9 in. 10. +26.7 cm. 11. - 10 cm. 12. 40 cm. from second lens. 17.+24 cm. 13. + 10 cm. from second lens. 15. (b) + 133 cm. CHAPTER XLIV (PAGE 664) 1. 0.29 in. 2. 9.73 in. 3. 29. 4. 9.33. 5. 390. 6. 355. 7. 479. 9. (a) 62 in. from eyepiece. 10. 0.43 in. INDEX Aberration, of light, 602; spherical, Balance, 115 621, 648; chromatic, 648 Absorption spectra, 669 Accumulator, electric, 474 Adiabatic compression and expansion, 241 Air, weight, 37; pressure, 43; buoy- Ampere, unit of current, 408, 552, 553; Archimedes' principle, 28, 45 Armature of a motor, 490 Astigmatism, 650 Aston, 579 Atmospheric refraction of light, 636 Atomic number, 578 Balance-wheel compensation, 214 Banks, Joseph, 465 Bar defined, 24, 26 Barometer, mercury, 41; aneroid, 42 Baseball, curving, 166 Beats, 347 Becquerel, 570 Bending of beam, 201 Biprism, Fresnel, 683 Boiling point, effect of pressure upon, Borda, 17 Bouguer, 155 Bourdon spring gauge, 45 Boys, C. V., 156, 159 Bragg, 695 Bright-line spectra, 668, 671 British Engineering system, fundamen- system, 105 British thermal unit defined, 229 Bulk modulus, 199; table of values, Capacitance, 537-545; defined, 539; Capacity, thermal, defined, 231; elec- Capillarity, 186-188 Carnot engine, 322 Cartesian diver, 30 Cathode dark space, 557 Cavendish, 403, 541 Cell, voltaic, 407, 465; in series, 454; Center of gravity, 12 C.G.S. system, fundamental units, Charges of electricity, 379-401, 531- Chemical effects of electric currents, Coefficient, starting friction, 120; slid- ing friction, 121; rolling friction, 124; Columbus, 366 Commutator, 490. Compass, magnetic, 362 Components of a vector, 7 Compressibility of liquids, 34; of gases, 47 Compression of gases, 240; adiabatic, 241 Condenser, electrical, 401, 403, 535- Conduction, of heat, 250-254; of elec- Conductivity, thermal, 253; numerical Conservation, of momentum, 78; of Convection, 254-257, 302-303. See also Cookers, fireless, 252; electric, 436 Corpuscular theory of light, 598, 605, Coulomb, 373, 396, 403; unit of charge, Dew, 293 Dew point, 294 Differences of potential, 418-421, 424, Diffraction, sound-waves, 688; light- Diffraction grating, 690-694 Diffusion, liquids, 190; solids, 190; Dioptric, or diopter, defined, 647 Dip, magnetic, 367 Discharge, oscillating electrical, 581- Gram, 18 Grating, diffraction, 690-694 678 Gravitation, 155-161; law, 156; con- Flux, magnetic, 526 stant, 156, 159 caused by, 60, 73; variations in ac- Fluid theories of electricity, 382 Fluids, in motion, 163;175. See Gases Gram-calorie defined, 229 and Liquids Fluorescence, Focus, principal, of mirror, 611, 618; Gravity, center of, 12; acceleration of lens, 640 Fog, 297 Food energy needed by a man, 98, 245 Foot-candle, 595 Foot-pound, 91, 92 Foot-ton, 92 Force, 1-14; parallelogram of forces, Foucault, 147, 603, 625 Franklin, Benjamin, 402, 403, 404 Freezing point. See Melting point Friction, 120-127; starting, 120; slid- Frost, 260, 293 Fuses, electric, 436 Fusion, 266-273; heat of, 268 Galileo, 129, 600 Galvanometer, 414, 486; ballistic, 524 Gas law, general, 221 Gases, 37-51; kinetic theory, 39; molec- |