him; he was senseless, and too far spent to have the least knowledge of my sorrow, or any pain in himself. Give me leave then to transcribe my soliloquy, as I stood by his mother, dumb with the weight of grief for a son who was her honour and her comfort, and never till that hour since his birth had been an occasion of a moment's sorrow to her. 'HOW surprising is this change from the possession of vigorous life and strength, to be reduced in a few hours to this fatal extremity! Those lips which look so pale and livid, within these few days gave delight to all who heard their utterance. It was the business, the purpose of his being, next to obeying Him to whom he is going, to please and instruct, and that for no other end but to please and instruct. Kindness was the motive of his actions, and with all the capacity requisite for making a figure in a contentious world moderation, good-nature, affability, temperance, and chastity were the arts of his excellent life. There as he lies in helpless agony, no wise man who knew him so well as I but would resign all the world an bestow to be so near the end of such a life. Why does my heart so little obey my reason as to lament thee, thou excellent man?-Heaven receive hin or restore him!-Thy beloved mother, thy oblged friends, thy helpless servants stand around thee without distinction. How much wouldst nou, hadst thou thy senses, say to each of us! 'But now that good heart bursts, and he is at rest—with that breath expired a soul who never indulged a passion unfit for the place he is gone to. Where are now thy plans of justice, of ruth, 249 of honour? of what use the volumes thou hast collated, the arguments thou hast invented, the examples thou hast followed? Poor were the expectations of the studious, the modest, and the good if the reward of their labours were only to be expected from man. No, my friend, thy intended pleadings, thy intended good offices to thy friends, thy intended services to thy country, are already performed (as to thy concern in them) in His sight before whom the past, present, and future appear at one view. While others with thy talents were tormented with ambition, with vainglory, with envy, with emulation, how well didst thou turn thy mind. to its own improvement in things out of the power of fortune; in probity, in integrity, in the practice and study of justice; how silent thy passage, how private thy journey, how glorious thy end! Many have I known more famous, some more knowing, not one so innocent.' No. 134. DU R. Friday, August 3, 1711 [STEELE. -OVID, Met. i. 521. Opiferque per orbem Dicor URING my absence in the country several packets have been left for me, which were not forwarded to me because I was expected every day in town. The author of the following letter, dated from Tower-hill, having sometimes been entertained with some learned gentlemen in plush doublets, who have vended their wares from a stage in that place, has pleasantly enough addressed me, as no less a sage in morality, than those are in physic. To comply with this kind inclination to make my cures famous, I shall give you his testimonial of my great abilities at large in his own words. 'SIR, "YOUR saying 'tother day1 there is something wonderful in the narrowness of those minds. which can be pleased and be barren of bounty to those who please them, makes me in pain that I am not a man of power; if I were, you should soon see how much I approve your speculations. In the meantime I beg leave to supply that inability with the empty tribute of an honest mind, by telling you plainly I love and thank you for your daily refreshments. I constantly peruse your paper as I smoke my morning's pipe (though I can't forbear reading the motto before I fill and light), and really it gives a grateful relish to every whiff; each paragraph is fraught either with useful or delightful notions, and I never fail of being highly diverted or improved. The variety of your subjects surprises me as much as a box of pictures did formerly, in which there was only one face, that, by pulling some pieces of isinglass over it, was changed into a grave senator or a Merry-Andrew, a patched lady or a nun, a beau or a blackamoor, a prude or a coquette, a country squire or a conjurer, with many other different representations very entertaining (as you are), though still the same at the bottom. This was a childish amusement when I was carried away with outward appearance, but you make a deeper impression, and affect the secret springs of the mind; you charm 1 No. 107. 251 the fancy, soothe the passions, and insensibly lead the reader to that sweetness of temper that you so well describe; you rouse generosity with that spirit, and inculcate humanity with that ease, that he must be miserably stupid that is not affected by you. I can't say indeed that you have put impertinence to silence, or vanity out of countenance; but methinks you have bid as fair for it as any man that ever appeared upon a public stage, and offer an infallible cure of vice and folly for the price of one penny. And since it is usual for those who receive benefit by such famous operators to publish an advertisement, that others may reap the same advantage, I think myself obliged to declare to all the world, that having for a long time been splenetic, ill-natured, froward, suspicious, and unsociable, by the application of your medicines, taken only with half an ounce of right Virginia tobacco for six successive mornings, I am become open, obliging, officious, frank, and hospitable. I am, Your humble Servant and great admirer, TOWER HILL, July 5, 1711.' This careful father and humble petitioner hereafter mentioned, who are under difficulties about the just management of fans, will soon receive proper advertisements relating to the professors in that behalf, with their places of abode and methods of teaching. 'SIR, July the 5th, 1711. 'IN your Spectator of June the 27th1 you tran scribe a letter sent to you from a new sort of muster-master, who teaches ladies the whole exercise of the fan. I have a daughter just come to town, who, though she has always held a fan in her hand at proper times, yet she knows no more how to use it according to true discipline than an awkward schoolboy does to make use of his new sword. I have sent for her on purpose to learn the exercise, she being already very well accomplished in all other arts which are necessary for a young lady to understand; my request is, that you will speak to your correspondent on my behalf, and in your next paper let me know what he expects, either by the month or the quarter, for teaching, and where he keeps his place of rendezvous. I have a son, too, whom I would fain have taught to gallant fans, and should be glad to know what the gentleman will have for teaching them both, I finding fans for practice at my own expense. This information will in the highest manner oblige, SIR, Your most humble Servant, WILLIAM WISEACRE. 'As soon as my son is perfect in this art (which I hope will be in a year's time, for the boy is pretty apt), I design he shall learn to ride the great horse (although he is not yet above twenty years old), if his mother, whose darling he is, will venture him.' 1 No. 102. |