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ses dettes, réparé ses brèches, acquitté les créances de Brême, fait face aux échéances de Saint-Malo. Il avait exonéré sa maison des Bravées des hypothèques qui la grevaient; il avait racheté toutes les petites rentes locales inscrites sur cette maison. Il était possesseur d'un grand capital productif.

(b) On remarquait sur la table une boussole et une liasse de carnets; c'étaient sans doute la boussole de la Durande et les papiers de bord remis par Clubin à Imbrancam et à Tangrouille au moment du départ de la chaloupe: magnifique abnégation de cet homme sauvant jusqu'à des paperasses à l'instant où il se laisse mourir; petit détail plein de grandeur; oubli sublime de soi-même. (c) Presque sans avoir l'air d'y toucher, cette coalition latente le mettait en haillons, en sang, aux abois, et, pour ainsi dire, hors de combat avant le combat. Il n'en travaillait pas moins, et sans relâche; mais, à mesure que l'ouvrage se faisait, l'ouvrier se défaisait. On eût dit que cette fauve nature, redoutant l'âme, prenait le parti d'exténuer l'homme. Gilliatt tenait tête, et attendait. L'abîme commençait par l'user. Que ferait l'abîme ensuite ?

(d) Cela ressembla à un linge qui se détache. La pompe aspirante détruite, le vide se défit. Les quatre cents ventouses lâchèrent à la fois le rocher et l'homme. Ce haillon coula au fond de l'eau.

Gilliatt, haletant du combat, put apercevoir à ses pieds sur les galets deux tas gélatineux informes, la tête d'un côté, le reste de l'autre. Nous disons le reste, car on ne pourrait dire le


12. Translate and explain the words-semoun, spahi, voile latine, moutier, aubépine, pavot, acajou, coutre, cul-de-sac, déniquoiseaux, timonier, habitacle.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Draw a tangent to a circle from a given point either on or without the circle.

Shew that the two tangents from an external point are equal.

2. Inscribe a circle in a given triangle.

Shew that the bisectors of the angles of a triangle meet in a point.

3. If two triangles be equi-angular to one another, the sides about the equal angles shall be proportionals, those sides which are opposite to equal angles being homologous.

Shew that the diagonals of a trapezium cut one another in the same ratio.

4. If two straight lines are perpendicular to the same plane they shall be parallel to one another.

5. Shew how to solve two simultaneous equations of the form

ax2 + bxy + cy=d,

a'x2 + b'xy + c'y2 = d'.

Solve the equations

x2 + y2 = a2 + b2, xy = ab.

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where m, n are positive integers, and why are
these meanings given?

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7. Find the sum of any number of terms of an arithmetical progression.

The sum of three numbers in arithmetical progression is 12, and the sum of their squares is 50. Find the numbers.

8. Find the number of permutations of n different things r at a time.

In how many ways can n children form a ring?

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cos (A + B) = cos A cos B sin A sin B,
A, B being positive angles whose sum is less
than a right angle.

If COS A =

cos (A + B).

3, cos B, find all the values of

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11. Shew that in any triangle

c2 = a2 + b2 — 2ab cos C.

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12. Shew how to solve a triangle, having given two sides and an angle opposite one of them.

If A = 60°, a = √3, b



√2, solve the


The Board of Examiners.

1. Find the equation of a straight line in terms of the intercepts which it makes on the axes.

If the sum of the reciprocals of the intercepts be constant, shew that the line passes through a fixed point.

2. Find the general polar equation of a circle.

If from a fixed point a straight line be drawn. to cut a given circle, the rectangle contained by the segments is constant.

3. Find the equation of the straight line passing through two given points on a parabola.

If the sum of the reciprocals of the ordinates of the extremities of a chord of a parabola be constant, the chord passes through a fixed point.

4. The sum of the squares of two conjugate semidiameters of an ellipse is constant.

Find the magnitude and position of the equiconjugate diameters of an ellipse.

5. Define a differential coefficient, and find that of ". Differentiate

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6. Prove that under certain conditions

f(a + h) =ƒ(a) + hf'(a + 0h),

and state the conditions.

Expand a cot x in ascending powers of x as far as the term in 4.

7. Shew how to find the value of an expression which takes the indeterminate form co

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Find the value when x = 0 of cot x

cosec x.

8. State and prove the rule for integration by substi


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