Obrázky stránek


The Board of Examiners.

1. State the qualitative compositions of the following minerals:-malachite, garnierite, cryolite, cala


2. When litharge and galena are heated together, what chemical reaction occurs? Describe a process for the extraction of a certain metal based upon the above reaction.

3. What is cassiterite? And how is the metal it contains extracted?

4. Describe what happens when each of the following minerals is roasted at different temperatures in a current of air:-copper pyrites, zinc blende, silver sulphide.

5. 742 of a gramme of an alloy of silver and copper was dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and decinormal sodium chloride solution (1 c.c. = ⚫01076 gramme Ag) was run in from a burette. It required 40 c.c. of that solution to precipitate all the silver. Calculate the percentage of silver in the alloy.

6. Give a metallurgical classification of the ores of silver. Describe any one process used for the extraction of the metal from its ores.

7. In what alloys is tin used? Describe the processes "tinning" and "galvanizing."



The Board of Examiners.

1. In building a residence in the middle of an old garden what would you specify (a) as to the surface under the floors, (b) as to the cellar walls, floor, and drainage?

2. What would you use for footings in a sandy soil in a country district where neither stone nor gravel is procurable for concrete? Specify in detail.

3. What are the bonds in use in brickwork?— (a) For thick walls plastered or cemented.

(b) For similar walls, but with brick facings one


(c) For hollow walls, 4 inches outside and 9 inches inside.

(d) For 9 inch plastered walls.

Give a sketch of each.

4. What is the necessity for traps in drainage? What different classes are necessary, and what are their typical forms?

In what position should the trap be for internal ittings, and in what cases is ventilation of the waste absolutely necessary, and why?

5. What are the proper methods of finishing steps and sills (a) for bluestone, (b) for Malmesbury, (c) for slate? Sketch an example of each, giving sizes and thicknesses for a 10-inch hollow wall.

6. What are the three systems used in high warehouse buildings for connecting the columns and girders in intermediate floors?

7. In building a strong room enumerate the various points requiring special attention. Specify what you would provide.

8. In the accompanying figured 4-in. scale sketches A, B, C of roof sections write on the names of the various timbers, and state the sizes you would adopt, using Oregon pine, and with timbers 18-in. centres. What is a hammer beam roof? Give a rough sketch, and state what precautions should be observed with them in modern work.

9. How would you construct a two-storey wooden house in the country where only hardwood framing is obtainable? Sketch the construction on the -in. scale skeleton, section D, showing and naming all the timbers, and giving sizes you would use.

10. In building a store adjoining the brick wall shown on section E it is necessary to underpin the wall, and to add 4 inches to its thickness. Sketch the shoring you would adopt, and describe how you would do the underpinning and thicknessing, giving sketches of the latter.



The Board of Examiners.

1. In the accompanying plan I of a villa residence, drawn to an -inch scale, the rooms required are shown, also the points of the compass for aspect, and the direction of best prospect. Write on the plans what rooms you would select for dining, drawing, and bedrooms respectively, and sketch the positions and sizes you would adopt for the doors, windows, and fireplaces throughout, also note best positions for piano, sideboard, and beds. 2. The plan and section accompanying, marked II, drawn to -inch scale, are given for you to set out the stairs from the lower to the upper floor. The stairs to be 4 feet wide in the clear, as dotted, and to land clear of the door A shown in the section, and with proper headway under the girder in section. Give your figures and reasons. 3. Give some rough sketch plans, showing how to secure good architectural treatment in combination with the largest number of people seeing and hearing well

(a) In a Church of England church.

(b) In a Presbyterian or Congregational church. 4. A perspective is required of the building shown upon the accompanying plan and section marked IV., and the station point, picture line, and horizon line are given. Find the vanishing points, and show how to set out the vertical lines and heights.

5. In planning city buildings, what should be avoided and what aimed at, in arranging the strong rooms and light areas. Give rough sketches illustrating your answer.

6. In designing small factories, how can most perfect supervision of the work and workers be secured? What simple principles can be adopted to minimize the labour in working? Give rough sketches.



The Board of Examiners.

1. What are the leading characteristics of round arch Gothic as distinguished from Roman and Byzantine Romanesque? In what century, and where did round arch Gothic first develop?

2. What are the characteristics of the Roman orders, moldings and ornament, as distinguished from the Grecian? Sketch some profiles of Roman and Greek moldings, giving their names in each case.

3. Name the leading influences affecting and determining the accommodation or plan, construction or form, decoration or ornament, in ancient buildings. Illustrate your answer by reference to Egyptian and Assyrian work, or any other clearly defined styles.

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