Obrázky stránek

7. How, according to Caird, does a higher Logic correct and complete the two imperfect conceptions of thought which preceded it?

8. On what grounds has it been maintained that "the philosophy of religion is, in fact, only the last application or final expression of metaphysics?"


The Board of Examiners.

1. On what grounds was it maintained by Aristotle that our virtues and vices are alike voluntary?

2. Give a short synopsis of Aristotle's treatment of Justice.

3. Show the importance of Aristotle's conception of the good man (a) as judge of the mean, (b) as arbiter of pleasure.

4. To what period in the course of evolution do you understand Spencer to assign the origin of morality? Refer to passages bearing on this subject.

5. Is an evolutionary theory of morals necessarily hedonistic? Discuss this question in connexion with the arguments of Herbert Spencer.

6. Examine Spencer's treatment of "the fundamental paradox of Hedonism."

7. Consider the reasons given by Green for his position that Nature implies a spiritual principle.

8. How does Green seek to establish the personal character of the moral ideal? And how may this feature of the moral ideal be reconciled with the common good as an end of ethical action?

9. Discuss the relation between Happiness and Perfection as ends of action.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Give an outline of Descartes' theory of Perception, indicating the problems which it left for subsequent philosophers.

2. On what grounds did Descartes arrive at the conclusion that Space is not in reality different from corporeal substance?

3. Explain Spinoza's doctrines as to the nature of the human mind and its relation to body.

4. Compare the idealism of Berkeley's "Principles " with the more recent idealistic doctrine that "the esse of things is not their percipi, but their intelligi."

5. Trace the origin of Hume's assertion that "nothing is ever present to the mind but perceptions." To what extent was Kant influenced by this principle? 6. On what principles did Leibniz base his doctrine of a Pre-established Harmony?

7. State briefly Reid's answer to the "ideal system," and estimate its value.

8. Write a short essay on one only of the following subjects:

(a) Innate Ideas, as treated by Modern Philosophy. (b) Empiricism, during the period between Des

cartes and Kant.




The Board of Examiners.

Write papers on any five of the following subjects:

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The Board of Examiners.

Write papers on any four of the following subjects:1. Silico-organic compounds.

2. Urea and its derivatives.

3. The synthetical formation of closed carbon chains.

4. The sugars.

5. The terpenes.

6. The artificial manufacture of vegetable dyes.



The Board of Examiners.

Write papers on any four of the following subjects: 1. The atomic weight of oxygen.

2. The molecular weights of the elements.

3. Variable valency.

4. The "nascent state."


5. Magnetic rotation and chemical constitution.

6. The measurement of affinity.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe fully the various considerations influencing the general opinion of modern geologists as to the original condition of the earth, and all its changes influencing its present shape, density, relative position of rocks, and surface physical features.

2. Give as many illustrations as you can illustrative of the suggestions of relation between compassbearing and geological age of mountain chains and of mineral veins.

3. In what respects do Isomorphism, Dimorphism, Trimorphism, Holohedral, and Hemihedral developments, Twins and Macles, interfere with the ordinary laws of Crystallography?

Give as many accurate examples as you can of each in different systems of crystallisation.

4. Explain the general circumstances governing the formation, composition, relation to other minerals, and place of occurrence of Zeolites.

5. Write down the notation for as many forms as you can, according to the methods of Weiss, Miller, and Naumann, of secondary forms in the different systems of crystals.

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