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To illustrate the true meaning of immigration to us Americans: suppose stead of the easier and narrower way of the Atlantic, stopping at the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland before landing on the American continent, would not the Japanese and Chinese be now in possession of North and South America, in place of the European white race that has spread westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific? The white immigration from Europe has made this country. Europe thinks so, if we do not. "Humanity first," "America first." EUROPE THE COLONIZING CONTINENT.

The discovery of the western half of the world benefited the white race of Europe far more than it did the yellow race of Asia, or the black race of Africa. Asia retained its increasing population, and reports more than half of all the inhabitants of the earth, but Europe sent its people to North and South America, Australia, Africa and the Isles of the Sea under the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Scandinavian, English and German naval and colonial expansions. Asia developed intensively, Europe extensively. The white man has indeed carried the world's burden. The Germans developed intensively at home, the English extensively abroad. The war causes England to see her neglect at home and Germany to see failures abroad new era.

This world-war will connect Europe and Asia by seas and land, and the two halves of the earth will mingle and compete with each other across the Atlantic and Pacific. Asia has more people than land; the white race of Europe more land than people. Wars are weakening and decreasing the Caucasian race, and rather than fear one another, we should fear Asia. Europe has been in closer touch with the Americas by steamships than with Asia and Africa by railroads.

True, America, Australia, Africa, and the Isles of the Sea afforded the talent, labor and money of the white European race equal if not better chances for investment abroad than Asia afforded its people at home. Hence, it is growing more and more difficult to secure a high class of immigrants from Europe. States, railroads, steamship companies and land agencies, with unlimited means, have co-operated to boom immigration to every point. The people are bewildered where to go. The cities grow; the farms are deserted; the country population decreases. State and county fairs, land shows and the teaching of agriculture in all our schools, labor hard to change the tide, but it seems impossible. It is an industrial and not an agricultural age, and the cities in Europe and everywhere among us grow. The most densely settled districts have the largest cities, and this points in Asia's favor, and is a warning to the white man. Can white labor compete with that of Asia, when Europe and Asia are connected by railroads and steamships as they will evidently be after the war? Can England without railroad connections compete with Germany in Asia and Africa?

Fertile soil everywhere waits to welcome the faithful farmer, and rich natural resources the day laborer, as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois welcomed the Germans, and the Northwest the Scandinavians. But where and how can workmen be secured? Perhaps the surplus is exhausted, not because of the decrease of the population, but the unlimited areas of territory opened for settlement, more than the white man can occupy. Will Asia come to our aid? If so, what will be the result? The war will set us thinking along these lines, and if we have not the preparedness to compete in the arts of peace with daily labor, will we in the arts of war with our boastful heroism?

There is a difference between immigrants and immigrants, and Americans begin to realize what the Germans and the Scandinavians did, not only for England at home and abroad, and through England for the United States, but what they did directly for us by their large settlements in cities and in the country.

AMERICAN LABOR AND AMERICAN NEUTRALITY. Every continent is crying for immigrants, or labor; even Asia, the most

populated continent wants more people, especially in Siberia, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia; also Europe, the continent that ranks second in population. During the last sixteen years more people entered than left Germany. Scandinavia, the most sparsely settled European country, with unequalled waterfalls to produce electrical power for manufacturing, is tempting her wandering children to return home. After the war all European countries will need labor and people, and will try to retain what they have. Africa wants more people, especially skilled and professional people; Australia advertises for settlers. So every country in South America and every one of the 48 states of the United States. Likewise vast Canada and Alaska. The white people are always preferred, but they only compose one-third of the human race, and they are in Europe and America. Hence competition for white settlers will be with America and Europe. An ocean cannot separate Germans, Englishmen or Scandinavians from their fatherlands nor from one another. They are one people, and the world's best sailors.

All the People of the World in Texas and only Ten People to the Acre. To remove all fears of over-population of the world, take the number of square miles in Texas 265,896; multiply it by 640, the number of acres in a square mile, which gives 170,173,440; then multiply this by 10, the number of people we will allot to each acre. Thus we have 1,701,734,400, the number of people in the world. Now, mathematical calculation shows that all the people of the world can be placed in one of our 48 states, and even then allow one acre to every ten people-five couples, or two families with three children each; yet, some say there are too many people, we need war to kill them off. No, the world needs peace to save human life to till the ground. The world has not too much land, but too few people. The cause is war. Capital and human effort seem more interested in the land than in the people. How wrong! How perverted! More plowshares and fewer swords. Better turn iron into the former to nourish life, than into the latter to destroy it, or do double service by beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. That would be good real estate business for capital and labor. Better make farm than war implements in American factories.

Emigrants not Things, but Human Beings. Human life is sacred, and the sacredness about immigration is that it deals with human lives, parents and children and not with material things. Especially is this true for America, since the New World has only one person for every nine persons in the Old World, and America's most urgent need is people, healthy white people. Here we may ask, why do Asia, Europe and Africa teem with population? Both North and South America have only remnants of the earliest settlers of Peru and Mexico and of the Indians. We had to import the white, black and yellow races from Europe, Asia and Africa. The British of New England, the Germans of the Central and the Scandinavians of the Northern states, like the Spaniards of the Southern states are not rearing physically stronger grand-children than were their grandparents. Transplant a tree and its life weakens, so it seems to be with people. The original and imported people of America are weakening and we dare not encourage war.

Only the Best is Good Enough for All American Children. In the light of these facts, unpleasant as they are, is there any question before the American people more important than the immigrant question? Every phase of it, and not least, the school children of the immigrant family. The Germans have a proverb, “Only the best is good enough for the children." So I say, only the best education for the immigrant's children, from the ages of six to fourteen years, is good enough for the immigrant's children. We little appreciate the latent undeveloped talent in them, which our nation greatly needs. The immigrant's tongue should be taught in graded and country schools one hour a day.

Better Hold Good Will of Labor than of Capital. Whence shall the United States obtain more people? France cannot give us immigrants, it has no

surplus of people to spare.

Spain and Portugal send their emigrants to South America States; Russian needs more people as badly as does the United States. The emigrants of the Balkan States coming to us in large numbers of late will naturally be drawn to Asia Minor and Mesopotamia.

History and immigrant statistics prove that the United States has always made the greatest progress following the periods of the largest waves of humanity to us from Europe. These waves came in order of time from the British Isles, the German countries of the continent and the Scandinavian Northern countries, the three teutonic sections of Europe. The last wave came from Southeastern Europe; France, Spain and Portugal never contributed many people to the United States. Many German Russians, but few real Russians, have come to us. The Italians arrive in large numbers, but they depart in larger numbers than does any other nationality. The Teutons feel most at home among us, the Romance nations in South America and the Slavs in Northern Asia. We will doubtless remain Teutonic and should therefore maintain friendly relations with the Teutonic nations of Europe. Every stranger within our gates is needed. None should be insulted or made unwelcome. Some of the worst have become excellent citizens. All continents have rich, unlimited resources. How to secure the labor to develop them is the problem? By being fair and neutral to all laborers regardless of hyphens and all other signs, and let only efficiency count.


During the year ending June 1914, just before the war started, 1,403,081 people arrived on our shores, of whom 1,218,480 were immigrant aliens, and 635,805 departed, of whom 303,338 were immigrant aliens. Hence 767,276 more people arrived than departed; but 915,142 more immigrant aliens. Our net gain in population is less than the figures for only the immigrant aliens would indicate. This fact, and the war, relieve us at least for the present of all anxiety about the danger of the stranger within our gates. These immigrants are needed and are a blessing. Of the above 1,218,480 immigrant aliens, 14,601 Were Professional People: 384 architects, 1,144 clergymen, 228 editors, 1,143 electricians, 1,931 professional engineers, 296 lawyers, 621 literary scientific persons, 1,356 musicians, 428 government officials, 504 physicians, 663 sculptors and artists, 2,578 teachers.

Skilled Laborers 173,208; bakers 4,298; barbers and hair dressers 3,656, blacksmiths 5,181, bookbinders 647, butchers 3,685, cabinet makers 438, carpenters and joiners 15,755, clerks and accountants 16,876, dressmakers 9,431, engineers 1,684, furriers 725, gardeners 1,406, hat and cap makers 995, iron and steel workers 1,637, jewelers 432, locksmiths 3,102, machinists 2,676, mariners 5,185, masons 7,722, mechanics (not specified), 1,933, metal workers 791, millers 741, milliners 1,933, miners 7,770, painters and glazers 4,178, pattern makers 72, photographers 424, plasterers 425, plumbers 761, printers 1,283, saddlers and harness makers 623, seamstresses 11,694, shoemakers 11,210, stokers 1,071, stone-cutters 1,036, tailors 27,403, tinners 1,047, upholsterers 273, textile workers 878, tanners and curriers 355, watch and clock makers 770, weavers and spinners 3,186, wheelwrights 312, other skilled laborers 5,601.

Miscellaneous 710,456, agents 1,057, bankers 300, draymen and teamsters 1,211, farm laborers 288,053, farmers 14,442, manufacturers 390, merchants and dealers 16,505, servants 144,409, fishermen 1,122, laborers 226,407, others 15,965. No occupation (including women and children) 320,215.

These figures are significant since the American youth is not learning trades as formerly, and the demand for professional and skilled labor grows as our 48 states develop. It is estimated that each immigrant, if he brings with him nothing but a sound mind and body is a net gain of $800.00 to the wealth of the United States. The 1,218,000 people arriving in the United States during the year ending June 1914 represents wealth to the amount of $974,400,000. Immigrant labor developed the wealth of the new world.

CULTURE AND ITS FRUITS EMIGRANT. When cultured people migrate into heathen or unsettled countries they bring with them not only higher ideals of civilization, but also the fruits of that civilization which they accumulated during the centuries in their father. lands, a disciplined mind, a trained hand, art, science, music, education, schools, literature, printing press, law, medicine, mechanics, architecture, factories, commerce, agricultural and all kinds of tools and implements, in fact, everything they possess. In a few years their homes and Villages, though on the desert, are patterns of homes they left.

There is no better way to develop and civilize a country than by immigra tion, masses of people in motion. Asia with its population of 900,000,000 could have settled the United States quicker than did Europe with its 400,000,000 people. The one was in motion, the other not. Emigrating families, as a rule, live quiet and peaceable lives in all climes and under all forms of govern ment. They love the ground for which they paid so dearly, and where their children and grandchildren were born. No people have fewer true friends and receive less honor than the immigrants, and none are more worthy of friendship and honor. They are surely, but slowly coming to their own.

This is a World Cultural, World Commercial and World Political War, and we should study it as loyal Americans, and not as Englishmen or Germans, and maintain strict neutrality as a government. Hence we go back to the beginning, not of our geological or colonial life, but of our self governing political existence in the year 1776, which year marks the turning or beginning point in oud political history. The only Americanism we want is that after 1776, and that is American in contrast with the British, German or Latin types of North and South America, a fact that should not be overlooked.


The United States has been the most favored nation in the world for white immigrants, and received during its existence as a nation nearly all the people leaving Europe. WHY? Because of the liberty, equality, justice and fair play guaranteed to each and all by the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. These people could have gone east or south or north, but they preferred to move west, and the moment they fully and intelligently resolved to select the United States, they in heart became good Americans. The betrothal is the real marriage, and not the outward showy wedding ceremonies.

The War, However, Has Brought a Change. During the year ending last June-four months reported more departures than arrivals and in the first four months of the present year more people left America than came to us. The constant yearly or daily influx of European laborers and skilled workmen made the United States what it is, and the children they have reared and the taxes on improved land they paid have built up our public schools. They did more than turn the sod; built houses and barns, and raised corn, wheat, hogs and cattle. They on the whole have made good, also in all cultural lines. Have we shown to them in every walk of life the spirit of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? Have we kept our word with them? Labor is the problem, Americans must work harder if imported labor stops and more efficient labor on farm and in factory is done.

Who Were the Colonial Americans?

The Dutch Schools of New Netherlands and Colonial New York, by W. H. Kilpatrick, Bulletin 1912, No. 12 of the U. S., Bureau of Education. On page 37 Quiciardini says of Holland: "Many people who never left the country speak several foreign languages especialy French, which is spoken by almost everybody. Many speak German, English, Italian and other foreign tongues," For a long time after the English took over the colony, the Dutch clung to their language and customs. The Dutch villages, as Flatbush, showed the same spirit. They continued Dutch down to the American Revolution.

All languages of Europe being spoken in Holland, the same was natural to be the case in their colonial city in America, New Amsterdam, now New York City. When the "Mayflower" arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620, some sixteen languages were spoken in America. The two leading languages in the territory of the present United States were German and Scandinavian; German in the Holland Dutch dialect on the Hudson river around New York City since 1620, and Scandinavian in the Swedish form on the Delaware River around Philadelphia since 1638. Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly Love, in the Keystone state of Pennsylvania, was always the largest city in the new world down to 1814, when it was surpassed by New York. It is a historic fact that Scandinavian Philadelphia and German New York, and their great states, during our early colonial days put their stamp upon this nation as deeply as did New England and Virginia. But they did it in other languages than English, hence it is not acknowledged.

Dutch was spoken in New York from 1620, and Swedish at Philadelphia from 1638 down to the Revolutionary War in 1776, or 156 years from 1620 to 1776. Since 1776 we have had 140 years of free, independent self-government.

Germans from the Palatinate of the upper Rhine region followed the Swedes into Pennsylvania; thus Scandinavians, lowland or sea Germans and highland or mountain Germans were peaceably living together here when the English asserted their leadership. These four Teutonic nations, Dutch, Swedes, Germans and Anglo-Saxons made the United States a Teutonic nation.

The Pennsylvania German, not Dutch, is spoken today by more people than ever as the mothers have little difficulty in teaching it to their children. Had Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, German harbors, not been controlled by the English navy there would have been closer connections, especially in early days, between the United States and the continent of Europe.

Since 1870 Germany and America have been neighborly through the back doors of Hamburg and Bremen. Now that the front door, Antwerp, is opened and nearer and more inviting than the rear doors, German connection with her people in North and South America will be more intimate. It is impossible to picture the future trade and life between Germany and America through Antwerp, the New York City of Europe. Of course, Riga on the Baltic and Constantinople on the Bosphorus will open trade unparalleled into the East, while Antwerp may excel Bremen and Hamburg for the West, with connections at Genoa and Triest on the Mediterranean, will give Germany outlets by water to all points of the compass.

Patriotism of Humanity.


There is a new and mighty wave of patriotism going over America. is needed. It will do all good. It should be welcomed and firmly anchored in our own political origin and history. It is above party, race, nationality or language. It is all-inclusive for all children, whether the parents were born here or elsewhere.

Some things are an advantage in developing the language power of the immigrant's children that do not apply to children of native born parents; the same is true in developing American patriotism among these people in school, and social life. Let me suggest that we avoid two things, slandering our neighbor's nationality and questioning his American patriotism without tenable ground for doing so.

Slander No Nationality On American Soil. In school as everywhere, one nationality should not be allowed to slander another, its language, history, customs or ideals; but each be encouraged to respect all others. A child that does not respect its parents and their race, language and fatherland is poor material for the making of a good American.

Judge None Un-American Until Proved Guilty. No one living in the United States should be judged as un-American until given a hearing and proved guilty. Some hold our Immigrants are Americans by choice, and therefore

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