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England as it cannot come into commercial touch with Russia. Rumania must A sell to the Central Powers or let their crops rot. No Russian wheat can be shipped to the Allies by way of Constantinople or Salonica.


England on the map is not large. By including Monmouthshire it can report 50,874 square miles of territory, not one-fourth the size of France or of Germany. England's population, the Teutons of the British Isles, is 34,047,659; the Celtic people of Scotland, Wales and Ireland in comparison have 70,517 square miles and only 11,169,082 people, the same population as Scandia's three nations with an area of 312,393 square miles. England drew heavily from the Celts and Northmen.

England had a small population before Napoleon's time. In 1480 its population was 3,700,000; 1580: 4,600,000; 1680: 5,532,000; 1780: 9,561,000; 1911: 34,045,290. Who furnished this marvelous net increase of 24,484,290 during the last 130 years? Comparatively few came from France. Did they not come from the neighboring German and Scandinavian lands, the people who formed the English language and nation? The English people apparently wish to be a class by themselves, neither Celt, French, Scandinavian nor German. England persists that she is what she is not, or is not what she is, Anglo-Saxon, Teuton or German in its broader meaning. She is fighting in this war her own flesh and blood. We in the United States are doing the same and are English in even this. Some think it is time for a new Declaration of American Independence. Anglicizing Germans, as some leaders of thought among us have advocated in season and out of season, is a thing of the past. How unnatural! All are willing to be Americanized but not Anglicized.

Fear Germany! Fear the spreading of the best culture in the world! The nations should and will welcome it, when it comes to them, and they will even go to the fatherlands for it, as the brightest Americans have done. England, as a Teutonic nation, should rejoice in the development and spread of its own family spirit.

An able Minneapolis attorney in a recent speech remarked, "A clear distinction is to be made between the English people and the English government, the English people, being of the same blood as the Germans, are all right, but their government is that of a band of sea pirates, selfish, grasping and oppressive. All nations that dominated the sea had the same spirit. They treated nations far away better than those at home. Could England have treated its nearest neighbors worse? It robbed Ireland of its language, Scandinavia of its navy, and would now rob Germany of its merited prosperity.


In the sixteenth century England crushed the Spanish navy and with it her commerce and her prosperity. In the seventeenth century, envious and covetous, in the interests of "free institutions" and a "higher civilization," she robbed her Platt German cousins, the Hollanders, of their ships, commerce and colonies. In the eighteenth century France led in commerce and colonization and England checked her and set the world back as it did with Spain and Holland. One hundred years ago the British Navy sailed into the neutral harbor' of Copenhagen and destroyed or captured the large fleet of the Scandinavians, the world's best sailors, and thus took the backbone of prosperity out of the peninsula whose viking sailors discovered America and did most to develop the sea talent, and were entitled to what they earned. This prosperity, likewise, received a backset from their benevolent neighbor. That is not all. The free states of the New World could not be crushed by their "mother country," but their commerce she destroyed twice, in our Mexican and Civil wars. Now in the twentieth century prosperous Germany's turn comes. She must be destroyed only because she is doing so much for the freedom, wealth and culture of the world. It is this England that would teach us Americans to fear Germany's prosperity and thus force us to help her to destroy it as she cannot with the support of all the world helping her,

except the United States. Cowardly England will not fight herself, but knows and practices the art of getting others to fight, while she carries off the spoils. England tells us to fear German militarism and join her navyism in her destructive course.


The English frankly concede that the German people are efficient and good at heart but that their government is dangerous, tyrannical. The Germans have the same complaint against the English. The people are not to blame, it is their selfish government. In both cases the people are all right, but the government is wrong. The people are largely what the government makes them. What is the difference between the two governments? You say the one is sea-pirates after the land, the other land-pirates after the seas. But Germany has very little land and so has Austria-Hungary, and they need more land than does either England, France or Russia. There is a difference in the governments. England conquered Ireland and Germany conquered Alsace-Lorraine. They are parallel cases and illustrate the difference. England looks out first for herself as a government, Germany first for the wel fare of the people. Every German land compared with every English land tells the same story. Germans have helped to develop English lands. Compare new countries settled by English with those settled by the Germans and you will see from whom you may expect the least. By their fruits you know them. Germany developed efficiency at home. There is where England failed. Eng. land is "land poor."

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY ONE NATION, MANY RACES AND TONGUES. Austria-Hungary is not a weak nation. It is ruled by one of the oldest and strongest royal families in Europe, the House of Hapsburg. It has a larger area of territory than any other country in Europe, except Russia. Its population includes eight million more people than the British Isles and fourteen million more than France. Francis Joseph, at the age of eighty-five years, is the beloved Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. The union, because of different races and languages, was not expected to last, but it has stood every test, even that of the present war, better than its friends anticipated. A government that is not higher than race and language ought to fail. Here Germans, Slavs and Hungarians all maintain their culture and language and politically are a solid unit.

Since the war started Americans possess a growing interest in everything pertaining to Austria-Hungary, especially its culture of many races and languages, in which it resembles the United States more than does that of any other nation. The different languages there are not merely subjects of study as Latin or German are with us; but they are the medium of instruction as is English in our schools. In German schools the Slav and Magyar tongues are taught as subjects, in Slavic schools, German and Magyar, and in the Magyar schools German and Slavic. In this way all citizens learn two or three languages instead of only one. The provincial or settlement language has first place in the elementary schools, and the national or political language second place, which is better than the reverse order, as with us.

In Austria the number of elementary schools according to the language used as the medium of instruction for 1911, with the figures in parentheses () for 1892, are: German 9,180 (7,255), Bohemian 6,033 (4,546), other Slavic dialects 7,809 (4,757), Italian 738 (830), Rumanian 179 (101), using more than one tongue, as the medium of instruction, 278 schools.

Hungary's 20,255 elementary schools in 1910 included 13,270 Magyar schools, 458 German, 403 Slovak, 2,257 Rumanian, 1,821 Croatian and Serbian and 79 in other languages. The Empire is three-languaged. German, Slavic and Magyar include about all the people. The language question in Austria-Hungary is far more simple than is generally thought. In 1912, Hungary reported 2,067 periodicals, 1,550 in Hungarian, 76 in Hungarian and another language, 157 in German, and the other 285 papers in Slavic and Rumanian.

America and Austria-Hungary Compared. The United States surpasses Austria-Hungary and every other country in the number of languages in which its press is published. In the elementary public schools teaching modern languages the United States falls behind other countries. The American press

in different languages is on the increase and so is the modern language teaching in its grade schools. Austria-Hungary has nearly as many languages as the United States, with German as the common political, business and military tongue, and all its people are fighting in the war as one man with the same patriotism.

Races and Languages of Austria-Hungary, 1910. Austria: German 9,950,266; Bohemian, Moravian and Slovak 6,435,983; Polish 4,967,984; Ruthenian 3,518,854; Slovene 1,252,940; Servian and Croatian 783,334; Italian and Ladin 768,422; Rumanian 275,115. Hungary: Magyar 10,050,575; German 2,037,435; Slovak 1,967,970; Rumanian 2,949,032; Ruthenian 472,587; Croatian 1,833,162; Servian 1,106,471. Each enjoys its political rights and privileges and is patriotically loyal in peace and on the battlefield as the war proves. Bosnia and Herzegovina have experienced a transformation since incorporated into the empire-kingdom, that is the hope of the Balkan states.

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Austria-Hungary Leads in Our Immigration.

Immigrants for the year ending June, 1914: Austria-Hungary, 278,152; Belgium, 5,763; Germany, 35,734; Netherlands, 6,321; Switzerland, 4,211; total 330,181 from German Nations; 21,420 from Balkan States; 21,716 from Turkey in Asia; total from German and Allied nations 373,317. England 35,864; Ireland, 24,688; Scotland, 10,682; Wales, 2,183; total British, 73,417; France, 9,296; real Russians, not including German Jews, etc., 44,957; Italy, 283,738, but 84,351 returned, leaving a net immigration of 199,387. We add that 74,920 AustriaHungarians returned leaving their net immigration 204,232. Scandinavians, 36,053; Portuguese, 9,647; Spanish, 11,064; Immigrants speaking high and low German, 92,437; speaking English, 51,746; from Anglo-Saxon England, 35,864; from Celtic Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 37,553.


The Belgians or Flemish at the mouth of the Rhine, Antwerp and the coast lands, are lowland or Platt Germans like their coast neighbors the Dutch, Frisians, Hanoverians and Holsteiners. No people have suffered more than the Flemish and all because France and England tried to make them what they are not, Frenchmen, a buffer state to defend France and England from working with their own people, the Germans. All the united efforts of France and England since Napoleon's career could not make them Frenchmen. The census of 1910 for Belgium in the Statesman's Year-Book shows that more of its people still speak German than French. Of its 7,423,784 people 3,220,662 speak Flemish only or Platt German, 31,415 German only, 871,288 Flemish and French, 74,993 German and French, 8,652 German and Flemish and 52,547 speak all three languages. Hence 4,250,941 speak low or high German; 2,833,334 speak French only. All are loyal Belgians, which disproves that a native must speak only one language to be patriotic. Belgium has long been ruled by the French aristocratic minority. It is now under German leadership and is coming to itself under German rule and schools. Belgium would hardly have been guilty of the African Congo atrocities had it been itself. All hope of it being returned to English and French domination again at the peace conference is mere newspaper talk of the Allies to influence public opinion. Belgium will be hereafter what it is in blood and race, German. The Allies claim they are fighting for the rights of the small nations. If so they should not object to the majority rule of such nations. Yet, articles are run in daily papers by would-be informed persons emphasizing that "in Belgium there are practically no Germans."

Holland is one of the purest German people, as many Germans have a mixture, however little, of Slavic or other blood. The lowland or sea Germans are as pure German as the highland or mountain Germans. The one are


navy and the other army Germans. Switzerland is high German and that dialect is spoken by 2,599,154 people, French by only 796,244 and Italian by 301,325. UNITED STATES WITHOUT FRIENDS IN EUROPE.

"Before the war all the belligerent nations were friends of the United States, now none." England and her Allies are not and will not be our friends unless we help to win this war for them. The Teuton Central Powers are not, for they resent in their press our attitude to them. Other neutral powers furnish the warring nations no arms and ammunition, while our neutrality does, being a neutrality of a different kind. They are not pleased with our policy. "We send bullets to kill men with whom we have no quarrel. To be thoroughly neutral we have no right to consider whether we are aiding the one side or the other. With an embargo we know that we are not helping either side, we are taking no part in the fight, and when the war is over no one can charge us with unfair or unjust treatment."


Number of people born, or whose parents were born, in other countries living in Minnesota in 1910; Germany 396,859; Austria 75,178; Holland 8,934; Switzerland 8,581; total 480,971 Germans. Norway 279,606; Sweden 268,018; Denmark 37,524; Scandinavia 585,148; Germans and Scandinavians 1,066,119; Ireland 72,775; England 36,506; Scotland 12,658; Wales 3,932; total Celts 89,365; Finland 44,463. More Finns live in Minnesota than Englishmen. Minnesota, "know thyself!" "Be thyself!" The population of the state is 2,075,708 and 1,066,119 or more than half are Germans and Scandinavians of the first and second generations. As in the fatherlands the Germans and Scandinavians are coming together, so are they in America. If the third and fourth generations were added, these figures would be much larger.

Minnesota is proud of its hyphenate citizens and they are not ashamed of the hyphen.

MINNEAPOLIS THE CENTER OF NORTHERN CULTURE. Minneapolis is the largest city in the Northwest with a population of 330,000. If St. Paul's population is added, the Twin City shelters and feeds nearly 600,000 people, which is more than one-fourth of the population of the whole state of Minnesota. Minneapolis is the heart of the most densely populated part of the Northwest. The city is central on the map, and as to population Minneapolis is the American center of the Scandinavian culture of Northern Europe. All three nationalities of the Northmen, Swedes, Norwegians and Danes are numerous. Minneapolis is a little Christiania, Stockholm and Copenhagen all in one, and the three dialects of the Viking tongue are spoken everywhere, and Lutefisk is served in every good restaurant, also fattigman and kneckebread, and all kinds of herring and fish.

The New England element is stronger here than in any other city west of Chicago, and the Germans are also numerous and growing; thus Minneapolis is the most broadly Teutonic city in America containing as no other city does in like proportions, the three Teutonic nationalities-half Scandinavians, a quarter of population English, and a quarter German. The colored, Romance and Slavic elements, strong in most cities, are comparatively weak in Minneapolis. With this character of people and its central position in the Northwest, the largest section of the United States, Minneapolis is destined to exert an influence in the nation for great good or evil.

Minneapolis is a university city, a commercial and railroad city and a city of fine homes, due largely to the Scandinavian domestic taste. The Scandinavian schools, churches, press and publishing houses exert a wide influence in the Northwest and Canada, but also over all three languages and lands of the Vikings in the old world. As Scandinavian interests in Minneapolis grow, the popularity and influence of Minneapolis will grow in the three kingdoms of the North now entering upon a new era of prosperity. No American city is better or more favorably known in the three Scandinavian kingdoms than is


This is a distinguishing asset in its favor, and therefore Min

neapolis encourages the northern spirit, life and culture.

In Europe, the largest cities are in the North, for example: London, Berlin, Copenhagen, Christiania, Stockholm, Petrograd and Moscow, while in the north of the new world the cities were slow in developing because of lack of settlers, and are far behind the cities of our central and southern states. Southern Europe had more people and earlier opportunities to send emigrants to America. Hence our northern cities are of late development. Minneapolis sets the pace. Conscious of its northern position, northern character and northern mission, it knows what it owes to and may expect from the lands of Northern culture in Europe. This is illustrated by 658 pupils in the high schools of Minneapolis studying advanced Scandinavian. Of course, in this respect, Minneapolis does not equal Milwaukee, yet it may, since Scandinavians have a greater language talent than do Germans, and they learn English better. In fact, no city in America has better material in its public schools, both in teachers and pupils, to develop the language talent, the tongue and ear, of the nation, which is greatly needed to secure a better knowledge of English and all modern languages.

Minneapolis could easily take the lead in modern language work in the public schools of America, instead of ranking so low, if our schools were adjusted more to the pupil's needs instead of adjusting the pupil to an indescribable, unperfected system. Minneapolis could easily make good in developing a broader culture than can be done by one language only. Give the Scandinavians here the same opportunity to learn modern languages that they had in Europe and they will make a valuable contribution to English. It is claimed, and with some truth, that the best English in the world is in our Northwest where the Scandinavians influenced it most in the new world, as it did in the early days in England when the English language was formed.


Our next issues will contain articles on "Hyphenated Americans," "The American Melting Pot," "Argument on Neutrality," "Germany," "Lack of Modern Language Teaching in our Graded Schools," "The Weakness of Our American Public School System," "American-Germans Unfaithful in their Political Duties," "German Culture and American Liberty," "Lusitania Neutral Americans on Belligerent Ships," "After the War, What?" etc.


A Monthly advocating a better and purer English, as our national language, by Anglo-Saxonizing instead of Latinizing it; at the same time it urges the teaching of the settlement or community mother-tongue in country and graded schools, and thus strengthening the Scandinavian and German farming settlements we have by keeping the boys and girls on the farms. It advocates a three language education, preferably English, Scandinavian and German, as related tongues; for (a) the discipline of the child's mind, (b) for the opening of new cultural and commercial fields, and (c) for the development of the science of our social organs of speech and music-the tongue and ear, as well as the eye and hand.

It is also our conviction that the Germans and Scandinavians, who united to form the Anglo-Saxon or English people and language, should unite more in developing the English world educationally, culturally and politically as well as agriculturally, industrially and commercially.

It will be our aim to make the "NORTHERN REVIEW" a


in Scandinavian and German communities of all interests pertaining to the Baltic and South Seas in contrast with those of the South around the Mediterranean Sea. We learn by contrasting the West with the East, also the North with the South, past and present, in the spirit, life, illiteracy, language and business both on land and water. Help the good cause by sending your business ad to the

NORTHERN REVIEW, P. O. Box 253, Minneapolis, Minn.

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