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St. Paul and Northwest

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Text-Books for Teaching Norse. First Year Norse by Maren Michelet, Teacher of Norse in South High School, Minneapolis, 296 pp., cloth, $1.25.

Norse Barneliv, 283 pp., cloth, 70 rents. Notes and Vocabulary for same, 25 cents. Jonas Lie, Selected Stories and Poems, edited by Prof. Dorrum, 177 pp., cloth, 75 cents. Bjørnson's, En Glad Gut, with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by Prof. Vowles.. 154 pp., cloth, 80 cents. Address "The Free Church Book Concern", 322 Cedar Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

Lectures and Literature. During the school year secure good lectures on some phases of language work in the public schools and circulate carefully selected literature. This pamphlet costs 10 cents and "Three Language Education", 96 pages, 25 cents. Address, Northern Review, P. O. Box 253, Minneapolis, Minn.

Pianos, Organs & Phonographs

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Carl Raugland

520 2d Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.

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Office of Publication 1805 15th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn.


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Only $1.00 A Year, 50c Half Year.

We have "New England," "Atlantic," "Western," "Pacific" and "Southern" Reviews, but none for the "Great North." Neither is there a magazine in English devoted to the Germans and Scandinavians, who united to form the English people and language, and developed the culture of the North of the old world. If you realize what these people have done for our Northwest agriculturally, industrially and commercially and believe they can and should do more educationally, culturally and politically, send us $1.00 and thus help to develop the distinctive resources and individuality of our Northwest.

Started before the war, the "Northern Review" discusses features of the war of interest to all Americans, as "American Neutrality," "Right Relations Between the Old and New Worlds," "The Immigrants Rights in State, and School," "The Unfaithfulness of Germans in Political Duties," "Embargo, "World Peace in Teutonic Unity and AmeriCulture Neutrality," "German and American Liberty," "Germans, Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians One People," "Hyphen, "Preparedness," "After the War What?" J. N. Lenker, Editor.


Devoted to things Northern in the home, school and state. It advocates learning the settlement language in the home and in the public elementary school by the first teacher P. O. BOX 253, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. of the child conserving what the parents taught it. True to its name the "Northern Review"

will represent the Northern Spirit, Culture, Agents Wanted In Every Settlement. Language, School and Home Life for the sake of greater American Efficiency.

Northern Review, Box 253, Mpls.


We have "New England," "Atlantic," "Western," Pacific" and "Southern" Reviews, but none for the "Great North." Neither is there a magazine in English devoted to the Germans and Scandinavians, who united to form the English people and language, and developed the culture of the North of the old world. If you realize what these people have done for our Northwest agriculturally, industrially and commercially and believe they can and should do more educationally, culturally and politically, send us $1.00 and thus help to develop the distinctive resources and individuality of our Northwest.



Enclosed please find $1.00 to pay for a year's subscription to the new Monthly Magazine, NORTHERN REVIEW.

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10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year, (in clubs, 75 cents), 50 cents a half year.

NORTHERN REVIEW, P. O. Box 253, Minneapolis, Minn.


The Zeppelin is "Deutschland über alles", the Submarine is "Deutschland unter alles."

The German naval victory of Skagerrack is considered greater than the British sea victory of Trafalgar.

The Germans have occupied 2554 villages in France and the loss of a few will not be noticed.

The society to build merchant underseaboats was organized Nov. 8th, 1915, and July 10th, 1916, "Deutschland" docked at Baltimore. Quick work. The cry, "Anglicize the Germans!" has expended itself by virtue of the war. They Americanize, but not Anglicize. There is a difference.

Germans invented the art of printing and, having held the lead in its development, will be able to defend their rights and honor in the public press. The British cruiser Euryalus, 12,000 tons, during the Skagerak battle was shot, caught fire and burned.

June 5th it was reported that in spite of the Italians' strong resistence the Austrians took 5600 prisoners.

By what right did the English and French occupy the Grecian island, Corfu, and brought there the remainder of the Servian army?

Are not the Allies overestimating Russia? Before the war Russia had in Europe 138,000,000 people, Germany has now 26,000,000 of these, which leaves 112,000,000, mostly illiterates, while Germany and Austria-Hungary have 123,000,000 people, educated and drilled.

The British control of the Sea rests largely upon its control of the North Sea. Hence the water and land of the North Sea, the homestead of German, Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon trade and culture, are the war center of modern history.

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The Russian repeated mass attacks could not move Hindenburg's army in the north and in the south their drive against the Austrians soon broke down. The Czar's losses by death, until July 1st, have been heavy, 14,900 Russian officers and 249,000 men, total 263,900. Between June 1st and July 12th the

German losses were 266,000 men on the eastern front.

Think, the ends of the earth have gathered in France to crush the Germans: Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians, Russians, Indians, Africans and Britishers. French and English colonial troops of every color, tongue, and creed are called upon to protect their protectors. A sight to make the angels weep. Little Germany, not as large as Texas, is overlooked by the friends of small countries.

Germany maintains a fighting force of 4,000,000 soldiers on a total frontage of 1,400 miles: Western front 500 miles; Eastern front 700 miles and Southern front 200 miles. As the Kiel Canal doubles the power of the German navy, making it effective in two seas; so Germany's central position and strategic railroad system make her army efficient east or west.

Now comes the report that a Zeppelin mail and freight air service between the Fatherland and America will be installed to aid the undersea service of the ten commerce submarine. The old saying "the French dominate the land, the English the water and the Germans the air" may be revised to reflect more credit to the Germans.

Peer Stromme's lecture on "The Campaign of interesting and instructive we have heard on the war. it, arrange for your community to invite him.

Slander" is the most
If you have not heard

There are two ways England has of conquering a nation: one is by starving its mothers and children while its men are fighting at the front; the other is by boycotting the sale of its goods and thus weakening it in time of peace, so it cannot fight. England tried the first during this war with Germany and failed and the second also before the war and proposes to try the boycott now and after the war. It is growing weaker and Germany stronger. Blacklist and boycott may fail as did the blockade.

Germany has yearly over 800,000 more births than deaths. This means that 400,000 boys can enter the army yearly for fifteen years and then it would be as large as at the beginning of the war, for the number of German soldiers killed in two years is 400,000 a year. Thus with the children now born Germany can.fight for 15 years as it did once for 30 years. France and England cannot, Russia might, but Russia alone could not defeat the Centrai Powers.

North Sea Culture, Trade and War Center

Modern Hansa and Viking Life

There is a difference of opinion as to the present European war. Some say it is a cultural war, others that it is a commercial war. May it not be both, since culture is the basis and result of the life of trade? In the April number of the "Northern Review" we gave a war and peace lesson in geography and history that every pupil in our schools ought to know. The lesson was this, that Europe is the central cultural continent and the world is being Europeanized and that the Germans in the center of Europe are the only people that have developed and defended a culture in the center of a continent. The centers of all other continents are today a waste and lifeless, only touched by culture on the coast fringe and at the harbors.

What is true of culture may be said of trade, and trade seems to be uppermost in the thought of humanity today. Europe is the central trade continent and the Germans, more than any other people, have developed and spread modern trade. This they did in the North on the coast of the Baltic and North seas from Hamburg to London and frem Lübeck to Petrograd. This was accomplished mainly by a German commercial association called the Hanseatic League. The present revival of the old German Hanseatic trade life in the northern waters has awakened a commercial rivalry that excites hearts as bitterly and furiously as does political or religious fanaticism. Through the Hansa movement the Germans developed the trade of the northern European waters, which the English took from them by the force of British navalism. The German and Scandinavian merchant and war fleets were taken to England when Napoleon and the French humiliated the Germans one hundred years ago. What a commercial and financial harvest England reaped by this during the last century from all parts of the world! Yet, the cultural and social life of the English people received little benefit as present conditions in England and Ireland prove. From fear that the German people of the continent might by peaceful means recover the trade they developed by centuries of faithful and laborious effort and was stolen from them by civilized sea pirates, we believe, the European war was started. It seems now that the war will not end until the Germans recover the freedom and trade rights on the water they had before England claimed to be mistress of the seas. The Platt Germans and Viking Scandinavians developed the commerical wealth of the northern seas and British navyism checked and blockaded its modern development. It is unnatural, unreasonable inhuman, and the great German naval victory of Skagerak gives a little hope that there may be soon a change. Give the Hanseatic Germans and the Viking Scandinavians the freedom and safety of the seas, which they developed and which by all right is theirs, and a new world era of commercial, cultural and industrial prosperity of peace will dawn.

For the practical purposes of studying the present war and its future relation to the culture and trade of the world, we will offer the following on the Hanseatic German Trade Movement.

Nature and History of the Hansa

Hansa is a Gothic word meaning league, union, confederacy. The Hansa or Hanseatic League was a confederation of cities in Northern Germany, established for their mutual safety and for the protection of their trade on land and sea, at home and in foreign countries. It grew out of the associations of German merchants, organized in foreign lands, and is the pioneer organiza

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