Obrázky stránek

ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS. Opera. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703.
FLEAY, F. G. Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559-1642. 2

vols. London, 1891.

A Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642. Lon

don, 1890.

FLORIO, JOHN. A World of Words. London, 1598.

GENEST, JOHN. Some Account of the English Stage from the Restoration

in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols. Bath, 1832. GREEN, HENRY. Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers. London, 1870. GREENE, ROBERT. Plays and Poems, ed. J. Churton Collins.

Oxford, 1905.

GUAZZO, STEPHEN. Civile Conversation. London, 1586.

2 vols.

JONSON, BEN. Cunningham-Gifford edition. 9 vols. London, 1875.
JUVENAL, PERSIUS, SULPICIA, ed. Jahn-Buecheler. Berlin, 1886.

KERR, MINA. The Influence of Ben Jonson on English Comedy. New
York, 1912.

KOEPPEL, EMIL. Quellen-Studien zu den Dramen Ben Jonson's, John Marston's, und Beaumont's and Fletcher's. Erlangen und Leipzig, 1895.

LEE, SIDNEY. A Life of William Shakespeare. New York, 1916.

LUCIANI OPERA. 4 vols. Basel, 1602.

MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Works, ed. A. H. Bullen. Boston, 1885.
MARTIALIS EPIGRAMMATA, ed. W. M. Lindsay. Oxford, n. d.


MINTURNO. De Poeta. Venetiis, MDLIX.

MORLEY, HENRY. The Life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim.

London, 1856.

MORYSON, FYNES. An Itinerary. 1617. Repr., Glasgow, 1907.

MOUFFET, THOMAS. The Theater of Insects. London, 1658.

NARES, R. Glossary, ed. Halliwell and Wright. 2 vols. London, 1859. NASON, A. H. Heralds and Heraldry in Ben Jonson's Plays, Masques,

and Entertainments. New York, 1907.

ORDISH, T. F. Early London Theatres. London, 1894.

Shakespeare's London. London, 1897.


PETRONIUS, ed. Buecheler. Berlin, 1882,

PLAUTUS, ed. Goetz and Schoell. Leipzig, 1893.

PLINY. Natural History. Translated by Philemon Holland. London,


PONTANUS, JOVIANUS, Opera. Venice, 1518-19.

LY, J. English Proverbs. London, 1818.


SCHER, W. H. Ausführliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie. Leipzig, 1884.

HELLING, F. E. Elizabethan Drama. 2 vols. Boston and New York, 1908.

HMIDT, ALEXANDER. Shakespeare-Lexicon. 2 vols. Berlin, 1902.

■ITH, L. P. The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton. Oxford, 1907. ■ITH, WINIFRED. The Commedia dell' Arte. New York, 1912. MITH, G. GREGORY. Elizabethan Critical Essays. 2 vols. Oxford, 1904. OW, JOHN. A Survey of London. 1603. Repr., Oxford, 1908. VINBURNE, A. C. A Study of Ben Jonson. New York, 1889. MONDS, J. A. Ben Jonson. New York, 1886. (English Worthies.) RENCE, ed. Dziatzko. Leipzig, 1884.

HEOPHRASTUS. Characters, trans. by R. C. Jebb. London and Cambridge, 1870.

HOMAS, WILLIAM. Historye of Italye. London, 1561.

PTON, JOHN. Remarks on Three Plays of Benjamin Jonson. London, 1749.

ALTON, IZAAK. The Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, etc. London, 1898.

ARD, A. W. A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. 3 vols. London and New York, 1899.

HEATLEY, H. B., and CUNNINGHAM, P. London Past and Present. 3 vols. London, 1891.

TOODBRIDGE, ELISABETH. Studies in Jonson's Comedy. Boston, New York, and London, 1898. (Yale Studies in English.)

OTTON, H. The State of Christendom. London, 1657.

RIGHT, T. Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. London, 1857.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Broughton, Hugh, 182.

Browne, W. H., xiii.

Bugloss, 197.

Burbage, R., 229.

Canaglia, 181.

Candian wine, 156.


Cardiaca passio, 196.

Carpets, 221.

Castelain, Ben Jonson, xxvii.
Castiglione, Courtier, xxii.
Cataplasm, 190.

Cecchine, 169.
Celia, xvi, xvii.
Ceston, 220-221.
Chameleon, 217.
Chapman, 141.
Chettle, 141.
Ciarlitani, 180.
Cieco d'Adria, 198.
Cinnamus, 143.

Circle, magician's, 190.

Cittern, 189.

Cleopatra's pearl, 205.
Coadjutor, 148.
Cock-pit, vi, 200.

Colchester oysters, 177.

Collier, attacks on stage, 141.
Colombina, 187.

Commandadore's dress, 225.
Commendatory Poems, 137.

Condell, H., 229.

Confidenti, 181.

Contarene, 220.
Cooke, Alexander, 229.

Copperas, 150.

Courtesans of Venice, 201.

Cramp, 219.

Crates, 159.

Cretan wine, 156.

Critics, 150.

Croaker, 215.

Crocodile's tears, 203.

Cupid, 154, 187.

Custard, 148.


Date of Volpone, viii.

Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, David, King, xiii, xx.

xviii, xlv.

Butter, 155.

Buttone, Alessandro, 180.

Davies' Dramatic Miscellanies, xii.

Dedication, 138.

Dekker, 141.

[blocks in formation]

Epistle Dedicatory, 139.

[blocks in formation]

Heliogabalus, 206.

Erasmus, xiv, xv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxi, Hercules, French, 215.

xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxviii, xliii, xliv.

Erycine, 207.

Euphorbus, 158.
Euripides, xxiv.

Europa, 207.

[blocks in formation]

Hermotimus, 158.

Hippocrates, 183.

Hog-louse, 220.

Holt, L. H., viii, xi.

Holthausen, F., xii.

Honour, 202.

Horn, 217.

Horace, xv, xvi, xvii.

Humors, 183.

Hyena, 217.

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