Assistant Doorkeeper, Second Assistant Doorkeeper, Postmaster, Enrolling Clerk, Engrossing Clerk, Pages-which motion prevailed. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. E. H. Funston, of Allen county, as permanent Speaker. Mr. Hulett nominated Mr. R. V. Blair, of Allen county, as permanent Speaker. The roll was called with the following result: Mr. Funston received 70 votes; Mr. Blair received 24 votes. The following gentlemen voted for Mr. Funston: Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Babcock, Bates, Barnes, Baldwin, Bell, Benedict, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha), Buchan, Burgess, Codding, Doud, Duncan, Edmonds, Elder, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, Gibson, Goff, Haskell, Hooton, Hubbs, Huston, Jaquins, Johnston, Kingsbury, Landon, Legate, Lockwood, Loy, Mann, Marvell, Mackay, McNulty, Meredith, Merriweather, Miller, Mitchell, Mobley, Morse, Motter, Palmer, Pickett, Pilkenton, Raney, Reppert, Root, Scott, A. W. Smith, Spurlock, Stauber, Stevenson, Taylor, Thacher, Tomlinson, Vaughan, Wells, Williams, Willis, Wirt, Wood, Woods, R. W. Wright, and R. M. Wright. The following gentlemen voted for Mr. Blair: Messrs. Angell, Beegle, G. W. Brown (Cherokee), Campbell, Carter, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Fain, J. Foster, Fitzwilliam, Goucher, Haff, Hulett, Martin, C. Moore, Robinson, T. E. Smith, W. C. Smith, Squires, Sutton, Tabor, Tuttle, and Walker. Mr. Funston, having received the highest number of votes, was declared duly elected Speaker of the House. Mr. Haskell moved that a committee of three be appointed to inform the Speaker elect of his election, and to conduct him to the chair. Messrs. Haskell, Mackay and Lockwood were appointed as such committee. The following oath was administered to Mr. Funston by the Hon. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court: I do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Kansas, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas. So help me God. Mr. Funston was then conducted to the chair. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. S. S. Benedict, of Wilson county, for Speaker pro tem. Mr. Benedict was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. Henry Booth, of Pawnee county, for Chief Clerk. Mr. Booth was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. I. O. Pickering, of Johnson county, for Assistant Chief Clerk. Mr. Pickering was duly elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. W. E. Reid, of Cloud county, for Docket Clerk. Mr. Reid was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. L. D. Dobbs, of Marion county, for Journal Clerk. Mr. Dobbs was duly elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. H. L. Taylor, of Johnson county, for Sergeant-at-Arms. Mr. Taylor was duly elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. T. W. Higgason, of Republic county, for Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms. Mr. Higgason was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. A. H. McWhorter, of Douglas county, for Doorkeeper. Mr. McWhorter was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. M. B. Tilden, of Osborne county, for First Assistant Doorkeeper. Mr. Tilden was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. Louis Lindsey, of Douglas county, for Second Assistant Doorkeeper. Mr. Lindsey was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Mr. Geo. H. Miller, of Leavenworth county, for Postmaster. Mr. Miller was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Miss Lillian Ross, of Douglas county, for Enrolling Clerk. Miss Ross was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Miss Lydia E. Moore, of Chase county, for Engrossing Clerk. Miss Moore was elected by acclamation. Mr. Thacher nominated Miss Josie Bell Agnew, Master Chas. Jones, Miss Emma Duncan, Miss Minnie A. Swafford, Miss Jennie Maxwell, and Master Thos. Taylor, for Pages. There being no other nominations, Mr. Thacher moved to suspend the rules, and elect by acclamation. Mr. Blair, of Allen county, moved to amend by adding the name of Chas. Nunen, but the amendment did not prevail. Miss Josie Bell Agnew, Master Chas. Jones, Miss Emma Duncan, Miss Minnie A. Swafford, Miss Jennie Maxwell and Master Thos. Taylor were duly elected by acclamation. Mr. moved that the officers elect do now come forward and be sworn, which motion prevailed. The following officers then came forward, and were duly sworn according to law by the Hon. D. M. Valentine, to support the constitution of the United States and of the State of Kansas, and to faithfully discharge the duties of the respective offices to which they had been elected: Henry Booth, Chief Clerk. I. O. Pickering, Assistant Chief Clerk. L. D. Dobbs, Journal Clerk. H. L. Taylor, Sergeant-at-Arms. F. M. Higgason, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms. A. H. McWhorter, Doorkeeper. M. B. Tilden, First Assistant Doorkeeper. Miss Lillian Ross, Enrolling Clerk. Miss Lydia E. Moore, Engrossing Clerk. Miss Josie Bell Agnew, Page. Master Charles Jones, Page. Miss Emma Duncan, Page. Miss Minnie A. Swafford, Page. Miss Jennie Maxwell, Page. Master Thomas Taylor, Page. After the oath was administered, they respectively assumed their duties. Mr. moved that the members who had not been sworn do now come forward and be sworn. The following members then came forward and subscribed to the following oath, which was administered to them by the Hon. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas: We do solemnly swear that we will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Kansas, and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Representatives of the State of Kansas. So help us God. F. M. HOOTON. L. A. TUTTLE. F. MCNULTY. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 12th day of January, A. D. 1875. D. M. VALENTINE, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Kansas. Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Chief Clerk be directed to inform the Senate that the House is now organized by the election of Hon. E. H. Funston as Speaker, Henry Booth as Chief Clerk, and H. L. Taylor as Sergeant-at-Arms, and is now ready to proceed to business. Which resolution was adopted. Mr. Haskell, of Douglas county, moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the members retain for the remainder of the session the seats they now occupy. Mr. Martin offered the following resolution as a substitute for the resolution offered by the gentleman from Douglas county: Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the House write on a slip of paper the name of each county having one or more Representatives, and put them in a hat, shaking them well. The members shall then retire from the hall in a body, and the Clerk shall then draw a ballot from the hat, announcing the county written thereon, and the members from such county shall enter the hall and select their seats, and so on until all the members are seated. Which substitute prevailed. Mr. Legate offered House concurrent resolution No. 1, That a committee of three be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to act with a committee of two from the Senate, to inform the Governor of the organization of the Legislature, which resolution was adopted. The Speaker announced the following committee on the part of the House: Messrs. Legate, Miller and Haskell. Mr. Haskell moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the House rules of 1874 govern the delibera- Roll called. The following-named gentlemen were present Aldrich, Allen, Angell, Babcock, Bates, Barnes, Baldwin, Beegle, Bell, Blair, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha), G. W. Brown (Crawford), Buchan, Burgess, Campbell, Codding, Conrad, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Doud, Duncan, Edmonds, Elder, Fain, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, J. N. Foster, Fitzwilliam, Gibson, Goff, Goucher, Has- kell, Haff, Hooton, Hubbs, Hulett, Huston, Jaquins, Johnston, Kingsbury, Landon, Legate, Lockwood, Loy, Mann, Marvell, Mackay, McNulty, Meredith, Merriweather, Miller, Mitchell, Mobley, C. Moore, J. M. Moore, Morse, Motter, Pickett, Pilken- ton, Raney, Reppert, Robinson, Root, Scott, A. W. Smith, T. E. Smith, W. C. Smith, Spurlock, Squires, Stauber, Stevenson, Sut- ton, Tabor, Taylor, Thacher, Tomlinson, Tuttle, Vaughan, Walker, Wells, Williams, Willis, Wirt, Wood, Woods, Mr. Speaker. The journal of the previous day was read and approved. The following message was received from the Senate: MR. SPEAKER: I am directed to inform the House that the Senate is now organized, by the election of John H. Folks, Sec- |