By Mr. WOODS (Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee): House bill No. 191, An act making appropriations for the Legislative Department. Mr. Woods moved that the rules be suspended, and that House bill No. 191 be now read the second time, which motion prevailed, and House bill No. 191 was read the second time. Mr. Woods moved that the rules be suspended, and that House bill No. 191 be considered engrossed and read the third time now, which motion prevailed, and House bill No. 191 was read a third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called with the following result: Yeas, 89; nays, 5. Gentlemen voting in the affirmative were: Messrs. Aldrich, Angell, Atwood, Babcock, Bates, Barnes, Baldwin, Beegle, Bell, Benedict, Blair, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha) G. W. Brown (Crawford), Bryan, Buchan, Burgess, Campbell, Carter, Codding, Conrad, Cornell, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Doud, Duncan, Edmonds, Elder, Fain, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, J. N. Foster, Goff, Goucher, Haskell, Haff, Hooton, Hubbs, Huston, Jaquins, Jewett, Johnston, Kingsbury, Landon, Lockwood, Loy, Mackay, McNulty, Meredith, Merriweather, Miller, Mitchell, Mobley, C. Moore, Morse, Motter, Morphy, Palmer, Pilkenton, Raney, Robinson, Root, Scott, A. W. Smith, T. E. Smith, W. C. Smith, Spurlock, Squires, Stauber, Stevenson, Tabor, Taylor, Thacher, Tomlinson, Tuttle, Vance, Walker, Wells, Williams, Wirt, Wood, Woods, R. W. Wright, and Mr. Speaker. Gentlemen voting in the negative were: Messrs. Legate, Marvell, Pickett, Reppert, and Willis. Gentlemen absent and not voting were: Messrs. Allen, Child, Fitzwilliam, Gibson, Hulett, Mann, Martin, J. M. Moore, Ruggles, Sutton, Vantrees, Vaughan, and R. M. Wright. SECOND READING AND REFERENCE OF BILLS. House bill No. 131, An act in relation to strays. Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures. House joint resolution No. 7, To amend section 1, article 9, of the constitution of the State. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 164, An act to provide for the conditional sale of personal property, and to punish the disposing thereof. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 165, An act to amend an act entitled "An act to fix the pay of sheriffs for boarding prisoners in counties of 30,000 inhabitants and over. Referred to Committee on Fees and Salaries. House bill No. 166, An act making appropriations for the Institution for the Blind. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means. House bill No. 167, An act making section lines public highways in the county of Ellsworth. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 168, An act fixing the time of holding the term of court in Wallace county. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 169, An act supplemental to an act, and to repeal section 2 of an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the protection of stock from disease,'" approved March 2, 1872. Referred to Committee on Texas Cattle. House bill No. 170, An act to amend section 626 of an act entitled "An act to establish a court of civil procedure." Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 171, An act to authorize school district No. 2, Anderson county, to issue bonds for the purpose of funding and paying certain indebtedness. Referred to Committee on Corporations. House bill No. 172, An act to provide a site, system of government for, and plans for the erection of a State Reform School. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means. House bill No. 173, An act to amend section 81, chapter 81, of the General Statutes 1868, being an act relating to the civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 174, An act to amend section 628, article 26, chapter 80, General Statutes of 1868, relating to partition of real estate. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 175, An act to authorize county commissioners and others to sell railroad and other stock owned by such county, city, or township. Referred to Committee on Railroads. House bill No. 176, An act in reference to insurance. Referred to Committee on Insurance. House bill No. 177, An act to amend sections 2 and 4 of chapter 26 of the General Statutes of 1868. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. House bill No. 178, An act to amend section 5 of an act entitled "An act regulating the jurisdiction of and procedure before justices of the peace in civil cases." Referred to Committee on Judiciary. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. The House then went into committee of the whole, for the consideration of bills on the calendar; Mr. Elder in the chair. After some time spent in debate the committee arose, and through its chairman made the following report: MR. SPEAKER: The committee of the whole have had under consideration House bill No. 20, An act authorizing Franklin county to issue relief bonds, and instruct me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that it be recommitted to the special committee of Franklin county. Also, House bill No. 37, An act to change the time of holding township elections, and instruct me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that it be referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Also, House bill No. 59, An act regulating tolls of public mills, and instruct me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that it be recommitted to the Committee on Counties. Also, House bill No. 55, An act amendatory of chapter 38, section 6 of the General Statutes, relating to exemption of certain property from sale upon execution or other process, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be rejected. P. P. ELDER, Chairman. On motion, the report of the committee was agreed to. Mr. Legate moved that House bill No. 54, An act to divide the county of Howard, and to erect the territory thereof into the counties of Chautauqua and Elk, to provide for the organization of said counties, and other matters connected therewith, be made the special order for 3 o'clock P. M., to-morrow, which motion prevailed. Mr. Miller moved that the House do now adjourn, which motion prevailed. HENRY BOOTH, Chief Clerk. AFTERNOON SESSION. TOPEKA, KANSAS, January 21, 1875, 1 o'clock P. M. House called to order; Speaker in the chair. Roll called. Quorum present. The following gentlemen answered to their names: Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Angell, Atwood, Babcock, Bates, Barnes, Baldwin, Beegle, Bell, Blair, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha), G. W. Brown (Crawford), Bryan, Burgess, Campbell, Carter, Codding, Conrad, Cornell, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Doud, Duncan, Edmonds, Fain, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, J. N. Foster, Goff, Goucher, Haskell, Haff, Hooton, Hubbs, Huston, Jaquins, Jewett, Johnston, Kingsbury, Landon, Legate, Lockwood, Loy, Mann, Martin, Marvell, Mackay, Meredith, Merriweather, Miller, Mitchell, Mobley, C. Moore, Morse, Motter, Morphy, Palmer, Pickett, Pilkenton, Raney, Reppert, Robinson, Root, Ruggles, Scott, A. W. Smith, T. E. Smith, W. C. Smith, Spurlock, Squires, Stauber, Taylor, Thacher, Tomlinson, Tuttle, Vance, Vaughan, Walker, Wells, Williams, Willis, Wirt, Wood, Woods, R. W. Wright, and Mr. Speaker. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Thompson. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. The Speaker announced the following committees: On Mines and Mining-Messrs. Donnelly, chairman, G. W. Brown of Crawford, Hulett, Fitzwilliam, and Morphy. Joint Committee on the part of the House on Township and County Organization-Messrs. C. J. Brown, chairman, Vance, Bates, and Taylor. Joint Committee on Treasurer's Bond-Messrs. Elder, chairman, Huston, and Mobley. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Mr. Bell presented a petition from the citizens of Washington county, asking that a law be enacted providing for the construction of fish ladders or chutes over the dams built across the rivers and streams of this State, which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures. Mr. Mobley presented a petition from J. T. White and 116 others, asking aid to procure seed to plant in the spring, which was referred to the Committee on Destitution. Mr. Elder presented a memorial from Geo. T. Pierce, of the county of Franklin, in regard to costs and fees in legal proceedings in courts of this State, which was referred to the Committee on Fees and Salaries. Mr. Morphy presented a petition from E. H. Tomlinson and 46 others, praying for seed for spring sowing, which was referred to the Committee on Destitution. Mr. Atwood presented a petition of citizens of Ellsworth county, praying for the removal of the dead-line, which was referred to the Committee on Texas Cattle. Also, petition of citizens of Russell county, praying for the removal of the dead-line, which was referred to the Committee on Texas Cattle. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Benedict, chairman of the Committee on Banks and Currency, submitted the following reports: MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Banks and Currency, to whom was referred House bill No. 125, An act to amend sections 1, 5 and 6 of chapter 51, General Statutes of 1868, and chapter 134 of the Laws of 1872, regulating the interest on money, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be rejected. S. S. BENEDICT, Chairman. MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Banks and Currency, to whom was referred House bill No. 114, An act fixing the rate of interest on judgments, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be rejected. S. S. BENEDICT, Chairman. MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Banks and Currency, to whom was referred House bill No. 64, An act to amend section 14 of chapter 14 of the General Statutes of Kansas of 1868, entitled "An act respecting bonds, notes and bills of exchange," approved March 3, 1868, have had the same under consideration, |