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MR. SPEAKER: The delegation from Wyandotte county, to whom was referred House bill No. 364, An act to provide for the proper disposition of dead animals at the stock yard, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. W. J. BUCHAN, Chairman.

Mr. Loy, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, submitted the following reports:

MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, to whom was referred House bill No. 287, An act for the encouragement of agriculture, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be referred to the committee of the whole House for their consideration.

J. W. LOY, Chairman.

MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, to whom was referred House bill No. 281, Amendatory of sections 82 and 83 of article 1, chapter 137, of the Laws of 1873, relative to collection of statistics, etc., have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be rejected.

J. W. LOY, Chairman.


MR. SPEAKER: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has concurred in House concurrent resolution No. 29, Appointing a committee to inquire into the present condition of the Price raid claims.

JOHN H. FOLKS, Secretary.


Mr. Wood offered House concurrent resolution No. 39, Memorializing Congress on behalf of certain settlers on certain public lands claimed by certain railroads.

Mr. Wood moved that the rules be suspended and the resolu

tion considered now, which motion prevailed.

By consent, "Crawford and other counties" was inserted in the resolution.

On motion, the resolution was adopted.

Mr. Buchan offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That all local bills on the calendar be made the special order for to-morrow at 2 P. M.

On motion, the resolution was adopted.

Mr. Legate called up the motion offered by himself yesterday, in regard to the reconsideration of the vote by which the resolu tion offered by A. W. Smith was adopted, in relation to the investigation of the management of the affairs in the office of the late Secretary of State.

Mr. Martin moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table.

The yeas and nays were demanded, and pending the call of the roll Mr. Martin, by unanimous consent, withdrew the motion to lay on the table.

Pending discussion, Mr. Legate withdrew his motion to reconsider.

Mr. Martin offered House concurrent resolution No. 40, Respecting the order of business of the two houses, and moved that the rules be suspended and the resolution considered now, which motion prevailed.

Mr. Martin moved the adoption of the resolution.

Mr. Legate moved to lay the motion on the table, which motion did not prevail.

Pending discussion, Mr. Martin moved to lay the resolution on the table, which motion prevailed.

By consent, Mr. Haskell, chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Corporations, to whom was referred House bill No. 353, Authorizing school district No. 85, in Dickinson county, to vote upon a proposition to issue bonds thereof, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. D. C. HASKELL, Chairman.


By Mr. Beegle: House bill No. 373, An act to authorize the county of Clay to issue bonds to build a flouring mill in the said county, which was read the first time.

By W. C. Smith: House bill No. 374, An act relating to the costs in actions to enforce specific contracts in the purchase of real property, which was read the first time.

By Mr. Elder: House bill No. 375, An act to prohibit township and school district officers from embezzling public funds, and for other purposes, which was read the first time.

By Mr. Meredith: House bill No. 376, An act for the erection of bridges in Johnson county, which was read the first time.

By Mr. Tuttle: House bill No. 377, An act to vacate a part of the town site of Palmyra, in Douglas county, which was read the first time.

By Mr. R. W. Wright: House bill No. 378, An act to restrain dramshops, which was read the first time.

Mr. Beegle moved that the rules be suspended, and the bills just read the first time be read the second time now, which motion prevailed.


The following bills were read the second time, and referred to appropriate committees:

House bill No. 373, An act authorizing the county of Clay to issue bonds to build a flouring mill in said county.

Referred to Committee on Judiciary.

House bill No. 374, An act in relation to the costs in actions to enforce specific contracts in purchase of real property. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.

House bill No. 375, An act to prohibit township and school district officers from embezzling public funds, and for other purposes.

Referred to Committee on Judiciary.

House bill No. 376, An act for the erection of bridges in Johnson county.

Referred to Committee on Internal Improvements.

House bill No. 377, An act to vacate a part of the town site of Palmyra, in Douglas county.

Referred to Committee on Cities of the Third Class. House bill No. 378, An act to restrain dramshops. Referred to Committee on Retrenchment and Reform. Mr. Fain moved that this House do now adjourn until 1:30 this afternoon, which motion prevailed, and the House adjourned. HENRY BOOTH, Chief Clerk.


TOPEKA, KANSAS, February 16, 1875.) 1:30 o'clock P. M.

House called to order; Speaker in the chair. Roll called; quorum present. The following gentlemen answered to their names:

Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Atwood, Babcock, Barnes, Baldwin, Beegle, Bell, Benedict, Blair, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha), G. W. Brown (Crawford), Bryan, Buchan, Burgess, Campbell, Carter, Codding, Cornell, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Doud, Fain, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, J. N. Foster, Fitzwilliam, Gibson, Goff, Haskell, Haff, Hooton, Hulett, Huston, Jaquins, Jewett, Johnston, Landon, Legate, Lockwood, Loy, Mann, Martin, Marvell, Meredith, Merriweather, Miller, Mitchell, Mobley, Moore, Morse, Motter, Morphy, Palmer, Pickett, Pilkenton, Raney, Reppert, Robinson, Root, Scott, A. W. Smith, T. E. Smith, W. C. Smith, Spurlock, Squires, Stauber, Stevenson, Tabor, Taylor, Thacher, Tomlinson, Tuttle, Vaughan, Walker, Wells, Williams, Willis, Wirt, Wood, Woods, R. W. Wright, and Mr. Speaker Funston.

Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Duncan and R. M. Wright.

Mr. Haskell moved that all debates in committee of the whole be limited to five minutes, which motion prevailed.


The House went into committee of the whole for the consider. ation of special order, being substitute for House bill No. 132, An act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes; Mr. Cox in the chair. And after some time spent therein the committee arose, and through its chairman submitted the following report:

MR. SPEAKER: The House has been in committee of the whole on special order, being substitute for House bill No. 132, An act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes,

have had the same under consideration, have made several amendments thereto, and instruct me to report the same back to the House and recommend its passage as amended.

C. G. COX, Chairman.

Mr. Elder offered the following amendment to section 33: "It shall be the duty of the township and city assessors, in each year, to list and value all personal property, and in the year 1875, and every three years thereafter, all real property in his township or city not expressly exempt from taxation; and the county clerk shall annually add to the assessment rolls all lands that may become taxable during the interval between regular assessments of real property, and shall annually make the levy on the last preceding valuation."

The amendment was not agreed to.

Mr. Legate moved to agree to the report of the committee, reserving the privilege of offering a new section in relation to injunctions, etc., which motion prevailed, and the report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Woods, the House adjourned.

HENRY BOOTH, Chief Clerk.


TOPEKA, KANSAS, February 17, 1875,
10 o'clock A. M.

House called to order; Speaker in the chair.

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Roll called; quorum present. The following gentlemen answered to their names:

Messrs. Aldrich, Allen, Atwood, Babcock, Bates, Barnes, Baldwin, Beegle, Bell, Benedict, Blair, Bradford, Briggs, Brinkman, C. J. Brown, G. W. Brown (Nemaha), G. W. Brown (Crawford), Bryan, Buchan, Burgess, Campbell, Carter, Codding, Conrad, Cornell, Cowan, Cox, Donnelly, Doud, Edmonds, Elder, Fain, Farwell, Ferguson, F. R. Foster, J. N. Foster, Fitzwilliam, Gibson, Goff, Goucher, Haskell, Haff, Hooton, Hulett, Huston, Jaquins, Jewett, Johnston, Kingsbury, Landon, Legate, Lock

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