House bill No. 388, An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the State Insane Asylum for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. Substitute for House bill No. 93, An act making appropriation to the State Asylum for the Insane. House bill No. 427, An act to amend section 10 of an act entitled "An act authorizing townships to issue bonds for relief purposes," approved February 20, 1875. Substitute for House bill No. 284, An act for the relief of S. C. Harrington, of Butler county. House bill No. 410, An act making appropriations for the State Board of Agriculture for the current expenses of the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. Substitute for House bill No. 204, An act making appropriations for Leavenworth State Normal School for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. House bill No. 45, An act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate the times of the district courts of the Fifth and Thirteenth Judicial Districts," approved March 7, 1874. Substitute for House bill No. 303, An act to amend "An act to provide for limited partnerships," approved March 2, 1868. House bill No. 49, An act making appropriation for the State University for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. House bill No. 316, An act to legalize a certain levy of taxes. House bill No. 422, An act making appropriation for State printing for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. House bill No. 364, An act providing for the disposition of dead animals from stock-yards in Wyandotte county. House bill No. 411, An act making appropriations for per diem and mileage of regents and trustees of public institutions for deficiency for the year 1873, and fiscal years ending November 30, 1874, and November 30, 1875, and per diem and mileage of Directors of State Penitentiary for fiscal year ending November 30, 1875. House bill No. 428, An act making appropriations for miscel laneous expenses. House bill No. 353, An act authorizing School District No. 85, Dickinson county, State of Kansas, to vote bonds for the erection of a school house. House bill No. 118, An act making appropriation for the State Penitentiary for the fiscal year 1875, and deficiency for fiscal year 1874. THOMAS A. OSBORN. Mr. Miller moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Governor to ascertain whether he had any further communication to make to this House, which motion prevailed, and the Speaker appointed Messrs. Miller, Woods, and Willis as such committee. The committee appointed to wait upon the Governor reported that he had no further communication to make to the House. On motion of Mr. Miller, a committee of three was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Miller, Woods, and Willis, to wait upon the Senate to ascertain whether they had any further communications to make to the House. Mr. Miller, chairman of said committee, reported as follows: MR. SPEAKER: Your committee, appointed to wait upon the Senate, respectfully report that the Senate has nothing further to communicate to this House. J. M. MILLER, Chairman. Eight o'clock having arrived, the hour mentioned in House concurrent resolution No. 54, for the adjournment of the two branches of the Legislature, the Speaker declared the House adjourned sine die. HENRY BOOTH, Chief Clerk. Committee of the whole............153, 166, 195, 234, 288, 337, 346, 348, 352, 358, 388, 392 Communications- From Secretary of State....... 393, 394, 414, 426, 452, 464, 478, 482, 492, 499, 523, 525 ..116, 190, 568, 793 160 |