No, Cefar fhall not; Danger knows full well, We were two lions litter'd in one day, Cal. Alas, my Lord, Your wisdom is confum'd in confidence: Caf. Mark Antony fhall fay, I am not well Here's Decius Brutus, he fhall tell them fo Caf. And you are come in very happy time, To bear my Greeting to the Senators, And tell them that I will not come to-day : I will not come to-day. 9 In old editions, to the whole; and the fentiment We heard two lions. -] The will neither be unworthy of firft folio, We heareThe copies have been all corrupt, and the paffage, of course, unin telligible. But the flight alteration, I have made, reftores fenfe Shakespeare, nor the boat too extravagant for Cæfar in a vein of vanity to utter: that he and Danger were two twin whelps of a lion, and he the elder, and more terrible of the two.. THEOB. Caf Caf. Shall Cafar fend a lye? Have I in conqueft ftretcht mine arm so far, Dec. Moft mighty Cafar, let me know fome cause, Left I be laugh'd at, when I tell them fo. Caf. The caufe is in my will, I will not come; That is enough to fatisfy the Senate. But for your private fatisfaction, Because I love you, I will let you know. Your Statue, fpouting blood in many pipes, !—and that Great Men fhall prejs For tinctures, ftains, relicks, and cognisance.] That this dream of the ftatue's fpouting blood fhould fignify, the increase of power and empire to Rome from the influence of Cafar's arts and arms, and wealth and honour to the noble Romans through his beneficence, expreffed by the words, From you, great Rome fhall fuck reviving blood, Caf. Caf. And this way have you well expounded it. Dec. I have, when you have heard what I can say; And know it now, the Senate have concluded To give this day a Crown to mighty Cafar. If you fhall fend them word you will not come, Their minds may change. Befides it were a mock Apt to be render'd, for fome one to say, "Freak up the Senate 'till another time, "When Cafar's Wife fhall meet with better Dreams." If Cæfar hide himself, fhall they not whifper, "Lo, Cæfar is afraid!" Pardon me, Cæfar; for my dear, dear, love And reafon to my love is liable. Caf. How foolish do your Fears feem now, Calphurnia? I am afhamed, I did yield to them. Give me my Robe, for I will go. And, look, tude only; and if fo, it appears that fome lines are wanting between this and the preceding; which want fhould, for the future, be marked with afterifks. The fenfe of them is not difficult to recover, and, with it, the propriety of the line in queftion. The fpeaker had faid, the Statue fignified, that by Cafar's influence Rome fhould flourish and increafe in empire, and that great men fhould prefs to him to partake of his good fortune, jult as men run with handkerchiefs, &c. to dip them in the blood of martyrs, that they may partake of their merit. It is true, the thought is from the Chriftian Hillory; but fo fmall an anachronifm is nothing with our poet. Befides, it is not my interpretation which introduces it, it was there before: For the line in question can bear no other fenfe than as an allufion to the blood of the Martyrs, and the fuperftition of fome Churches with regard to it, WARB. I am not of opinion that any thing is loft, and have therefore marked no omiffion. The fpeech, which is intentionally pompous, is fomewhat confufed. There are two allufions; one to coats armorial, to which princes make additions, or give new tinctures, and new marks of cognisance; the other to martyrs, whose reliques are preferved with veneration. The Romans, fays Brutus, all come to you as to a faint, for reliques, as to a prince, for ho nours. 2 And reafon, &c.] And reason, or propriety of conduct and language, is fubordinate to my love, SCENE S CEN E VI. Enter Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Cafca, Trebonius, Cinna and Publius. Where Publius is come to fetch me. Caf. Welcome, Publius. What, Brutus, are you stirr'd fo early too? your enemy, As that fame Ague which hath made you lean. Bru. Cæfar, 'tis ftricken eight. Caf. I thank you for your pains and courtesy, Enter Antony. See! Antony, that revels long o' nights, Caf. Bid them prepare within: Now, Cinna; now Metellus. What Trebonius! [Afide. That your best Friends fhall wish I had been further. Caf. Good Friends, go in, and tafte fome wine with me. And we, like Friends, will ftraightway go together. Bru. That every like is not the fame, O Cafar, The heart of Brutus yerns to think upon! [Exeunt. SCENE C Changes to a Street near the Capitol. Enter Artemidorus, reading a paper. ÆSAR, beware of Brutus; take heed of Caffius ; come not near Cafca; have an eye to Cinna; truft not Trebonius; mark well Metellus Cimber; Decius Brutus loves thee not; thou hast wrong'd Caius Ligarius. There is but one mind in all these men, and it is bent against Cæfar. If thou beft not immortal, look about thee; fecurity gives way to confpiracy. The mighty Gods defend thee! Thy Lover, Artemidorus: Here will I ftand, 'till Cafar pass along, If thou read this, O Cæfar, thou may'st live; Enter Porcia and Lucius. [Exit. Por. I pr'ythee, Boy, run to the Senate-house; Luc. To know my errand, Madam. Por. I would have had thee there, and here again, Ere I can tell thee what thou fhouldft do thereConftancy, be ftrong upon my fide, Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue; Art thou here yet? 3-the fates with Traitors do contrive.] The fates join with traitors in contriving thy deftruction. Luc, |