American Law Reports Annotated, Svazek 53Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1928 |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 67
Strana 49
... draft . 2. Presentment of a draft against a letter of credit on the day after the letter expires is in time where it was placed in the mail at such time that it should in due course have reached its destination before the letter expired ...
... draft . 2. Presentment of a draft against a letter of credit on the day after the letter expires is in time where it was placed in the mail at such time that it should in due course have reached its destination before the letter expired ...
Strana 50
... draft . 6. One who induces a bank to dis- honor a draft against a letter of cred- it , which results in his benefit in the securing of merchandise without pay- ing for it , assumes a quasi contractu- al relation to the owner of the draft ...
... draft . 6. One who induces a bank to dis- honor a draft against a letter of cred- it , which results in his benefit in the securing of merchandise without pay- ing for it , assumes a quasi contractu- al relation to the owner of the draft ...
Strana 51
... draft for $ 20 , - 049.52 in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit , which was purchased by plaintiff at its par value , forwarded to the Irving Na- tional Bank for payment , and paid . On January 31 , 1923 , all the scrap ...
... draft for $ 20 , - 049.52 in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit , which was purchased by plaintiff at its par value , forwarded to the Irving Na- tional Bank for payment , and paid . On January 31 , 1923 , all the scrap ...
Strana 52
... draft drawn by the command- ing officer of the Toledo Ordnance Reserve Depot . He had the right to draw it , and the plaintiff purchased it from him , paying him the face amount thereof . It thereby ac- quired good title to the draft ...
... draft drawn by the command- ing officer of the Toledo Ordnance Reserve Depot . He had the right to draw it , and the plaintiff purchased it from him , paying him the face amount thereof . It thereby ac- quired good title to the draft ...
Strana 53
... draft in the post of- fice , to be forwarded to Philadel- phia . The officials at the post of- fice , by mistake , deposited the mail intended for Philadelphia in mail bags marked for Washington , and while the mail arrived in Philadel ...
... draft in the post of- fice , to be forwarded to Philadel- phia . The officials at the post of- fice , by mistake , deposited the mail intended for Philadelphia in mail bags marked for Washington , and while the mail arrived in Philadel ...
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action affirmed agent agreement alleged amount annotation appeared appellant appellee applicant assignment Asso assumpsit attorney authority Bank bill bill of lading bond building charge claim constitute contract contractor court held creditor Crim damages debt defendant delivered delivery draft duty eminent domain entitled evidence ex rel exercise fact fendant injury Iowa judgment jury land lease letter of credit liable lien ment Minn mortgage N. R. Co N. Y. Supp negligence nuisance Ohio oleomargarine owner paid party payment plaintiff premises premium principal purchaser purpose question R. C. L. Supp reason recover rule set-off statute subrogation supra surety tenant thereof third person tion tract trust undisclosed undisclosed principal witness