THE NURSERY GARLAND; BEING A SELECTION OF SHORT, CLASSICAL POEMS, ADAPTED TO VERY EARLY YOUTH; RESPECTFULLY PRINTED FOR J. HARRIS, (SUCCESSOR TO E. NEW- OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, AND VER- NOR AND HOOD, IN THE POULTRY. By J. Crowder and E. Hemited, Warwick-Square. ADVERTISEMENT. WITH every due fenfe of the value of WATTS' and BARBAULD'S Hymns, for the ufe of very young Children, it may fafely be affirmed, that no fufficiently diverfified collection of chafte and claffical poetry has yet appeared, which is in every respect adapted to that period of life which paffes between infantine fimplicity and the commencement of regular inftruction. The tender, careful mother has frequently been bewildered in her choice of fubjects proper for exerciting the memory, and forming the tafle of her child. All are not poffeffed of ample libraries from which to felect; and befides, large volumes are ill fuited for the nursery, even were their contents more appropriate than they generally are. |