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Title 49-TRANSPORTATION is composed of seven volumes. The parts in these volumes are arranged in the following order: Parts 1-99, parts 100-185, parts 186199, parts 200-399, parts 400-999, parts 1000-1199, part 1200 to End. The first volume (parts 1-99) contains current regulations issued under subtitle A-Office of the Secretary of Transportation; the second volume (parts 100-185) and the third volume (parts 186-199) contain the current regulations issued under chapter I-Research and Special Programs Administration (DOT); the fourth volume (parts 200-399) contains the current regulations issued under chapter II-Federal Railroad Administration (DOT), and chapter III-Federal Highway Administration (DOT); the fifth volume (parts 400-999) contains the current regulations issued under chapter IV-Coast Guard (DOT), chapter V-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT), chapter VI-Federal Transit Administration (DOT), chapter VII-National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK), and chapter VIII-National Transportation Safety Board; the sixth volume (parts 1000-1199) contains the current regulations issued under chapter X-Surface Transportation Board and the seventh volume (part 1200 to End) contains the current regulations issued under chapter X-Surface Transportation Board and chapter XI-Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Department of Transportation. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations codified under this title of the CFR as of October 1, 1998.

In the volume containing parts 100-185, see § 172.101 for the Hazardous Materials Table, and § 172.102 for the Optional Hazardous Materials Table. An Identification Number Cross Reference Index to Proper Shipping Names in §§ 172.101 and 172.102 appears at the beginning of part 172. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards appear in part 571.

Redesignation tables for chapter X-Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation appear in the Finding Aids section of the sixth and seventh volumes.

For this volume, Melanie L. Marcec was the Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regulations publication program is under the direction of Frances D. McDonald, assisted by Alomha S. Morris.


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Title 49-Transportation

(This book contains parts 200 to 399)


CHAPTER II-Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation




CHAPTER III-Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation



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