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It may not be unsatisfactory to the reader, to have a picture of the Patriot in his hermitage, as he appeared to the celebrated French traveller, General Chastellux : "Let me describe to you a man, not yet forty, tall, and with a mild and pleasing countenance, but whose mind and understanding are ample substitutes for every exterior grace-An American, who, without ever having quitted his own country, is at once a musician, skilled in drawing, a geometrician, an astronomer, a natural philosopher, legislator, and statesman—A senator of America, who sat for two years in that famous Congress, which brought about the Revolution; and which is never mentioned without respect, though unhappily not without regret A Governor of Virginia, who filled this difficult station during the invasions of Arnold, of Phillips, and of Cornwallis—A philosopher, in voluntary retirement from the world and public business, because he loves the world inasmuch only, as he can flatter himself with being useful to mankind; and the minds of his countrymen are not yet in a condition either to bear the light, or to suffer contradiction-A mild and amiable wife, charming children, of whose education he himself takes charge, a house to embellish, great provisions, and the arts and sciences to cultivate ;-these are what remain to Mr. Jefferson, after having played a principal character on the theatre of the new world, and which he preferred to the honorable commission of Minister Plenipotentiary in Europe."

In the autumn of '82, assurances having been received from the British government, that a general peace would be concluded in the ensuing winter or spring, Congress renewed the appointment of their Plenipotentiaries for that purpose. A great and afflicting change had, at this time, taken place in the domestic relations of Mr. Jefferson; and the reasons which before operated imperatively against his acceptance of the mission, were suddenly superseded by others, as imperatively urging his absence from the seat of his dearest and most hallowed ties. The appointment was made on the 13th of November. (6 I had, two months before that," says he, "lost the cherished companion of my life, in whose affections, unabated on both sides, I had lived the last ten years, in unchequered happiness." With the public interests, therefore, the state of his mind concurred in recommending the change of scene proposed; and he accepted the appointment.

He left Monticello on the 19th of December, '82, for Philadelphia, where he arrived on the 27th. The Minister of France, Luzerne, offered him a passage in the frigate Romulus, which he accepted; but she was then lying a few miles below Baltimore, blockaded by ice. No other conveyance being available, he remained in Philadelphia a month. On his arrival, Congress had passed an order offering him free access to the archives of the government; and he improved the leisure interval by a constant and daily attendance at the office of State, examining the public papers, with a view to possess himself thoroughly of the state of our foreign affairs. He then proceeded to Baltimore, to await the liberation of the French frigate from the ice. After being detained there nearly a month longer, information was received, that a provisional Treaty of Peace had been signed by those of the Commissioners* who were on the spot, on the 3d of September, '82; which treaty was to become absolute, on the conclusion of peace between France and Great Britain. Considering the object of his mission to Europe as now substantially accomplished, he repaired immediately to Philadelphia, to take the orders of Congress; and was excused by them from further proceeding. He therefore returned home, where he arrived on the 15th of May, '83.

The appointment and re-appointment of Mr. Jefferson on the distinguished embassy, which. resulted in the negotiation of the definitive Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, though but a fair tribute to his extraordinary revolutionary services, have never been associated in history, with that important event. The circumstances above detailed, alone prevented the addition of his signature to the Treaty, which would necessarily have given the same honorable notoriety to his connection with the transaction, as is attached to his associate Commissioners.

* John Adams, Dr. Franklin, John Jay, and Henry Laurens,


On the 6th of June, 1783, Mr. Jefferson, whose transcendent capabilities were never overlooked, though sometimes, unhappily, unobtainable, was re-elected by the Legislature, to his ancient and well adapted station of Delegate to Congress. His appointment was to take effect on the 1st of November ensuing, when the term of the existing delegation would have expired. He left home or the 16th of October, arrived at Trenton, where Congress was sitting, on the 3d of November, and took his seat on the 4th; on which day Congress adjourned, to meet at Annapolis on the 26th.

The re-appearance, in the halls of the National Legislature, of the renowned Author of the Declaration of Independence, after an absence of seven years, during which the momentous principles of that Declaration had been solemnly contested and substantiated, before the sovereign tribunal of nations, must have impressed even that dignified Assembly with awe. How proudly must he have felt in looking round upon those, if any such were there, who had treated the question of Independence as idle chimera, and incessantly beleaguered the cause with sinister auguries of the result? And with what deep exultation must he have met and grasped the hand of those, who had breasted with him the difficulties which hung on them so heavily, 'whose vote,' as he once proudly said, 'had been his vote on every public question, and whose principles had been the standard of whatever was free or fearless'? The praises and congratulations which were mutually interchanged, on this occasion, were enthusiastic, overflowing; royalists and republicans kindled in the competition of public and private felicitation; and the scene altogether, presented a tout ensemble, not unworthy the conclusion of the long and agonizing drama, the result of which had verified the hopes of the most sanguine votary of the rights of


Congress convened at Annapolis on the 26th of November, agreeably to adjournment; but the pressure of the public affairs having relaxed, the members had become proportionally remiss in their attendance, insomuch, that a majority of the States necessary by

the Confederation to constitute a quorum, even for minor business, did not assemble until the 13th of December.

On the 19th of the same month, the great conflict being over, and our National Independence acknowledged by Great Britain, the illustrious Generalissimo of the American army, requested permission of Congress to resign his honorable commission; and, with the deference ever paid by him to the civil authority, desired to know their pleasure, in what manner the grateful duty should be performed.

To give an eclat and dignity to the transaction, analogous to the importance of the event, they decreed, that the commission should be delivered up at a PUBLIC AUDIENCE, on the 23d of December, at twelve o'clock; and suitable arrangements were ordered, for making of the occasion, a grand and impressive republican pageant. The character sustained by Mr. Jefferson in this affecting scene, will justify a general description of the circumstances.

When the hour arrived for the performance of the interesting ceremony, the galleries were overloaded with spectators; and many distinguished individuals, among whom were the executive and legislative characters of the States, several General Officers, and the Consul General of France, were admitted on the floor of Congress. The spectacle about to be exhibited, was calculated to awake the proudest recollections, and excite the most sublime emotions that ever animated the human soul. From the first moment of peace, the public mind had been fixed intently upon General Washington, to know what he would do; he stood on the pinnacle of military fame and power; but his ambition was satisfied, for the liberties of his country had been gained; and his admiring fellow citizens were now assembled to witness the execution of a purpose, deliberately and warmly embraced, of leaving to the world a great and solemn example of moderation.

The representatives of the sovereign people of the Union, remain-ed seated and covered; the spectators, standing and uncovered. The General was introduced by the Secretary, and conducted to a chair near the President of Congress. After a proper interval, silence was commanded, and a short pause ensued. The President, General Mifflin, then rose and informed him that the United States in Congress assembled, were prepared to receive his communications. Washington rose, and with a native dignity, equalled only

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by the grandeur of the occasion, delivered his affectionate address and valedictory.

Having then advanced to the Chair, and delivered his commission to the President, he returned to his place, and received standing the following answer of the President, in the name of Congress. This interesting paper was prepared by Mr. Jefferson!


Sir, The United States in Congress assembled, receive with emotions too affecting for utterance, the solemn resignation of the authorities under which you have led their troops with success through a perilous and doubtful war. Called upon by your country to defend its invaded rights, you accepted the sacred charge, before it had formed alliances, and whilst it was without funds or a government to support you. You have conducted the great military contest with wisdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power through all disasters and changes. You have, by the love and confidence of your fellow-citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and transmit their fame to posterity. You have persevered, till these United States, aided by a magnanimous king and nation, have been enabled, under a just Providence, to close the war in freedom, safety and independence; on which happy event, we sincerely join you in congratulations.


Having defended the standard of liberty in this new world; having taught a lesson useful to those who inflict, and to those who feel oppression, you retire from the great theatre of action, with the blessings of your fellow citizens but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command, it will continue to animate remotest ages.

"We feel with you our obligations to the army in general, and will particularly charge ourselves with the interests of those confidential officers, who have attended your person to this affecting mo


"We join you in commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, beseeching him to dispose the hearts and minds of its citizens, to improve the opportunity afforded them, of becoming a happy and respectable nation. And for you we address to Him our earnest prayers, that a life so beloved, may be fostered with all his care; that your days may be happy as they have been illustrious; and that he will finally give you that reward which this world cannot give."

On the same day, December 23d, measures were taken for ratifying the definitive Treaty of Peace, which had been signed at Paris on the 3d of September, 1783, and received here in November following. The Treaty, with the joint letter of the American Plenipotentiaries, was referred to a committee, of which Mr. Jefferson was

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