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Knihy Knihy
" He is very ready at that sort of discourse with which men usually entertain women. He has all his life dressed very well, and remembers habits as others do men. He can smile when one speaks to him, and laughs easily. He knows the history of every mode,... "
The Spectator - Strana 15
upravili: - 1898
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Harrison's British Classicks, Svazek 4

1786 - 694 str.
...when one Speaks to him, and laughs eaGly. He knows the hittory of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches our wives and daughters...curling their hair, that way of placing their hoods; whole foilty was covered by fuch-a fort of petti toat, and vrhofc vanity to (hew her foot made that...
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The Spectator. ...

1789 - 506 str.
...when one fpeaks to him, and laughs eafily. He knows the hiftory of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches, our wives and...curling their hair, that way of placing their hoods ; whofe frailty was covered by fuch a fort of petticoat, and whofe vanity to mew her foot made that...
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Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen ..., Svazek 8,Díl 2

Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1795 - 678 str.
...him , and laughs eafily. He knows the Hiftory of every Mode, and can inform you from which of thej French King's Wenches, our Wives and Daughters had...curling their Hair, that Way of placing their Hoods ; whofe Frailty was covered by fuch a fort of Petticoat, and whofe Vanity to fhew her Foot made that...
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Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen ..., Svazek 8,Díl 2

Johann Joachim Eschenaburg - 1795 - 682 str.
...laughs eaiily. He knows the Hiftory of every Mode,' and can inform you from which of thej French King'» Wenches -, our Wives and Daughters had this Manner...curling their Hair, that Way of placing their Hoods ; whofe Frailty was covered by fuch a fort of Petticoat, and whofe Vanity to fhew her Foot made that...
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Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen ..., Svazek 8,Vydání 2

Johann Joachim Eschenaburg - 1795 - 680 str.
...one fpeaks to him , and laughs eafily. He knows the Hiftory of every Mode, and can inform you from which of the) French King's Wenches, our Wives and Daughters had this Mannet of curling their Hair, that Way of placing their Hoods; whofe Frailty was covered by fuch a...
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Select British Classics, Svazek 11

1803 - 436 str.
...when one speaks to him, and laughs easily. He knows the history of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches, our wives and...covered by such a sort of petticoat, and whose vanity to shew her foot made that part of the dress so short in such a year. In a word, all his conversation...
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Addisoniana ...

Sir Richard Phillips - 1803 - 578 str.
...one speaks to him, and laughs easily ; he knows the history of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches our wives and .daughters had this manner of curling their hair, that manner of placing their hoods, whose frailty was covered by such a sort of petticoat, and whose vanity...
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The Spectator [by J. Addison and others]; with notes, and a general index

Spectator The - 1811 - 802 str.
...»hen one speaks to him, and laughs easily. He knows the history of every mode, und can inform you from which of the French king's wenches our wives and daughters...sort of petticoat, and whose vanity to show her foot tnailc that part of the dress so short in such a year. In a »ord, all his conversation and knowledge...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Svazek 3

Joseph Addison - 1811 - 508 str.
...when one speaks to him, and laughs easily. He knows the history of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches our wives and daughters...covered by such a sort of petticoat, and whose vanity to shew her foot made that part of the dress so short in such a year : in a word, all his conversation...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - 504 str.
...when one speaks to him, and laughs easily. He knows the history of every mode, and can inform you from which of the French king's wenches our wives and daughters...covered by such a sort of petticoat, and whose vanity to shew her foot made that part of the dress so short in such a year : in a word, all his conversation...
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