THE 'Louisiana Rifles' was considered to be the finest regiment, among all the Southern troops, at the rendezvous at Mobile. It was composed mostly of men of French descent, and officered by the sons of planters who belonged to the old French families of Louisiana. They wore the uniform of the imperial chasseurs of Napoleon; and, on their arrival at Mobile, their soldierly appearance and martial bearing, as they passed on their way to the rendezvous, called forth loud applause from the throng gathered to welcome them among the defenders of rebeldom. Evening parade was over. A darkey, arrayed in the most extraordinary uniform which African ingenuity could devise, held the bridle of a spirited horse, which was pawing the ground with impatience; and the setting sun threw its parting rays over the encampment, bringing out in bold relief the figure of an officer, who paced slowly to-and-fro before his tent, smoking a cigar. This was Dr. William Carteret, the only officer not of French extraction in the regiment. A Kentuckian by birth, he had gone to New-Orleans a year before the rebellion had broken out. Amid the outspoken disloyalty of the fire-eaters, his reserve of manner and reticence of speech had excited distrust; still they had no reason to think he was not a true Southerner, as they termed it; So, when this regiment was formed, the position of surgeon was offered him, and he had quietly accepted it, and was duly enrolled in the Louisiana Rifles. Dr. Carteret continued his walk up and down before his tent, lost in thought, and apparently forgetful of his impatient horse and most discomfited servant, who, being rather new in the business of groom, clutched the bridle with tenacity, while he watched every movement of the horse with fearful anxiety, and ejaculated, with a suppressed groan, as the animal tossed his head in close proximity to his SURGEON. own, 'I jess wish massa Doctor would take this obstrepulous beast; he bite my head off done sure.' The Doctor stopped in his walk, looked at the setting sun, and then glanced at his watch. Throwing away his cigar, he approached the darkey, and taking the bridle from him, said: 'Sam, go to Major Delmonté's tent and say that if he is too much occupied to ride at present, I will go on, and he can join me on the road.' Sam, glad to be relieved, darted off with unusual alacrity, but had scarcely gone a few rods, when three officercame out of a tent a short distance off. Two walked away, while the third, glancing hastily around, gave a short, sharp whistle, and a tall negro appeared from behind the tent, leading a hors saddled and bridled, which the offic mounted and turned in the direction of the surgeon. 'I was afraid I would never get away, he said as he rode up, 'La Roche came as usual for something for his men. I never saw such a fellow, he is always behindhand; but I hope his men are supplied at last with all that is requisite, so that I may have a little peace. What a beautiful evening this is, and how delightful the air seems after such a hot day!' and Delmonté raised his cap to let the wind blow on his flushed brow. 'Let us make the most of it,' answered the surgeon, 'it is late now.' They put their horses to a gallop and rode some time in silence, then slacking their pace, trotted gently along together. The sun had set, but the clouds still retained the crimson hue left by his last rays, and the moon, already up, mingled its silvery paleness with the warm tints of departing day. Dr. Carteret and his companion were as gallant-looking officers as one might see in a dozen reviews. Carteret was tall-as most Kentuckians are―straight as an arrow, sinewey and muscular as an Indian. His features were clearly cut; his hair brown, and eyes gray; mouth firm, shaded by a narrow brown moustache; the chin strong and square; the whole face characterized by an air of stern impassability. Major Victor Philippe Delmonté showed very plainly his French extraction; slenderly built and of medium size, he had the raven blackness of hair and eye one sees so often in the French creole, and his handsome face had a double charm from its varied expression. 'Are there any prospects of our being sent to Richmond soon?' asked the surgeon, breaking the silence. Delmonté was too busily engaged in lighting a cigar to be able to answer immediately. 'Yes, they talk of sending us up next week,' he finally replied, having succeeded in getting a light after a great waste of matches, and the prospect is delightful to me. I long to get into action, it is so stupid here, so dull. I want to be where there is some excitement; and if we do n't go soon, we will lose our chance for a fight, for after the drubbing the Yankees got the last time, they won't stand but one more; and if we are not on hand for that, we may put up our swords and go home.' 'Don't make yourself uneasy on that point, Major; the Yankees are yet very far from being beaten into compliance.' เ Soit,' said Delmonté with an inimitable French shrug; but it is merely a question of one or two more battles at most, and behold the Confederacy un fait accompli.' gave a laugh of incredulity as he threw away his cigar. 'But you do not know them,' persisted the surgeon. 'I spent some years among them, and had a good chance of learning their chief characteristics. They have a dogged obstinacy in sticking to a point, which we can scarcely understand, and you will find them much better soldiers than you think.' Another incredulous shrug from Delmonté. 'Mon ami, the age of miracles is past, except in fiction; give me a single instance of a herd of shoemakers, shopkeepers, and mechanics transformed into a race of warriors in one year. Do you remember what Forbes of the Second Georgia told us of the manner they changed their base at Bethel ?' 'Perfectly; and you have not forgotten how indignant Rhett was when his regiment broke, and scattered like sheep, at a bayonet charge from the Yankees. Rhett is too good a soldier not to give even his enemies credit for gallantry when they deserve it; and he said he never saw a finer or more undaunted front than they presented. 'Well, we will see,' answered the Major, still unwilling to yield the point. "There is talk of Lee's carrying the war into the enemy's country, and you and I will both be in that campaign; and, in spite of their bravery, I am much inclined to think I shall live to be a greyheaded old man to tell my grand-children with how little cost we wrested our independence from Lincoln and ses amiables confrères.' "Our independence, Major, is what 'I am not so sanguine,' quietly an- neither you nor I will live to see,' said swered Carteret. 'Confess, my dear fellow, that you have an exalted opinion of your Yankee friends. I am not prepared to say that the whole race of Northerners are a set of cowards and poltroons; but that they should stand a series of defeats without being glad to accede to our demands seems absurd enough,' and Delmonté the surgeon in a decided tone. 'What, Carteret,' replied Delmonté, glancing quickly at his companion's face, are you serious in what you say? Or are you not over-anxious that we should be free?' his hot Southern blood taking fire at his friend's persistency. Carteret's face did not change at this implied insinuation. 'You know better, Victor,' he answered in a quiet and distinct tone. 'Since we have plunged into this war there is not a man among us who does not desire our independence; our honor, all, in fact, that makes life dear to us demands that we should fight it out, or perish in the attempt; but I do not hesitate to say that I feel our cause hopeless, and our efforts useless to achieve our aim - a separate and distinct confederacy. Still, it has not deterred me from offering my life for that purpose, and I am ready to dispose of my self in any way that can serve her, although I am convinced there is only a gloomy future ahead. But let us change the subject; our duty is before us, and discussion as to our sentiments does not alter it. Let us make the most of the present.' 'With all my heart,' said Delmonté gaily, his French light-heartedness coming to the surface. After all, there is something fascinating in a soldier's life; what is it? It must be the uncertainty of it, the 'here' to-day-a shot-and 'nowhere' to-morrow. Vive l'amour et la guerre.' 'At present you mean especially, vive l'amour and Coralie, Victor,' and Carteret glanced slily at the Major. Delmonté impulsively turned away his head, while a red streak shot across his forehead; but the surgeon was not looking, and moreover the darkness hid his confusion. 'Most certainly I say vive Coralie, but I, unhappily, have no reason to couple her name with l'amour,' said Delmonté, concealing his real feelings under an air of gaiety. Mademoiselle Latour does not smile upon me more than upon others who bow at her shrine.' 'Why, then, I heard it reported that it was the departure from New-Orleans of a certain Major with his regiment that brought Mademoiselle Latour to Mobile,' said Carteret. 'But it may have been Torrens of the Eighth Mississippi they meant,' he continued, watching to see the effect of his words. 'I had no idea upon in that light. You know I do not care for society, and I am a stranger here; but I will come up some time in the course of the evening.' The ladies of Mobile had been engaged for some time in getting up 'tableaux' for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, and this was their first representation. Carteret did not arrive until they were at their last tableau, and the curtain was rising as he entered; so he slipped quietly into a corner, where, standing, he could command a good view of the stage. This tableau the chef d'œuvre of all-was overflowing with Southern patriotism, and was called 'the triumph of the South.' Delmonté, arrayed in all the splendor of an eastern king, was seated upon a throne resembling a bale of cotton, one foot rested upon a globe, under the other was a United States flag, while beside him knelt a negro with a basket of cotton; around him stood young girls dressed in white, with red and white scarfs looped on the shoulder, and on their heads silver crowns, with the names of the different confederate States they represented inscribed upon them. In the foreground knelt a man, in a soldier's uniform, loaded with chains, and guarded by armed men. Behold the North prostrate at the fect of the mighty Confederacy. Three times the curtain rose and descended, amid shouts of applause, upon this flattering tribute to Southern valor made their appearance in the room among the guests, they were warmly congratulated on all sides for their successful and beautiful representations. Carteret came out of his corner and made his way slowly through the throng to pay his respects to Mrs. Barclay, the hostess of the evening, who received him with great cordiality, but chided him for keeping himself in such seclusion, when all were anxious to make the acquaintance of a gentleman of such great ability and culture. Dr. Carteret bowed, and said they complimented him too highly. Mrs. Barclay determined to make the most of her opportunity, and, taking his arm, presented him to every lady in the room, and then left him to whatever fate the gods might provide. Whereupon the Doctor, having duly complimented them upon the tableaux, and their appearance in them, and listened to 'secesh' patriotism in return, set out in search of Delmonté. He discovered him standing by a door engaged in an animated conversation with a young girl, who stood with her back towards Carteret. He could tell by her dress that she was one of the confederate States' of the tableau, that her figure was lithe, her hair of jetty blackness, which, caught at the back of the head by a silver fillet, fell in ringlets on the neck. and power; and when the performers near them, in the background, gazing with hopeless envy at Delmonté, on whom Coralie was lavishing her smiles. Just then the surgeon was seized upon by some young officers of his regiment, all excitement and enthusiasm, to tell him that despatches had just come from Richmond ordering up a certain number of regiments, his among the rest. This news which had just been brought from headquarters by an officer, had caused quite an excitement among the guests. Here and there groups could be seen talking earnestly, some wondering what were the plans of Lee; while others thought that perhaps he was again menaced by McClellan. However it might be, exciting times were at hand. Having satisfied himself that his regiment would be off in a few days, Carteret escaped from the heat and glare of the room into the garden. The moon had a tropical splendor that night; every nook and corner were brought out in bold relief by her rays; the flowers glistened in the silver light, which gave them a new beauty, and perfumed the soft air with their fragrance; while loud and clear the song of the mocking bird rang out on the still night. Here and there among the winding paths was seen the glitter of an epaulette and the shimmer of a white dress. He turned into a bower, laden with clematis and honeysuckle, and, seating himself on a rustic seat, fell into a profound reverie. Before him rose the past. Again he saw that face, whose never-fading lineaments were engraven upon his heart; the pale, oval cheek; the pure brow, shaded by long black hair; the sad, tender look of the gray eyes. 'T was true it had been the deeds of his rash, hot youth that had separated him; but in these later years he felt he had been worthy of his lost love. And when the long looked for moment seemed to tremble in his grasp, in which he could lay the burden of sorrow and regret at her feet, civil war had stretched its awful arm between them, for he had cast his fortune with the South. 'No Northern bayonet,' he wrote, 'can ever thrust 'So that must be Mademoiselle Latour. I wish she would turn her face this way,' said the Doctor mentally. As if in accordance with his wish, Coralie changed her position and faced him. It was a very pretty face; a broad, low brow; luminous dark eyes, shaded by long black lashes; a delicate little nose; and lips rosy and arched like Cupid's bow. But coquetry breathed in every motion; in the flirt of the fan, in the glance of those eyes-which never met yours fairly and truthfully, and which were now bent on Victor, entangling his very soul in their depths. Torrens of the Eighth Mississippi, a handsome fellow, resplendent in the gorgeous uniform of a confederate major, hovered from my heart the love I have so long carried there, as its sacred treasure. Judge me not harshly, and do not let my position deprive me of your friendship, I dare not say love.'. Now, on the battlefield perhaps he would meet as a foe some of her kindred, many of his friends. He thought of the happy years he had spent in the North, whose memory was to be, perhaps, washed out in blood. The surgeon sighed; he did not regret the life he had offered in the service of a cause he felt to be hopeless and vain; for he had sacrificed all that made life dear to him. Approaching footsteps startled him from his meditations. 'Why are you so silent, Victor?' said a soft, musical voice. 'Pardon me, Coralie, but I was thinking who the companion would be of your wanderings here next week, when I am gone,' answered Delmonté. 'When you are gone! next week! I do not understand you, Victor,' she said with surprise. 'You did not expect to be ordered away for a month yet, I thought.' strangely with his eager, impassioned voice, 'I do love you, and am yours, from this time forth and forever.' Forever!' he exclaimed rapturously, and then the voices died away as they passed out of hearing. The surgeon came out of the bower. 'Forever!' whispered the night-breeze, as it lifted the hair on his brow. 'Forever!' sighed the flowers, as they drooped and closed. Forever!' sang the mockingbird in plaintive note. 'Forever!' echoed his lonely heart, as he left the spot, where soul had thrilled to soul, and love's pleading voice had not sued in vain. The Louisiana Rifles did not get off as soon as they expected. They were detained three weeks, by the illness of Colonel de Courcy, and another regiment was sent instead. In the mean time the news of Jackson's successful campaign against Pope had reached them, causing great rejoicing, and Victor, radiant with his new happiness, and burning for a chance to distinguish himself, chased at this delay. All his leisure hours were spent with Coralie, who begged him to keep their engagement a secret, and 'Ah!' she exclaimed, in accents of Carteret found himself taking his rides alarm. Delmonté's eager ear caught it. alone. There were many officers who 'Do you regret it?' he asked quickly, would have been very willing to have his voice trembling with suppressed given him their society, but he did not feeling. seek it, being quite satisfied with meetCan you doubt it?' Coralie said ing them at mess, when his duties were softly. 'Our regiment goes the day after to morrow.' 'Ah! Coralie!' he exclaimed passionately, tell me that you are not indifferent to me- that I, who love you with all my heart and soul, an loved in return. Cheered by that thought, no danger is too great, no privations too severe for me to endure, and it will nerve my arm with new strength on the battle-field, to know I fight for my country and your sweet sake; and if I fall, you will weep for me, who loved you to the last. Tell me, Coralie, that I may claim you, after this campaign, as my wife.' 'Victor,' she replied, in clear, low tones, whose calmness contrasted over, and preferring his solitary ride to joining their gambling-parties at headquarters. Victor had once or twice made some excuse for not riding with him as usual; but the surgeon told him he was right to make the most of ladies' society, for he would have little enough of it soon, and Delmonté, unconscious that his friend possessed his secret, had invariably departed to the enjoyment of Coralie's smiles. Finally the regiment was ready to leave, and the two officers found themselves in Richmond, where all the troops were being sent to Lee, who had already commenced his march into Maryland. The utmost enthusiasm and confidence |