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Records, Recollections and Reminiscences.


The Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy will meet in the Judicial Room of the City Hall in Dallas, Texas, Corner of Akard and Commerce Streets, on Tuesday, April 22nd, 1902, at DEERING J. ROBERTS, M.D.,

12 m.




We are gratified to state that everything possible for the pleasure, enjoyment and happiness of the survivors of the Confederate States Army and Navy, is being done by the Committee of Arrangements and the good people of Texas, we say the good people of Texas advisedly, for every man, woman and child in the Great Empire State of the West feel the greatest interest possible in the coming reunion of the old Confederates, and this will necessarily include the Medical and Surgical Staff and their Associates.

A general invitation has been extended to every one who wore the 'gray' in the early part of the Sixties, and their wives and children, and grand children, to come and partake of the unbounded hospitality of TEXAS. As this includes all who are eligible to membership in the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy, we sincerely hope that everyone who can, by any possibility do so, will be there. The railroads have made a rate of one cent a mile going and coming, the citizens of Dallas and vicinity, and this includes the Entire Domain of the Empire State of Texas, will keep open

house during the reunion. Arrangements will be made for as many as so desire, to camp out, in good weather-proof tents, well arranged, supplied with cots, and ample water facilities, so that they can again have a positive realization of the stirring days of long ago, arrangements being made for feeding all who may desire a brief' experience of camp-life once again; and for such as do not so wish, or from personal reasons prefer a more substantial roof-tree, ample provision will be made.

The following letter from the Secretary of the Dallas Reunion Organization enunciates in plain and unmistakable terms that all that part of "the world and its wife" who were identified with the Confederacy, will be amply provided for in any style they may select :


247 Main St., DALLAS, TEX., Feb. 21st, 1902. DEERING J. ROBERTS, M.D., Nashville, Tenn.

My Dear Sir: In answer to your queries will say: 1. All Confederates who will go into camp will be lodged and fed free. Fed on the best Texas barbecued buffalo for dinner the last day. This is for all, rich or poor, if they go into camp.

2. Hotel rates at first-class hotels at $2.00 to $5.00 per day. Cheaper rates at smaller hotels and boarding houses, say $1.00 to $2.50 per day. As many in a room as possible as was the case at all reunions. If a man wants a whole room it will cost more than figures above given. This includes board.

In private houses rates are cheaper.

If you want rooms write John F. Worley, Chairman Information Committee, 374 Commerce St., Dallas, Texas.

Yours truly,

C. L. MARTIN, Secretary.

So get ready, boys, for we will all be "boys" again, even for a brief period, and the meeting of those who have not seen each other for years, and alas! may never have that opportunity again, is something to be looked forward too with the very greatest anticipations of the highest degree of pleasure. Yes, get ready, put your business in order, pack your grip, hunt up that old suit of gray, or the "biled shirt," or that spick, and span new suit, more gorgeous than any those memorable days ever saw, and be READY for the greatest reunion of them all.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

By the way, we have it on good and reliable authority, from no less a one than a good and genial-hearted son of Bedford County, Tenn., who was a member of Starnes' Cavalry, that those Buffalo" mentioned by Secretary Martin, are ripe and ready, six of them weighing 14,000 lbs. Just think of that, as you are survivors of the greatest war that civilization has ever witnessed, you will have one more chance of seeing native Americans eating meat that will soon be as extinct as that of a Mastodon !

The general Reunion of the U. C. V., will be held at the State Fair Grounds, where ample facilities will be found, but the Association of Medical Officers will hold their meetings in the City Hall; however, there will be ample facilities of going from one place to the other at any hour of the day or night, by means of several lines of electric cars.

In conclusion, we will say, that during this month a Special Circular wil be sent out to every one whose post-office address it has been possible to secure, who is eligible to Membership, Associate, or Junior Membership in our Association. If it should not reach you or any of your neighbors who are eligible to membership in the Asseciation, please let me know by postal card or otherwise, and very greatly oblige.

Yours very truly and sincerely, DEERING J. ROBERTS, M.D., Secretary,

208 N. High St., Nashville, Tenn.


The annual meeting of this Association will be held in Dallas, Texas, April 22nd to 25th inclusive, in connection with the Annual Meeting of the United Confederate Veterans.

The Committee of Arrangements have sent out the following circular letter:

Dear Doctor:

DALLAS, Feb. 1st, 1902.

The Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy

of the Confederacy, will convene in Dallas, Texas, April 22nd to 25th inclusive during the meeting of the Confederate Reunion. All Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Acting Assistant Surgeons, or Contract Physicians and Hospital Stewards, in the Army and Navy of the Confederate States, and all regular physicians who served honorably in any capacity in the Confederate States Army and Navy, and all regular physicians who are sons of Confederate Veterans are eligible to membership.

You are cordially invited to attend said meeting and contrib ute reports of important cases coming under your observation, and any reminiscences worthy of preservation connected with your service in the Army and Navy of the Confederacy.

If you desire to become a member of the Association and expect to attend the meeting next April, please write to the Secretary, Dr. Blount, at once, giving time and place of enlistment, rank at time of enlistment, rank at close of war, character of service-Army or Navy; when and where surrendered, present address and remarks.

Any further information desired will be cheerfully furnished. by Dr. E. A. Blount, Dallas, Tex., or Dr. Deering J. Roberts, Secretary of the Association at Nashville, Tenn.



Chairman Committee of Arrangements.

E. A. BLOUNT, M.D., Secretary.




BY S. H. STOUT, A.M., M.D., LL.D.,

Ex-Surgeon and Medical Director of the Hospitals of the Confederate Armies and Department of Tennessee. (Continued from February Number.)


My immediate superiors in the medical service during the Confederate war, viz: B. W. Avent, Surgeon General of the

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