Obrázky stránek


guished for size, wealth, and power. Accord-
ing to Livy, its walls enclosed a space 12 m. in
circumference. In the war with Sybaris, 510
B. C., Crotona is said to have sent into the
field 100,000 men, and to have conquered the
Sybarites with a force of 300,000. Some time
afterward the Crotonites were themselves de-
feated by the Locrians near the river Sagras,
and never again recovered their national im-
portance. In the 2d Punic war they were no
longer able to defend their own walls, and a
few years later a Roman colony was sent out
to recruit the exhausted population of the city.
Crotona was celebrated in ancient times for the
school of Pythagoras.


the larynx is affected; and it is often the good fortune of the physician to arrest this fearful disease, when this early indication of danger is understood and attended to. The brazen respiratory sound is heard chiefly during inspira tion; and when false membranes have formed in the larynx there is generally a prolongation of the expiration. The dyspnoea occurs usually at night, and during sleep; its suffocative symp toms, change in the features, dilatation of the nostrils, and agitation of all the respiratory movements, are found in no other disease. Auscultation detects nothing characteristic in the lungs, except diminution or absence of the respiratory murmur in proportion to the obCROUP (cynanche trachealis, angina mem- struction in the larynx; all râles, except those branacea, and diphtheritis trachealis, of au- caused by the flapping of membranes which thors), an acute inflammation of the mucous have extended into the bronchi, must be the membrane of the larynx, trachea, and bron- result of complications not belonging to pure chial tubes, characterized by the production of croup. The disease may be said to be peculiar false membranes on their internal surface. to childhood, between the 1st and 10th years, There is a spasmodic affection of the larynx though older children, and even adults, are oc(laryngismus stridulus), sometimes erroneously casionally affected; it is most common in cold, called croup, but which is entirely different in damp seasons, and those characterized by sudits nature, symptoms, gravity, and treatment. den changes, and in low, marshy localities; it Croup is sometimes preceded by the symp- prevails sometimes epidemically and endemicaltoms of a common cold, with hoarseness and ly, but is never contagious; it often occurs soon a harsh cough, pain in the head, fever, and es- after the eruptive fevers, whooping cough, and pecially by swelling and redness in the back catarrhal diseases, especially during epidemics; of the throat; but it may come on suddenly there seems to be a predisposition to it in cerduring the night, and in the midst of apparent tain families, and those who have been once health. The first symptom observed may be attacked are liable to other seizures. the peculiar ringing, brazen cough, occurring pathological characters are redness and swellmost likely in the night; then the voice be- ing of the mucous membrane of the air pascomes sharp, the respiration noisy and diffi- sages, and the presence of a membranous cult, and accompanied by a crowing sound dur- concretion of various extent and consistence, ing inspiration; the face is red and swollen, though death may occur from the violence of the eyes suffused, the skin hot, the pulse hard the inflammation and its extension to the lungs and quick; the head is thrown back, and before the formation of the latter. Croup is every thing indicates the distress of the sufa very dangerous disease; leaving out of the ferer; the occasional cough brings up nothing case the many affections which have been but some thick mucus, tinged perhaps with erroneously called croup, it may be stated that blood. A treacherous calm may succeed this the mortality is certainly 66 per cent. in well agitation, and the patient may fall asleep; but defined cases, and probably considerably greata new paroxysm will soon reawaken him, more er than that under the old forms of treatment. severe than the first unless the disease be cut At the present time bleeding is very rarely short by appropriate remedies. In the inter- resorted to, unless locally by leeches; emetics vals the child may seem well, except from a can hardly be recommended as general prachoarseness of the voice and a slightly noisy tice, except for the dislodgment of false memrespiration. As the disease advances, the branes evidently loose; mercurials, both interbreathing becomes more difficult, the cough nally and by the skin, have always been remore suffocating, the voice stifled, and the garded with favor in this country, but are of countenance livid; the extremities become cold, questionable utility in most cases, and posiand coma or convulsions close the scene. Not- tively injurious in many; the prostration folwithstanding the difficulty of breathing, swallowing the fractional exhibition of antimonials lowing is generally easy; false membranes of greater or less exent are occasionally coughed up with a partial, or, in rare cases, complete relief. The disease may run to a fatal termination in a few hours, or it may continue many days, ending in death or recovery. According to Bretonneau, croup is only an extension of a diphtheritic inflammation from the pharynx to the air passages; indeed, perhaps in the majority of cases the false membrane may be seen upon the tonsils and posterior fauces before

has not been found to arrest the disease; purgatives, expectorants, blisters, tonics, and antispasmodics have been freely used to little purpose. There is probably no better general treatment than the following, recommended by Prof. John Ware: 1, to avoid all reducing, depleting, and disturbing measures, as bleeding, emetics, purgatives, and blisters; 2, to keep the patient under the full influence of opium, combined perhaps with calomel; 8, constant external application of warmth and

moisture, and of a slightly stimulating mercurial liniment; 4, sponging with warm water, and poultices of flax seed or mullein leaves to the throat; 5, the inhalation of watery vapor. A great improvement on the use of acid gargles, alum and calomel insufflations, and acid caustics, is the now prevalent application of nitrate of silver. The fibrinous exudation is a secretion from the muciparous glands of the mucous membrane, irritated by some unknown specific cause; as this exudation almost always begins in the upper portion of the air passages, and progresses downward, it may often be checked by the application of a strong solution of nitrate of silver to the tonsils and opening of the glottis; in an hour or less the operation may be repeated, and the caustic applied within the glottis; this will generally be followed by vomiting and the discharge of any exist ing membrane; the caustic and the emesis will, if any thing can, arrest the exudative inflammation. After this first and most important step, the treatment of Dr. Ware can hardly be improved; in the later stages, when complicated with bronchitis, prussic acid is the best remedy for the distressing spasmodic cough. In desperate cases, tracheotomy has been performed with immediate relief and ultimate recovery; of course it would be useless when the false membranes had reached the bronchi. All remedies, however, to be effectual, must be applied very early in the disease.-Laryngismus stridulus, or spasmodic croup, as it is sometimes called, occurs during the first 2 or 3 years of life, from the irritation of dentition, deranged digestion, or insufficient nutrition; the spasm sometimes extends to the muscles of the extremities. The inspiration is crowing, not followed by cough. It seems to be essentially a spasm of the glottis, not immediately danger ous, and is to be treated by tonics, alteratives, attention to the general health, and the removal of any obvious causes of irritation in the dental or digestive systems. Recovery is general; and many of the tar-spread remarkable cures of croup are nothing more than cases of this spasmodic or croup-like disease, which may even cease without treatment.

OROUSAZ, JEAN PIERRE DE, a Swiss philosopher and mathematician, born at Lausanne, April 13, 1663, died March 22, 1748, studied at Geneva, Leyden, and Paris, and was ordained pastor of a church at Lausanne. In 1699 he was appointed professor of Greek and philosophy in his native city; in 1724, professor of mathematics and philosophy in Groningen; and in 1737, professor of the same in Lausanne. Beside his sermons, he published many works upon logic, education, and philosophy, and also upon higher geometry.

CROW (corvus), a genus of birds belonging to the order passeres, tribe conirostres, and family corvida. More than 20 species are described, found in most parts of the globe; some remain stationary within a certain. district, while others migrate from place to place

with the changes of the seasons; they generally assemble in flocks in cultivated places, in search of worms, grubs, caterpillars, small animals, the eggs and young of birds, carrion, and various grains and cultivated vegetables; a few species frequent the sea shore, to feed upon the dead fish cast up by the waves, or in quest of shell-fish, which they break by letting them fall from a considerable height upon the rocks. The genus corvus includes the raven, the rook, the jackdaw, and other species not usually denominated crows, which will be noticed under their proper heads. Four species only will be described here, viz.: the American, the European, the hooded, and the fish crow. I. The American crow (C. Americanus, Audubon) was first separated from the European species by Audubon, and there can be but little doubt that they are distinct. The bill of the adult is 2 inches along the ridge, of a black color, straight, strong, and compressed; the upper mandible a little convex, the lower mandible straight; the edges of both sharp and inflected. The nostrils are basal, lateral, round, and covered by bristly feathers directed for ward. The head is large, and the whole form of the bird compact and graceful; the legs are strong and of moderate length; the tarsi are 2 inches long, black, and covered with scales anteriorly; the toes and claws are black, the latter being moderate, arched, compressed, and sharp; the 3d toe is the longest, the other 3 being nearly equal. The plumage is of a general deep black color, with purplish blue reflections, and tinged with purplish brown on the back of the neck; the under parts are less glossy, and the feathers are less compact than those of the back; the plumage of the head and neck is well blended; the wings are long, the 1st primary short, and the 4th the longest, the primaries are tapering, and the secondaries broad; the tail is long, rounded, of 12 feathers with their shafts undulated. The length of this crow is 18 inches, and the extent of wings 3 feet 2 inches. The iris is of a brown color. The female is slightly less glossy than the male, and the young are of a dull brownish black, with less brilliant reflections. There is probably no bird more generally and unjustly persecuted than the crow; every farmer thinks himself privileged to destroy it, and counts the death of every one as a gain to agriculture. Of course the bird, in order to save his race from extermination, must employ all his cunning and ingenuity to avoid his enemies; hence his extreme shyness, and certain flight at the sight of any one armed with a gun, the destructive properties of which he seems well acquainted with; perched on a high tree, he sounds the alarm at the approach of danger, and all the crows within half a mile fly off at the well-known cry of the watchman. Thousands of crows are destroyed every year by guns, traps, and poisoned grain; and multitudes of the young birds are killed in their nests by every urchin who can climb a tree.

Though the crow pulls up a few seeds of the germinating corn, his services to the agriculturist far outweigh his depredations; he daily devours insects, grubs, and worms, which but for him would devastate whole fields of the young corn; he destroys innumerable mice, moles, and other small quadrupeds, every one of which commits 10 times the mischief he does; he will eat snakes, frogs, lizards, and other small reptiles, and also fruits, seeds, and vegetables, and, if hard pressed for food, will even descend to carrion. He will steal and devour the eggs of other birds, and will occasionally prey upon a weak or wounded bird; he delights to worry the owl, the opossum, and the raccoon, and will pursue the thievish hawk, and even the eagle with all the forces that he can raise in the neighborhood; he is said to follow the larger carnivora, probably to partake of the bits which they may leave. On the whole, the crow is a persecuted, comparatively harmless, and indeed a most serviceable bird, and deserves better treatment from the American farmer. Audubon says to the farmers: "I would tell them that if they persist in killing crows, the best season for doing so is when their corn begins to ripen." Wherever the crow is abundant the raven is scarce, and vice versa. The crow is common to all parts of the United States, assembling, after the breeding season, in large flocks, many of which remove to the southern states in the winter. It builds its nest in thick swamps, or on the sides of steep rocks, as much concealed as possible; the period of breeding varies from February to June, according to latitude. The nest is made of sticks interwoven with grasses, plastered within with mud, and lined with soft roots, feathers, or wool; the eggs are from 4 to 6, of a pale greenish color, spotted and clouded with brownish green and purplish gray; both sexes sit upon the eggs, and watch over their young with the tenderest care; in the southern states they raise 2 broods in a season. Several nests are often found near each other, and when any stranger approaches the community, the noise of the assembled multitude is almost deafening until the intruder retires. The young, when just about to leave the nest, are considered in some localities tolerable food. The flight of the crow is swift, capable of being sustained a long time, and sometimes at a great height; on the ground its gait is graceful and slow; it often alights on the back of cattle, to pick out the worms from the skin. Their well-known notes, "caw, caw, caw," are very discordant, especially in early morning when they scatter into small flocks in search of food, and toward evening when the returning parties are selecting their roosting places for the night. The crow is very courageous against its bird enemies, and will not hesitate to attack any marauding hawk which comes within its range. It makes a very interesting pet, as it displays considerable intelligence and docility; but its propensities are de

cidedly thievish. Like many other birds of a black color, the crow is occasionally perfectly white. The sight of the crow is very keen; and it is by this sense, and not by the sense of smell, that this bird is guided in its search of food, and in the avoidance of its human enemies. When on its marauding excursions after eggs, which it carries away on the bill, it is often attacked and driven away, especially by the courageous king-bird. II. The European, or carrion crow (C. corone, Linn.), is larger than the preceding species, being from 20 to 22 inches long, with an extent of wing of 40 inches; the bill is stronger, deeper, more convex on the sides, and the edges more inflected; the feet and toes are larger and stronger, and the claws robust in proportion. Were it not for its smaller size and some differences in the form of the feathers, it might be confounded with the raven, as its proportions are about the same, the body being full and ovate, and the neck short and strong. The palate is flat and the tongue oblong, while in the American species the palate is concave and the tongue is narrower. The plumage is moderately full, compact, and very glossy; the feathers of the hind neck are narrow and with their points distinct, but in the American bird they are broad, rounded, and so blended that the form of each is not easily traced; the feathers of the fore neck are lanceolate and compact at the end, as in the raven, but in the American crow they are three times as broad, rounded, and entirely blended; in other respects the plumage is alike in the two birds, the neck of the former being tinged with green and blue, but in the latter with a distinct purplish brown. From this description it can hardly be doubted that the American and European crow are distinct species. The female is similar to the male in color, but somewhat smaller; the tints of the young have less of the metallic lustre. The carrion crow preys upon small quadrupeds, young hares and rabbits, young birds, eggs, crustacea, mollusks, worms, grubs, and grains; but, as its name imports, its favorite food is carrion of all kinds; it often destroys young lambs and sickly sheep; it is very fond of attacking parturient ewes, frequently killing both the mother and the young, tearing out the eyes, tongue, and entrails, in the manner of the vultures; whatever its food may be, it is exceedingly voracious. Unlike the American species, the carrion crow does not associate in large flocks, but is generally solitary or in pairs, except in breeding time, when a whole family will remain together for some weeks. Its flight is sedate and direct (hence the expression, the crow flies," for a straight line), and performed by regular flaps of the fully extended wings; it does not soar to any great height, and prefers the open moors, fields, and shores to mountainous districts. Its gait is similar to that of the raven, and its cry is a croak quite different from the bark-like cawing of the American crow. It builds its nest, of large size, amid


high rocks, or on tall trees, and lays from 4 to 6 eggs of a pale bluish green color, spotted and blotched with dark brown and purplish gray; these colors, however, vary considerably; the eggs are about 14 inches long, and 1 inches in their greatest width. They not unfrequently build in the neighborhood of farm houses, in order to be near any rejected offal, and watch their opportunity to pounce upon chickens or ducklings, and to steal eggs from any of the domestic fowls. The carrion crow is very easily tamed, and is capable of strong attachment; its docility is great, and its memory astonishing; its propensities are thievish; like the raven and the jackdaw, the carrion crow may be taught to imitate the human voice. According to Temminck, this species occurs over all western Europe, but is rare in the eastern parts. III. The hooded crow (C. cornix, Linn.) has the head, fore neck, wings, and tail of a black color, with purplish blue and green reflections; the rest of the plumage is ash-gray tinged with purplish, the shafts being darker; the female is similar to the male, somewhat smaller, the black on the fore neck less in extent, and the gray of the back less pure; the plumage of the young is black, with the exception of a broad band of dusky gray round the fore part of the body. This species, with the exception of the color, much resembles the carrion crow; it is somewhat smaller, the length being about 20 inches, and the extent of wings 39 inches. It is abundant in the northern parts of Scotland, and it occurs in all parts of Europe; it prefers the coast, and the neighborhood of large maritime towns. It is not gregarious, not more than 5 individuals being often seen together; it is quite as omnivorous as the preceding species, though it prefers fish and mollusks to the carcasses of larger animals; it has sagacity enough, when it cannot open crabs and shell-fish, to raise them into the air and drop them on the ground for the purpose of breaking them. It is very fond of perching upon a stone or tree in dull weather, and croaking for a long time, being answered by others who have stationed themselves at a distance; this habit has been considered by the common people as indicative of rain. Its ordinary flight is slow and regular, and its gait upon the ground remarkably sedate and dignified. It is a peaceable bird, rarely attacked by, and rarely attacking others. It does not soar, nor skim the hillsides in search of food, but skulks along the low grounds in the vicinity of water; it destroys many of the eggs and young of the plover and the red grouse and other birds frequenting the moors. They remain paired the greater part of the year, and almost always construct their nest on a rock near the sea; the eggs, usually 5 in number, are of a pale bluish green tint, marked, especially at the large end, with roundish spots of greenish brown and pale purplish gray. The hooded crow is generally found in different localities from the carrion crow; and, when existing in the same district, the

species keep separate, the latter being much more shy and wild. It is said, and probably with truth, that the species breed together, producing hybrids intermediate between the two; it must be difficult to distinguish such hybrids from the present species, as the space occupied by the ash-gray varies greatly in different individuals. IV. The fish crow (C. ossifragus, Wils.) is smaller than the common crow, having a length of only 16 inches and an extent of wings of 33 inches; the bill is nearly 2 inches, and the tarsus 14 inches long. These two birds resemble each other in general appearance; the bill in the fish crow is concave on the sides at the base, and flat in the middle; the plumage in its general color is deep black, with blue and purple reflections above, and blue and greenish beneath; the bill, tarsi, toes, and claws are black; the iris dark brown. This species is abundant in the southern states, in maritime districts, at all seasons; it is occasionally seen as far north as New York in spring and summer, returning to the south in winter. The fish crow is not persecuted like the common species, and is therefore quite familiar in its habits, approaching houses and gardens without fear, and feeding unmolested on the best fruits. Its favorite food, as its popular name implies, is fish; at early dawn the flock takes wing for the sea-shore, in a very noisy manner; they skim along the shallows, flats, and marshes in search of small fish, which they catch alive in their claws, retiring to a tree or stone to devour them. Like others of the genus, this species will feed on all kinds of garbage, on crabs and mollusks, on eggs and young birds, on the berries of various kinds of ilex and stillingia, on mulberries, figs, whortleberries, pears, and other ripe fruits; they are in the habit of attacking on the wing the smaller gulls and terns, and of forcing them to give up their recently caught fish. They breed in February and March in Florida and South Carolina, and a month later in New Jersey; the nests are usually made in the loblolly pine, on the ends of the branches about 30 feet from the ground; the nest and eggs resemble those of the common crow, but are smaller. The note is different from that of the other species, resembling, according to Audubon, the syllables ha, ha, hae, frequently repeated; at night they are still, in the morning very noisy, and in the breeding season not disagreeable nor monotonous. Their flight is strong and protracted; they generally fly near the water, but occasionally they rise to a great height. On the ground their movements are graceful; and they are fond of opening and shutting their wings, a habit common to the other crows. They can disgorge their food like the vultures, when wounded and attempting to escape; they are easily approached and shot, and in winter, when their food is chiefly fruit, they are very fat, and considered good eating. The female is smaller, and the gloss on the plumage is less bright, with brown reflections on the upper parts; the length is 15

inches, and the extent of wings 31 inches.- CROWN (Lat. corona), a wreath-shaped or The habits of the crows seem to be the same circular covering for the head, made either of in all countries. The carrion crow of Ceylon leaves and flowers or of metals and precious detects the wounded deer, and discloses its stones, and worn as a decoration or honorable retreat to the hunter by congregating on the distinction. The legends of the Greeks attrib neighboring trees. Whenever this bird sees an uted its invention to Prometheus or Janus, and animal lying on the ground, it soon collects all the earliest Greek crowns were worn chiefly on its comrades in the vicinity; one of the boldest festive occasions, and were twined of twigs of the hops upon the animal's body; as this is not un- tree or plant sacred to the divinity who presided common in their search for ticks, the creature over the festival. They rarely contained more lies still, grateful for the expected riddance of than a single kind of leaves or flowers, as the ivy, the vermin. Finally the crow looks into the myrtle, roses, violets, and lilies. The ivy was in eyes; then the animal, if able to defend itself, especial esteem on Bacchanalian occasions, since removes the dangerous friend by a shake of the it was believed to be a preventive of drunkenness. head; but if the eyes be dim from disease or Circular garlands were common ornaments also wounds, full well the crow knows it, and for priests, altars, temples, graves, and sacrificial plunges its powerful bill into the eyeball of the offerings. At the national games, a crown was struggling sufferer, and feasts upon its favorite the reward granted to the victors. It was morsel; the rest soon join, and attack the parts made of wild olive for the Olympic heroes; of giving easiest access to the entrails. The hood- laurel, for the Pythian; of olive, and afterward ed crow of Ceylon, like the other mentioned in parsley, for the Nemean; and of pine, for the Layard's "Ornithology of Ceylon," lives amid Isthmian.-The Romans gave crowns to the conthe densest populations, stealing every thing querors in the circus, and to the best actor at the eatable that comes in his way; if the spread theatre. They also invented a great variety of table be left for a moment, the marks of feet crowns, made of different materials, each with upon the cloth, of bills in the butter, and the a separate name, which were bestowed in honor disappearance of small bits, show that the rob- especially of military achievements. The corona bers could not have been far off; indeed the obsidionalis was presented by besieged cities or sable watchmen sit perched on rafter and roof, armies to the general who delivered them; it with inclined heads, ready for every opportu- conferred the highest honor, was rarely obtained, nity to attack the box of rice or the store of and was made of weeds and wild flowers gatherdried fish. They are useful scavengers, and ed from the spot where the troops or citizens are rarely molested by the natives, of whom had been beleaguered. The corona civica was they stand in no fear; but at the appearance the reward for a soldier who should save the of the white man with his gun, the whole cor- life of a citizen in battle, by slaying his oppovine community is in an uproar, and flies hur- nent and maintaining the ground; it was an riedly to a safe distance till the danger is over. oak wreath, and was the second of the military crowns in honor. The corona rostrata or nava lis was bestowed upon the Roman who in a naval combat had first boarded the enemy's vessel, or the commander whose skill and courage had gained a signal victory; it was of gold, and decorated with representations of the beaks of ships. The corona muralis was given by the general to the soldier who first scaled the wall of a besieged town; it was of gold, and decorated with turrets. The corona castrensis was ornamented with palisades, and was given to the soldier who first surmounted the intrenchments and forced an entrance into the enemy's camp. The corona triumphalis was a wreath of laurel (afterward of gold), given by the soldiers to the victorious general on the day of his triumph. The corona ovalis, of myrtle, and of less estimation than the preceding, was given to generals who enjoyed an ovation instead of a triumph. The corona oleagina was a wreath of olive, and was bestowed upon victorious soldiers as well as generals. There was also a crown of olive or gold peculiar to the priests, which was also regarded as an emblem of peace; radiate crowns attributed to gods and deified heroes and emperors; and a crown of verbena, worn by brides, by whom it was gathered and braided. The custom of crowning poets with wreaths of flowers existed both

CROWE, CATHARINE (STEVENS), a living English authoress, born at Borough Green, in the county of Kent, married in 1822 Lieut. Col. Crowe of the royal army, and began her literary career in 1838 by the publication of a tragedy entitled "Aristodemus." Adopting a more popular style of composition, she soon after published a novel called "Manorial Rights," which was succeeded by the "Adventures of Susan Hopley." The latter was marked especially by a rapid succession of various incidents, and was reproduced in a dramatic form. Her 3d novel, "Lilly Dawson," appeared in 1847, and was designed to show the influence of the affections upon the development of the intellect. In 1848 she translated from the German of Kerner the "Seeress of Prevorst;" and being thus introduced to the study of the phenomena of animal magnetism, she has since published several tales, some of them of a fantastic character, containing incidents and observations with reference to the supernatural world and to dark points of experience. The "Night Side of Nature" (1848) was a skilful effort to awaken an interest in the whole doctrine of spirits. Among her later publications are "Pippie's Warning," "Light and Darkness, or the Mysteries of Life," the "Adventures of a Beauty," and "Linny Lockwood."

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