Bantam, ambaffador of, his letter to his master a- Baxter, what a bleffing he had, N. 598. Beneficence, the pleasure of it, N. 588. A dif- Bion, his faying of a greedy fearch after happiness, N. 574. Blank, his letter to the Spectator about his family, - N. 563. Bonofus the drunken Briton, a faying of him after Burlesque authors the delight of ordinary readers, Burlefque humour, N. 616. C CAcoethes, or itch of writing, an epidemical diftemper, N. 582. Calamities, whimsical ones, N. 558. Calumny, the great offence of it, N. 594. Rules against it by the fathers of la Trape, ibid. Cafes in love answered, N. 614. Cato, an inftance of his probity, N. 557. Cave of Trophonius, feveral people put into it to be mended, N. 599. Cenfure and applaufe fhould not miflead us, N. 610. Chancery court, why erected, N. 564. Chastity, how prized by the heathens, N. 579. Clergyman, the vanity of fome in wearing fcarves, Coach, ftage, its company, N. 631. Ee 3 Content 574 Content, how defcribed by a Roficrucian, N. The virtue of it, ibid. Country-gentlemen, advice to them about spending their time, N. 583, Memoirs of the life of one, 622. Cowley, Mr. his defcription of heaven, N. 590. His ftory of Aglaüs, 610. His ambition, 613. Crazy, a man thought fo by reading Milton aloud, N. 577. Critics, modern ones, fome errors of theirs about plays, N. 592. Cyrus, how he tried a young lord's virtue, N. 564. D1 D Ifcretion abfolutely neceffary in a good hufband, N. 607. Diftempers, difficult to change them for the better, N. 599. Divine Nature, our narrow conceptions of it, N. 565. Its omniprefence and omniscience, ibid. Dreams, a difcourfe of them, N. 593, and 597. Several extravagant ones, ibid. Of Trophonius's cave, 599. Drunkard, a character of one, N. 569. fter, ibid. Is a mon Drunkenness, the ill effects of it, N. 569. What Seneca and Publius Cyrus faid of it, ibid. Dryden, Mr. his tranflation of lapis's cure of Eneas, out of Virgil, N. 572. Of Æneas's fhips being turned into goddeffes, N. 589. His cock's fpeech to Dame Partlet, N. 621. Dumb conjuror's letter to the Spectator, N. 560. E FDGAR, King, an amour of his, N. 605. Egotifm, the vanity of it condemned, N. 562. A young fellow very guilty of it, ibid. Egyptians tormented with the plague of darkness, N. 615. Eloquence of beggars, N. 613. English, English, a character of them by a great preacher, N. 557. By the Bantam ambaffador, ibid. A diftemper they are very much afflicted with, 582. Epiftolary poetry, the two kinds of ftiles, N. 618. Erratum, a fad one committed in printing the bible, N. 579. Eternity, an effay upon it, N. 590. Part is to come, 628. Speech in Cato on it, tranflated into Latin, ibid. F FACES, every man should be pleafed with his own, N. 559. Fadlallah, his ftory out of the Perfian tales. N. 578. Family madness in pedigrees, N. 612. -Fancy, her character, N. 558. Her calamities, ibid. Favours, Ladies, not to be boafted of, N. 611. Fear, how neceffary it is to fubdue it, N. 615. Fellow of a college, a wife faying of one about pofterity, N. 583. Flattery, how grateful, N. 621. Fontenelle, his faying of the ambitious and covetous. N. 576. Free-thinkers put into Trophonius's cave, N. 599. Fritilla's dream, N. 597. Funnel, Will, the toper, his character, N. 569. Futurity, the strong inclination man has to know it, N. 604, A weakness, ibid. The mifery of knowing it, ibid. G GEnealogy, a letter about it, N. 612. God, a contemplation of his omniprefence and omniscience, N. 565. He cannot be absent from us, ibid. Confiderations on his ubiquity, 571. Grotto, verfes on one, N. 632. Gyges and Aglaus, their ftory, N. 610. Hamadriads H HAmadriads, the fable of them to the honour of trees, N. 589. Happiness of fouls in heaven treated of, N. 600. an argument that God has affigned us for it, ibid. Hearts, a vifion of them, N. 587. Heaven, its glory, N. 580. Defcribed by Mr. Cowley, 590. The notions feveral nations have of it, 600. What Dr. Tillot fon fays of it, ibid. Hermit, his faying to a lewd young fellow, N. 575. Heroifm, an effay upon it, N. 601. Hilpa, the Chinese antediluvian Princefs, her ftory, N. 584. Her letter to Shalum, 585. Hiftory, fecret, an odd way of writing one, N. 619. Hobbes's notions debafe human nature, N. 588. Humour, the two extremes, N. 617. Burlefque, 616. Pedantick, 617. Hunting reproved, N. 583. : Hufbands Rules, for marrying them by the widows club, N. 561. Qualities neceffary to make good ones, 607. I Apis's cure of Æneas, a tranflation of Virgil, by Mr. Dryden, N. 572. Idle world, N. 624. Jeft, how it should be uttered, N. 616. Initial letters, the ufe party-writers make of them, N. 567. An inftance of it, ibid. Criticisms upon it 568. Integrity, great care to be taken of it, N. 657. Intrepidity of a just good man taken from Horace, N. 615. John a Nokes and John a Stiles, their petition, N. 577. Irish Gentlemen, widow-hunters, N. 561. Ifadas the Spartan, his valour, N. 564. Julian the Emperor, an excellent paffage out of his Jupiter, his firft proclamation about griefs and ca- Juftice, the Spartans famous for it, N. 564. L Adies, not to mind party, N. 607. Laughter indecent in any religious affembly, Lefbia's letter to the Spectator, giving an account From Conftantio Spec, ibid. From Amanda Lovelength, " |