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because I am sure that he knows them both,

and No. 7.

that he will not fail to comfort and support me under Thursday



March 8, 1711

No. 8.

Friday, March 9.


At Venus obscuro gradientis aere sepsit,
Et multo nebulae circum dea fudit amictu
Cernere ne quis eos▬▬▬▬

SHALL here communicate to the World a couple of Letters, which I believe will give the Reader as good an Entertainment as any that I am able to furnish him with, and therefore shall make no Apology for them.


'To the SPECTATOR, &c.

I am one of the Directors of the Society for the Reformation of Manners, and therefore think my self a proper Person for your Correspondence. I have thoroughly examined the present State of Religion in Great Britain, and am able to acquaint you with the predominant Vice of every Market-Town in the whole Island. I can tell you the Progress that Virtue has made in all our Cities, Boroughs, and Corporations; and know as well the evil Practices that are committed in Berwick or Exeter, as what is done in my own Family, In a word, Sir, I have my Correspondents in the remotest Parts of the Nation, who send me up punctual Accounts from time to time of all the little Irregularities that fall under their Notice in their several Districts and Divisions,

I can

I am no less acquainted with the particular Quarters and Regions of this great Town, than with the different Parts and Distributions of the whole Nation, describe every Parish by its Impieties, and can tell you in which of our Streets Lewdness prevails, which Gaming has taken the Possession of, and where Drunkenness has got the better of them both. When I am disposed to raise a Fine for the Poor, I know the


No. 8. Lanes and Allies that are inhabited by common Friday, Swearers. When I would encourage the Hospital March 9, of Bridewell, and improve the Hempen Manufacture, I am very well acquainted with all the Haunts and Resorts of Female Night-walkers.


After this short Account of my self, I must let
you know, that the Design of this Paper is to give
you Information of a
of a certain irregular Assembly
which I think falls very properly under your Observa
tion, especially since the Persons it is composed of
are Criminals too considerable for the Animadversions

of our Society. I mean, Sir, the Midnight Masque,
which has of late been very frequently held in one of
the most conspicuous Parts of the Town, and which
I hear will be continued with Additions and Improve
ments. As all the Persons who compose this lawless
Assembly are masqued, we dare not attack any of
them in our Way, lest we should send a Woman
of Quality to Bridewell, or a Peer of Great Britain
to the Counter: Besides that, their Numbers
so very great, that I am afraid they would be able
to rout our whole Fraternity, though we were accom
panied with all our Guard of Constables. Both these
Reasons, which secure them from our Authority, make
them obnoxious to yours; As both their Disguise and
their Numbers will give no particular Person Reason
to think himself affronted by you.


If we are rightly informed, the Rules that are observed by this new Society are wonderfully contrived for the Advancement of Cuckoldom. The Women either come by themselves or are introduced by Friends, who are obliged to quit them, upon their first Entrance, to the Conversation of any Body that addresses himself to them. There are several Rooms where the Parties may retire, and, if they please, shew their Faces by Consent, Whispers, Squeezes, Nods, and Embraces, are the innocent Freedoms of the Place. In short, the whole Design of this libidinous Assembly seems to terminate in Assignations and Intrigues; and I hope you will take effectual Methods, by your publick Advice and Admonitions, to prevent such



promiscuous Multitude of both Sexes from together in so clandestine a Manner. I am

Your humble Servant,

meeting No. 8. Friday, March 9

And Fellow-Labourer,

T. B.'

Not long after the Perusal of this Letter, I receiv'd another upon the same Subject; which by the Date and Stile of it, I take to be written by some young Templer.


Middle Temple, 17

When a Man has been guilty of any Vice or Folly, I think the best Attonement he can make for it, is to warn others not to fall into the like. In order to this I must acquaint you, that some time in February last I went to the Tuesday's Masquerade. Upon my I first going in I was attack'd by half a Dozen female Quakers, who seem'd willing to adopt me for a - Brother; but upon a nearer Examination I found they were a Sisterhood of Coquets disguised in that - precise Habit. I was soon after taken out to dance, and, as I fancied, by a Woman of the first Quality, for she was very tall, and moved gracefully. As soon as the Minuet was over, we ogled one another through our Masques; and as I am very well read in Waller, I repeated to her the four following Verses out of his poem to Vandike.

The heedless Lover does not know

Whose Eyes they are that wound him so,
But, confounded with thy Art,

Enquires her Name that has his Heart.

I pronounced these Words with such a languishing Air, that I had some Reason to conclude I had made a Conquest. She told me that she hoped my Face was not akin to my Tongue; and looking upon her Watch, I accidentally discovered the Figure of a Coronet on the back Part of it. I was so transported with the Thought of such an Amour, that I plied her from one Room to another with all the Gallantries I could invent;



No, 8,

and at length brought things to so happy an Issue, that she gave me a private Meeting the next Day, without March 9, Page or Footman, Coach or Equipage. My Heart danced


in Raptures; but I had not lived in this golden Dream above three Days, before I found good Reason to wish that I had continued true to my Laundress. I have since heard, by a very great Accident, that this fine Lady does not live far from Covent Garden, and that I am not the first Cully whom she has pass'd her self upon for a Countess,

Thus, Sir, you see how I have mistaken a Cloud for a Juno; and if you can make any use of this Adventure, for the Benefit of those who may possibly be as vain young Coxcombs as my self, I do most heartily give you Leave, I am, Sir,

Your most humble Admirer.

B. L' I design to visit the next Masquerade my self, in the same Habit I wore at Grand Cairo; and 'till then shall suspend my Judgment of this Midnight Entertainment.


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No. 9.

Saturday, March 10.

-Tigris agit rabida cum tigride pacem
Perpetuam; saevis inter se convenit ursis.-Juv.

AN is said to be a Sociable Animal, and, as an Instance

Pretences of forming our selves into those little Nocturnal Assemblies, which are commonly known by the name of Clubs. When a Sett of Men find themselves agree in any Particular, tho' never so trivial, they establish them selves into a kind of Fraternity, and meet once or twice a Week, upon the account of such a Fantastick Resem blance. I know a considerable Market-town, in which there was a Club of fat Men, that did not come together (as you may well suppose) to entertain one another with Sprightliness and Wit, but to keep one another in Coun tenance: The Room where the Club met was some



thing of the largest, and had two Entrances, the one by No. 9. a Door of a moderate Size, and the other by a Pair of Saturday, Folding-doors. If a Candidate for this Corpulent Club March 10, could make his Entrance through the first, he was looked upon as unqualified; but if he stuck in the Passage, and could not force his Way through it, the Folding Doors I were immediately thrown open for his Reception, and he was saluted as a Brother. I have heard that this Club, though it consisted but of fifteen Persons, weighed above three Tun.

In Opposition to this Society, there sprung up another composed of Scare-crows and Skeletons, who being very meagre and envious, did all they could to thwart the · Designs of their Bulky Brethren, whom they represented as Men of Dangerous Principles; till at length they worked them out of the Favour of the People, and con sequently out of the Magistracy. These Factions tore the Corporation in Pieces for several Years, till at length they came to this Accommodation; that the two Bailiffs of the Town should be annually chosen out of the two Clubs; by which means the principal Magis trates are at this Day coupled like Rabbets, one fat and one lean.

Every one has heard of the Club, or rather the Con federacy, of the Kings. This grand Alliance was formed a little after the Return of King Charles the Second, and admitted into it Men of all Qualities and Professions, provided they agreed in this Sirname of King, which, as they imagined, sufficiently declared the Owners of it to be altogether untainted with Republican and AntiMonarchical Principles.

A Christian Name has likewise been often used as a Badge of Distinction, and made the Occasion of a Club. That of the Georges, which used to meet at the Sign of the George, on St George's Day, and swear Before George, is still fresh in every one's Memory,

There are at present in several Parts of this City what they call Street-Clubs, in which the chief Inhabitants of the Street converse together every Night. I remember, upon my enquiring after Lodgings in Ormond-Street, the Landlord, to recommend that Quarter of the Town, told


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