Obrázky stránek

THE AVERAGE PRICES of NAVIGABLE CANAL SHARES and other PROPERTY, in April 1818 (to the 25th), at the Office of Mr. Scотт, 28, New Bridge-street, London.Trent and Mersey Canal, 1530l. Div. 651. per annum.-Coventry Canal, 9401. ex half Yearly Div. 221.-Stafford and Worcester Canal, 620l. ex Half Year Div. 181.Oxford, 610l. ex Half Yearly Div.--Monmouthshire, 1261. to 130/.-Grand Junction, 2301.-Lancaster, 211.-Kennet and Avon, 251.-Croydon Railway, 18l.-Surrey Iron ditto, 10l.-Commercial Dock, 721.-West India Dock, 203l. Div. 10l. per annum.London Dock, 83l. Div. 3l.-Globe Assurance, 130l.-Hope, 31. 17s.-Rock, 41. 14s.East London Water Works, 101l. Div. 3l. per annum.-West Middlesex, 471. to 491. Grand Junction Ditto, 521.-Original Gas Light, 701.-London Flour Company, 11. 7s. -Russel Institution, 15l. 15s.


Red. 3 per Ct. 4perCt. 5perCt. B. Long Irish 5 Imp. Imp. | India So. Sea 3 per Ct India
Stock 3 per Ct. Consols. Cons. Navy Ann. per Ct. 3perCt. Ann. Stock. Stock. Sth Sea Bonds.


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79 8


89 pr.

19 pr.

20 pr.



92 pr.

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21 pr.

80 79



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794 94 pr.

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23 pr.

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80 79

974 106

79 98 pr.

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79 80

97 107



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804 80

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79 80

97 1084




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82 81

98 1087


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27 pr.



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80 79




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107 20




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1064 20

23 282




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97 106 20


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28 282 79




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RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. Bank-Buildings, London.

Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street, London.







Morning Chronic.
Times-M. Advert.

P.Ledger & Oracle
N.Times--B. Press

St. James's Chron.
Sun-Even. Mail
Albion--C. Chron.
Eng. Chron-Inq.
Cour. de Londres
11 Weekly Papers
17 Sunday Papers
Hue & Cry Police
Lit. Adv.-Lit, Gaz.
Bath 3-Bristol 5
Birmingham 3
Blackb. Brighton
Bury St. Edmund's
Camb. Chath.
Carli.2--Chester 2
Chelms. Cambria.

Miscellaneous Correspondence.

MINOR CORRESPONDENCE.--Corrections, &c.386
The Septuagint; and Passagein Psalm 110, 387
God's Foreknowledge, and Man's Free-wilt ibid.
Sir Matthew Hale. - LL.D. -The Poor... 388
Poetical Imitations by Lord Byron...389, 390
Perpetual Motion; Chichester Cath. School 391
Harnham Bridge, &c. -Salisbury Cross.. 393
Illustrations of " Life" of John Dunton.. ibid.

Cornw.-Covent. 2
Durham Essex
Exeter 2, Glouc.2
Halifax-Hants 2
Hereford, Hull 3
Huntingd.-Kent 4
Ipswich 1, Lancas.
Leices.2--Leeds 2
Lichfield, Liver.6
Maidst. Manch. 6
Norfolk, Norwich
N. Wales, Oxford2
Preston-Plym. 2
Sherborne, Sussex

Staff. Stamf. 2
Wolverh. Worc.2
York 3, IRELAND37
Jersey 2. Guern. 2

review of new publications. -
Introduction to Beauties of England, &c. 425
Barrington & Beaufoy on the North Pole 426
Epistolary Curiosities; by Miss Warner.. 428
History of Whitby; by Rev. G. Young... 433
Miss Benger's Memoirs of Mrs. Hamilton 434
Fables and Moral Poems by W. Coldwell 435
Moir's Inquiry into History, Antiquity, &c. ib.
A. Campbell's Voyage round the World.. 436
Warner's Church of England Principles.. 439
Scripture Directory.-Princess Charlotte.. 440
Life and Errors of John Dunton, bookseller 441
Herculaneum MSS.-Copyright Act ......445


On proper Motives fortaking Holy Orders 396
Thoughts on Religion, from various Authors 399
Transubstantiation.- Master of the Revels 400
The Family of Sir Michael Smith .......... 401
Church of Bradford Abbas, Dorsetshire... ibid.
Conspirators engaged in Babington's Plot 402
Letters of Junius. -The late Mr. Gifford.. 403
Dedication to late Duke of Northumberland 404
Capt. Parr.--Naval Exploits in East Indies 405
Hot-houses. - Mechanic Movement 406
Remarks on the Signs of Inns, &c......... 407
Distinctive Character, &c. of good Musick 414
Mr. Hawkins on the Chromatic Scale, &c. 416
THE DETECTED, a Periodical Paper, No. IV. 417
Reportof Committeeon Dr. Burney's Library418
On Geography of North-East of Asia...... 422
With Views of the Chapel and Harnham
and also of the Church of Bradford Abbas, in Dorsetshire.

Historical Chronicle.
Proceedings in present Session of Parliament449
London Gazettes 453.-Foreign Occurrences457
Intelligence from various Parts of the King.

dom, 461.-London and its Vicinity.....462
Promotions, &c.;- Births, & Marriages 463,464
OBITUARY; containing original notices of
F. Dugdale Astley, esq. Dr. H. Clarke,
Capt. Ince, Rev. W. Mounsey, &c. &c. 465
Meteorological Diary, 478; Bill of Mortality 479
Prices of the Markets, 479. - The Stocks, &c. 480
Bridge, and of the Cross, at SALISBURY;


Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-str. London; where all Letters to the Editor are particularly desired to be addressed, POST-PAID.


G. T. has our hearty thanks. The promised Extracts will be gratefully received; and he will be glad to hear that some of his Hints have been anticipated. Can he (or any other Correspondent) favour us with Mr. Hardinge's famous Speech at Warwick on Dr. Priestley's Claim for Damages received during the Riots at Birmingham?

T. J. says, "No person, possessed of the common sympathies of humanity, can read the case of Thomas Redmile, in p. 200, without being forcibly touched with compassion for a man so afflicted, yet so patient, so pious, and resigned; a man, in short, supported under the pressure of the heaviest calamity, by an unshaken trust in God, and by all those heavenly graces inculcated in the Gospel. How much would the gay and the thoughtless in higher life alleviate the frequent sorrows to which they are alike exposed, by the cultivation of those virtues so eminently exhibited in the character of this humble sufferer! I hope a general subscription will be speedily raised; and, though I cannot for a moment question the veracity of VICINUS, nor doubt his benevolent motives, it would be, in my opinion, highly desirable to have the particulars of the case verified by the Minister of the Parish, mentioning the place, or places, where dopations are to be paid." [See p. 290.] Mr. W. GoodHUGH says, he has a number of Manuscript Poems, which are attributed to Thomson, the author of "The Seasons," in his own hand writing. "It is well known he paraphrased a Psalm on the Greatness and Majesty of God, for which he gained the approbation of his tutor, Mr. Hamilton; and this piece is not extant in any edition of his works."-39, Crawford street.

Mr. JOHN BILLAM asks who was the Author of a Poem intituled, Tuphlo-perogamia; and quotes the following lines: "Felices homines! quos stricto fœdere


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you an English Translation of Buchanan's Latin Epigram on Magdalena Valesia (not Valensia) Regina Scotorum, but has not informed you to whom the old Poet referred. It was, in plain English, Magdalene of Valois, eldest daughter of Francis 1. King of France, and wife of James V. King of Scots, (father by a second wife of the unfortunate and ill-used Mary); to whom she was married Jan. 1, 1537, and died July 7 following. The comparison between her and our late much-lamented Princess will not hold; as the former was not only five or six years younger than the latter, but of so weakly a constitution, and considered (justly, as the event shewed) so unlikely to be a mother, or even to live, that her father at first refused her to her Suitor."

P. 2. b. The Biographical Dictionary is right in asserting that the Vicarage of Hackney was given to Dr. Sheldon by the King, for it was his for that turn jure prærog. in consequence of the Promotion of the Doctor's predecessor, Dr. Dolben, to the Bishopric of Bangor. The family of Tyssen had nothing to do with it till 1697, when Mr. Francis Tyssen purchased the principal Manor in the Parish, of Sir Thomas Cooke: he died Oct. 31, 1717, and was buried with uncommon pomp in Hackney Church, 11 days after, of which a curious account is given by Mr. Lysons, Environs of London, II. 503, but with a mistake in the date of the year. What induced your Correspondent to assert that "the Family have lately chosen to be called Tyssen," he best knows: but I am of opinion that they are originally a German family, and never had any connexion with the English family of Tyson.

W. G. L. asks who was the author of

a black-letter Poem, thus intituled:
"A Skeltonical salutation
Or condigne gratulation
And just vexation
Of the Spanish Nation
That in bravado
Spent many a Crusado
In setting forth an Armado
England to invado.

Imprinted at London, for Toby Cooke, 1589."

Vol. LXXXVII. p. 634. b. line 25, read Mary-Anne, second dau. of the late Rev. Sir William-Ulithorn Wray, bart. Her marriage is recorded, LXXXIV. ii. 186.

In the present Volume, p. 295. a. four lines from bottom, for Colne, read Calne. P. on "Burial Fees" in our next; with E. L. G. (whose promised communications will be acceptable); &c. &c.


For MAY, 1818.


Deal, March 18.
N your Magazine for January last.

p. 3, Mr. C. J. Smyth adverts to a supposed opinion of Bp. Lowth, that the Septuagint translation is of higher authority than the Hebrew original. I am rather inclined to doubt whether the Bishop has ever expressed such an opinion; at least I have no recollection of having observed it in any of his writings. In his " Preliminary Dissertation" to his Translation of Isaiah, p. lxvi. he speaks of it as being "of the first authority, and of the greatest use in correcting the Hebrew text," but by no means as being of higher authority than it. His father also, Mr. W. Lowth, says, that "great regard ought to be paid to it." Bp. Warburton, indeed, goes much further, and asserts that "the Hebrew Bible would have been unintelligible without it," (Letters to Hurd, 2ud edit. p. 58); and Ludovicus Capellus, as quoted by Blackwall, "Sacred Classics," vol. II. p. 346, is as decided in the same opinion, and says that without the Greek version, the Hebrew Bible " would have been almost of no use." It is obvious that, as this Translation was made while the Hebrew was a living language, it must possess great advantage over every other; nor are its occasional variations from any He. brew copies now known, proofs of inaccuracy or want of fidelity, because we are ignorant from what copies the different parts of that version were made; nor whether those copies, or transcripts from them, are now in existence. With respect to the other subject of Mr. Smyth's letter, the obscure passage in the 110th Psalm, From the womb of the morning thou hast the dew of thy youth, as

I have considered it at length in another place *, and see no reason to

will here only mention the result of my inquiries. The womb of the morning appears to me, by an easy figure

gure of s speech, to mean "the East, or sun-rising;" as the dew of thy youth (in the old Translation, 1566, the dew of the birth) does, "the beginning of life." The passage, therefore, may mean, "the dawn of thy birth is from the East;" which is equally true as applied to Christ himself, or to the beginning of his religion. Yours, &c.



would say,

Μ. Ρ.

April 10.

ODDRIDGE'S epigram, or his family motto, though frequently printed, may deserve to be again offered to the Reader's attention. "Live, while you live, the Epicure [day. And seize the pleasures of the present Live, while you live, the Sacred Preacher cries, And give to God each moment as it flies. Lord! in my views let both united be; I live in pleasure when I live to Thee,"

On the subject of God's foreknowledge, and man's free-will, the following sentiments appear to be as satisfactory as can be expected, until the "film be removed from our mental sight." Sherlock, on Divine Providence, says, "If God can foreknow what he has not decreed, and what does not come to pass necessarily, then the prescience of God does not infer a fatality of all events,'

The Reader is reminded of Jortin's first Dissertation, and of Abp. King's Sermon, on these subjects,

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Redemption, or a View of the Rise and Progress of the Christian Reli gion," &c.-Rivingtons, 1811.

T. Jack

T. Jackson, an Authorless known, has the following passage in the Epistle dedicatory prefixed to the second vol. folio, of his Works, viz. "The Almighty Creator hath a true freedom in doing good; and Adam's offspring a true freedom of doing evil: there needs to be no other controversy- at all between the Arminians and their opposites in point of God's

Providence and Predestination. But, if any will maintain, that nothing

since the Creation could have fallen out otherwise than it hath done, or that nothing can be amended that is amiss, his opinion is not only an error in Divinity, but an ignorance which involveth enmity to the sweet disposition of the all-seeing and unerring Providence; a forerunner of ruin to most flourishing states and kingdoms where it comes to full height." He concludes with these words: "for supplanting or preventing the growth of such opinions, I make bold to crave your Lordship's patronage." To the Earl of Pembroke, who was at that time Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Dated Nov. 20, 1627.

Of T. Jackson, D. D. an account is given by the Editor of "Walton's Lives," with many useful notes.

Bp. Tomline has said enough to set the above question at rest. " In what proportion God and man cooperate I am unable to explain; neither how the divine and human natures unite in Christ, yet I believe both."-Bp. Bull expresses himself to the same effect.

For a just notion of Calvinism, the Reader is referred to Dr. T. Balguy's fourth Discourse: "The Religion of Calvin seems to have rested on this execrable foundation-that God is a tyrant." Bp. Warburton, in the Supplement to The Divine Legation, calls Calvin " a crude, sour-tempered, persecuting Bigot, who counterworks his Creator, and makes God after man's image, and chooses the worst model he can find himself."

To a young Divine I venture to recommend an intimate acquaintance with the Writers here quoted or referred to, viz. Sherlock, T. Jackson, T. Balguy, Bp. Bull, Bp. Tomline, and, as an amusing book, Zouch's edition of Isaac Walton's Lives.

I met with the following epitaph in Easton church-yard.


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"How vain the happiest days that mortals spend, [end! If all their joys with this short life must Then first of all thy Maker's favour [grave For this will last, and live beyond the Shakespeare has been called a good Divine; and the following passage, from "The Picture," may entitle Massinger to the same compliment. Matthias (in allusion to the Picture which changed as his wife grew false): "When we're grown up to ripeness, our life is -like to this Picture. While we run A constant race in goodness, it retains The just proportion. But, the journey being [way, Tedious, and sweet temptations in the That may, in some degree, divert us [end The road that we put forth in, ere we Our pilgrimage it may, like this, turn yellow, [(when we Or be with blackness clouded. But Find we have gone astray, and labour to Return unto our never-failing guide, Virtue,) Contrition (with unfeign'd tears The spots of vice wash'd off) will soon


restore it

To its first pureness." Yours, &c.

Mr. URBAN, THE authority

H. I.

May 11. of Sir Matthew Hale, Christianity is part of the Law of England," has been quoted on several late occasions; and Blackstone, on delivering the same opinion in his Commentaries, refers to the Reports of Ventris and Strange: but both these Reporters, though they cite the authority of Sir Matthew Hale, omit to mention the book in which the words appear. I therefore request a reference to the publication, edition, volume, and page, in which they occur, having frequently observed some variation in them on being cited by Barristers and others.

I cannot perfectly agree with either R.C. or LL. D. on their explanation of LL. D. for the following reason. Nearly fifty years ago, I attended, during the three years in which I resided at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, the Lectures of Dr. Hallifax on "The Analysis of the Roman Civil Law compared with the "Laws of England;" and I well remember his explanation of LL. D. to have been, Legis Legum Doctor, or Doctor of the Law of Laws, the Roman

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