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that it is the only body on the face of the earth that is laboring day in and day out to destroy their only means of livelihood. The interdependence of the people and the profession make our labors much more agreeable when we feel that we have the earnest co-operation of the people among whom we labor. This is especially true in Macon, and we hope that the Macon doctors will teach us to reduce the mortality.

We are glad to learn from the mayor that the water here is good. There are two objects which draw the doctors to the Association. The mayor only speaks of the social one. The doctors represent a very quiet and steady portion of their community, but there are times when they go off to have a good time like other people.

Several years back a little play went around the country which represented a rather gay clergyman, and who sang a song which has clung to me for twenty years. The name of the character was Hezekiah Holderness, and the song ran something like this:

"The clergyman away from his flocks and his books,

Is not such a harmless creature as he looks."

A slight modification of this, it seems to me, is not entirely inappropriate on this occasion :

The physician away from his home and his clients,
Drinks pleasure at times from founts other than science.

We at

I shall never forget a former visit to Macon. tended a reception, and I saw something of how things were then. It seemed to me that I never turned but that one of these doctors were touching my elbow, and then the elbow bent. There were some members of our party about whom there was some anxiety, and they secretly appointed a com mittee to conduct us to our hotel. The next morning we heard that of the committee who escorted us home, one was found on the doorstep, and the other was inquiring of a policeman the way to the Waldorf-Astoria. [Applause.]

It gives us infinite pleasure. to meet here in Macon, and be the recipients of the extremely cordial and bountiful reception we have received this morning.

The report of the Committee of Arrangements was read by the Chairman, Dr. M. A. Clark, as follows:


MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN-Your Committee of Arrangements beg to report as follows:

The meetings of the Association will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. The Marshal's office, on the right of the hall as you enter, will be used by the Board of Censors, and the room upstairs on the extreme right will be for the several committees. The halls upstairs and on this floor will furnish ample space for all exhibits.

Badges have been provided for all members of the Association and any of their families who may accompany them. A medallion, bearing the likeness of our honored President, is furnished with each badge as a nice little souvenir of the meeting of 1904. These badges with the medallions entitle all wearers to full privileges of the following clubs: The Cherokee, 812 Mulberry street; The Progress, First street, corner Poplar; The Elks, 567 Mulberry street, in the Telegraph Building, and the Log Cabin, out near Belleview suburb; and the medallion may prove a talisman to the wearer because of the popularity of him whose image it bears. The visiting members will wear white badges, the local members blue badges, and the Committee of Arrangements blue badges with rosettes. We hope all visiting members will feel at liberty to call upon the wearers of the blue badges for any information they may desire.

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Your Committee have avoided as much as practical any interference with the business of the Association, and offer the following entertainments:

This evening at 8:30 o'clock a reception at the Log Cabin Club by the Macon Medical Society. You and your families are cordially invited to attend.

Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Acme Brewing Company will compliment the Association with a luncheon, and will give you a royal entertainment.

Respectfully submitted,

M. A. CLARK, Chairman.

Dr. Louis H. Jones presented his report as Secretary and Treasurer as follows:

[blocks in formation]

in Account with the Medical Association of Georgia.

[blocks in formation]


April 17.

T. V. Hubbard, Chairman Program Com.$ May 23. W. F. Westmoreland, Chairman Commit

[merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]


tee New Members....

C. A. Smith, stenographer

38 00

48 70

100 00

J. P. Stephens (Dr. McH's stationery).

13 50

J. P. Stevens (Dr. Westmoreland)..

96 66

94 21

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2 J. C. Bagwell, (stamping, addressing, etc.,

[blocks in formation]
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[ocr errors][merged small]

Franklin Printing & Pub. Co.

L. H. Jones (salary as Sec. and Tr.)..

15. Stamps, postal cards, exchange, rubber

stamps, etc


2.00 14 00

29.50 400 00

53 49-$1,765 29

1,765 29

594 32

$ 2,359 51

The following program was presented :



Prayer by Rev. R. E. Douglas.

Address of Welcome in Behalf of the City-Mayor Bridges Smith. Address of Welcome in Behalf of the Citizens-Hon. Minter


Address of Welcome in Behalf of Local Profession-Dr. Howard J. Williams.

Response to Addresses of Welcome-Dr. Wm. Perrin Nicolson. Report of Committee on Arrangements.

Report of Secretary and Treasurer.

Filling Vacancies on Board of Censors and Executive Committee. Application for Membership.

1-The Treatment of Cancer, M. B. Hutchins, M D., Atlanta. 2-The Moral and Religious Side of the Medical Profession, E. Morgan, M.D., Vidalia.

3-Some Dang ers to the Public Health of Georgia Needing Control by Legislation, R. M. Harbin, M.D., Rome.

4. A Plea for More Thorough Examination and Rational Treatment of Nose and Throat Disease, Dunbar Roy, M.D., Atlanta.

5. Two cases of Ectopic Pregnancy Going to Term, E. R. Corson and J. G. Van Marten, M.D., Savannah.

6. Ectopic Gestation with Report of Complete Operation with Recovery of Patient, E. C. Davis, M.D., Atlanta.

7. A Few Surgical Cases, O. T. Kenyon, M.D., Dawson.

8. The Clinical Consideration of Tumors, W. F. Westmoreland,

M.D., Atlanta.

9. Consumption and the State, M. M. Saliba, M.D., Savannah. 10. Adenoids, Their Complications and Treatment, J. L. Hiers, M.D., Savannah.


Report of Board of Censors.

Application for Membership.

11. Renal Decapsulation-Indications, Limitations and Technique, R. R. Kime, M.D., Atlanta.

12. Hysterectomy for Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus, Geo. H. Noble, M.D., Atlanta.

13. Forty-two Consecutive Laparotomies in the Practice of a Country Doctor, and Report of Cases, F. M. Ridley, M.D., LaGrange.

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