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himself. He was favored by Queen Anne in his efforts to have the prayer of the petition granted, but failed to obtain the appointment of a suffragan, and he resolved to ask for consecration for himself by nonjuring bishops. This was done by two bishops, and in 1722 he returned to America and assumed episcopal authority. The governor of Pennsylvania (Keith) complained of him to the Lords of the Privy Seal, and he was summoned to England, but did not go. He died in Burlington, N. J., Nov. 29, 1727.

escaped in a boat, and the Romney soon freed herself without injury. The other war-vessels fled out of the harbor in alarm. Talbot received a severe wound in the defence of Fort Mifflin, and gave material aid to General Sullivan on Rhode Island in 1778. A few weeks later he captured a British floating battery anchored in one of the channels commanding Newport, and for this exploit was commissioned captain. In his prize (the Pigot) he cruised off the New England coast, capturing several prizes. In 1780 he was Talbot, SILAS, naval officer; born in captured and confined in the prison-ship Dighton, Mass., in 1751; was captain in a Jersey, removed to England, and exRhode Island regiment at the siege of changed in 1781. After the war he purBoston; accompanied the American army chased the confiscated estate of Sir Willto New York; and, for skilful operations with fire-rafts against the British shipping there, received from Congress the commission of major. In the summer of


iam Johnson, near the Mohawk River: served in the New York Assembly, and was a member of Congress in 1793-94. He was employed in 1794 to superintend the construction of the frigate Constitution, which, in 1799, was his flag-ship in a cruise to the West Indies. He resigned Sept. 21, 1801. He died in New York City, June 30, 1813.

Talcott, ANDREW, civil engineer; born in Glastonbury, Conn., April 20, 1797; graduated at the United States Military Academy, and commissioned second lieutenant in the engineer corps in 1818; served for a year on construction duty; then accompanied Gen. Henry Atkinson as engineer on the expedition to estab lish military posts on the upper Missouri and Yellowstone rivers. On his return he was engaged on the construction of the defences of Hampton Roads, Va., till 1835. He resigned his commission in 1836. He devised the Talcott method for determining territorial latitudes by observations of stars near the zenith. He died in Richmond, Va., April 22, 1883.


Talcott, GEORGE, military officer; born 1776 he accepted the command of a fire in Glastonbury, Conn., Dec. 6, 1786; joinbrig on the Hudson. By orders of Wash- ed the army in 1813; promoted first lieuington, after gaining Harlem Heights tenant in March, 1814; served through (Sept. 15), Talbot attempted the destruc- the Mexican War, being promoted colonel tion of the British vessels of war lying and chief of ordnance in March, 1848. On off the present 124th Street, New York Nov. 6, 1850, he sent a letter without the City. At 2 A.M. on the 16th, when it was knowledge of the Secretary of War to dark and cloudy, Talbot left his hiding- Colonel Huger, commandant of the arplace under the Palisades, 3 or 4 miles senal at Fort Monroe, respecting the purabove Fort Lee, ran down the river with a chase of ammunition, on the receipt of fair wind, and, grappling the Romney, set which Colonel Huger made a contract to his brig on fire. The crew of the brig buy a large quantity of shot and shell.


When this fact became known to the War were the Spanish arms, an evidence of the Department Talcott was court-martialled, complicity of the Spaniards with the found guilty, and forced to retire on July 8, 1851. Many prominent men declared the sentence unjust and illegal, and attempts were made to reinstate him, but without success. Hon. John C. Spencer wrote a Review of the trial to prove the error of the judgment. Talcott died in Albany, N. Y., April 25, 1862.

Tallasahatchee, BATTLE AT. The mas sacre at Fort Mims (see MIMS, FORT, MASSACRE AT) stirred the indignation of the whole people of the Southwest. A cry for help went northward. Jackson was then prostrate at a Nashville inn, from the effects of a bullet received from the hands of Thomas H. Benton, in a duel. He appealed to the Tennesseeans to take the field, promising to be with them as soon as possible. Five thousand men speedily responded. Jackson despatched (Sept. 26, 1813) Gen. John Coffee, with 500 dragoons and as many mounted volunteers as could join him immediately, towards the Creek country. Jackson, with his arm in a sling, joined him soon afterwards, and drilled his troops thoroughly for the emergency. When he arrived at

Talcott, JOHN, military officer; born in Braintree, England, about 1630; came to the United States with his father, and settled in Boston, and later in Hartford, Conn.; was made ensign of colonial troops in 1650; became captain in 1660; elected a deputy of the colony of Connecticut; treasurer of the colony in 1660-76; and was one of the patentees named in the charter granted to Connecticut in 1662 by Charles I. He served in the Indian War of 1676 as major, and in June of that year, at the head of the "standing army' "the Coosa he was informed that the hosof Connecticut, accompanied by 200 Mohican and Pequod Indians, fought a successful battle at the Housatonic. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel during the war. Many of his official papers are preserved among the State records in Hart. ford. He died in Hartford, Conn., July 23, 1688.

tile Creeks were assembled at Tallasahatchee, a town in an open woodland. Jackson sent the stalwart Coffee, with 1,000 horsemen, to attack them. He was accom. panied by friendly Creeks and Cherokees. On the morning of Oct. 3, by a manœuvre, the Indians were decoyed out of the town, when they fell upon the Tennesseeans Talladega, BATTLE AT. On the evening furiously. They were immediately smitten of Nov. 8, 1813, Gen. Andrew Jackson and by a volley of bullets and a charge of the his troops were resting within 6 miles of cavalry. The Creeks fought valiantly. Talladega, one of the chief gathering Inch by inch they were pushed back by the places of the hostile Creek Indians in narrowing circle of their assailants, who Talladega county, Ala., a little east of the attacked them at all points. Not one Coosa River. Jackson's forces were com- would ask quarter, but fought as long as posed of 1,200 infantry and 800 mounted he could wield a weapon. Every warrior men. He disposed them for action so as was killed. In falling back to their vilto enclose the foe in a circle of armed lage, they became mingled with the women men. He moved at sunrise, Nov. 9. When and children, and some of these were slain. the attack began the Indians rushed out Fully 200 Indians perished, and eighty. with great fury, and their yells at first four women and children were made so alarmed the militia that some of them prisoners. The loss of the Americans was fell back, but were soon rallied and fought five killed and forty-one wounded, most of gallantly. The battle soon became general, them slightly. Having destroyed the town and raged for about fifteen minutes, wher and buried the dead, Coffee marched back the Indians broke and fled in all direc- to Jackson's camp on the Coosa, followed tions. They were pursued for several by a train of sorrowful captives. Thus miles, and over 300 of the dusky war- was commenced the fearful chastisement riors were slain, besides a large number of the Indians for their work at Fort wounded. The Americans lost fifteen Mims.

killed and eighty-five wounded. Among Tallmadge, BENJAMIN, military offi the few trophies of victory borne back to cer; born in Brookhaven, N. Y., Feb. the Coosa was a coarse banner, on which 25, 1754; entered the patriot army as

lieutenant of a Connecticut regiment in Dutch Church in Belleville, N. J., in the June, 1776, and soon rose to the rank of same year; was pastor of the Central colonel. In 1779-80 he was engaged in Presbyterian Church (popularly known as expeditions against bodies of British and the Tabernacle) of Brooklyn, in 1869-94, Tories on Long Island, and was in some during which time this well-known place of the principal battles of the war. In of worship was destroyed by fire three times. Feeling himself unable to stand the strain of building another church edifice, he removed to Washington, D. C. His sermons were published every week for twenty-nine years. In 1900 it was estimated that their publication in 3,600 papers carried them to no less than 30,000,000 people weekly throughout the world. He was editor of the Christian Herald for many years. He died in Washington, D. C., April 12, 1902.



Talon, PIERRE, explorer; born in Canada after 1650; was with the La Salle expedition to Illinois in 1687. After the murder of La Salle he lived for a time with the Cenis Indians. Later he became an interpreter to Franciscan missionaries who had arrived at the village. Subsequently he went, with a sister and two the fall of 1780 he had the custody of brothers, to Mexico. He wrote an acMajor André until after that officer's count of La Salle's death in a work enexecution. He was long in Washington's titled Narrative of Pierre and Jean Tamilitary family, and was his confidential lon, by the Order of Count Ponchartrain, correspondent. He became a successful to their Arrival at Vera Cruz, Sept. 14, merchant, and, from 1801 to 1817, was 1698. He died after 1700. a member of Congress. He died in Litchfield, Conn., March 7, 1835.

Tammany, Sr., a great and good chief of the Delaware Indians, called Tamenand Tallmadge, JAMES, lawyer; born in by the early settlers of Pennsylvania. He Stamford, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1778; graduated is supposed to have been one of those at Brown University in 1798; studied law who made the famous treaty with WILLand practised for several years; but later IAM PENN (q. v.). He was revered by turned his attention to agriculture. He the Delawares almost like a deity, and was for some time private secretary to old and young went to him for counsel. Gen. George Clinton; had command of a He never had his equal among them. regiment in New York during the War of In the Revolutionary War the admirers 1812-15; was member of Congress in 181719, and introduced an amendment to the bill restricting slavery to the region west of the Mississippi; was a member of the State legislature in 1825-26; visited Russia and introduced American machinery there in 1835; and was one of the founders of the University of the City of New York. He died in New York, Sept. 29, 1853.

Talmadge, THOMAS DE WITT, clergyman; born in Bound Brook, N. J., Jan. 7, 1832; studied at the University of the City of New York, and graduated at the New Brunswick Theological Seminary in 1856; was ordained pastor of the Reformed

of the good chief conferred upon him the title of saint, and he was established as the patron saint of America. His name was inserted in some calendars, and his festival was celebrated on May 1 of each year. After the Revolution an association was formed in Philadelphia, called the Tammany Society. On May 1 they paraded the streets, with bucktails in their hats, and proceeded to a pleasant retreat out of town, which they called the "wigwam," where, after a long talk, or Indian "palaver," had been delivered, and the calumet of peace and friendship had been duly smoked, they spent the

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