Obrázky stránek

In one of the girls' schools 31 out of 98 have been baptized. Over $168,000 have been expended in the last 36 years, with a result of 4 churches and 149 members.

In Japan there is a mission of the American Free Mission Society. In the spring of 1867, Mr. Goble, the missionary, visited the northern portion of Sikok, the central Japanese island. On the vessel were two Japanese passengers, naval officers of the princes of Awa and Tósa, the latter having been a pupil in Mrs. Goble's school. Through him Mr. Goble became acquainted with several influential Japanese officers, from whom he received a very cordial invitation to visit and locate himself in Tósa, the southern part of Sikok.

VI. AFRICA. The Baptists in Liberia have 20 organized churches, 12 ordained preachers, and 1,300 members. They received assistance, until 1861, from the Southern Baptist Board. The missionary premises of the Board at Yoruba were destroyed by a mob, and the missionaries driven to Lagos. One of the missionaries (Mr. Phillips) returns to America for his health, leaving Mr. Stone alone.

The African mission of the American Union is to be resumed.

A missionary convention was held at Marshall, on the Junk River, in Liberia, on Wednesday, March 25, and Thursday, March 26, 1868. Ten Baptist churches were represented. It was unanimously voted to organize the "Liberian Baptist Missionary Union," for "the evangelization of the heathen" within the borders of the republic of Liberia, "and contiguous thereto." Twelve fields of missionary labor were designated and commended to the care of the nearest churches. Rev. John T. Rich ardson was appointed a commissioner to represent the "Liberian Baptist Missionary Union" in the United States. Two young men were chosen as students of divinity to accompany the commissioner, in order to be educated for the ministry.

BAUGHER, HENRY L., D. D., an American Lutheran clergyman, teacher and college President, born at Abbottstown, Pa., about 1805; died at Gettysburg, Pa., April 14, 1868. He graduated at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., in 1825, studied theology at Princeton and Gettysburg, was licensed to preach by the Maryland Synod, and elected pastor at Boonsboro, Md., in 1829 and in 1830 called to Gettysburg to take charge of a classical school, called into existence by the exigencies of the Lutheran Theological Seminary, already established there. The school rapidly expanded into a college, and in 1832 Rev. Dr. Krauth became its first President, while Mr. Baugher filled the chair of the Greek language and BellesLettres. He continued in this professorship until 1850, when, on the retirement of Dr. Krauth from the presidency of the college, he was chosen his successor, and continued in that position until his death. He was an excellent and successful teacher, an able execu

tive officer, uniting courtesy and kindness with strict discipline, a ready and eloquent preacher, and an easy, graceful and accomplished writer. He was a frequent and valued contributor to the Evangelical Review, as well as to the Lutheran papers; but, aside from his contributions to these, his baccalaureate and other addresses, and some occasional sermons and essays, he has left little published matter to demonstrate his rare abilities. His health had been generally robust, and his last illness, an affection of the throat, was of only eight days' duration.

BAVARIA, a kingdom in South Germany. King, Ludwig II., born August 25, 1845; succeeded his father, Maximilian II., on March 10, 1864. Prime minister (since January 1, 1867), Prince Clovis von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst. Bavaria has an area of 29,373 square miles, and, according to the census of 1867, a population of 4,824,421, which was divided as follows among the eight provinces of the kingdom:

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A census of religious denominations, taken in 1852, showed 3,176,333 Catholics, 1,233,894 Protestants, 5,560 other Christians, and 56,033 Israelites. In December, 1867, a new census of religious denominations was taken, but its results had not been published in January, Catholics would amount to about 3,300,000, 1869. It was thought that the number of Protestants 1,320,000, other Christians 6,000, Israelites 64,000. The capital, Munich, had, in 1867, 170,688 inhabitants. The army, according to the law of January 30, 1868, consists, first, of the standing army, and, second, of the landwehr. The standing army is divided into the active army and the reserve. The time of service is three years in the active army, three years in the reserve, and five years in the landwehr. The active army consists of In the budget for one year of the 49,949 men. ninth financial period (1868 and 1869), both revenues and expenditures are estimated at 87,144,606 florins. The public debt in April, 1866, amounted to 334,405,150 florins (of which 121,739,300 was railroad debt).

Bavaria celebrated, in 1868, the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution, which, with slight modifications, still exists in the country. The king, on this occasion, issued the following proclamation to the people:

PALACE OF BERG, May 26th. Fifty years to-day have elapsed since the first King of Bavaria, my ancestor, Maximilian I., granted a constitution to the country. The principles on which this fundamental law rests have not ceased to rule, unrestrictedly, the nation, from that memorable

day on which the benefits of the new institutions drew closer and made more cordial the ties which for centuries have united the prince and the people of Bavaria. Faithful to the example of my illustrious ancestors, I also will bear aloft the standard of the constitution; and under its protecting shelter may the prosperity of my beloved country increase and become still more solid, for I find my highest happiness in that of my people.-LOUIS.

On May 26th a treaty was concluded between Bavaria and the United States as to the nationality of emigrants. Its stipulations are similar to those of the American treaty upon the same subject with the North-German Confederation. (See GERMANY.)

BAVARIA, LUDWIG, KARL AUGUST (LOUIS I.), EX-KING OF, born at Munich, August 25, 1786, died at Nice, France, February 29, 1868. He was the son of Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria, and was educated at the Universities of Landshut and Göttingen, and served in the campaign against Austria, in 1809. He had a remarkable taste for the fine arts, and paid much more attention to painting and sculpture than to the principles of government. He saved as much as possible from his allowance as crown prince, to invest in works of art, and built at his own cost the magnificent Glyptothek, at Munich. On his accession to the throne after his father's death, October 13, 1825, he speedily became popular from his liberal schemes of government, economic reforms, and his enlightened patronage of letters and art. He opened the first railway in Germany, and promoted the canal which opened water communication between the Main and the Danube. He removed the University of Landshut to Munich, reorganized the Academy of Fine Arts, and erected the Odeon, Basilica, the Royal Palace, the Gate of Victory, and the new Pinacothek at Munich, and the Walhalla at Ratisbon. In the sphere of learning he gave great encouragement to the prosecution of historical studies, and attested his taste for poetry, by the publication of two volumes, of his own composition, one entitled "Poems" (1829), the other "Companions of the Walhalla” (1843). The ultramontane or clerical party, after a time, began to gain the ascendency over him, and the former liberal and constitutional monarch became a reactionist. In 1831 the ultramontanists began to predominate in his councils, and within the next ten years the number of convents was doubled. Behr, Eisenmann, Volkhardt, and other liberals were exiled or imprisoned. In 1846, however, a change was made; the minister Abel and his successor were both dismissed from office, and the King called a Liberal to fill the place. The peers were, however, mostly reactionists. Serious riots ensued in 1848, and the people now began to clamor for reforms, and for a special convocation of the Chambers (the Bavarian Legislature). The King refused both requests, and there were strong indications of a revolution. On the 21st of March the King abdicated in favor of his son Maximilian, protesting in his

farewell proclamation that he had sought the welfare of his people before his own, and that his heart still glowed with affection for Bavaria and Germany. The twenty years which have passed since his abdication have been spent by the King in dignified retirement, in the pursuits of literature and art, and have doubtless been happier than those in which he wore the crown. His contributions from his private income to Catholic institutions in the United States exceed 110,000 florins. More than twenty different institutions, chiefly educational, were thus aided by him.

BEACH, MOSES YALE, an American publisher and editor, born in Wallingford, Conn., January 7, 1800; died in the same town, July 19, 1868. In early boyhood he exhibited unusual skill in mechanics, and while attending school, or at home, he was constantly whittling out models of machines, or making curious contrivances of wood. When fourteen years of age he was apprenticed to a cabinetmaker in Hartford, and, by diligence in performing extra tasks, was able to purchase his freedom in his eighteenth year. After being employed as a journeyman in Northampton, Mass., a short time, he went into business for himself, and it was not long before his cabinetwork was reputed to be the best in the country. Yet his business was unsuccessful, and he removed to Springfield, where he neglected other interests, to experiment with a gunpowder engine for propelling balloons. Not succeeding with this invention, he next attempted to open steam navigation on the Connecticut River, between Hartford and Springfield, and would have done so, if the state of his affairs had not obliged him to cease operations before his steamer was completed. Others, for adopting his plan, gained much credit, taking a steamer over Enfield Falls, a feat that had been looked on as impossible. Soon afterward Mr. Beach invented a rag-cutting machine, which has been generally used by paper-mills, yet he received no pecuniary benefit from his machine, because he delayed taking out a patent for it. He next removed to Ulster County, N. Y., where he became interested in an extensive paper-mill, and though amassing a large property in six years, he lost it all during the seventh. This was the last of his reverses. In 1835 he came with his family to New York City, where he bought an interest in The Sun newspaper, and in a short time became its sole proprietor. The wealth which he acquired in publishing this paper made him prominent in banking and other financial operations. President Polk sent him to Mexico, during the Mexican war, to arrange a treaty of peace. The negotiations, though satisfactory, were broken off by a false report, announcing that Santa Anna had annihilated General Taylor's army. Mr. Beach retired from business in 1857, and up to the time of his death resided in his native town, where his liberality and readiness to aid in all movements for the im

provement of the place, and its intellectual and moral advancement, greatly endeared him to its citizens.

BELGIUM, a kingdom in Europe. King, Leopold II., born April 9, 1865; succeeded his father, Leopold I., on December 10, 1865. The only son of the king, Prince Leopold, born June 12, 1859, died in January, 1869. Heirapparent is now the king's only brother, Count Philip of Flanders, born March 24, 1837, married April 25, 1867, to Princess Maria of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. The area is 11,373 square miles. The population was estimated in December, 1865, at 4,984,451, but in 1866, according to the "provisional" results of the census of that year, it only amounted to 4,839,094. The following cities had above 100,000 inhabitants: Brussels, 163,434 (with eight adjacent communities, 286,827); Ghent, 116,607; Antwerp, 123,571; Liege, 101,699.

The ministry was reorganized on January 3, 1868, so as to consist of the following members: President of the Council and Minister of Finance, Hubert Frère-Orban, appointed January 3, 1868; Minister of Justice, Jules Bara, November 12, 1865; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jules van der Stichelen, January 3, 1868; Minister of War, General Renard, January 3, 1868; Minister of the Interior, Eudore Pirmez, January 3, 1868; Minister of Public Works, Jamar, January 3, 1868.

The budget for 1868, as approved by the Chambers, fixed the revenue at 169,403,280 francs; the expenditures at 171,911,650 francs. The national debt, in 1868, amounted to 717,155,214 francs.

The army, according to the law of April 5th, is to be raised, in time of war, to 100,000 men. The exports and imports of Belgium, in 1866 and 1865 were as follows (value in millions of francs):

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tives passed the Government bill for the contingent of 12,000 men for 1869, being an increase of 2,000 men over the previous year, by sixtyeight votes against forty-three. The bill proposing to divide the contingent into two sections, one effective and the other reserve, was adopted, by sixty-six votes against thirty-five, after a very stormy sitting. The reduction of the time of service to twenty-four months was adopted by eighty-seven votes against twenty-one. The Chamber subsequently adopted, by a majority of thirty-eight votes, a reorganization of the regimental lists. Previously (February 22d), M. Lehardy's amendment, proposing that the army should be exclusively composed of volunteers, had been rejected, by seventy-four against eighteen.

Owing to the pressure exercised by France and other governments, the Government of Belgium has for years expelled a number of liberal refugees. In May, the Chamber of Representatives adopted the Government bill, proposing to renew until 1871 the law relating to foreigners residing in Belgium. During the debate the ministry stated that the expulsion of M. Rogeard took place in consequence of his attacks upon the Belgian Government, and with a view to avoid eventual difficulties with France. General Prim and M. Vessinier were not expelled, but simply requested to leave Belgium.

BELL, HENRY H., U. S. N., a Rear-Admiral in the United States naval service, born in North Carolina, about 1808; drowned at the mouth of Osaka River, Japan, January 11, 1868. Rear-Admiral Bell was appointed a midshipman from North Carolina, in August, 1823, and during his more than forty-five years of service in the Navy, twenty-five of which were passed afloat, he saw more severe fighting than has usually fallen to the lot of our naval commanders. His first experience, in naval warfare, was on board of the Grampus, when she was engaged in clearing the coast of Cuba of pirates. He was connected with the East India squadron for many years, and commanded one of the vessels of the squadron which, in November, 1856, captured and destroyed the four barrier forts near Canton, China. Early in the late war he was assigned to the command of one of the first-rates forming the West Gulf squadron, took an active part in the capture of New Orleans, and the siege of Vicksburg, and in the blockade rendered essential service. For a time, in 1863, he was in command of the West Gulf squadron, and when Rear-Admiral Thatcher was ordered to other duty the command of it again devolved on him. In July, 1865, he was ordered to the command of the East India squadron, his rank being then that of commodore. In July, 1866, he was promoted to be rear-admiral, and, in 1867, having served more than forty years in the navy, he was retired; but Rear-Admiral S. C. Rowan, who was to have relieved him, had not arrived when he was drowned. He

had been, during his service in the Chinese waters, very active in putting down the Chinese and Malayan piratical vessels, which were so numerous and dangerous in those waters. He had gone to the Japanese coast, and anchored in a somewhat rough and unsafe roadstead, off the mouth of the Osaka River, which he was desirous of entering, but which was closed by a sand-bar, thrown up in a recent violent storm; and, at length, weary of the delay, set out, accompanied by FlagLieutenant John H. Reed and thirteen men, in a boat from the Hartford, to enter the river. The boat was capsized at the entrance of the river, and the admiral, Lieutenant Reed, and ten of the thirteen men, were drowned.

BELL, SAMUEL DANA, LL. D., an eminent jurist of New Hampshire, born in Francestown, N. H., October 9, 1798; died in Manchester, N. H., July 31, 1868. Judge Bell was the son of Samuel Bell, Governor of the State, Senator in Congress, and Justice of the Superior Court, and a brother of Dr. John Bell, James Bell, and Dr. Luther V. Bell. He graduated from Harvard University, in the class of 1816; read law with George Sullivan, of Exeter, Attorney-General of New Hampshire, and commenced practice in Meredith. In 1820 he removed to Chester, N. H., and ten years later to Concord. In 1839 he removed again, to Manchester, where he resided till his death. He was a member of the Legislature about 1825; and, from 1823 to 1828, Solicitor for Rockingham County, and for several years Clerk of the Legislature. In 1830 he was one of the commissioners appointed to revise the statutes of the State, and held the same appointment in the revisions of 1842 and 1867. In 1849 he was appointed Justice of the Superior Court, and in 1855, on the reorganization of the court, he was chosen Justice of the Supreme Court. In 1859 he was appointed Chief Justice of the same court, and resigned August 1, 1864. In 1861 he was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress, in the second New Hampshire District. He received the degree of LL. D. from Dartmouth College in 1854. By constant industry and untiring devotion to his profession, Judge Bell became one of the most eminent and profound jurists of New England, and by his death the bar of his State, and of the country, sustained a great loss. His extensive legal learning was united to a character of unspotted integrity. The amiability of his deportment and disposition, and the charm of his conversation, won him a multitude of friends, and universal respect and esteem. He was one of the early members of the New Hampshire Historical Society, and one of the most valuable associates of that organization. It has been often stated that no man living was so well versed in early New Hampshire history as he. He was true and liberal to the best interests of the city where he resided, and the establishment of the Man

chester Public Library was due, in a large measure, to his personal efforts.

BERRYER, PIERRE ANTOINE, a French advocate, politician, and orator, born in Paris, January 4, 1790; died at Angerville, near Paris, November 29, 1868. His father was an advocate, but at first intended his son for the church, and placed him at the school of the Oratoriens at Juille, to be educated for the priesthood. He was a favorite with his teachers from his intelligence and devotion, though inclined to indolence, but no sooner had he arrived at the age of manhood, than he abandoned theology, and began the study of the law, marrying, when he was only twenty-one years old, a girl of sixteen. He soon entered on the practice of his profession, and his powers as an orator and debater were shown not only in the courts of law, but in his political addresses. His father was one of those liberal royalists who had hoped to engraft on the French monarchy a constitution like that of England; and both father and son were consistent Liberals, though neither of them allowed political feeling to interfere with the duties of an advocate. As Napoleon was tottering to his downfall, Berryer had the boldness to proclaim his downfall at Rennes, and to raise the white cockade. This proceeding led to an order from the prefect for his arrest; but, fearing a too summary execution of justice, he escaped to Nantes. He won his first distinction at the bar, by his father's side, in contending for the life of the unfortunate Marshal Ney. His eloquence on this occasion assured the successful career of the young advocate. Cambronne, another of the Bonapartists then accused of treason, immediately confided his cause to Berryer, Junior, and was justified by an acquittal, though Berryer was himself accused of uttering sedition in his speech. He stood this attack firmly; and the King, admiring his steadiness, granted the pardon of General Debelle to his solicitation. In 1826 he defended the Abbé Lamennais on a charge of sedition, and obtained his acquittal on one count of the indictment, and the infliction of a very small penalty on the other. In 1830 Berryer was elected deputy. for the Haute Loire, and made his first appearance in the Chamber, taking, as might be expected, high rank as a speaker. He was opposed to the Revolution, and favored the succession of the young Duc de Bordeaux, under the regency of his mother, the Duchess de Berri. He was, in fact, the head of the Legitimists, and was therefore suspected of complicity with the Duchess de Berri in her insurrection in La Vendée in 1832. Berryer had gone to Nantes with a letter from Chateaubriand, urging the duchess to abstain from such a course as she meditated; and, being naturally apprehensive of an arrest, he determined to go to Switzerland for a time. He was, however, apprehended and taken to Nantes. He was tried at Blois on October 16, 1832; and the case was seriously damaging to the French

Government. The royalist feelings of Berryer were well known; but the public were amazed to find that the evidence against him was a fabrication supported by perjury. Berryer was at once acquitted, and speedily assumed his place in the Legislature, from which he demanded the pardon of the duchess, who had been at length found and imprisoned. On this event occurring, Chateaubriand published a pamphlet, in which he addressed the duchess, and used the words, "Votre fils est notre roi." He received addresses from a large number of students. The Government prosecuted him for sedition, along with the editors of six journals in which his reply to the students had appeared. Berryer was retained for the defence, and obtained a unanimous verdict of acquittal for all his clients. In 1834-35 he successfully defended D'Argenson, De Puyraveau, and Garnier Pages; and in 1836 was presented by the French Legitimists with the estate of Angerville, which his difficulties compelled him to offer for sale in the following year; but the party again raised a subscription for him. He paid a visit to Charles X. in his exile shortly before his decease. On the trial of Louis Napoleon for his attempt at Boulogne in 1840, the prince chose Berryer and Marie as his defenders, and Berryer made a bold speech, saying it was natural that the prince should desire to place himself at the head of the French nation as chief mourner for Napoleon, whose remains were then on their way from St. Helena. His dynasty had been elected by 4,000,000 Frenchmen, and he was the heir to that throne. He must be treated like those of other deposed dynasties, and condemned simply to exile. At the end of the same year France was roused by the success of Sir C. Napier at Acre, and the peaceful address of the French ministry was fiercely debated. Berryer, in his speech against it, called on the Chamber to make a protest which would gladden the spirit of the French people. Berryer was one of the French deputies who attended the mock court of the Count de Chambord in Belgrave Square in 1843; but he spoke powerfully in his own defence and that of 3,000 other French subjects, and in indignant protest against a paragraph of the royal address reflecting on them. He attacked the ministry in the same year for disavowing the acts of Admiral Dupetit Thouars in seizing Tahiti; and in 1845 he urged the plea of liberty of conscience against the law to exile the Jesuits. At the Revolution of 1848 Berryer made no sign, but was chosen deputy for the Bouches du Rhône. During the republic he said little, but was opposed to Louis Napoleon, and protested against the repeal of the law exiling the Bourbons, for the curious reason that the Count de Chambord, a monarch kept illegally from his throne, could not accept permission to enter his own kingdom. Berryer joined with the party that endeavored to destroy the power of the President and to impeach him; but, when the coup d'état of

December 2, 1851, had been effected, he ceased to take an active part in politics. He endeavored to effect a reconciliation between the branches of the Bourbons. He was bâtonnier of the French bar in 1852, and was elected an Academician in 1855, when he did not, as was customary, pay a complimentary visit to the head of the Government. When Montalembert was prosecuted, in 1858, for publishing his celebrated "Debate on India in the English House of Commons," he intrusted his defence to Berryer; and in 1861 Berryer was counsel for Miss Patterson in her suit against the representatives of Jerome Bonaparte. He allowed himself to be nominated as a candidate in 1863 for the representation of the Bouches du Rhône, and was returned along with Thiers and M. Marie. In the Imperial Chamber of Deputies, Berryer did not take a very_active part. He spoke in 1867 in favor of the French intervention in Rome, and made an indignant protest against the attacks on the French press by the Count de Kerveguen. Berryer's latest act in political life was his adhesion to the Baudin subscription by a public letter dictated from his bed and addressed to the editor of the Electeur. It runs as follows: "SIR: On the 2d of December, 1851, I moved and obtained from the National Assembly, sitting in the mairie of the eleventh arrondissement, a decree of forfeiture and outlawry against the President of the Republic, inviting citizens to resist the violation of the laws if the President was guilty. This decree was made as public in Paris as was possible. My colleague, M Baudin, energetically obeyed the orders of the Assembly; he was a victim of his obedience, and I feel myself bound to join in the subscription opened for the erection of an expiatory monument over his grave." The day when Berryer entered the Chamber of Deputies, Royer Collard said of him: "It is not merely a talent; it is a power." After hearing his first great speech in 1830, his friends hailed in him the advent of a second Mirabeau. All critics seem to be agreed that, since that "imperial voice" fell silent, no other has so dominated and swayed a French audience as that of Berryer.

"He was more than an orator; he was the living personification of human speech, in its splendor and in its majesty. In him all was eloquent-the tone, gesture, attitude, and look, as well as the inspiration." All ear and eye witnesses testify to an imperial something in his manner, which, with the words, produced effects that the reading of these alone, forcible as they are, utterly fails to explain. It was only in the last session that with this, and a phrase, he cowed to silence the noisy majority of the Corps Legislatif. Rouher's petulant hardihood, defiant of Favre and Thiers, was veiled with respect before Berryer, before whose silent look and brief contemptuous pause, even Granier Cassagnac himself, for once in his boisterous life, sank abashed. His person was good, his features were fine and

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