The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere: Comedies / ... Shakspere, Svazek 1Routledge, 1867 - Počet stran: 445 |
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Alcib Alcibiades Apem Apemantus Athens beauty Brabantio Cæsar Cassio Cloten copy Cymbeline Cyprus daughter dead dear death Desdemona dost thou doth edition Emil Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear Flav folio follow fool friends gentleman give gods GUIDERIUS Hamlet hath hear heart heaven honest honour Horatio Iach Iachimo Iago Imogen Juliet Julius Cæsar Kent king knave lady Laer Laertes Lear look lord Lucullus madam Malone means Michael Cassio mistress Moor nature never night noble Nurse Ophelia Othello passage Pisanio play poet POLONIUS poor Posthumus pray printed Prithee quarto reads Queen Roderigo Romeo Romeo and Juliet SCENE Shakspere Shakspere's soul speak speech Steevens sweet sword tell thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast thought Timon Timon of Athens Tybalt Venice villain word