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Dr. L. McLane Tiffany offered the following as an amendment, which, according to the rules, lies over to be acted upon at a future meeting:

Volunteer papers shall be read on the third day, immediately after the reading of the minutes, in the order assigned by the Executive Committee.

On motion of Dr. John Morris, the following resolution was passed:

Resolved, That the Library Committee be instructed to sell the remaining copies of the Medical Annals of Baltimore, &c., at fifty cents per copy, the money to be paid into the treasury of the Faculty.

On motion of Dr. Randolph Winslow, the following resolution, after being amended by the proviso offered by Dr. R. H. Thomas, was passed:

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the President to memorialize the next Legislature in regard to the passage of a Bill to regulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of Maryland; provided, they report to the Faculty before appearing before the Legislature.

Dr. P. C. Williams, the chairman of the Executive Committee, called the attention of the Faculty to the desirability of the building in which the present convention is being held as a permanent library and general meeting room for the Faculty, and on his motion the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That this Faculty deems it expedient to move into the Hall of the Mercantile Library Association, provided that the expense to the Faculty does not exceed $600.

On motion of the same gentleman the whole subject was then referred to the incoming Executive Committee. The election resulted in the choice of the following gentlemen for the respective offices named, for the ensuing year, 1885-6:

President:-Dr. John R. Quinan.

Vice Presidents :-Dr. E. C. Baldwin and Dr. J. E. Michael.

Recording Secretary:-Dr. G. Lane Taneyhill.
Assistant Secretary:-Dr. Robert T. Wilson.
Corresponding Secretary:-Dr. T. Barton Brune.
Reporting Secretary:-Dr. R. H. Thomas.
Treasurer:-Dr. W. F. A. Kemp.

Executive Committee:-Drs. T. S. Latimer, P. C. Williams, L. McLane Tiffany, H. P. C. Wilson and Christopher Johnson, Sr.

Examining Board for the Western Shore:-Drs. S. C. Chew, Thomas Opie, W. M. Kemp, A. Friedenwald, D. W. Cathell, T. A. Ashby, C. H. Jones.

Examining Board for the Eastern Shore:-Drs. G. T. Atkinson, James Bordley, J. E. M. Chamberlaine, A. H. Bayley, W. S. Maxwell.


Library Committee:-Drs. I. E. Atkinson, L. H. Steiner, G. Lane Taneyhill, W. B. Platt and R. H. Thomas.

Publication Committee:-Drs. G. Lane Taneyhill, W. F. A. Kemp, G. H. Rohé, F. T. Miles, Wm. A. Moale. Memoir Committee:-Drs. John Morris, H. M. Wilson, Wm. Green, J. E. Gibbons, S. C. Chew.

Committee on Ethics :-Drs. T. A. Ashby, Thomas Opie, R. B. Morison, A. H. Powell, R. McSherry.


Surgery:-Drs. J. W. Chambers, R. Winslow, O. J, Coskery, C. Johnston, Sr., J. H. Branham.

Practice of Medicine:-Drs. J. Cary Thomas, A. H. Bayley, T. B. Evans, J. G. Holliday, S. C. Chew.

Obstetrics and Gynecology:-Drs. B. B. Browne, R. T. Wilson, G. W. Miltenberger, T. Opie, D. W. Cathell.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics:-Drs. R. H. Thomas, T. B. Brune, J. E. M. Chamberlaine, H. T. Reynolds, Claude Van Bibber.

Sanitary Science:-Drs. G. H. Rohé, J. R. Quinan, F. E. Chatard, Jr., C. W. Chancellor, E. G. Waters.

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology:-Drs. J. E. Michael, W. D. Booker, J. G. Jay, W. T. Councilman, N. S. Keirle.

Psychology and Medical Jurisprudence:-Drs. L. F. Morawetz, G. Lane Taneyhill, C. G. Hill, R. Gundry, J. S. Conrad.

Microscopy, Micro-Chemistry, etc.:-Drs. W. B. Platt, L. M. Eastman, John Dickson, F. Donaldson, Jr., A. G. Hoen.

Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology:-Drs. J. N. Mackenzie, Herbert Harlan, H. C. McSherry, J. H. Hartman, J. F. Perkins.

Delegates to the American Medical Association:

T. A. Ashby, J. H. Branham, B. B. Browne, T. B. Brune, J. W. Chambers, F. E. Chatard, Jr., J. E. Gibbons, C. H. Jones, W. F. A. Kemp, William Lee, John Morris, W. B. Platt, J. H. Scarff, G. Lane Taneyhill, R. H. Thomas, L. McLane Tiffany, E. G. Waters, H. M. Wilson, R. T. Wilson, R. Winslow.

Alternates:-J. E. Chamberlaine and John Barron. Delegates to the Associations of other States :-Drs. John S. Lynch and B. B. Browne, to Alabama; Drs. J. J. Chisolm, Wm. Lee and H. P. C. Wilson, to Virginia; Dr. John Morris, to New York; Drs. G. Lane Taneyhill and John Barron, to Pennsylvania; Drs. J. Lee McComas and Wilmer Brinton, to West Virginia.

On motion of Dr. P. C. Williams, the sum of ten dollars was ordered to be paid to the janitor for services during the convention.

Dr. H. P. C. Wilson informed the Faculty that several valuable diplomas which belong to the Faculty, of which by vote several years since he was made custodianwhereupon, on motion of Dr. L. McLane Tiffany, it was ordered that they still remain in his (Dr. Wilson's) keeping.

Dr. H. P. C. Wilson, with much sympathy, called the attention of the Faculty to the fact that one of our exPresidents, DR. WILLIAM M. KEMP, is confined to his house by serious illness.

On motion, it was ordered that Dr. Wilson bear to our afflicted brother the kindly feeling and good wishes of the Faculty, and the hope that he may be restored to a vigorous and active life.

No further business being offered, on motion of Dr. R. H. Thomas, the thanks of the Faculty were unanimously voted to the retiring President, Dr. T. S. Latimer, for the courtesy and patience with which he presided over the affairs of the Faculty during the late session, and appropriate valedictory remarks were made by the President, after which he announced the Standing Committees, Sections, and Delegates, and declared the Eighty-Seventh Annual Session adjourned sine die.


Recording Secretary.



BALTIMORE, May 12th, 1885.

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the

Medical and Chirurgical Faculty:

The Corresponding Secretary has to report simply that he has conducted such correspondence, announced such meetings and performed such other duties as pertained to his office, to the best of his knowl. edge and ability.

Very respectfully submitted by


Corresponding Secretary.


The Treasurer has the honor to submit his report for fiscal year ending April 28th, 1885.

Our financial condition at the close of the year, April 28th, 1885, will be seen to be more satisfactory than at the close of fiscal year ending April 21st, 1884; for then we had liabilities outstanding to the amount of $247.55. This year we have paid the liabilities reported last year, and have met all our expenses save $99.55 out of our income. The sale of medical annals has yielded a very meagre sum-last year we reported $58.00, as from this source; this year we report $16.75; making in all $74.75 for the two years-the original cost to us of this production was $417.55; leaving a snug balance which, happily, we have been able to wipe out by a rigid economy in the expenditure of our income. In this connection, the Library Board must certainly receive the thanks of the Faculty, for having on so small an allowance, accomplished so good results-they received during the year, including the amount of sales and fines at the library, only $464.06. An amount less than they were entitled to by the constitution of our Faculty-of their economy their report will justly speak.

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