Obrázky stránek

Schleswig, frontier between Denmark | Slave-trade. See also Brussels Anti-

[blocks in formation]

treaty between Allied Powers and, State, conception of, 126

[blocks in formation]

State property. See State territory

African, 190

American, 189-190

changes in the conditions of, 140-

confederated, 156
dignity of, 203-206, 559
equality of, 19, 195, 196
European, 188

evolved from law, 12
extinction of, 143, 586

federal, 149, 153, 157, 160, 198, 311
full and not-full sovereign, 125, 127
half sovereign, 189, 198, 367
heads of. See Heads of States
independence of, 206

intercourse of, 192, 195, 235-237
international position of, after
World War, 188-191, 200
intervention between, 221-234
jurisdiction of, 237-241

League of Nations distinguished
from, 268

States (continued)—

merger of, 143, 146, 377
neutralised, 143, 171-179, 369
new-born, 372

non-Christian, 168, 179-181
Papal, 182, 554

part sovereign, 161, 189, 198, 367
personal supremacy of, 206
personal union of, 154
possessing royal honours, 201
precedence of, 201
protected, 165, 198, 377
rank of, 200

real union of, 142, 153, 154
recognition of, 134-139
responsibility of, 242-263
self-preservation of, 214-221
suzerain, 161, 198, 307
territorial supremacy of, 206
titles of, 139, 141, 202
vassal, 161, 307
violation of, 214

State servitudes, 364-372

State territory:

accretion to, 390-394

Power, 309

of by foreign

boundaries, 360-364
canals, 326-332

cession of, 375, 376, 395
definition of, 305
different kinds of, 306
different parts of, 311
dismembered, 306
exchanges of, 379
gulfs and bays, 342
importance of, 307

inalienability of parts of, 313
integrate, 306

lease of, 379

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

treaties guaranteeing maintenance Tabula Amalfitana, 59

[blocks in formation]

Tavignano, case of the, 633
Tarnowski, Count, case of, 575
Taylor, Hannis, 110, 117, 348
Telegraph cables:

Convention for the protection of,
429, 447

in the open sea,


Telegraph Union, International, 450, | Treaties (continued) —

626, 755

Telegraphy, wireless. See Wireless

Terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur
armorum vis, 335

Territorial atmosphere, 312, 353
Territorial supremacy:

aliens subjected to, 492
consequences of, 207
definition of, 206

restrictions upon, 211, 238, 364, 368

[blocks in formation]

cancellation of, 695

cession, 381

collections of, 118

commercial and consular, 597, 601,


conception of, 652

constitutional restrictions concern-
ing the treaty-making power,

different kinds of, 653

distinction between agreements
and, 665-666

effect of, 677-680

expiration and dissolution of, 147,

extradition, 503-504, 523

form of, 663

fulfilment of, 686

guarantee, 574

international law based upon, 22

interpretation of, 700-704

law-making, 16, 22, 654, 665, 705 |

means of securing performance of,
608, 681

most-favoured-nation clause, 679,
703, 723, 749

objects of, 661-663

pactum de contrahendo, 660

participation of third States in,
678-680, 683-685

parties to, 656, 659-661

parts of, 666

power of making, 656-659

protection, 728, 743

pseudo-guarantees, 741

punctationes, 659

ratification of, 667-676

rescission of, 687

reconfirmation of, 699

redintegration of, 699

regarding spheres of influence, 389
renewal of, 698

renunciation of, 687

subsidy, 736

substitution of, 687

violation of, 696

voidance of, 694-695
withdrawal from, 687
Triepel, 118

Tripoli, annexation of by Italy, 397
ceded to Italy, 83
Troppau, Congress of, 72
Tucker, George Fox, 110
Tunis, international position of, 168
Turkey, aliens in, 493

German claims in abandoned, 722
international position of, 180
Peace Treaty with, 93, 191

Turkey (continued)-


reception into the Family of Na-
tions through Peace Treaty of
Paris (1856), 34, 74
Young Turk movement in, 82
Twiss, Sir Travers, 104, 115, 327,

[blocks in formation]

White phosphorus, the use of, 761
White slave traffic, 767

Wild animals in Africa, 768
Unions, object of, 751

position of after the World War,

United Kingdom:

municipal law of, and international
law, 26

naturalisation in, 476-481

relationship to self-governing do-
minions, 170

United States of America:


arbitration treaties with, 86
become a Great Power, 75, 189,
199, 404
inclusion in Family of Nations, 69
Bryan-Chamorro Treaty,
Civil War, 75

intervene in the revolt of Cuba, 77
League of Nations movement, 265
member-States cannot conclude
treaties, 656

municipal law and international
law, 27

naval war code of, 41

ratification of treaties by, 659, 674
Universal Postal Union, 78, 754
Universal Telegraph Union, 78, 755
Usage, distinguished from custom, 21
Usurper, 529

Utrecht, Peace of, 67, 68, 212, 228,
368, 369, 701

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Verdun, Treaty of, 57

Verification of flag, 428, 430

Verona, Congress of, 72

Versailles, Peace of (1783), 69, 368
(1919), 91, 718-725

Vessels. See also Flag; Men-of-War;
Navigation; Piracy; Wireless

arrest of, 431

collision of, 86, 239, 425-428

distress of, 432, 450

names of, 424, 443

papers of, 423, 598

private, chartered by Government,

[blocks in formation]

Veto concerning a cession of territory,

concerning subjugation, 399
Vexaincourt, case of, 255
Vice-consul, 592

appointment of, 595

Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, 528
Victoria, 99

Vienna Congress (1814 and 1815),
70, 71, 175, 201, 228, 316, 370,

diplomatic envoys established at,

language of diplomacy, observations
on, 542

Vienna, Treaty of (1878), 459
Villa, invasion of American territory
by, 219

Villafranca, Preliminary Peace Treaty
of, 657

Virginius, case of the, 218
Visit of vessels, 430

Vistula, river, 318

Vital change of circumstances, 688
Völkerrechts-Indigenat, 461


Wabash, case of the, 351
Waddington, case of, 580
Waitz, 133

Walker, Thomas Alfred, 110, 117
Wallachia, 544

War. See also World War, 1914-1918
cancellation of treaties by, 698
Convention concerning Laws of, 40,
41, 665, 704, 713

Convention concerning rights and
duties of neutrals in, 713
crimes, 609

draft codes of law of, 39, 76
freedom of the sea during, 417
Hague rules concerning, 10
Laws of (U.S.A.), 38, 75
Laws of (U.S.A.) at sea, 41
position of envoys on outbreak of,


Warsaw, non-admittance of consuls
to, 594

Washburne, case of, 576

Boundary Treaty of (1908), 363
Congress of (1890), 396

Maritime Conference of (1889), 425

Washington (continued) —

Pelagic Fishing Conference of, 445
Treaties, (1854) and (1871), COD
cerning navigation on the river
St. Lawrence, 320

Treaty (1857) concerning the Sound
Dues, 350

Treaty (1901) concerning the
Panama Canal, 330, 712

Treaty (1903), 211, 225

Treaty (1908) concerning fisheries,

Treaty (1909) concerning boundary
waters, 621

Waters, territorial.


See Territorial
Webster, Mr., U.S.A., Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, 609

Weights and Measures, Internationa!
Union of, 626, 762
Wei-Hai-Wei leased to Great Britain,
309, 379

Welwood, William, 410
Wenck, 118

Westlake, John, 110, 117, 348
Westminster, Treaty of (1674), 67,

Westphalen, Count von, 553
Westphalian Peace, 65, 69, 228, 705
Wharton, Francis, 110, 116
Wheaton, Henry, 110, 114

White Phosphorus, Convention for
the prohibition of the use of, 86,

White Phosphorus Matches Prohibi-
tion Act, 761

White Sea fisheries, 441

White slave traffic, 85, 289, 767
Wild animals in Africa, preserva-
tion of, 85, 768
Wildman, Richard, 109
William of Holland, case of King,

William II., German


arraignment of, 722
Wilson, George Grafton, 110, 111
Windermere, Lake, 322

Wireless Telegraphy, 86, 312, 448-

communication at sea, 448
compulsory equipment of ships,

International Conference at London
(1912), 449

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