310 NOTES. (a) In DRYDEN's Comedy. NO. 5. (2) These were the Queen's gardeners at this time, and were jointly concerned in writing a book on gardening. NO. 9. (a) This club was composed of many noblemen; it took its name from CHRISTOPHER CAT, the maker of their mutton pies. (b) The president of this club was Mrs WOFFINGTON. ESCOURT the Comedian was Providore, and wore a small gridiron of gold hung round his neck by a green riband. NO. 13. (a) Sir JOHN HAWKINS seems to think that ADDISON, from his NO. 14. (a) Puppet-shows were anciently called motions. NO. 23. (a) The various sources of defamation are here unfolded, and the consequences represented in a manner which shews no less goodness of heart than justness of observation. The reader will find the same subject ably handled in TILLOTSON's sermon on evil speaking. (6) PETER ARETINE, who was infamous for his writings. (c) The week before Easter. NO. 25. (a) The ingenious inventor of the thermometer; he was a profes sor in the university of Padua early in the seventeenth century. (6) Translated, I was well, but, by trying to be better, I am here." NÓ. 28. (a) This raillery is much heightened, if we attend to this circumstance that it was levelled at heraldry. (6) St GEORGE. NO. 40. (a) See original letters, familiar, moral, and critical, by J. DEN NIS, 2 vols 8vo. NO. 44. (a) The Comedy of the Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub, by Sir G. ETHEREGE, 1664. NO. 49. (a) The waiter of that coffee-house, frequently nicknamed Sir HOMAS. was pos ant NO. 50. (a) SWIFT in one of his letters says, " Yesterday the SPECTATOR was made up of a noble hint I gave him about an Indian King supposed to write his travels into England. I repent he ever had it. I intended to have written a book on that subject, April 28. 1711. NO. 57. (a) Dr SACHEVERELL. NO. 70. (a) This anachorism is palpable. HOMER flourished 850, or, according to some, 980 years before the Christian æra; this placed him near the time of SOLOMON. See No. 327. (b) There is a chronological inaccuracy here. The dissentions of the barons were long prior to the battle of Otterburn, which is supposed to have been the subject of the poem. It was fought anno 1388. See JOHNSON's Lives of the Poets. NO. 71. (a) This man's name was JAMES HIRST. He was servant to the Hon E. WORTLEY. When delivering a packet of letters to his master, by mistake he gave this one which he had prepared for his sweetheart. Mr WORTLEY had the curiosity to read it; and when JAMES came to ask it again, after he had discovered his mistake, "No, JAMES," said he, " you shall be a great man, and this letter must appear in the SPECTATOR." THE ABIGAILS A. BIGAILS (male) in fashion among the ladies, No. 45. Absence in conversation, a remarkable instance of it in WILL HONEYCOMB, No. 77. The occasion of this absence, Ibid. and means to conquer it, bid. The character of an absent man, out of BRUYERE, Ibid. Acrostic, a piece of false wit, divided into simple and compound, No. 60. Act of deformity, for the use of the Ugly Club, No. 17. Advertisements, of an Italian chirurgeon, No. 22. From St James's coffee-house, 24. From a gentlewoman that teaches birds to speak, 36. From another that is a fine flesh-painter, 41. Advice; no order of persons too considerable to be advised, No. 34. Affectation, a greater enemy to a fine face than the small-pox, No. 33. it deforms beauty, and turns wit into absurdity, 38. The original of it, Ibid. found in the wise man as well as the coxcomb, Ibid. The way to get clear of it, ibid. Age rendered ridiculous, No. 6. how contemned by the Athenians, and respected by the Spartans, Ibid. ALEXANDER the Great wry-necked, No. 32. Ambition never satisfied, No. 27. Americans, their opinion of souls, No. 56. exemplified in a vision of one of their countrymen, Ibid. AMPLE (Lady) her uneasiness, and the reason of it, No. 32. ANDROMACHE, a great fox-hunter, No. 57. April the first of) the merriest day in the year, No. 47 ARETINE made all the princes of Europe his tributaries, No. 23. ARIETTA, her character, No. 11. her fable of the lion and the man, in answer to the story of the Ephesian matron, Ibid. her story of INKLE and YARICO, Ibid. ARISTOTLE; his observation upon the Iambic verse, No. 31. Upon fragedies, 40. 42. Arsinoë, the first musical opera on the English stage, No. 18. Avarice the original of it, No. 55. Operates with luxury, Ibid. at war with luxury, Ibid. its officers and adherents, Ibid. comes to an agreement with luxury, Ibid. Audiences at present void of common sense, No. 13. Author, the necessity of his readers being acquainted with his size, B BACON (Sir Francis), his comparison of a book well written, Bags of money, a sudden transformation of them into sticks and Baptist Lully, his prudent management, No. 29. Bawdry, never writ but where there is a dearth of invention, No.51. Beauties, when plagiaries, No. 4. The true secret how to improve Bell (Mr), his ingenious device, No. 28. Birds, a cage full for the opera, No. 5. Biters, their business, No. 47. Blackmore (Sir Richard), his observation, No. 6. Blanks of society, who, No. 10. Blank verse proper for tragedy, No. 39. Bouhour (Monsieur) a great critic among the French, No. 62. Breeding; fine breeding distinguished from good, No. 66. British ladies distinguished from the Picts, No. 41. Brunetta and Phyllis, their adventures, No. 85. Bruyere (Monsieur), his character of an absent man, No. 77. Butts described, No. 47. the qualification of a butt, ibid. C CESAR (Julius), his behaviour to Catullus, who had put him into a Caligula, his wish, No. 16. Camilla, a true woman in one particular, No. 15. Carbuncle (Dr), 'his dye, what, No. 52. Censor of small wares, an officer to be erected, No. 16. Charles I. a famous picture of that prince, No. 58. Chevy-Chace, the Spectator's examen of it, No. 70, 74. Chronogram, a piece of false wit, No. 65. Cicero, a punster, No. 61. The entertainment found in his philo- Clarinda, an idol, in what manner worshipped, No. 73. Cleanthe, her story, No. 15. Clergyman, one of the Spectator's club, No. 2. Clergy, a threefold division of them, No. 21. Clubs, nocturnal assemblies so called, No. 9. Several names of clubs, Commerce, the extent and advantage of it, No. 69. Consciousness, when called affectation, No. 38. Conversation, most straitened in numerous assemblies, No. 68. Crab, of King's College in Cambridge, chaplain to the Club of Credit, a beautiful virgin, her situation and equipage, No. 3. a great Cross (Miss) wanted near half a tun of being as handsome as Ma- D DANCING, a discourse on it defended, No. 67. Death, the time and manner of our death not known to us, No. 7. Delight and surprise, properties essential to wit, No. 62. Dignitaries of the law, who, No. 21. Divorce, what esteemed to be a just pretension to one, No. 41. Dryden, his definition of wit censured, No. 62. Dull fellows, who, No. 43. their inquiries are not for information, ibid. Dutch more polite than the English in their buildings, and monu- Dyer, the news-writer, an Aristotle in politics, No. 43• E ENVY; the ill state of an envious man, No. 19. His relief, ibid. The way to obtain his favour, ibid. Ephesian matron, the story of her, No. 11. Epictetus, his observation upon the female sex, No. 53. Epigram on Hecatissa, No. 52. Epitaphs, the extravagance of some, and modesty of others, No. 26. Equipages, the splendour of them in France, No. 15. a great tempta sex, ibid. Etheridge (Sir George), author of the comedy called She would if |