Obrázky stránek

Sextus Quintus, the Pope, an instance of his unforgiving temper,
No. 23.

Shadows and realities not mixed in the same piece, No. 5.

Shovel (Sir Cloudesly), the ill contrivance of his monument in West-
minster Abbey, No.26.

Sidney (Sir Philip), his opinion of the Song of Chevy-Chace, No. 70.
Sighers, a club of them in Oxford, No 30. their regulations, ibid.
Sign-posts, the absurdities of many of them, No. 28.

Socrates, his temper and prudence, No. 23.

Solitude, an exemption from passions the only pleasing solitude,
No. 4.

Sophocles, his conduct in his tragedy of Electra, No. 44.
Sparrows bought for the use of the opera, No. 5.
Spartan virtue acknowledged by the Athenians, No. 6.
Spectator (the), his prefatory discourse, No. 1. His great tacitur-
nity, ibid. His vision of Public Credit, 3. His entertainment at
the table of an acquaintance, 7. His recommendation of his spe--
culations, 10. Advertised in the Daily Courant, 12. His en-
counter with a lion behind the scenes, 13. The design of his
writings, 16. No partyman, ibid. A little unhappy in the mould
of his face, 17. His artifice, 19. His desire to correct impu-
dence, 20. And resolution to march on in the cause of virtue,
34. His visit to a travelled lady, 45. His speculations in the
first principles, 46. An odd accident that befel him at Lloyd's
coffee-house, ibid. His advice to our English Pindaric writers,
58. His examen of Sir Foplin Flutter, 65.

Spleen, a common excuse for dulness, No. 53.
Starers reproved, No. 20.

Statira, in what proposed as a pattern to the fair sex, No. 41.

Superstition, the folly of it described, No. 7.

Susanna, or innocence betrayed, to be exhibited by Mr Powell;

with a new pair of elders, No. 14.


TEMPLAR, one of the Spectator's Club, his character, No. 2.

That, his remonstrance, No. 80.

Theatre (English), the practice of it in several instances censured,,
No. 42, 44, 51.

Thunder of great use on the stage, No. 44.

Thunderer to the playhouse, the great hardships put upon him,
and his desire to be made a cannon, No.36.

Tom Tits to personate singing birds in the opera, No. 5.

Tom the tyrant, first minister of the coffee house, between the
hours of eleven and twelve at night, No. 49.

Tombs in Westminster visited by the Spectator, No. 26. His re-
flections upon them, bid.

Trade, the benefit of it to Great Britain, No. 69.

Tragedy; a perfect tragedy the noblest production of human na-
ture, No. 39. Wherein the modern tragedy excels that of Greece
and Rome, ibid. Blank verse the most proper for an English tra-
gedy, ibid. The English tragedy considered, ibid.

Tragi-comedy, the product of the English theatre, a monstrous in-
vention, No. 40.

Travel highly necessary to a coquette, No. 45. The behaviour of
a travelled lady in the playhouse, ibid.

Truth an enemy to false wit, No. 63.

Tryphiodorus, the great lipogrammatist of antiquity, No.59.


VENICE Preserved a tragedy founded on a wrong plot, No. 39.
Ugliness, some speculations upon it, No. 32.

Visit; a visit to a travelled lady, which she received in her bed,
described, No.45.

Understanding, the abuse of it is a great evil, No. 6.

Vocifer, the qualifications that make him pass for a fine gentleman,
No. 75.


WHO and Which, their petition to the Spectator, No. 78.
Wit, the mischief of it when accompanied with vice, No. 23. Very
pernicious when not tempered with virtue and humanity, ibid.
Turned into deformity by affectation, 38. Only to be valued as
it is applied, 6. Nothing so much admired and so little under-
stood, 58. The history of false wit, ibid. Every man would be
a wit if he could, 59. The way to try a piece of wit, 62.
Locke's reflection on the difference between wit and judgment,
ibid. The god of wit described, 63.


Woman of quality, her dress the products of an hundred climates,
No. 69

Women, the more powerful part of our people, No. 4. Their ordi-
nary employments, 10. Smitten with superficials, 15. Their
usual conversation, ibid. Their strongest passion, 33. Not to be
considered merely as objects of sight, ibid.


YARICO, the story of her adventure, No. 11.


Printed by John Brown,
Anchor Close, Edinburgh.


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