The Spectator, Svazek 1J. Duncan, 1791 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-5 z 31
Strana 21
... verse in VIRGIL is worth all the clincant or tinsel of Tasso . But to return to the sparrows ; there have been so many flights of them let loose in this opera , that it is feared the house will never get rid of them ; and that in other ...
... verse in VIRGIL is worth all the clincant or tinsel of Tasso . But to return to the sparrows ; there have been so many flights of them let loose in this opera , that it is feared the house will never get rid of them ; and that in other ...
Strana 31
... verses out of his poem to Vandyke . r The heedless lover does not know Whose eyes they are that wound him so ; But confounded with thy art , Inquires her name that has his heart . I pronounced these words with such a languishing air ...
... verses out of his poem to Vandyke . r The heedless lover does not know Whose eyes they are that wound him so ; But confounded with thy art , Inquires her name that has his heart . I pronounced these words with such a languishing air ...
Strana 47
... verse in old HESIOD , which is almost word for word the same with his third line in the following passage : -Nor think , though men were none , That Heav'n would want spectators , GoD want praise : Millions of spiritual creatures walk ...
... verse in old HESIOD , which is almost word for word the same with his third line in the following passage : -Nor think , though men were none , That Heav'n would want spectators , GoD want praise : Millions of spiritual creatures walk ...
Strana 66
... verses com posed by a gentleman of his society : the first , a con- gratulatory ode inscribed to Mrs ToUCHWOOD , upon the loss of her two foreteeth ; the other , a panegyric upon Mrs ANDIRON'S left shoulder . Mrs VIZARD ( he says ) ...
... verses com posed by a gentleman of his society : the first , a con- gratulatory ode inscribed to Mrs ToUCHWOOD , upon the loss of her two foreteeth ; the other , a panegyric upon Mrs ANDIRON'S left shoulder . Mrs VIZARD ( he says ) ...
Strana 67
... verse answer to those of the Italian , that both of them might . go to the same tune . Thus the famous song in CAMILLA , Barbaro si t'intendo , & c . Barbarous woman , yes , I know your meaning- which expresses the resentments of an ...
... verse answer to those of the Italian , that both of them might . go to the same tune . Thus the famous song in CAMILLA , Barbaro si t'intendo , & c . Barbarous woman , yes , I know your meaning- which expresses the resentments of an ...
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