Obrázky stránek


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Chicago, Ill. Rochester, Minn.

St. Paul, Minn. Sioux City, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Rochester, Minn.

Blue Earth, Minn.

Sheldon, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Morris, Minn.

St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Duluth, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Lounsbury, B. F., M. D. Lyon, E. P., M. D.

[ocr errors]

Chicago, Ill. Minneapolis, Minn.

[blocks in formation]

Red Wing, Minn.

Rochester, Minn.

Rochester, Minn.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

McGuigan, H. T., M. D.
Mayo, C. H., M. D.
Mayo, William J., M. D.
Meyerding, H. W., M. D.
Morris, R. Edwin, M. D.
New, G. B., M. D.
Newhart, Horace, M. D.
Palmer, George T., M. D.
Parker, Owen W., M. D.
Porter, John Lincoln, M. D.
Pratt, C. C., M. D.
Ramsey, Walter Reeve, M. D.
Richardson, W. J., M. D.
Schmitt, Aaron F., M. D.
Schneider, J. P., M. D.
Seham, Max., M. D.
Sharpe, William, M. D.
Sohmer, A. E., M. D.
Stewart, C. A., M. D.
Stokes, J. H., M. D.
Taylor, H. Longstreet, M. D.
Tuohy, E. L., M. D.
Wanous, E. Z., M. D.
Warner, E. F., M. D.
Warren, Edmund L., M. D.
Wing, Eda R., R. N.
Wright, C. D'Arcy, M. D.
Zimmerman, Goldie, M. D.


Abdominal Pain, Gastric Crises and Related, 241. Absolutely Necessary Microscopic Diagnosis, 178. Abt, Isaac A.: Recent Views on Alimentary Disturbances in Infancy, 81.

Adson, A. W.: The Surgical Treatment of Progressive Ulnar Paralysis, 455. Alimentary Disturbances in Infancy, 81. Ambulatory Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 426. Anemia, Differential Diagnosis and Modern Treatment of, 334.

Anomalies of the Ocular Lens, 135.

Anterior Poliomyelitis, Differential Diagnosis Between, 224.

Appendix, Some Rare Pathological Conditions of the, 295.

Arthritis of the Hip-Joint, Diagnosis and Treatment

of Tuberculous, 291.

Arthritis, Rheumatoid, 417.

Arthritis, Tonsillectomy in, 143.

[ocr errors]

Rochester, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn.

Rochester, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn.

Chicago, Ill.

Ely, Minn. Chicago, Ill. Mankato, Minn.

St. Paul, Minn. Fairmont, Minn.

Mankato, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn.

New York City, N. Y.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Mankato, Minn.

Minneapolis, Minn. Rochester, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Duluth, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.

St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Sioux Falls, S. D.

Ball, C. R.: Tic Douloureux and Its Treatment, 91. Bellaire, R. F.: A Few Facts in Regard to Modern X-Ray Therapy, 380.

Bessesen, A. N.: Elephantiasis-Report of a Case in Minnesota, 185.

Bladder, Non-Operative Treatment of Tumors of, 168. Bilateral Renal Involvement, Lithiasis With, 252. Birnberg, T. L.: Treatment of Epidemic CerebroSpinal Meningitis, 174.

Braasch, W. F.: Lithiasis With Bilateral Renal Involvement, 252.

Braasch, W. F.: Tumors of the Bladder and Their Non-Operative Treatment, 168.

Brain Injuries, With or Without a Fracture of the Skull, Observations Regarding the Diagnosis and Treatment of, 285.

Brief Summary of One Thousand Consecutive Cases of Confinement, 303.

Broberg, J. A.: Pituitrin, Its Uses and Abuses, 386.

[blocks in formation]

Anders and Musser: A Text Book of the Prac-
tice of Medicine, 402.

Bacon and Saunders: A Manual of Otology, 401.
Binnie: A Treatise on Regional Surgery, 402.

Cancer, Its Cause and Treatment, 160.
Surgical Nursing in War, 238.

The Hospital as a Social Agent in the
Community, 443.

Cobbett: The Cause of Tuberculosis, 52.

De Lee: The Practical Medicine Series. Ob-
stetrics, 400.

Dercum: A Clinical Manual of Mental Diseases,

Dorland: The American Illustrated Medical Dic-
tionary, 238.

Dumas and Carrel: Technic of the Carrel Meth-
od, 80.

Fantus: Therapeutics. Preventive Medicine, 238.
Gardner: Public Health Nursing, 118.

Groves: On Modern Methods of Treating Frac-
tures, 324.

Grulee: Infant Feeding, 239.

Jordan: A Text Book of General Bacteriology, 80.
Kerley: The Practice of Pediatrics, 284.

Koll: Diseases of the Male Urethra, Including
Impotence and Sterility, 401.

Landis: International Clinics, 118, 239, 284, 484
International Clinics, 484.

Lydston: Impotence and Sterility with Aberra-
tions of the Sexual Function and Sex-Gland
Implantation, 325.

[blocks in formation]


Schuller: Roentgen Diagnosis of Diseases of the

Head, 484.

Simon: A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis, 402.
Skeel: Gynecology and Pelvic Surgery, 118.
Southard and Solomon: Neurosyphilis, 117.
Stokes: The Third Great Plague, 326.
Surgical Clinics of Chicago, 283, 325.
Surgical Clinics of Chicago, The, 484.
Thornton: A Pocket Formulary, 325.
Todd: Clinical Diagnosis, 401.

Vedder: Syphilis and Public Health, 400.


Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, 174.

Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, A Study of Seventy Cases

of, 372.

Cesarean Section, 262.

Changes Ahead, 327.

Children, Prevalent Defects of Older, 85.

Chronic Simple Glaucoma, 430.

Cleft Palate and Harelip, 8.

Clinical Aspect of Prostatic Hypertrophy, 460.

Clinical Pharmacology of Digitalis; Historical

Sketch, 125.

Colvin, Alex R.: Pathology and Treatment of Osteo-
myelitis, 452.

Comparison of the Various Tuberculin Tests in Child-
hood, 337.

Confinement, A Brief Summary of One Thousand
Consecutive Cases of, 303.

Colles' Fracture, 53.

Colon, Congenital Idiopathic Dilatation of, 119.
Congenital Idiopathic Dilatation of the Colon, 119.
Conservation of Hearing, 161.

Consideration of the Tonsil Question, 20.

Control of Venereal Disease, A Plea for Co-Opera-
tion in, 205.

Co-Operation in Venereal Disease Control, A Plea
for, 205.

Corpus Luteum, the Physiology of, 181.


Defects of Older Children, Prevalent Physical, 85.
Deformities Resulting From Incurable Paralysis, The
Orthopedic Treatment of, 1.

Degeneration, Myocardial, 422.

Diagnosis, Absolutely Necessary Microscopic, 178.
Diagnosis and Modern Treatment of Idiopathic Per-
nicious Anemia, Differential, 334.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Injuries, With or
Without a Fracture of the Skull, Observations
Regarding the, 285.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculous Arthritis of
the Hip-Joint, 291.

Diagnosis, Essentials in Pediatric, 298.
Differential Diagnosis and Modern Treatment of Idio-
pathic Pernicious Anemia, 334.
Differential Diagnosis Between Anterior Poliomyeli-
tis, Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis, and Tu-
berculous Meningitis, 224.

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