The Rules of the Game

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Doubleday, Page, 1910 - Počet stran: 644
"The early days of the Forest Service in California." Cf. Hanna, A. Mirror for the nation.

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Strana 335 - I will crave your Grace's permission to plant such a mark as is used in the north country ; and welcome every brave yeoman who shall try a shot at it to win a smile from the bonny lass he loves best." He then turned to leave the lists. " Let your guards attend me,
Strana 5 - and that's one reason I wanted to see you; why I asked you to run over from Chicago next time you came down. Of course, there are ducks, too." "There'd better be!" said Welton grimly. "I want Bob to go into the lumber business, same as his dad was. This congressman game is all right, and I don't see how I can very well get out of it, even if I wanted to. But, Welton, I'ma Riverman, and I always will be. It's in my bones. I want Bob to grow up in the smell of the woods — same as his dad. I've always...
Strana 336 - For his own part, he said, and in the land where he was bred, men would as soon take for their mark King Arthur's round table, which held sixty knights around it. "A child of seven years old," he said, "might hit yonder target with a headless shaft; but...
Strana 29 - ... came the quick dull sounds of planks thrown down, the grind of car wheels, the movement of feet, the varied, complex sound of men working together, the clapping of waters against the structure. It was confusing, confusing as the noise of many hammers. Yet two things seemed to steady it, to confine it, keep it in the bounds of order, to prevent it from usurping more than its meet and proper proportion. One was the tingling lake breeze singing through the rigging of the ship; the other was the...
Strana 29 - ... point where an unending stream of them passed over the side of each ship, stood a young man with a long, flexible rule. This he laid rapidly along the width of each board, and then as rapidly entered a mark in a note-book. The boards seemed to move fairly of their own volition, like a scutellate monster of many joints, crawling from the cars, across the dock, over the side of the ship and into the black hold where presumably it coiled. There were six ships; six...
Strana 314 - It's humiliating," insisted California John, "to do i job well and get fired." " You'll still have just the job you have now — onl; you'll be called a head-ranger." " My people won't see it that way." Ashley Thome hesitated. "No, they won't," said he frankly at last. " I could argue on the other side; but they won't. They'll think you've dropped back a peg; and they'll say to each other — at least some of them will : ' Old Davidson bit off more than he could chew; and it serves him right for...
Strana 135 - you can save that tooth! It would be a crime to pull that tooth! Come to my office at ten to-morrow morning and I will see what can be done." He turned to the audience and for ten minutes expounded the doctrine of modern dentistry as it stands for saving a tooth whenever possible. Incidentally he had much to say as to his skill in filling and bridge work and the marvellous painlessness thereof. The meeting broke up finally to the inspiring strains of a really good band. Bob and his friend, standing...
Strana 364 - Why not? The lumberman fulfils a commercial function, like anyone else; why shouldn't he be allowed freely a commercial reward? You can't lead a commercial class by ideals that absolutely conflict with commercial motives. If you want to- introduce your ideals among lumbermen, you want to educate them; and in order to educate them you must fix it so your ideals don't actually spell loss! Rearrange the scheme of taxation, for one thing. Get your ideas of fire protection and conservation on a practical...
Strana 312 - Oh, that! What's those dinkey little reports and monkeydoodle business amount to, anyhow? You know perfectly well it's foolish to ask a ranger to fill out an eight-page blank every time he takes a ride. What does that amount to?" "Not very much,
Strana 88 - I've had about enough of this riverhog monkey-work." atop the disputed clump of piles, his shotgun across his knees. The driving crew retreated ashore. Larsen was plainly uncertain. " I tell you, boys," said he, " I'll get back to town. You wait." " Guess I'll go along," suggested Bob, determined to miss no phase of this new species of warfare. " What you going to do ?" he asked Larsen when they were once on the trail. " I don't know," confessed the older man, rubbing his cap. "I'm just goin' to...

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