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of the officers accompanied the regi- | miles in extent, and commanding officers are its journey. It numbers 1,061 men, instructed to report to the district head-quaron to the drum corps and band.-Bal- ters at Mexico the names of persons suitable to merican, August 1. be appointed superintendents and assistant superintendents, whose duty it shall be to protect the railroad property in their respective diviMen of property and respectability, without regard to political opinion, are to be selected for positions.

ONEL L. S. MILES, upon whose conduct e battle at Bull Run severe animadhad been made, published a card. He that he has been made the victim of spite, that he directed the movements oops on the field, and that he never e of the orders attributed to him. He ays that he has called for a court of investigate the whole transaction.



ERAL PILLOW in command of rebel New Madrid, Mo., issued a proclamae citizens of Missouri, announcing his to expel the Federal troops from the reinstate Claiborne F. Jackson, at City. Gen. Pillow's army is made up ion of the Union City, the Randolph, Memphis troops, and is from twelve to housand strong. They are well supcannon, field-pieces, and siege guns. mpson, now in command of Watkins' has moved the encampment from d to within eight miles of Charleston. Pillow's command, numbering some upon the Cape Girardeau road, bedrid and Charleston. The rebels have itary possession of the road through irie from New Madrid to Cape Girarare preparing for an attack upon Bird's Cape Girardeau. However, every a masterly state of preparation both Defiance and at Bird's Point, for the oc. 139.)


All illegal assemblages to be promptly broken up, and all persons taken in arms against the United States to be sent to Mexico, to be disposed of by the commanding general. No arrests to be made for opinion's sake, unless the parties are engaged in open acts of hostil ity, or stimulating others to such acts by inflammatory words or publications. The restoration of peace and safety to the region distracted by civil commotion, and the punishment of the infamous assassins and incendiaries infesting the country, is announced to be the mission of the force in North Missouri.

The troops are cautioned against excesses of any kind, especially depredations on the possessions and property of any citizen of Missouri, and infractions of military discipline and good order will be visited with the greatest severity possible under the articles of war.— Washington Republican, August 2.—(Doc. 140.)

-JOIN II. REAGAN, Postmaster-General of the "Confederate" States, issued a decision, in reference to the transmission and delivery of newspapers and periodicals through the mails in the Southern States.-(Doc. 141.)

-THE Memphis Appeal of this date ingeniously culls various expressions of several northern men to prove that the present war is ERDAY M. Parks, the agent of the solely a war of abolition, and that this object North Carolina in Portsmouth, Vir-long hidden begins now gradually to appear. sferred to the Confederacy a fleet of Among the persons it quotes are, Abraham hers already manned and armed. Lincoln, W. II. Seward, H. J. Raymond, Lloyd Examiner, July 30, 31. Garrison, and Wendell Phillips.-(Doc. 142.)

ADIER GENERAL POPE issued a special igning Brigadier-General Hurlburt to and of the United States forces along ibal and St. Joseph railroad. Colonel command at Mexico, on the North road; Colonel Ross to occupy MounColonel Palmer to post his regiment and Sturgeon, making his head-quarenick. These several districts to be to sub-districts not exceeding seven


-IN the House of Representatives at Washington, Mr. Potter from the Select Committee on the loyalty of Government employees made a special report.—(Doc. 143.)

-TO-DAY at Washington, two general orders were issued by General Scott. The first directs that all searches for arms, traitors, or spies, and arrests of offenders, in any military department, shall only be made by authority of the Commander of the department, except in

cases of urgent necessity. The second order announces the desecration of Mount Vernon by the bands of armed rebels, and expresses the hope of the Commander-in-Chief that, should the operations of the war take the national troops in that direction, every possible respect will be paid to the sacred precincts.-(Doc. 144.)

-THE Missouri State Convention to-day elected for the Provisional Government, Hamilton R. Gamble, for Governor; Willard P. Hale, Lieutenant-Governor; and Mordecai Oliver, Secretary of State. The opposition were excused from voting, protesting against the power of the Convention. In the afternoon the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor were sworn in and inaugurated. Each made a strong Union and patriotic speech, amid loud applause. After the presentation of an address to the people of the State by the Convention, it adjourned till the third Monday in December, unless sooner called together by the new Government, or demanded by the public safety.-(Doc. 145.)

-JOSEPH HOLT addressed the soldiers at Camp Joe Holt, Ind., this day. A vast throng of civilians swelled the audience, including several parties of ladies and gentlemen from Louisville. Mr. Holt was introduced by Gen. Rousseau with soldier-like directness, and spoke for half an hour or upward in a strain of the most enkindling and enchanting cloquence. The effort was one of the most effective and felicitous of his life.-(Doc. 146.)

-THOS. C. REYNOLDS, ex-Lieut.-Gov. of Missouri, in a long proclamation, announces to the people of Missouri that "the sun which shone in its full mid-day splendor at Manassas is about to rise upon Missouri," and calls upon them "to rally as one man to the defence of the State."-(Doc. 148.)

months ago; they have principally done duty on Meridian Hill, and at the Long ng Washington.-Phila. Press, August 2.

-THE War Department at Washington ceived the following direct from Gen. E crans by telegraph, dated to-day :—“ Gen reached Gauley Bridge on the 29th ult. Wise fled without fighting, destroying bridge to prevent pursuit. We have capt a thousand muskets and several kegs of earl powder. Many inhabitants of that section, have heretofore been strong Secessionists, e nounce Gen. Wiso for his wanton destruct of property, and are abandoning him and cause. His Western troops are rapidly & banding. The valley of the Kanawha is free from the rebel forces."-Phila. Inquie August 2.

-JEFF. THOMPSON by proclamation infer the rebels of Missouri, that the North is w ped in Virginia; that "tardy action, like gentle south wind, will only meet with Nors ern frosts," and so invites them to "strike whi the iron is hot."—(Doc. 149.)

-THE Twelfth Regiment N. Y. S. M., andr the command of Colonel Butterfield, and the Twentieth Regiment, Colonel George W. Pr returned to New York from the seat of w The Eighth Regiment, Mass., reached Bo ton from the seat of war.-N. Y. Herald, Av gust 2.

-THE prize brig Herald, with a cargo ៨ naval stores and tobacco from Beaufort, S. C bound to Liverpool, and which was captured by the frigate St. Lawrence on the 16th of July, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa. She cleared from Boston, May 27, ostensibly for Turk's Island but was then chartered by parties in New York for Beaufort, S. C., with the intent to try the experiment of running the blockade.-N. Y. Evening Post, August 2.

-SCOUTS returned to Cairo, Ill., from the South, and reported that the rebels at New Madrid were well-armed and drilled. They have five batteries of ten-pound field-pieces, officered by foreigners, and two regiments of cavalry well equipped. General Pillow is in command. He has promised Ex-Governor Jackson to place 20,000 men in Missouri at once. He has also

August 1.-This morning the First Maine Regiment, Col. N. J. Jackson, passed through Philadelphia on their way home. Their appearance indicated the hard service which the regiment have had since leaving. They number 780 rank and file, but intend, on reaching home, to immediately reorganize the regiment, increase the number to one thousand men, and re-enter the service for three years. The soldiers took breakfast at Washington avenue, pre-issued a proclamation, full of bombast, to the pared by the refreshment committee. This regiment passed through Philadelphia about three

people of Missouri, declaring his intention "to drive the invaders from the State, and enable

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