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volunteer forces near Fortress Monroe in pur- resided in Philadelphia, among which wa suance of the following order:

"Legend of the Waldenses," also "A Viss Melrose." Miss Windle has resided in andria for the past month, where her ments have been closely watched. She avowed her secession proclivities, and ra of the rebel army. After a hearing sle secret of her correspondence with the a

HEAD-QUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA, &C., FORTRESS MONROE, August 20, 1861. Special Order No. 9.-Major-General B. F. Butler is hereby placed in command of the volunteer forces in this department, exclusive of those at Fort Monroe. His present command, at Camps Butler and IIamilton, will include the First, Second, Seventh, Ninth, and Twentieth Regiments, the battalion of Massachusetts Volunteers, and the Union Coast Guard and Mount-sey, belonging to Captain Sinn's Philae

ed Rifles.

By command of
Major-General WOOL.

C. C. CHURCHILL, Adjutant-General. -STERLING PRICE issued a proclamation at Springfield, Mo., to the effect, that a great victory had been won; that northern oppressors of Missouri had been driven back; that every one belonging to the Home Guard organization would be regarded and treated as an enemy to the Southern Confederacy; but that his protection would extend to such who quietly return to their homes, and allow the Southern sway to prevail, and that whoever recognized the provisional government of Missouri would be considered as an enemy to the State, and dealt with accordingly.-(Doc. 204.)

August 21.-By special order of the War Department the body of men at Fortress Monroe known as the Naval Brigade or Union Coast Guard, were formed into a volunteer regiment.-Eight thousand troops were reviewed at Washington by the President and General McClellan.-N. Y. Herald, August 22. -THE Executive Committee of the New York Union Defence Committee reported: that, to this date, it had spent in the equipment of various regiments, five hundred and eighty-one thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars; for arms and ammunition, two hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and eightynine dollars; and for relief to soldiers' families, two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. See Journal of the Board of Aldermen, N. Y.

sent to Washington.

Augustus Schaeffer, of Gloucester, New '

Company of Cavalry, was severely w in the head yesterday, by a pistol b out with a scouting party toward Fairf House, Va.-Baltimore American, Augu

-JEFFERSON DAVIS approved an act ey ering the President of the "Confederate"S to appoint two more Commissioners to E The act empowers the President to deter to what nations the Commissioners now. rope shall be accredited, and to prescribe :: duties. The two additional Commissioners receive the same as those now in Europe, Davis also approved an act for the aid of State of Missouri in repelling the invasion “; to authorize her admission into the Confede The preamble sets forth that the people of souri have been prevented by the uncons tional interference of the Federal Gover from expressing their will in regard to with the Confederates, and that Missouri is engaged in repelling the lawless invasion territory by armed forces. The Confed Government consider it their right and d ́ in resisting this invasion, and securing the m to aid the Government and people of Miss and opportunity of expressing their will all questions affecting their rights and libert

The President of the "Confederate "St is authorized to cooperate, through the mis



of his Government, with authorities Missouri in defending that State against invasion of their soil by the United States maintaining the liberty and independence Missouri, with power to accept the services -AT Alexandria, Va., through the exertions troops sufficient to suit the purpose. of Major Lemon, commanding the guard there, provides for the admission of Missouri to Miss Windle, formerly of Delaware, but more Confederacy, on an equal footing with the othe recently of Philadelphia, and of late a corre- States, when the Provisional Constitution spondent of the Southern press, was arrested in be ratified by the legally constituted authoritie the act of leaving for Washington by the steam- of Missouri, and an authenticated boat. She is a highly-educated lady, and the communicated to the President of the Souther authoress of several works published while she Confederacy.



shall be

sident will then, in accordance with ons of the act, issue his proclamation g the admission of Missouri into the y. She recognizes the Government i, of which Claiborne F. Jackson is istrate.-Louisville Courier, August

gomery counties. The ceremonies were very interesting. James Creigh, Esq., made the presentation speech, and Capt. McPherson the reception speech. A large number of persons were present.- Washington Star, August 23.

-WILLIAM F. BARRY, chief of artillery in Gen. McClellan's staff, yesterday was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers.-Philadelphia Press,

'irst Regiment of Long Island Volunoklyn, N. Y., Phalanx,) commanded | August 22. Julius W. Adams, took their depar -THE Twenty-third Regiment of Pennsylvae seat of war. The men were uni-nia Volunteers, under the command of Col. a substantial blue dress, and their David B. Birney, numbering about five hunpearance indicated that they were dred and fifty men, passed through Baltimore, lo good service. They were armed Md., en route for Washington city. A large procommon smooth-bore musket.-The portion of the men were under Colonel Dare, in Zouaves, N. Y. S. V., under the comColonel John Lafayette Riker, left three months under General Patterson. They the same regiment, which had already served ›r, Riker's Island, for Washington. are all uniformed similar to regulars. Lieutenm of the Zouaves is dark blue loose ant-Colonel Wilhelm held the same rank in the d light blue baggy trowsers. For Eighteenth Regiment of three months' voluning, a part of the men have the red teers, under Colonel Lewis, and is an expelue tassel, and the others dark blue rienced officer, having seen service in the Prusir arms are the old, smooth-bore mus- sian army. Several of the companies attached shank bayonets, and percussion locks to the command are well drilled in the Zouave in flint locks.-N. Y. Tribune, Auexercise, and also uniformed.—Baltimore American, August 22.

Hemphis Avalanche of this day says "conviction is becoming general the South that the war can only be carrying it into the North. The bolitionists will have to be scourged behavior. The sooner this shall be etter. All the mighty energies and of the South should be put forth to The Northern conspiracy against her. ardment of a few Northern cities our enemies to their senses. PhilaCincinnati present convenient points Maryland and Kentucky, we have n to believe, will soon be with us, e abolition cities shall receive the tention of the gallant avengers of rongs."

"onfederate" Congress in session at Va., a resolution of thanks to Ben and his forces, was introduced by ze of Texas, and passed unanimously. -.)

-POSTMASTER-GENERAL BLAIR, in response to an inquiry on the subject, says he has neither the power to interdict nor to suspend intercourse between the loyal and rebellious States, by private expresses or otherwise. The power rests with the War and Treasury Departments alone, and so long as these departments forbear to exercise it, correspondence between the insurgents of the South and their friends and abettors in the North, may be lawfully continued. His power over the matter extends only to the protection of the revenues of the Department from fraud by the conveyance of this circuitous correspondence over the Post routes of the United States, partly in the mails, and partly by private expresses, unlawfully. This the Postmaster-General believes has been effect

ually done in the manner set forth in his letter on the subject to General McClellan, published a few weeks ago. He concludes by saying:

"You have doubtless observed that the President, in pursuance of an act of Congress, ay a very large and beautiful flag passed at its recent session, has by his proclaed to the battalion of Pennsylvania mation of the 10th instant, declared that all oned at Annapolis Junction, Md., by commercial intercourse between the insurgent adies of Prince George's and Mont-States or the people thereof and the loyal

States is unlawful. It is presumed that instruc- Jernor calls upon the citizens to come far tions will be issued by the Treasury Depart-promptly to sustain the peace by the s ment for the enforcement of this declaration, and that the abuse of which you complain will be effectually suppressed."

sion and dispersion of the armed bands d'x who are now committing violence in the ent parts of the State. As soon as trog enrolled they will hold themselves in reade march at the call of the Executive to order. Any regular organization will be mitted to volunteer in the service of the States, if the members so desire.-The

-THE First Regiment of Western Virginia Volunteers returned to Wheeling from the seat of war. Their reception was enthusiastic, the people turning out in a body to welcome them. -Wheeling Intelligencer, August 22. -THE Scouting party put off the railroading is the form of oath to be administer train which was fired into yesterday morning at Syracuse, Mo., arrived at Jefferson City. They report having killed two and wounded several of the secessionists, and bring in five prisoners.

Governor Gamble has appointed division inspectors in five of the seven military districts in Missouri, for the purpose of mustering men into service under the militia law of 1859, revived by the State Convention. The Gov

the militia:

"You each and every one of you do sek swear that you will honestly and faithfully s the State of Missouri against all her ene and that you will do your utmost to sustai Constitution and laws of the United States of this State; and you do further swear you will truly execute and obey the legis ders of all officers properly placed over p whilst on duty, so help you God."


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