Journal of the Institute of BankersThe Institute, 1899 |
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Journal of the Institute of Bankers, Svazky 1–15 Institute of Bankers (Great Britain) Úplné zobrazení - 1895 |
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advances ASSETS authorised Average amount Average circulation balance Bank of England Bank of Scotland bankers Bills of Exchange brokers capital cash cent cheque Clydesdale Bank coinage Commercial Bank contract County Bank course Court currency custom dealing debentures debt deeds deposits directors discount effect endorsed funds give gold Government grains guarantee holder Institute interest investment ised Issues Joint Stock Bank Laidman land certificate law merchant liability Limited Liverpool loans London Lord maneh Memorandum ment mortgage National Bank National Provincial Bank notes Old Bank paid payable payment person plaintiffs ponding period practice principal proprietor Provincial Bank question regard roubles rule securities shares shekels silver South South Australia South Wales statute Stock Exchange tion Total trade transactions transfer Ulster Bank Union Bank weeks ended William winding-up Yorkshire Bank دو