Obrázky stránek

Ushered into the large room, he found a profusion of wine and cake prepared for the sorrowing train who were expected. It was the latter end of September, the afternoon turned out rather damp, and, in consequence, the undertaker had caused a rousing fire to be made to cheert heir spirits. He had few opportunities of making observations on the excellence of Mr. Shovelem's arrangements, when the coaches stopped at the door of the inn, and the noise of their falling steps announced the mourners to be about to enter.

The widow of the deceased was the first to make her appearance. She came forward with a languishing air, carefully holding her handkerchief before the upper part of her face, to hide the culpable disobedience of her eyes, which refused even on this occasion, the moderate supply of tears, that the tender Mrs. Snatchall was extremely auxious to shed, in honour of her dear departed lord. As she advanced, she drew in her breath, and retained it as long as she conveniently could, to give a stronger aspiration to the word "Ah!" which she at last threw out in a sighing whisper that might have been heard all over the house.

The undertaker introduced Charles, in few words, to the widow; and with an economical glance of his eye, and inclination of the body to all who followed, as a very particular friend of his, who, happening to be detained a few days at that inn, had most obligingly given up his apartment for their accommodation. The widow curtsied, and obliged him with a pathetic repetition of her former aspiration.

Young Mr. Rattler was the next, whose sorrow, though fully equal to that of his aunt Mrs. Snatchall, was not quite so conspicuous in his deportment.

The discerning Mr. Shovelem having placed the widow next the fire, deposited the fat carcase of Mr. Waddle in the chair on her left hand. He manifested a disposition to yield the post of honour to the Lieutenant; but the man of war politely desired him to keep his seat, and to rise, was too serious an exertion for Mr. Waddle to think of making it on any trivial occasion. Mr. Bobstay took his seat by him, and Mr. Lapstone became his left-hand supporter. On the other side, care had been taken to place Miss Blobber in opposition to Mrs. Snatchall; and Mr. Cadaverous, as a matter of course, took the next scat. Mr. Wafer pressed on Harley that by the side of an attorney, but it was declined; and the stationer had the happiness of sitting next the lovers, whose good opinion it was his interest to cultivate: as it might be the means of helping him off with a valentine or two in the coming February. Between the bootmaker and the stationer, Harley found his resting-place.

The sable corps of Mr. Shovelem applied themselves to relieve the party from their hoods and cloaks, while the master, after giving all requisite directions for tea and coffee, which he did with an air of dignity and importance, that the present Emperor of Russia and the Duke of Wellington would find it difficult to assume at a review, or onthe eve of battle, proceeded to pour out wine to cheer the afflicted mourners, and sustain them under the affecting solemnities of the day. One glass he filled with brandy for Lieutenant Bobstay, who was a little afraid of taking cold, from standing on the damp ground without his hat, while the service was being read over the grave.

Mr. Shovelem, in person, politely handed the waiter on which several glasses were Mr. Cadaverous, a short, pale-looking placed, to the widow. Absorbed in sorrow, attorney, and Miss Blobber, an oilman's she did not, at first, perceive, nor compredaughter, to whom he paid his addresses, hend the meaning of the gentle tap, which and who had been invited in compliment to her right arm received from the Epping him, to be of this party of pleasure, follow-sausage-like fingers of Mr. Waddle. At ed. To them succeeded Lieutenant Bobstay, length, however, her attention returned to who had known Mr. Snatchall from the time mortal affairs; she made an effort, and, by of his first going into the spirits line. This accident selected towards her consolation, hero had lost his leg, as he said in battle, but the glass which had been filled with brandy as others whispered, in consequence of a for Lieutenant Bobstay. In a low tone, she fracture which he had the misfortune to re- wished her friends good health; and had, ceive through a fall from the window of a unfortunately, swallowed more than half of house he once lodged at in Wapping, which its contents, before she discovered the fatal he judged it prudent to evacuate, in his mistake. She, however, then made ample hurry to attend to his duty, without wasting amends, by her cries and groans, for any time by stopping to settle his reckoning negligence previously observable in her deFrom the peculiarity of his gait, the judici- portment; and though a glass of wine to ous Mr. Shovelem had assorted him with reutralize the ardent spirit was prudently Mr. Waddle, a retired sugar-broker, who administered with the least possible delay, from the possession of an irritated corn, was she would certainly have fainted, but for a enabled to supply a hop that very well cor- pin in her hood, which Mr. Shovelem had responded with that of the Lieutenant; and left for a moment on the rail of the chair, by this fortunate coincidence, the march and which insinuating itself through one of from the hearse to the centre aisle, had been the lace-holes in her stays, as she was sinking made perfectly regular. Mr. Lapstone, a back for that purpose, spared the company boot-maker, from Gutter-lane Cheapside, this additional calamity, and caused the who from a cancer in his face, had had the relict of the late Mr. Snatchall to spring up misfortune to lose more than half his nose; again, with an agility that would have asand a tall skeleton, then the property of a tonished Mr. Parsloc, or Madame Saqui, in stationer in the Minories called Mr. Wafer, order to resume her former attitude of graceful despondency.

died, some said for want, in the Fleet. But, however that was, the old gentleman gave them very good funerals, which, you know, proved himself an affectionate father, after all. A month ago, he arrested a man who had failed in business; and, somehow or other-I don't know how it was, the bailiff made a bit of a mistake, and poor Mr. Snatchall was saddled with all expences, and obliged to give up the caption. It went to his heart, Sir; he never held up his head any more; in fact it threw him into a fever; and after the loss he had sustained, he could not think of calling in a physician, till he had the rattles in his throat. He then threw away his guinea; but it was too late. I was the only person that could be of service to him." [Harley consents to become a visitor, the undertaker retires, and his men return to their conversation.]

"The best joke, however, I was going to tell, just as Shovelem came in. You'll excuse us, Sir-we are all friends." "O, certainly." "It was at Highgate, Dick Deadflesh and Jack Mattocks got drunk at Islington; so that we were obliged to leave them behind when we got to the Cock, at Holloway. So, as I was saying, two other fellows were obliged to be got from the parish workhouse. Bill Windingsheet was then quite green; so I was the only man that could shoulder a corpse in a workmanlike manner. When we entered the yard, and came to the grave, one of the parish bearers went blundering on one end of the outer plank,-and, iny eyes! up it went, and sent a spadeful of the Inould smack in the parson's face, over his book, and all; and the coffin came baug on the other board; and if I hadn't held devilish tight by one of the handles, would have gone in end-ways. However, it might as well as it turned out; for, when we had got it in the ropes, the parish fellows did not let down fast enough. Lower the foot,' says Bill; but they, poor devils! did not know the foot from the head, and let the head still lower, so that it fairly slipped out of the ropes, and bump went the coffin to the bottom of the grave, face downwards. I never saw any thing like it in my life. I thought I should have split my sides a laughing, while the parson was saying ashes to ashes, for it had taken Bill half an hour's scrabbling to get matters to rights again."

Either the droll scene which he described was better to see than to hear as a tale, or the presence of Harley put some restraint on the merriment of the men of Death; for they did not laugh at the story, and the speaker was under the necessity of performing that ceremony over the joke for himself, which he accomplished apparently with but little difficulty. All, however, owned that the thing was odd enough, but it was no more than was to be expected from men who entered upon a profession for which they were not duly qualified.

Mr. Shovelem now returned with news that the mourners were in sight, and would arrive at the inn in a few minutes. He requested Charles to accompany him up stairs, and this he had no objection to do, as he had had quite cuough of the society of the under-closed the procession. stappers.

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"I hope you have not seen any thing neg lected by my people, Sir." "O nothing, nothing." Nothing, nothing,' was repeated by every mourner in succession, and Miss Blobber condescended to add, thing she was sure, was very comfortable and this, she thought, must be very grateful to the feelings of Mrs. Snatchall." tainly; I wished all that could be done should be done. For now he is no more, I know I shall never see his fellow,-poor dear Lamb! Well, ma'am, don't fret. No doubt he is happy."


More brandy was brought for the liente- Having issued the necessary directions for nant, as also a small glass for Miss Blobber, preparing a repast befitting the occasion, at the suggestion of Mr. Cadaverous, who and, with most commendable forecast, taken was of opinion, that she might take cold as especial care, that nothing would be wanting well as the lieutenant. The young lady in- to make that part of the ceremony comsisted upon his tasting it first, and this affec-pletely satisfactory, Mr. Shovelem seemed tionate request having been amorously com- more at his ease than he had previously been, plied with, Miss Blobber soon disposed of and socially took his seat among his neighthe rest, in doing which however, she enter-bours. A pause of about three minutes' tained the company with a very respectable duration succeeded, in which the whole of imitation of the emotion which the brandy the dramatis persone actively employed had called forth in Mrs. Snatchall. The rest themselves in endeavouring to think of of the party now took their glasses, bowing in something to say. Mr. Cadaverous was silence to each other, and to the widow with very near succeeding, and a preliminary hem! This speech at once turned the conversaan air of distress, which inflicted real pain on caused all eyes to be fixed on him. He was tion into the ordinary funeral channel, and Charles, who never having acted a part in about to begin, when Mr. Shovelem gave brought forward the present happiness and such a scene before, found it so intolerably his hem! and the attorney, with all the mo- past virtues of the deceased in the regular farcical, that he hardly dared venture to dest diffidence which belongs to his profes-way. The remark, tkat Mr. Snatchall was breathe, lest he should be carried away by a sion, at once gave way. The undertaker happy, was instantly taken up. burst of laughter; which, at that early pe- could brook no further delay, and forthwith riod of the day, would have shocked the made a beginning. mourners exceedingly.


'Well, Mrs. Snatchall, you must not let your loss prey upon your spirits too much. The will of Heaven, you know, ma'am, must be done. You have nothing to reproach yourself with." "Ah! Mr. Shovelem, you're very good;" and the white handkerchief went up to her eyes. "You know we must all go when our time comes. There is no help for it."

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Much happier than we are," said Miss Blobber. "No doubt," said Mr. Lapstone. "He's where he'll be tossed about by no more storms," said the Lieutenant.

The stationer tried to repeat this fine sentiment, but not recollecting the whole of it, he stopped short as a man at a public festival sometimes does, when he cannot manage the words of a long toast that he is required to drink. Instead of bawling "the aforesaid," Mr. Wafer got out of the scrape, with "You've taken the words out of my mouth." Mr. Cadaverous "had no doubt but that Mr. Snatchall was to be envied." Mr. Waddle continued, "And wery much, too, in my opinion." And the nephew, Mr. Mrs. Cadaverous, as was to be, assented Rattler, who, by the bye, came in for a leto this, and contributed her mite of consola-gacy of a thousand pounds, piously remark, tion, by adding that, "neither wealth nored: "His loss is our gain:-Pooh! I mean beauty afforded any protection against the our loss is his eternal gain." grim destroyer, Death."

This philosophical reflection at once set the tongues of the whole company in motion. Mr. Cadaverous remarked, that "those who were youngest, and in the bloom of life, did not know how soon they might be cut off"

Tea and coffee were next introduced, and disposed of as silently as the wine had been. There was something very touching in their taciturnity, and in the intelligent looks and expressive pantomimic gestures, by which some of the number intimated occasionally, that it would be expedient to ring for more muffins, toast, or tea. One circumstance was very consoling. Grief had not injured the appetite of any person present. With the exception of Harley, each made a hearty meal. He, from the strong provocatives to mirth before him, felt that he risked being choaked by every mouthful he ventured upon, and in consequence was little disposed to eat. When the cups and saucers had been removed by order of the Commander-in-chief, that provident personage came to Mrs. Snatchall, and desired to know, what she The widow, who was travelling post towould like to have procured for supper.wards fifty, and who had virago written in The widow was still so much overpowered, that she could give but faint answers to all his questions. The conference proceeded in the following manner:

same to me."

legible characters on a clay-coloured coun-
tenance, scemed to consider the last speech
to apply particularly to her case, and admit-
ted the correctness of the observation, by
stating for the benefit and edification of all
present, that "it was but too true, and for
her own part, she did not think she should
be long after her dear Mr. Snatchall." Here
she again displayed strong symptoms of sen-
sibility, by concealing her face in the usual

"Can you say, ma'am, what you would like? We can get any thing." "It's all the "Would you like a quarter of lamb?" "No matter what." "Or a sir-loin of roast beef?" "What you please. -I shall not be able to eat any thing." "O, my dear ma'am, you must not give way to grief.-Would you like a fillet of veal Mr. Shovelem, now, partly from a wish and ham? "I've no choice." "Or rab- (very common to most men) to hear his own bits, smothered in onions?" "Any thing." praise, and partly with a view to give the re"Or a boiled chicken? "Oh!" "Orlict of the deceased a little additional consome roasted ducks ?" "Ah!" And here solation, led the conversation to the manner the aspiration before mentioned, was repeat-in which the funeral had been performed. ed in Mrs. Snatchall's very best style.

Mr. Shovelem perceived that she wished to be considered as completely exhausted, and looked upon her failing to answer the two last questions, as she had done those that preceded them, to be sufficient to indicate a preference for what he had then proposed. He accordingly at once desisted, as the learned dog, after going round and round within the circle appropriated to his exhibitions, when his master's voice drops, at once halts, perceives close to his nose the happy lady who will be married first, and gives himself no further trouble.


"I hope, ma'am, my little arrangements were to your mind." "Quite so.” "Nice deep grave!" "I could not see its depth. To look at it was too much for me. It was very deep indeed," said Mr. Waddle. "And quite dry." "O! quite dry," said Mr. Rattler. In every respect it was perfectly proper." "I am glad you like it. Mr. Snatchall was an old and particular friend of mine. I should have been sorry to have found any thing had been neglected," Mr. Shovelem put in.

He waited for a compliment, but no one speaking, he proceeded, addressing himself to Mr. Rattler.

Having thus made an approach towards the honest expression of their real sentiments, by unanimously agreeing that the late Mr. Snatchall was better out of the world than in it, the conversation became more unrestrained, Mr. Shovelem still taking the lead.

"Ah! Mr. Snatchall, poor man! was none of your fly-away, flash-in-the-pan gentry. Always paid his bills when they came due. He'd stand out for discount, but I don't blame him for that." "Better do that than put people off," Mr. Lapstone remarked." As Mr. Flourish did, and at last fail."

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Aye, who would have thought of that!" said Mr. Cadaverous. But I always expected his pride would come to something."

"That was what Mr. Snatchall always said," observed the widow, who appeared a little relieved by this relish of small talk. "Why, it is but t'other day," the attorney went on, "that he called in his one-horse chaise, to drive me to Hampstead, and when I proposed to take Miss Blobber with us, he objected, and said his character would suffer, if three were seen in his chaise." "He was always a brute," said the Mrs. Cadaverous elect. "And then see how he went on at home. His wife and daughters dressed like the first ladies in the land, with their bracelets and rings." "And always having new clothes," Mrs. Snatchall added. "O always! Why, they had three new sarsnet dresses each, within four months, which cost the Lord knows how much, if they were

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The opening stanzas "To the Public" possess considerable whim; and will remind every one of Peter Pindar's address to the same many-headed critic.

paid for." "And then, when they went to, restored. Another dish of reviving scandal | death. Of this crusade we hear no the play, they must always go to the boxes." was then served up, and the extravagance more; but the two cantos give a sort O, bless you! to be sure. The two shil- and economy of their mutual friends, were of disjointed account of the exploits of ling gallery and the pit, were not good e-criticised with equal candour. Supper came the knights who are absent at a period nough for people of their quality." Well, next on the table; and with the exception we shall see where they'll go now. Perhaps of a complaint from Mr. Wafer, that some when their Emperor stood so much in It is altogether a they'll be glad to stay at home more fre- of the gravy intended for one of the ducks need of assistance. quently." If they have a home to stay had been improperly administered to his fragment, and appears to have little at," Miss Blobber sneeringly continued, with Sunday coat, every thing was perfectly sa-aim beyond beguiling a tedious hour to a satirical leer, that produced a smile even tisfactory. The cloth removed, the praises the author, and, perchance, to his reafrom the afflicted Mrs. Snatchall." "And," of the deceased were resumed, and the ne- ders. We shall quote a few passages to said the latter, "what a deal of company phew considering excessive grief for those show whether it is likely to have this they used to keep." "And how extrava- who were happy to be ridiculous, if not merit allowed by the public: for our gant in their preparations! The table was wicked, thought it no disrespect to the meown parts, we consider it inferior both always covered with plate and cut glass, and mory of his dear uncle" to attempt to they made nothing of having turbot and tur- raise the spirits of the afflicted widow with a in design and execution to its celebrated tle-soup. Mr. Flourish once said, he could song. He accordingly roared out a ditty, precursors in the Whistlecraft and Bepnot do without them. His constitution re- the burden of which was po line. quired high living" "I'm thinking, where will he find his high living now?" Cadaverous significantly remarked. Why in a garret to be sure," replied Miss Blobber, and a general laugh among the friends of Mr. Flourish who were present, followed. "But, " said Mr. Waddle, "they tell me that he has some hopes of assistance from his cousin Sobersides." "O no," Mr. Cadaverous answered, "I believe that is not the case." Miss Blobber added, "he is too close-fisted to do any thing of the kind. I dined there once, and what do you think he gave us for dinner? A sirloin of beef roasted, with potatoes and horse-radish!" "There was meanness!" said Mr. Cadaverous. "And he gave us nothing after dinner but home-made wine." "I could not have done such a thing," said the widow of the dealer in foreign wines and spirituous liquors. "But, I think, "Mr. Shovelem here remarked, "if we were to have something to drink, it would not be amiss. I'm sure if the late Mr. Snatchall could know what we are doing, he would not feel it any disrespect

"He's gone like a hearty good fellow."
Most of the mourners joined in the chorus.
Several other displays of vocal talent, each
having the solace of the widow for its object,
followed in rapid succession, and happily at
the close of an evening of more than common
jollity, those by whom these benevolent ef-
forts were made had the satisfaction of seeing
Mrs. Snatchall retire, to use the phrase
always current on such occasions, “Quite as
well as could be expected."

The two first [quasi the first two,] Can-
tos of Richardetto freely translated
from the original Burlesque Poem of
Niccolo Fortiguerra, otherwise Carte-
Tomaco. London, 1820, 8vo. pp. 54.
Ecce iterum Crispinus, another Whis-
tlecraft. Mr. Rose, in his free trans-
lation of the Parliament of Beasts, from
the Italian of Casti (see Literary Ga-
zette for last year, p. 337) has set the
example of this particular genus, and
succeeded, perhaps, as far as could well
be expected, in affording a tolerable
idea, in English, of a style and school
greatly prized among our neighbours in
Italy. We doubt much that our lan-
guage is capable of rendering those
niceties which are so felicitous in the
Italian burlesque, or of substituting
jeux de mots of another kind equiva-
lent to the original: at any rate, we
infinitely prefer its humours on a purely
native foundation, to the grafted imita-
tion of an exotic and incongenial stock.

Mysterious Patron! to whose breath belong.
The destinies of autocrats and artists;
Supreme alike o'er Kean and Ki-en-long ;
Sole judge of Jacobins and Bonapartists;
Who, from thy viewless throne, canst bid de-


At once to country club and grand alliance!
I never said thou'rt dull of apprehension-

I ne'er presumed to tax thee with caprice-
But wonder at thy wisdom's vast extension,
And think thy judgments always of a piece,
Whipping small rogues, and knighting whole-

sale robbers,

Dischartering boroughs, and upholding jobbers.
Yet there's a-float a vague and idle rumour,

(Which painfully I've sometimes contra-

That you won't understand dry harmless hu



And see no joke but when a wound's inflicted :

to him to take some refreshment"

The reasonableness of this proposition
struck every one, and wine and negus were
soon produced. Just as it came into the
room, the Lieutenant returning from a stump
Found the table, to offer a pinch of his rap-
pee to Miss Blobber, was about to resume
his seat, when he had the misfortune to plant
most firmly his timber-toe on the soft corn
of Mr. Waddle, while politely presenting his
box to Mr. Lapstone, who possessed but
the moiety of a nose. The indignation with
which he was repulsed on the one side, and
the horrible roar that burst forth on the
other, apalled the naval hero, so that he
could neither stir nor speak; and his embar- Richardetto, which followed the poems
rassment was but very little diminished, when of Bernardo and Berni, written about
he found that the start of the tortured sugar 100 years ago, and the last of the serio-
broker had emptied a bowl of negus (which
was being handed over by Mr. Shovelem) comic poems, is a sally in derision of
into the lap of the widow, to the great dis-knight-errantry; and treats of the ad-
comfiture of her person, and to the serious ventures of some of the famous Pala-
injury of her new mourning. Apologies dins of France when Charlemagne was
were of course tendered, and, at the instance threatened by a coalition of African
of Mr. Shovelem, accepted, after a few ad-
monitory growls from Mr. Waddle. The
assistance of the landlady, and of Miss Blob-
ber, removed, as far as might be, the annoy-
ance, to which the unfortunate Mrs. Snatch-
all had been subjected, and harmony was

Princes. The son of king Scricca, it
seems, has been slain by the hero; and
his sister Despina, the Helen of Afric,
engages all her lovers to undertake an
expedition into France to revenge his

that's the cause (they say) you never laugh'd Sufficiently with good friend Whistlecraft;

Nor, when you fail'd t' explore his hidden satire,

Allow'd him to shew cause upon the merits-
As if none e'er was gay from mere good nature
Nor danc'd or carroll'd from abundant spirits

Howe'er it be, I write this Dedication,
Chiefly to save me from that imputation:
And, once for all, illustrious Sir, to hint,

If e'er you doubt the meaning of my strain;
It's not because there is no meaning in't;

And therefore I beg you'll think again.
But, just by way of clue, instead of what
Is hidden there, I'll tell you what is not.

Paris is not the Treasury, nor the Court

Of Chanc'ry, nor the Church, nor House of

Those base beleaguering Blacks, of ev'ry sort,
Are neither roving Whigs, nor Irish Romans.
King Scricca is not T-rn-y-tho' he hectors—
The Paladins are not the Bank Directors.
Ferrau is not the Cr of the Exchequer
Dame Stella, tho' she sings in strains só

Is not the much lamented Child of Necker,
Nor is she Lady Morgan, late Miss Owen:
And good Orlando, (tho' in want of brain,)
Is not a Manager of Drury-Lane*.

The reader is requested to observe, that this Introduction was written before the close of the last theatrical season.

A description of the poet's muse, occupying four or five introductory pages, does not offer us any striking extract; but the initiation of the story is better. I'm going a fearful story to recite

From the subsequent adventures of the wandering Palladins we shall copy but one specimen, which, with the above, will convey a sufficient notion of the poem. Rinaldo encounters harpies, I don't know if it's true and still less care-which contest the translator passes I know but this-it filled me with affright, And bristled upwards cach particular hair, Barely to hear the pitiable plight.

Of the poor souls who coop'd and famish'd


In Paris walls by such a formidable,
From-east-to-west-collected, Pagan rabble.
The author who this history first consign'd
To paper, was one Master Garbolino;
He saw it all, and kept it in his mind,

Then wrote it in Toscano, and in Latino.
My sire, to Bibliomania who inclined,

Once gave a peasant of the Casentino,
Who came to speak to him about a goat,
For this same book a pair of shoes and coat.
How Africa and Asia, in defiance

Of Charlemagne, vow'd Paris to beleaguer,
And how the king of Caffres in alliance

With the rude Lap, and most inhuman

And all their numberless and nameless clients,
To crush the Christian seed were sworn and

And set up in our temples (barbarous wretches!) Their lying pagods, and most hideous fet'ches— The invading forces and their leaders are thus pourtrayed;

Bulasso, of the Negros lord most horrid,

(Himself a marvellously tall Nigritian,) Forced all the people of his realm so torrid To join the Caffres; to which expedition, Besides the weight of his capacious forehead, He brought a very excellent PhysicianI mean his Club-which brandishing in air, He cried, "Here's physic, Princess, for your care."

With him of Chiefs and Dooties not a few From Niger's banks-(a scaly race and finny-)

From Wangara's hidden lakes, and Tombuctoo,

Bambarra, Haoussa, Fooladoo, and Jinné ; Besides the tribes whom Bowdich brings to view,

Inhabiting the interior parts of Guinea; And, first of all, the King of the Ashantees, Accompanied by a whole host of Fántees. There too, to bright Despina's charms a martyr,

The son of Egypt's Sultan might be seen, Who took from Cairo an abrupt departure,

To aid the father of his beauteous queen; With Sons of Mahound, brought from every quarter:

And there Sgraffigna, hairy, squab, and lean, The Lapland King, who, tho' so small and meagre,

Thought he might go a courting like the Neger. Of fortune-hunting younger Sons and Brothers Were full six thousand, boasting they'd be at it;

Some scow'ring saddles, helms, and shields, while others

Grew sick, shamm'd Abra'm, made their bows, and ratted.

Scarce at the view her joy Despina smothers, While such a goodly troop she contemplated, Imagining already in her clutches Him who her Brother stowed beneath the hutches.


"Incredulus odi quod mihi sic ostendis." and before advancing to his peroration, he says―

Yet let me first the doleful fate recount
Of Velliantin, the most renowned steed,
That ever tempted valiant knight to mount,
And try his mettle, or exercise his speed.
Whether Bayardo were of like account,

Or Rabican (that horse of tempest breed,) Or Brilliador, I need not make comparison; But only say, both courser and caparison Were torn to pieces in that harpy squabble;

The which, no sooner was it fairly over, Than the sad knight, as well as he was able, Gather'd the members scatter'd 'mid the clover,

And laid in ditch, and over them a table,

Or block of stone, for monumental cover: Not till he'd kiss'd a thousand times at least, The eyes, cheeks, nostrils, of that "bonny


[blocks in formation]

Therewith the Hermit freely bad him enter His cell, hard by:-the Knight with joy complied,

And pleas'd, recounted all his late adventure, While he his armour doff'd, and purified From battle stains,-whereat that ancient Mentor

Could scarce contain; and, e're 'twas ended, cry'd

(While down his furrow'd checks the big tears roll,)

"You kill'd them all? That's grand, upon my soul."

And suddenly struck up a fine "Te Deum," Rinaldo join'd--and both in such a sort Perform'd their parts, that or to hear, or see e'em,

"Twould make you die with laughing at the

[blocks in formation]

Of the farm houses in Friezland we have a curious description.

The same extraordinary manner of building farmhouses, which I have mentioned, when speaking of Hadeln, also prevails in Friezland, and, from the wealth of the farmers, is very conspicuous in the vicinity of Embden. That a common German bauer,

"He might have served for Astley's Am-whose corn is thrashed so soon as it is


"He died, as he had lived, a brute of merit. "Trav'ller! throw on some grass-'twill soothe "his spirit."

These rites perform'd, the knight no longer


But jogg'd straight on his former route unknowing

If it would lead to desert wilds and arid: Or streams, o'er golden sands perennial flowing;

When one he spied far off, whose looks seemed married

housed, who has perhaps only a pair of horses and cows, should find it convenient to cover all his worldly possessions with one roof, is not surprising; nor did I observe that their houses were enormously large. But, when I saw the same mode practised in Friezland by the largest farmers, I was astonished at the strangeness and the magnitude of the buildings. The rich farmers of Friezland, who have some of them fifty cows and sixteen horses, and whose dwellings are spacious, cover the whole with one roof. I have counted fifty windows in the dwelling part of the house, and attached to this, and under the same roof, were the stalls for fifty cows and twelve horses. The dwelling is at one end, at the other end is the stable; on Rinaldo wore his beaver clos'd, from fright, the sides between the two ends are the stalls As if he'd been by harpies still surrounded; for the cows, the middle is the thrashingAnd, thus accoutred, wish'd the Friar "Good floor, the barn, and the place where the night!" carts and the farming instruments are kept. "Ave-Maria!" rejoined the Friar, as-At the outside of the end farthest from the tounded, To find himself addressed by martial wight-dwelling is the dunghill. In short, the Then with a groan, as one by conscience

(As 'twere) to Heaven, no glance on earth bestowing;

And, as he onward pass'd, and could survey Him near, saw 'twas a Friar of Orders Grey.

wounded, Exclaim'd-"Behold a miserable sinner." Rinaldo ask'd, if he had ought for dinner.

whole farm-yard, and the dwelling of the family, with the exception of the dunghill, are brought under the same covering. The inhabitants say this is a cheaper and

better plan of building than any other, Our limits warn us to close these ex-
that all their conveniences are at hand; amples, and we shall do so with quoting
and that, when built of bricks, and cover-only two other passages; the first re-
ed with tiles, when the stalls are nicely lating to ceremony, very much resem-
paved, as they are in Friezland, it is a better
inode than ours of having separate buildings bling the shooting at the Popinjay, so
for stables, barns, and cow-houses. The admirably described in Old Mortality
danger, however, to which the property is and the last a picturesque description of
exposed in case of fire, seems a strong reason the view from the Brocken Mountain,
against it. From the specimens I saw of we believe the most extensive prospect
farm-houses in Friczland and Hadeln, there is in Europe.
no objection to it on account of cleanliness.
The dwelling is far removed from the ́ani-
mals, it has always a separate entrance, and
no people are more conspicuous for cleanli-
ness than the Friezlanders. I have since
seen, that the same plan is followed in some
of the provinces of Holland, particularly in
West Friezland, and there the houses are
equally large.

Westphalia presents a contrast. Lingen is a clean town.

Few persons can have travelled in the north of Germany without having sometimes seen targets nailed up over the doors of farmhouses.

I frequently saw them, and on asking what they were, I was told they were like the fox's brush or outstretched buzzard, which sometimes ornaments the barn-doors in England, memorials of the skill, the victory, and pride of the owners.

The Germans have a national amusement The houses were rather built after the called Scheiben schiessen, shooting at a Dutch manner than the German. The farm- mark, or Frey schiessen, free shooting, houses and windmills, which resemble a which most generally takes place about the huge box, placed on its end, made me tho-month of June or July, and is attended with roughly sensible how much the Friezlanders so much carousing as to deserve mentioning had surpassed the scattered inhabitants of here. The people collect in bodies, and Westphalia. Notwithstanding the remarks march in a military and triumphant manner of the Gormans, the satirical description of to some particular spot, at a distance from Voltaire is still tolerably correct. He says, the town or village; and every man who "Dans des grandes huttes qu'on appelle chooses to buy the privilege with a florin, maisons, on voit des animaux qu'on appelle lays his rifle on a rest, fixed for that purpose, hommes, qui vivent le plus cordialement du and shoots at a mark. The mark is somemonde, pêle mêle avec d'autres animaux do- times a fixed target, but it is sometimes made mestiques. Une certaine pierre dure, noire to move quickly past a small opening. The et gluante, composée à ce qu'on dit d'une marksman is placed at a convenient distance, espèce de seigle, est la nourriture des maitres his rifle is loaded for him, at a signal given, de la maison." This "pierre dure et noire" the Sheibe, as it is called, is put in motion, is the celebrated pumpernickel, a black bread and he hits it if he can. Sometimes the mark made of rye, with nothing separated from it is a stag chased by dogs; indeed, an instance but the husks of the grain. Each loaf is was mentioned to me of the valour of the made of a bushel of meal; it requires twenty- Germans being called on to shoot at a wooden four hours to bake, and it keeps good a representation of Buonaparte, followed by month or six weeks. The houses are soine-a Cossack. He who misses the stag or Buowhat as Voltaire describes them, and of the naparte has a proportionate fine to pay, and people I have already spoken. In the neigh-woe to him if he hit the faithful dog, or the bourhood of the town of Osnabruck the soil is a good clay, the land rises into hills, and is diversified with wood and water; but a great part of Westphalia is sand or moor. The houses are thinly scattered over it, and the inhabitants, yet devoted to the Catholic religion, are some of the least cultivated of the Germans. Their general food after black bread, is pancakes made of the grits of buck wheat, and meats, particularly pork and sausages of all kinds, dried amidst the smoke that lovers in the upper part of the house. The pancakes are generally eaten for supper. The customs of Holland, are, however, advancing Tea or weak coffee is very often used twice a day. One or other is the usual breakfast.

though very national, is permitted only once
a year. The Germans display in it, as in
other things, their great characteristic of
shunning bodily exertion. When we com-
pare it with cricket, or golf, or boxing,
or any of the manly pastimes of our
country youth, we laugh at that revelry
which accompanies it, which was originally
intended to congratulate the victor, or soothe
him after his toils. It is now a sort of satur-
nalia, when those who have been sober and
sparing all the year indulge in licentiousness.
It is to the Germans what Greenwich fair is
to the citizens of London, or the fête of St.
Cloud to the Parisians. Every body must
partake of its festivities. Those who never
go abroad through the rest of the year go to
this feast. The pennies which poverty can
save are hoarded for a debauch, and those
whose profligacy has spared nothing, pawn
their furniture, their clothes, or their orna-
ments, that they may say, like their neigh-
bours, "I too was at the feast; I swilled in
the same room with the herrvon-and I de-
stroyed a certain portion of viands better than
ordinary, and I was filled both with joy and
with meat."

Every village has its own Schiessen. I had seen several, and heard of more in my route; but it would have occasioned repetition to have mentioned them, and I deferred it till my return to Hannover, where I knew I should see one in its greatest perfection. It was the 19th of July, in the morning, that the citizens of the new town of Hannover, in an appropriate costume, with music and flags, inarched in gay procession from the town to Herrenhausen, a palace of the sovereign about one mile and a half distant; booths were erected, and a proper place made for the shooting. The orangery was cleared out, one end of it was fitted up as a ball-room, and the other as a tavern, the fountains of the royal gardens were made to play; and great importance was given to the whole by one of the cabinet ministers, who is the chief of all that relates to the royal domains, taking the direction on himself. For valiant Cossack. He who hits the mark has this attention, however, the citizens with a due share of honour, and he who is so their music go at the end of the three days, skilful as to drive his ball through the centre, which the shooting lasts, in solemn proreceives the wooden image itself as the re-cession, to return him their thanks, and ward of his skill. This is then nailed up" bring him a vivat." Even this amusement over his door, or placed at some conspicuous is under the direction of the government. part of his mansion, and is very often its brightest and only ornament. It remains year after year, more similar trophies are sometimes added, and the front of the house then becomes covered with the memorials of village war.

I visited Herrenhausen on each day the shooting lasted, and partook of the feasting and revelry. The gay ball-room in the orange house was for the dancers of a better condition; and sundry other places were fitted up for the poorer citizens and peasants to hop Frey Schiessen was introduced in the year and whirl in at a cheaper rate. Refresh1450, soon after gunpowder came into gene-ments of all kinds were abundant, and there ral use, in order to learn how to shoot steadily at men. It was first practised in the north of Germany, by the citizens of Brunswick, who, Many of the poorer inhabitants of West- in all matters of discipline, and in the formaphalia make a summer excursion into Hol- tion of troops, are said to have set the princes land, where they find employment as la- of that period a good example. Before then, bourers. They return to their homes in similar practices with other arms appear to winter, and then chiefly employ themselves have been common, but then, for the first in kuitting or weaving. Though they are time, shooting with muskets was introduced absolutely poor, yet they are probably con-amongst the people. It has now, however, degenerated into a mere ainusement, which,


was a great deal of guzzling. People of all distinctions go, and carry their families with them. I saw a judge smoking his segar, and swallowing the wing of a fowl,-the master of the horse drinking punch, the secretary to the consistorium enjoying a pasty with his wife,-nobles, gentlemen, tradesmen, musicians, were all mixed together, and there were no distinctions recognized or preserved.

1 witnessed neither riot nor disturbance,

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