Obrázky stránek


And now to Paris, in this conquering vein;
All will be ours, now bloody Talbot's flain.




Enter King Henry, Glofter, and Exeter.
K.Henry. Have you perus'd the letters from the
The emperor, and the earl of Armagnac? [pope,
Gle. I have, my lord; and their intent is this,-
They humbly fue unto your excellence,
To have a godly peace concluded of,
Between the realms of England and of France.
K. Henry. How doth your grace affect their

Glo. Well, my good lord; and as the only means
To stop effufion of our Chriftian blood,
And stablish quietness on every side.

K. Henry. Ay, marry, uncle; for I always thought,

It was both impious and unnatural,
That such immanity and bloody ftrife
Should reign among profeffors of one faith.

Commit them to the fortune of the fea.


Win. Stay, my lord legate; you fhall first receive [Exeunt King, and train. The fum of money, which I promised

5 Should be deliver'd to his holiness

For clothing me in these grave ornaments.

Legate. I will attend upon your lordship's leisure.
Win. Now Winchester will not fubmit, I trow,
Or be inferior to the proudest peer.

10 Humphrey of Glofter, thou fhalt well perceive,
That, nor in birth, nor for authority,
The bifhop will be overborne by thee:



I'll either make thee stoop, and bend thy knee,
Or fack this country with a mutiny.






Enter Dauphin, Burgundy, Alençon, and Joan la

Dau. Thefe news, my lords, may cheer our drooping fpirits:

'Tis faid, the ftout Parifians do revolt, And turn again unto the warlike French. [France, Alen. Then march to Paris, royal Charles of 25 And keep not back your powers in dalliance. Pucel. Peace be amongst them, if they turn to us; Elfe, ruin combat with their palaces! Enter a Scout.

[young 3c

Gl. Befide, my lord, the fooner to effect,
And furer bind, this knot of amity,-
The earl of Armagnac-near knit to Charles,
A man of great authority in France,-
Proffers his only daughter to your grace
In marriage, with a large and fumptuous dowry.
K. Henry. Marriage? uncle, alas! my years are
And fitter is my study and my books,
Than wanton dalliance with a paramour.
Yet call the ambaffadors; and, as you please,
So let them have their answers every one:
I fhall be well content with any choice
Tends to God's glory, and my country's weal.
Enter a Legate, and two Ambassadors; with Win-
chefter as Cardinal.

Exe. What! is my lord of Winchester inftall'd,
And call'd unto a cardinal's degree!
Then, I perceive, that will be verify'd,

Henry the fifth did sometime prophesy,

If once be come to be a cardinal,

He'll make bis cap co-equal with the crown.
K.Henry, My lords ambassadors, your several suits
Have been confider'd and debated on.

Your purpofe is both good and reasonable:
And, therefore, are we certainly refolv'd
To draw conditions of a friendly peace;
Which, by my lord of Winchester, we mean
Shall be tranfported presently to France.
Glo. And for the proffer of my lord your master,-
I have inform'd his highness so at large,
As-liking of the lady's virtuous gifts,
Her beauty, and the value of her dower,-
He doth intend she shall be England's queen.
K. Henry. In argument and proof of which






Scout. Succefs unto our valiant general,
And happiness to his accomplices!
Dau. What tidings fend our scouts? I pr'ythee,
Scout. The English army, that divided was
Into two parts, is now conjoin'd in one;
And means to give you battle presently.
Dau. Somewhat too fudden, firs, the warning is;
But we will presently provide for them.

Bur. I truft, the ghost of Talbot is not there;
Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear,

Pucel. Of all bafe paffions,fear is most accurs'd :-
Command the conqueft, Charles, it shall be thine;
Let Henry fret, and all the world repine.
Dau. Then on, my lords; And France be for-


Alarum: excursions. Enter Joan la Pucelle.
Pucel. The regent conquers, and the Frenchmen
Now help, ye charming fpells, and periapts2; [fy...
And ye choice spirits, that admonish me,

50 And give me figns of future accidents! [Thunder.
You fpeedy helpers, that are substitutes
Under the lordly monarch of the north 3,
Appear, and aid me in this enterprize!
Enter Fiends.

55 This fpeedy and quick appearance argues proof
Of your accuftom'd diligence to me.
Now, ye familiar (pirits, that are cull'd
Out of the powerful regions under earth,
Help me this once, that France may get the field.
[They walk, and speak nit.

Bear her this jewel, pledge of my affection.-
And fo, my lord protector, fee them guarded,
And fafely brought to Dover; where, infhipp'd, '60

i.e. barbarity, favageness.

prefervatives from difeafe or danger. Of thefe, the first chapter of St. John's Gofpel was deemed the
2 Periapts were charms fewed up and worn about the neck as
Milton affembles the rebel angels in the north.
3 The north was always fuppofed to be the particular habitation of bad fpirits.

most efficacious.



Oh, hold me not with filence over-long!
Where I was wont to feed you with my blood,
I'll lop a member off, and give it you,
In earnest of a future benefit;
So you do condescend to help me now.→→→

[They bang their beads.
No hope to have redrefs?-My body shall
Pay recompence, if you will grant my fuit.
[They fake their beads.
Cannot my body, nor blood-facrifice,
Intreat you to your wonted furtherance?
Then take my foul; my body, foul, and all,
Before that England give the French the foil.

So feems this gorgeous beauty to mine eyes.
Fain would I woo her, yet I dare not speak;
I'll call for pen and ink, and write my mind:
Fie, De la Poole ! disable not thyself2;

5 Haft not a tongue? is the not here thy prifoner?
Wilt thou be daunted at a woman's fight?
Ay; beauty's princely majefty is fuch,
Confounds the tongue, and makes the fenfes rough.
Mar. Say, earl of Suffolk,-if thy name be so,-
10 What ranfom muft I pay before I país?
For, I perceive, I am thy prifoner.


[They depart.
See! they forfake me. Now the time is come,
That France muft vail her lofty-plumed crest,
And let her head fall into England's lap.
My ancient incantations are too weak,
And hell too ftrong for me to buckle with:-
Now, France, thy glory droopeth to the duft. [Exit. 20
Excurfions. Pucelle and York fight band to band.
Pucelle is taken. The French fy.


York. Damfel of France, I think, I have you fast:|
Unchain your spirits now with spelling charms,
And try if they can gain your liberty.—
A goodly prize, fit for the devil's grace!
See, how the ugly witch doth bend her brows,
As if, with Circe, she would change my fhape. [be.
Pucel. Chang'd to a worfer shape thou canst not
Yerk. Oh, Charles the Dauphin is a proper man ;30
No fhape but his can please your dainty eye. [thee

Suf. How can't thou tell, fhe will deny thy fuit, Before thou make a trial of her love? [Afide. Mar. Why fpeak'ft thou not? what raníom must I pay?

Suf. She's beautiful; and therefore to be woo'd:
She is a woman; therefore to be won. [Afide.
Mar. Wilt thou accept of ransom, yea, or no?
Suf. Fond3 man! remember, that thou haft a

Then how can Margaret be thy paramour? [Afide.
Mar. I were best to leave him, for he will not

[blocks in formation]

Suf. There all is marr'd; there lies a cooling
Mar. He talks at random; sure, the man is mad.
Suf. And yet a dispensation may be had.

Mar. And yet I would that you would answer me.
Suf. I'll win this lady Margaret. For whom?
Why, for my king: Tush! that's a wooden thing 4.
Mar. He talks of wood: it is some carpenter.
Suf. Yet fo my fancy may be fatisfy'd,
And peace established between these realms.
But there remains a scruple in that too:
For though her father be the king of Naples,

Pucel. A plaguing mischief light on Charles, and
And may ye both be fuddenly furpris'd
By bloody hands, in fleeping on your beds!
York. Fell, banning' hag! enchantrefs, hold thy 35 Duke of Anjou and Maine, yet he is poor,


Pucel. I pr'ythee, give me leave to curfe a while.
York. Curse, mifcreant, when thou comest to the
Alarum. Enter Suffolk, leading in Lady Margaret. 40
Saf. Be what thou wilt, thou art my prisoner.
[Gazes on ber.
Oh fairest beauty, do not fear, nor fly;
For I will touch thee but with reverent hands.
I kifs thefe fingers for eternal peace,
And lay them gently on thy tender fide.
Who art thou? say, that I may honour thee.
Mar. Margaret my name; and daughter to a
The king of Naples, whofoe'er thou art,


[blocks in formation]

To ban is to curfe.

[blocks in formation]

Mar. What though I be enthrall'd? he feems a And will not any way dishonour me. [Afide. Suf. Lady, vouchsafe to listen what I fay. Mar. Perhaps, I shall be rescu'd by the French; 45 And then I need not crave his courtesy. [Afide. Suf. Sweet madam, give me hearing in a caufeMar. Tufh! women have been captivate ere now, [Afide.


Suf. Lady, wherefore talk you fo?
Mar. I cry you mercy, 'tis but quid for quo.
Suf. Say, gentle princefs, would you not fuppofe
Your bondage happy, to be made a queen ?

Mar. To be a queen in bondage, is more vile,
Than is a flave in base servility;

55 For princes fhould be free.

Suf. And fo fhall you,

If happy England's royal king be free.

Mar. Why, what concerns his freedom unto me?
Suf. I'll undertake to make thee Henry's queen;

60 To put a golden scepter in thy hand,

And fet a precious crown upon thy head,

2 Do not reprefent thyself fo weak. To disable the judgement of another was, in our author's age, the fame as to deftroy its credit or authority. 3 i.e. foolish. awkward bufints, an undertaking not likely to jucceed.

4 j. c. an


If thou wilt condefcend to be my
Mar. What?

Suf. His love.

Mar. I am unworthy to be Henry's wife.
Suf. No, gentle madam; I unworthy am
To woo so fair a dame to be his wife,
And have no portion in the choice myself.
How fay you, madam; are you fo content?

Mar. An if my father please, I am content.
Suf. Then call our captains, and our colours,

And, madam, at your father's castle walls

We'll crave a parley to confer with him.

Sound. Enter Reignier on the Walls.

Reig. I do embrace thee, as I would embrace The Christian prince, king Henry, were he here. Mar. Farewel, my lord! Good wishes, praise, and prayers,

5 Shall Suffolk ever have of Margaret. [She is going. Suf. Farewel, fweet madam! But hark yɔu, Margaret;

No princely commendations to my king?

Mar. Such commendations as become a maid,
10A virgin, and his fervant, say to him. [rected.
Suf. Words fweetly plac'd, and modeftly di-
But, madam, I muft trouble you again,-
No loving token to his majesty?

[heart, Mar. Yes, my good lord; a pure unspotted

Suf. See, Reignier, fee, thy daughter prifoner. 15 Never yet taint with love, I send the king.

Reig. To whom?

Suf. To me.

Reig. Suffolk, what remedy?

I am a foldier; and unapt to weep,

Or to exclaim on fortune's fickleness.

Saf. Yes, there is remedy enough, my lord:
Confent, (and, for thy honour, give confent)
Thy daughter shall be wedded to my king;
Whom I with pain have woo'd and won thereto;
And this her easy-held imprisonment
Hath gain'd thy daughter princely liberty.
Reig. Speaks Suffolk as he thinks?
Suf. Fair Margaret knows,

That Suffolk doth not flatter, face or feign.
Reig. Upon thy princely warrant, I defcend,
To give thee anfwer of thy juft demand.


Suf. And this withal.

[Kiffes ber. Mar. That for thyfelf;-I will not fo prefume, To fend fuch peevish1 tokens to a king.

[Exeunt Reignier and Margaret.

Suf. O, wert thou for myself!-But, Suffolk,
Thou may'st not wander in that labyrinth; [stay,
There Minotaurs and ugly treasons lurk.
Solicit Henry with her wond'rous praise :
Bethink thee on her virtues that furmount,

25 Mad 2, natural graces that extinguish art;
Repeat their femblance often on the feas,
That, when thou com'ft to kneel at Henry's feet,
Thou may'ft bereave him of his wits with wonder.


[Exit from the walls.
Suf. And here I will expect thy coming.
Trumpets found. Enter Reignier, below.
Reig. Welcome, brave earl, into our territories, 35
Command in Anjou what your honour pleases.
Suf. Thanks, Reighier, happy for so sweet a

Fit to be made companion with a king:
What answer makes your grace unto my fuit?
Reig. Since thou doft deign to woo her little
To be the princely bride of fuch a lord; [worth,
Upon condition I may quietly

Enjoy mine own, the countries Maine, and Anjou,
Free from oppreffion, or the stroke of war,
My daughter shall be Henry's, if he please.
Suf. That is her ransom, I deliver her;
And those two countries, I will undertake,
Your grace fhall well and quietly enjoy.

Reig. And I again,-in Henry's royal name,

As deputy unto that gracious king,-
Give thee her hand, for fign of plighted faith.
Suf. Reignier of France, I give thee kingly

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Shep. Ah, Joan! this kills thy father's heart out-
Have I fought every country far and near,
And now it is my chance to find thee out,
Muft I behold thy timeless 3 cruel death?

40Ah, Joan, fweet daughter Joan, I'll die with thee!
Pucel. Decrepit mifer 4! base ignoble wretch!



I am defcended of a gentler blood!

Thou art no father, nor no friend of mine.
Shep. Out, out!My lords, an please you,
'tis not fo;

I did beget her, all the parish knows;
Her mother liveth yet, can testify

She was the first fruit of my batchelorship.

War. Graceless! wilt thou deny thy parentage?
York. This argues what her kind of life hath been;
Wicked and vile; and fo her death concludes.
Shep. Fie, Joan! that thou wilt be so obstacle 5 !
God knows, thou art a collop of my flesh;
And for thy fake have I shed many a tear:
55 Deny me not, I pr'ythee, gentle Joan. [this man
Pucel. Peafant, avaunt!-You have fuborn'd
Of purpose to obfcure my noble birth.

Shep. 'Tis true, I gave a noble to the priest,
The morn that I was wedded to her mother.-
6c Kneel down and take my bleffing, good my girl.
Wilt thou not ftoop? Now curfed be the time

3 i. e. untimely.

1i. e. childish. 2 i. e. wild or uncultivated. avarice in this paffage, but fimply means a miserable creature.


4 Mifer has no relation to 5 A vulgar corruption of obftinate. Of

[blocks in formation]

[May never glorious fun reflex his beams
Upon the country where you make abode !
But darkness, and the gloomy fhade of death
Environ you; 'till mischief, and despair,

5 Drive you to break your necks, or hang yourselves!
[Exit guarded.

O, burn her, burn her; hanging is too good. [Exit.
York. Take her away; for fhe hath liv'd too
To fill the world with vicious qualities. [long,
Pucel. First, let me tell you whom you have 10

York. Break thou in pieces, and confume to Thou foul accurfed minifter of hell! [afhes,

Enter Cardinal Beaufort, &c.

Car. Lord regent, I do greet your excellence
With letters of commission from the king.
For know, my lords, the ftates of Christendom,
Mov'd with remorfe at these outrageous broils,
Have earnestly implor'd a general peace

15 Betwixt our nation and the aspiring French;
And fee at hand the Dauphin, and his train,
Approacheth, to confer about some matters.

York. Is all our travel turn'd to this effect? After the flaughter of so many peers,

Not me begotten of a shepherd fwain, à
But iffued from the progeny of kings;
Virtuous, and holy; chofen from above,
By infpiration of celestial grace,
To work exceeding miracles on earth.
I never had to do with wicked fpirits:
But you, that are polluted with your lufts,
Stain'd with the guiltless blood of innocents,
Corrupt and tainted with a thousand vices,-
Because you want the grace that others have,
You judge it ftraight a thing impoffible
To compafs wonders, but by help of devils.
No, mifconceived! Joan of Arc hath been
A virgin from her tender infancy,
Chafte and immaculate in very thought;
Whofe maiden blood, thus rigorously effus'd,
Will cry for vengeance at the gates of heaven.
York. Ay, ay;-away with her to execution.
War. And hark ye, firs; because he is a maid, 30 It shall be with fuch strict and severe covenants,

Spare for no faggots, let there be enough:

Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake,
That fo her torture may be fhorten'd.

Pucel.Will nothing turn your unrelenting hearts?--
Then, Joan, difcover thine infirmity;

That warranteth by law to be thy privilege.
I am with child, ye bloody homicides:
Murder not then the fruit within my womb,
Although ye hale me to a violent death. [child?

2c So many captains, gentlemen, and foldiers,
That in this quarrel have been overthrown,
And fold their bodies for their country's benefit,
Shall we at laft conclude effeminate peace ?
Have we not loft most part of all the towns,
25 By treafon, falfhood, and by treachery,
Our great progenitors had conquered ?-
Oh, Warwick, Warwick! I forefee with grief
The utter lofs of all the realm of France.
War. Be patient, York; if we conclude a peace,

As little fhall the Frenchmen gain thereby.

Enter Charles, Alençon, Bastard, and Reignier.
Char. Since, lords of England, it is thus agreed,
That peaceful truce fhall be proclaim'd in France,
35 We come to be informed by yourselves
What the conditions of that league must be.

York. Speak, Winchester; for boiling choler

The hollow paffage of my poison'd voice,

York. Now heaven forefend ! the holy maid with 40 By fight of these our baleful' enemies.

War. The greatest miracle that e'er ye wrought:


Is all your strict precifenefs come to this?
York. She and the Dauphin have been juggling:
I did imagine what would be her refuge.
War. Well, go to; we will have no baftards 45
Especially fince Charles muft father it.
Pucel. You are deceiv'd; my child is none of his;
It was Alençon that enjoy'd my love.

York. Alençon! that notorious Machiavel;
It dies, an if it had a thoufand lives.

Pucel. O, give me leave, I have deluded you; 'Twas neither Charles, ner yet the duke I nam'd, But Reignier, king of Naples, that prevail'd.

Win. Charles, and the reft, it is enacted thus:
That-in regard king Henry gives confent,
Of meer compaffion, and of lenity,
To eafe your country of distressful war,
And fuffer you to breathe in fruitful peace,-
You fhall become true liegemen to his crown:
And, Charles, upon condition thou wilt fwear
To pay him tribute, and fubmit thyself,
Thou shalt be plac'd as viceroy under him,
50 And ftill enjoy thy regal dignity.

War. A married man! that's most intolerable.
York. Why, here's a girl! I think the knows 55

not well,

There were fo many, whom he may accufe.

War. It's fign, fhe hath been liberal and free. York. And, yet, forfooth, she is a virgin pure.Strumpet, thy words condemn thy brat, and thee: 60 Ufe no entreaty, for it is in vain. [my curfe: Pucel. Then lead me hence ;--with whom I leave

Alen. Muft he be then as shadow of himself,
Adorn his temples with a coronet 2;
And yet, in fubstance and authority,
Retain but privilege of a private man?
This proffer is abfurd and reafonless.

Char. 'Tis known, already that I am poffefs'd
Of more than half the Gallian territories,
And therein reverenc'd for their lawful king:
Shall I, for lucre of the reft unvanquish'd,
Detract fo much from that prerogative,
As to be call'd but viceroy of the whole?
No, lord embassador; I'll rather keep

1 Baleful had anciently the fame meaning as baneful. 2 Coronet is here used for a crown.


[blocks in formation]

York. Infulting Charles! haft thou by fecret Us'd interceffion to obtain a league ;

And, now the matter grows to compromise,

Stand'ft thou aloof upon comparison ?
Either accept the title thou ufurp'ft,
Of benefit proceeding from our king,
And not of any challenge of defert,

Or we will plague thee with inceffant wars.
Reig. My lord, you do not well in obftinacy
To cavil in the course of this contract:
If once it be neglected, ten to one,
We fhall not find like opportunity.

Alen. To say the truth, it is your policy,
To fave your fubjects from such maffacre,
And ruthless slaughters, as are daily feen
By our proceeding in hoftility:

And therefore take this compact of a truce, Although you break it when your pleasure ferves. [Afide to the Dauphin. War. How fay'ft thou, Charles? fhall our condition ftand?

Char. It fhall:

Only referv'd, you claim no interest

In any of our towns of garrison.


To love and honour Henry as her lord.


K. Henry. And otherwise will Henry ne'er pre-
Therefore, my lord protector, give confent,
That Margaret may be England's royal queen.

Glo. So fhould I give consent to flatter fin.
You know, my lord, your highness is betroth'd
Unto another lady of efteem:

How fhall we then dispense with that contract,
And not deface your honour with reproach?
IO Suf. As doth a ruler with unlawful oaths;
Or one, that, at a triumph2 having vow'd
To try his trength, forsaketh yet the lifts
By reason of his adversary's odds:
A poor earl's daughter is unequal odds,

15 And therefore may be broke without offence.
Glo. Why, what, I pray, is Margaret more than
Her father is no better than an earl, [that?
Although in glorious titles he excel.


Suf. Yes, my good lord, her father is a king,
The king of Naples, and Jerusalem;
And of fuch great authority in France,
As his alliance will confirm our peace,
And keep the Frenchmen in allegiance.

Glo. And fo the earl of Armagnac may do, 25 Because he is near kinfman unto Charles.

York. Then fwear allegiance to his majesty;
As thou art knight, never to disobey,
Nor be rebellious to the crown of England,
Thou, nor thy nobles, to the crown of England.-30
[Charles and the reft give tokens of fealty
So, now dismiss your army when ye please;
Hang up your enfigns, let your drums be still,
For here we entertain a folemn peace.



A Room in the Palace.



Exe. Befide, his wealth doth warrant liberal dower;

While Reignier fooner will receive than give.

Suf. A dower, my lords! difgrace not so your

That he fhould be so abject, base, and poor,
To chufe for wealth, and not for perfect love.
Henry is able to enrich his queen,

And not to feek a queen to make him rich:
35 So worthlefs peasants bargain for their wives,
As market-men for oxen, fheep, or horse.
But marriage is a matter of more worth,
Than to be dealt in by attorneyship 3;
Not whom we will, but whom his grace affects,

Enter Suffolk, in conference with King Henry; 40 Must be companion of his nuptial bed:

Glofter, and Exeter.

K. Henry. Your wond'rous rare description,
noble earl,

Of beauteous Margaret hath astonish'd me:
Her virtues, graced with external gifts,
Do breed love's fettled paffions in my heart :
And like as rigour of tempestuous gufts
Provokes the mightiest hulk against the tide;
So am I driven, by breath of her renown,
Either to fuffer fhipwreck, or arrive
Where I may have fruition of her love.
Suf. Tufh, my good lord! this fuperficial tale
Is but a preface of her worthy praise :
The chief perfections of that lovely dame
(Had I fufficient skill to utter them)
Would make a volume of enticing lines,
Able to ravish any dull conceit.
And, which is more, fhe is not fo divine,
So full replete with choice of all delights,
But, with as humble lowlinefs of mind,
She is content to be at your command;
Command, I mean, of virtuous chafte intents,

And, therefore, lords, fince he affects her most,
It most of all these reasons bindeth us,
In our opinions the fhould be preferr'd.
For what is wedlock forced, but a hell,
45 An age of difcord and continual Arife?
Whereas the contrary bringeth forth blifs,
And is a pattern of celestial peace.
Whom should we match with Henry, being a king,
But Margaret, that is daughter to a king!
50 Her peerless feature, joined with her birth,
Approves her fit for none, but for a king:
Her valiant courage, and undaunted spirit,
(More than in woman commonly is feen) will
Anfwer our hope in issue of a king;
55 For Henry, fon unto a conqueror,
Is likely to beget more conquerors,
If with a lady of fo high refolve,

As is fair Margaret, he be link'd in love.

Then yield, my lords; and here conclude with me, 60 That Margaret fhall be queen, and none but the. K. Henry. Whether it be through force of your My noble lord of Suffolk; or for that [report, Benefit is here a term of law. Be content to live as the beneficiary of our king. 2 That is, at the fports by which a triumph is celebrated. 3 i. e. by the difcretional agency of another.


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