But ftay, I'll read it over once again. [facel 2. Mar. Ah, barbarous villains! hath this lovely Rul'd, like a wandering planet, over me; And could it not enforce them to relent, That were unworthy to behold the fame? K. Henry. Lord Say, Jack Cade hath fworn to have thy head. Say. Ay, but I hope, your highnefs fhall have his. K. Henry. How now, madam? Lamenting ftill, and mourning Suffolk's death? I fear, my love, if that I had been dead, Thou wouldest not have mourn'd fo much for me. 2. Mar. No, my love, I should not mourn, but die for thee. Enter a Messenger. K. Henry. How now! what news? why com'ft Mef. The rebels are in Southwark: Fly, my lord! Of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless: Buck. My gracious lord, retire to Kenelworth, 2. Mar. Ah! were the duke of Suffolk now alive, These Kentish rebels should be foon appeas'd. K. Henry. Lord Say, the traitor hateth thee, Say. So might your grace's perfon be in danger; Enter another Meffenger. 2 Mef. Jack Cade hath gotten London-bridge; Buck. Then linger not, my lord; away, take horse. 595 1 Cit. No, my lord, nor likely to be flain; for they have won the bridge, killing all thofe that withstand them: The lord mayor craves aid of your honour from the Tower, to defend the city 5 from the rebels. [mand; Scales. Such aid as I can fpare, you shall com But I am troubled here with them myself, The rebels have affay'd to win the Tower. But get you into Smithfield, gather head, 10 And thither will I send you Matthew Gough': Fight for your king, your country, and your lives; And fo farewel, for I must hence again. [Excunt. Enter Jack Cade and the reft. He frikes his staff on Cade. Now is Mortimer lord of this city. And here, fitting upon London-stone, I charge and command, that, of the city's coft, the piffing-conduit run nothing but claret wine the first year of our reign. And now, henceforward, it shall be treafon for any that calls me other than-Lord Mortimer. Enter a Soldier running. Sol. Jack Cade! Jack Cade! Cade. Knock him down there. Smith. If this fellow be wife, you Jack Cade more; I think, he 30warning. 35 40 [They kill him. he'll never call hath a very fair Dick. My lord, there's an army gather'd together in Smithfield. Cade. Come then, let's go fight with them: But, firft, go and fet London-bridge on fire; and, if you can, burn down the Tower too. Come, let's away. [Exeunt. Alarum. Enter Jack Cade with his company. They fight with the King's forces, and Matthew Gough is flain. Cade. So, firs:-Now go fome and pull down 45 the Savoy; others to the inns of court; down with them all. 2. Mar. My hope is gone, now Suffolk is de-50 [rebels. ceas'd. K. Henry. Farewel, my lord: truft not to Kentish Buck. Truft no body, for fear you be betray'd. Say. The truft I have is in mine innocence, And therefore am I bold and refolute. SCENE V. London. Dick. I have a fuit unto your lordship. Cade. Be it a lordship, thou shalt have it for that word. Dick. Only, that the laws of England may come out of your mouth. John. Mafs, 'twill be fore law then; for he was thruft in the mouth with à fpear, and 'tis not whole yet. [Excunt. 55 Smith. Nay, John, it will be ftinking law; for [Afide. his breath ftinks with eating toafted cheese. [Afide. Cade. I have thought upon it, it shall be fo. Away, burn all the records of the realm; my mouth fhall be the parliament of England. 1 According to Holinfhed, Matthew Gough was "a man of great wit and much experience in feats of chivalrie, the which in continuall warres had spent his time in fervice of the king and his father." Kent 5 to maintain, the king, the realm, and you, [field? Enter George Bevis, with the lord Say. Cade. Tut! when struck'st thou one blow in the 2. books but the score and the tally, thou haft caufed Say. What of that? Cade. Marry, thou ought'ft not to let thy horfe wear a cloak, when honester men than thou go in their hofe and doublets. Dick. And work in their fhirt too; as myself, for example, that am a butcher. Say. You men of Kent,- Thofe that I never faw, and ftruck them dead. Say. Long fitting to determine poor men's caufes Cade. Ye fhall have a hempen caudle then, and the help of a hatchet. Dick. Why doft thou quiver, man? Cade. Nay, he nods at us; as who should say, I'll be even with you. I'll fee if his head will ftand fteadier on a pole, or no: Take him away, and behead him. Say. Tell me, wherein have I offended moft? Whom have I injur'd, that ye feek my death? Cade. I feel remorfe in myself with his words: but I'll bridle it; he shall die, an it be but for pleading fo well for his life. Away with him! he has 40a familiar under his tongue; he speaks not o' God's name. Go, take him away, I say, and ftrike off his head presently; and then break into his fon in law's house, Sir James Cromer, and ftrike off his head, and bring them both upon two poles hither. Say. Nothing but this: 'Tis bona terra, mala gens. Say. Hear me but speak, and bear me where you 2 [prayers, All. It fhall be done. Say. Ah, countrymen! if when you make your God fhould be fo obdurate as yourselves, How would it fare with your departed fouls? 50 And therefore yet relent, and fave my life. Cade. Away with him, and do as I command ye. [Exeunt fome, with lord Say. The proudest peer of the realm fhall not wear a head on his fhoulders, unless he pay me tribute; 55 there fhall not a maid be married, but the fhall pay to me her maidenhead 7 ere they have it: Men Say was the old word for filk; on this depends the series of degradation, from fay to ferge, from ferge to buckram. Shakspeare is a little too early with this accufation. 3 That is, they were hanged because they could not claim the benefit of clergy. 4 A footcloth was a horfe with houfings which reached as low as his feet. 5 Dr. Johnfon is inclined to think that Kent flipped into this paffage by chance, and would read: "When have I aught exacted at your hand, But to maintain the king, the realm, and you?" Mr. Steevens proposes to read, "Bent to maintain," &c. i. c. firenuously refolved to the utmßt, to, &c. A familiar is a demon who was fuppofed to attend at call. luding to an ancient ufage during the existence of the feudal tenures. 7 Al hall shall hold of me in capite; and we charge and command, that their wives be as free as heart can with, or tongue can tell. Dick. My lord, when shall we go to Cheapfide,] and take up commodities upon our bills *? Cade. Marry, presently. All. O brave! Re-enter one with the beads. Cade. But is not this braver?-Let them kifs 5 Will he conduct you through the heart of France, one another; for they lov'd well, when they 101 fee them lording it in London streets, were alive. Now part them again, left they con- SCENE Southwark. VIII. Alarum, and retreat. Enter again Cade, and all bis rabblement. 20 Cade. Up Fish-treet! down Saint Magnus' corner! kill and knock down! throw them into Thames! [A parley founded. 25 What noife is this I hear? Dare any be fo bold to found retreat and parley, when I command them kill? Enter Buckingham, and old Clifford, attended. Know, Cade, we come ambaffadors from the king Crying-Villageois! unto all they meet. Better, ten thousand base-born Cades mifcarry, All. A Clifford! a Clifford ! we'll follow the king, and Clifford, Cade. Was ever feather fo lightly blown to Buck. What, is he fled? go fome, and follow him; 35 Follow me, foldiers; we'll devise a mean Fling up his cap, and say-God fave his majefty! 40 Sound trumpets. Enter King Henry, Queen Margaret, Who hateth him, and honours not his father, All. God fave the king! God fave the king! All. We'll follow Cade, we'll follow Cade. That thus you do exclaim-you'll go with him? 60 and Somerfet, on the Terras. K. Henry. Was ever king, that joy'd an earthly throne, And could command no more content than I? Enter Buckingham, and Clifford. Or is he but retir'd to make him strong? 1 A pun, perhaps alluding to the brown bills, or halberds, with which the commons were anciently This fact is recorded by Holinfhed, p. 634:" and as it were in a fpite caufed them in armed. every street to kisse together.” Soldiers, this day have you redeem'd your lives, Continue ftill in this fo good a mind, All. God fave the king! God fave the king! Mef. Please it your grace to be advertised, The duke of Somerset, whom he terms a traitor. Like to a fhip, that, having 'fcap'd a tempeft, Som. My lord, I'll yield myself to prison willingly, K. Hen. In any cafe be not too rough in terms; K. Henry. Come, wife, let's in, and learn to govern better; Iden. Lord, who would live turmoiled in the I feek not to wax great by others' waining; Cade. Here's the lord of the foil come to seize me for a ftray, for entering his fee-fimple without leave. Ah, villain, thou wilt betray me, and get a 15 thousand crowns of the king for carrying my head to him; but I'll make thee eat iron like an oftridge, and fwallow my fword like a great pin, ere thou and I part. 20 Iden. Why, rude companion, whatfoe'er thou be, I know thee not; Why then should I betray thee? Is't not enough, to break into my garden, And, like a thief, to come to rob my grounds, Climbing my walls in spight of me the owner, But thou wilt brave me with these faucy terms? Cade. Brave thee? ay, by the best blood that ever was breach'd, and beard thee too. Look on me well: I have eat no meat these five days; yet, come thou and thy five men, and if I do not leave you all as dead as a door nail, I pray God, I may 30 never eat grafs more. 25 Iden. Nay, it fhall ne'er be faid, while England ftands, That Alexander Iden, an efquire of Kent, For yet may England curfe my wretched reign. Cade. Fie on ambition! fie on myfelf; that 45 have a fword, and yet am ready to famish! Thefe five days have I hid me in thefe woods; and durft not peep out, for all the country is lay'd for me; but now am I fo hungry, that if I might have a leafe of my life for a thousand years, I could stay 50 no longer. Wherefore, on a brick-wall have I climb'd into this garden; to fee if I can eat grafs, or pick a fallet another while, which is not amifs to cool a man's ftomach this hot weather. And, I think, this word fallet was born to do me good:55 for, many a time, but for a fallet 2, my brain-pan had been cleft with a brown bill; and, many a time, when I have been dry, and bravely march-1 ing, it hath ferv'd me inftead of a quart-pot to Cade. By my valour, the most complete champion that ever I heard.Steel, if thou turn the edge, or cut not out the burly-bon'd clown in chines of beef ere thou sleep in thy fheath, I beseech Jove on my knees, thou may'st be turn'd to hobnails. [Here they fight. O, I am flain! famine, and no other, hath flain me: let ten thousand devils come against me, and give me but the ten meals I have loft, and I'd defy them all. Wither, garden; and be henceforth a burying-place to all that do dwell in this house, becaufe the unconquer'd foul of Cade is fied. Iden. Is't Cade that I have slain, that monftrous traitor ? Sword, I will hallow thee for this thy deed, Gallowglaffes and Kernes were two orders of foot foldiers among the Irish. 1 A failet, by corruption from çaleta, a helmet (fays Skinner), quia galeæ cælatæ fuerunt. 3 That is, As for more words, whofe pomp may anfwer words, and only words, I fhall forbear them, and refer the reft to my fword. And And hang thee o'er my tomb, when I am Ne'er fhall this blood be wiped from thy point; 5 Iden. How much thou wrong'st me, heaven be Die, damned wretch, the curfe of her that bare thee! Cade. Iden, farewel; and be proud of thy victory: Tell Kent from me, the hath loft her bett man, and exhort all the world to be cowards; for I, that never fear'd any, am vanquish'd by famine, not by valour. SCENE I. Fields near Saint Albans. A CT V. Enter York, attended, with drum and colours. York, at a distance from bis followers. FROM Ireland thus comes York, to claim his right, FROM Seditious to his grace, and to the state. Buck. That is too much prefumption on thy part: 20 The king hath yielded unto thy demand; And pluck the crown from feeble Henry's head: On which I'll tofs the flower-de-luce of France. Soldiers, I thank you all; difperfe yourselves; 30 Command my eldest fon,-nay, all my fons,- Whom have we here? Buckingham, to disturb me? 35 [greeting. Terk, Humphrey of Buckingham, I accept thy Art thou a meffenger, or come of pleasure? I'll fend them all as willing as I live; Buck. York, I commend this kind fubmiffion: Enter King Henry, and Attendants. K. Henry. Buckingham, doth York intend no harm to us, 40 That thus he marcheth with thee arm in arm? Buck. A meffenger from Henry, our dread liege, York. Scarce can I speak, my choler is fo great. On sheep and oxen could I spend my fury! I am far better born than is the king; More like a king, more kingly in my thoughts: But I must make fair weather yet a while, doft bring? York. To heave the traitor Somerset from hence; And fight against that monftrous rebel, Cade, Whom fince I hear to be difcomfited. Enter Iden, with Cade's bead. Iden. If one fo rude, and of fo mean condition, 50May pafs into the prefence of a king, Lo, I present your grace a traitor's head, The head of Cade, whom I in combat flew. K. Henry. The head of Cade ?-Great God, how just art thou !———— 'Till Henry be more weak, and I more ftrong-550, let me view his visage being dead, O Buckingham, I pr'ythee pardon me, The cause why I have brought this army hither, Is-to remove proud Somerset from the king, 'I will make a votive offering of thee, and for that purpose hang thee over the tomb in which I purpose to have my body laid, when I am dead. |